Chereads / Amoureax Amant's 101 Poems to BFF / Chapter 96 - You marched through mountain as firm as monkey

Chapter 96 - You marched through mountain as firm as monkey

By: Amoureax Amant

You marched through mountain as firm as monkey,

inquiring whose footprint left in valley,

but mountain kept eternity silent,

and pear blossom danced through valley with scent.

You forded through stream as fast as gold fish,

inquiring who watched sunset, forgot dish,

but rolling stream kept crooning toward sea,

and spray bloomed as blue as jasmine in tea.

You ran through green sea as quick as wild horse,

inquiring how far between ocean shores,

but plain sighed out light breeze on lush meadow,

and swaying grass shaked heads in bush shadow.

You came as gently as spring breeze in south,

perhaps you came for me with song from mouth.