Chereads / Pokemon trainer in DXD / Chapter 100 - 100

Chapter 100 - 100

Chapter 100.

Late at night, I had already finished making the gear for my friends that I wanted to prepare for them, Energy Pistols that will shoot energy bullets, rather than actual lead bullets.

I could only make four of them with the materials and time I had and they were really early prototypes, but I think they'll be more than enough for now, I'm still working on enchanting bullets but that will still take a while, lead is not a material that lends itself to enchanting.

So I have to rethink the whole thing, I also have to enforce the Assault Rifles, otherwise, they'll break down from the force and power of the bullets and that would take some time.

Which is why I decided to create these 4 Energy Pistols, these weapons absorb Mana from the air or another source and use it to power up the Enchantments on them.

These Pistol have two settings, kill and painful knock out, the kill setting does as advertised, but the painful knock out, makes the Energy Pistol shoot a high speed electrical energy shot, that not only paralyzes the target but also shock them until it knocks them out.

The Move I based it on, is Zap Cannon and it packs quite the punch too, with these weapons, the guys who would be going to Japan for the Diet meeting, will have more options to protect themselves better.

Though because there's no Mana in the Mordern world, I had to also create Mana Storage items, hence the Pendants, these not only have protective Enchantments but also serve as Mana Batteries for the Energy Pistols.

I even charge them with my Mana, so they will last the longest possible while we're on the Mordern world, I smiled at my creation and sighed "not bad for, the first time creating Handguns, what do you think Astraea?".

[They seem very functional~ I already can tell that they will work perfectly fine, for prototypes, they're very well made Rean, good job!.]

I chuckled and smiled as I heard Astraea's cheery opinion "well I had been studying gun manufacturing, while we rode back and forth to Italica, it was only a matter of time before I was able to create firearms".

I look at the Energy Pistol, they look like regular Clocks 22, which is what I based them on, but they don't have a clip, the part where it goes in, on the handle, its solid metal.

Most of the Enchantments are there, because of the space available in the handle, but it does makes the Energy Pistol a bit heavy, I'm hoping that it doesn't effect their performance.

Suddenly the door of my Workshop opened, and in came Serafall, she smiled the moment she saw me and walked up to me instantly "Rean! are you done with your project~".

I nodded and Serafall gave me a tight hug, which I happily returned "yup, just finished a few minutes ago".

Serafall let go of me and grin "ooh! let me see!".

I smiled at my girlfriend and move my body away from where the Energy Pistols were laying in my desk, she smiled as soon as she saw them, she quickly picked one up and the Runes in the gun immediately began to glow for a while before settling down.

Serafall then check them and even aimed with it a couple of times, she finished inspecting them and nodded to herself "not bad Rean, though they feel a bit heavier that regular Handguns".

I nodded "yeah, that's because its solid metal in the handle, though I should have used a lighter material... then again the Runes might not hold in a weaker material and it might not be conducting enough too hmm...".

Serafall suddenly giggled which brought my attention to her, she put the Energy Pistol back on my desk and then caress my face "you can be so nerdy when it comes to your crafts Rean, it's cute, in a dorky kind of way".

I grinned as Serafall and raised and eyebrow at her "what's this? calling a Dragon God cute and dorky, how brave of you~".

Serafall giggled and softly kissed my lips, I returned the kiss, she pulled away and smiled at me "this Dragon God is mine, I can say whatever I want to him, because I love him and he loves me".

I chuckle "fine, just know that you and the girls are privileged to be allowed to do so...".

We both stared at each and then suddenly began to laugh, Serafall then said "the tsundere Dragon God act doesn't fit you Rean~".

I smiled at her and then nuzzle her neck, which made her giggle "your right, though it's fun to act like that, once in a while".

Serafall nodded, we both then went to sit down on a couch I had put in my workshop, for when someone wants to rest or hang out while I work, Serafall sat on my lap and then began to speak "so what's this about Rory knowing about you being a Dragon God?".

I sighed andthen began to explain "well apparently, my skill created a very crazy background and myth about me for the Special Region.

According to Rory, when I used my Stardust Energy when we did our combo attack, she recognized it or at least felt something like it before".

Serafall leaned back and placed her head on the nape of my neck "she felt Stardust Energy before? but that should be impossible, that's an energy unique to you".

I nodded while I wrap my arms around Serafall's waist "yeah, but get this, and this is where things get kinda crazy.

In this world, is a Temple of a forgotten creator Dragon, a Dragon God that created this world and it's Gods, a purple Dragon, that soon left to the stars after creating this world, thats where Rory felt Stardust Energy before".

Serafall hummed for a few seconds "so your skill, made you a creator of this world? or rather the Special Region? that's kinda neat no?.

I mean, this makes this world yours Rean, you can practically do whatever you want with it, whose going to argue with the Dragon God who made it".

I chuckled and shook my head "that's the Devil in you speaking Sera" Serafall giggled and nodded "besides, you know that I'm not interested in things like that".

Serafall once again nodded "that's true, my boyfriend is very content with just making things and playing around with his Pokémon, than rather be a God to some people.

It's kinda funny you know? you have a lot of what many desire and you don't care about it too much".

Serafall lightly laughed while I just grinned "I'm a simple Dragon, plus I also like spending time with all of you girls and spoiling you".

Serafall nodded with a big bright smiled "thats true, your a very caring boyfriend Rean, we're even in another world, just to spend sometime together and have some fun!".

I nuzzled Serafall's neck and nodded "I would do anything for you girls, all you have to do is ask".

Serafall smiled "we know, and it certainly has been fun spending time here and meeting so many new people, very odd but interesting people".

I chuckled because, that was an understatement if ever heard one "you could say that again, Yōji and the others are all cool people, but they're odd as hell, though we don't have any room to stand miss Magical Girl Levia-Tan~".

Serafall laughed and nodded "yeah, your right hehehe, still... its been a veru unique experience for me, just being a bystander is an odd thing.

Back home, I'm always involved in everything, as the Maou in charge of External Affairs, I'm always the one having to fix everything, when things happen...

It's has been very interesting and new to me, to just watch things unfold, it's been great and I have never been so relaxed.

I smiled at my girlfriend for a few moments, before commenting "I'm glad your enjoying yourself Sera, but still, I suppose I should check this so call forgotten Temple, see what I can find about the history of the Special Region and my involvement in its creation".

Serafall cheered "sounds like fun! but it will have to wait after the Diet Meeting".

I nodded "yeah, I have a feeling that Yōji and the others will need a bit our help... theres a lot of people moving against Japan and the JSDF".

Serafall nodded as we sat in silence and just enjoyed being together like this, in the darkness of the room, the moonlight shone brightly from one of the windows of my workshop as we just relax.


Both Bozes and Piña weren't able to sleep. everything they have seen and heard after coming to JSDF headquarters, was a lot to digest, so they sat in the beds provided to them by JSDF and spoke, Bozes was the first one to say something "do you think, they're really plan on using the treaty violation as an excuse to star a war?".

Piña shook her head "no, if they did, they wouldn't allow our visit and treat us so well".

Bozes looked down lost in though for a few seconds, but then she returned her gaze back to princess Piña "then...".

Piña sighed "I don't know... our cultures are just so different, I can't even imagine what they're fighting for and to find out...".

Bozes looked worried for Piña "princess Piña, you don't mean-".

The princess nodded "I have to go... to the other side of the GATE".

Morning soon arrived in Alnus Hill, everyone got up early in the morning and got ready for the trip to the Modern World, soon enough everyone going, began to gather by the GATE.

Kuwabara, Yōji and Kuribayashi where the first one to arrive, Kuwabara however, was evidently worried about something "you sure about this, Squad Captain?".

The three members of the JSDF stared at Rory, Lelei and Tuka, who were the ones who were coming with them to speak in the Diet meeting, Kuwabara leaned towards Yōji and whispered "nobody said anything about Rory...".

Yōji smiled at Kuwabara "I got permission and we don't want her going nuts here".

Serafall and I arrived soon after and waved at everyone as we walk towards them, Tuka began to pull on her sweater "why do we haveto wear such heavy clothing?".

We reached everyone in time for us to hear Tuka's question, Serafall giggled "its because its winter in Japan, so it's very cold over there right now".

Lelei nodded "I heard that the weather is very different on the other side".

Tuka hummed but nodded in understanding, I walked up to Yōji, Kuribayashi and Kuwabara, I then took out three of the four Energy Pistols I made from my inventory and handed it to them.

They all looked at them strangely, so after having a bit of a laugh at their expressions, I began to explain "these are the very first Magical Guns in existence in this world, made by yours truly!".

All there of the gape, but soon went to gushing in excitement, Kuribayashi more than the others "whoa! this are cool! you based them after the Glock 22 right?".

I nodded to Kuribayashi "that's right! these guns absorb Mana from the air or anything with Mana nearby and shoot energy bullets, it has two settings.

Painful knock out and Kill".

Yōji inspected the Pistol and saw a small switch, the gun's Runes suddenly glowed red letting him know, that it was on kill mode now, he quickly changed the switch towards Painful knockout and watched as the Runes glowed blue now.

Yōji grinned "neat, these are pretty cool Rean, but can we used them in Japan?".

I nodded and then took out three of the four enchanted pendants I created and handed them to Yōji, Kuwabara and Kuribayashi each, they all grabbed them and stared at the Pendants in confusion.

I grinned at them and proceeded to explain "these Pendants act as Mana Batteries for the Energy Pistols, plus they also come with a lot of Protective Enchantments for all of you guys".

My friends smiled and immediately put on the Pendants, the accessories were simple looking, just a tear like crystal tied with a silver chain, but still a very powerful Magical artifact.

Kuribayashi smiled and then turned her head toward Serafall "how does it look on me? I'm not one for Jewelry but I am curious about how I looked with this now".

Serafall smiled "you look very pretty~ I think simple Jewelry workd best for you, we can try some other things later if you want, Rean can even make all kinds of Jewelry so you can ask him to make all sorts of things to try".

Tuka, Rory and Lelei turned their head towards me with a lot of interest, and I knew then and there, that I will be getting a lot of orders for Jewelry in the future.

Yōji chuckled "looks like your going to be busy for a while Rean?".

I sighed "glad my misfortune entertains you bastard".

Both Kuwabara and Yōji then laughed and I soon joined them, we spent a few minutes talking about the Energy Pistols and what sort of Jewelry the girls wanted.

Until Yanagida finally arrived with a car, he quickly got out and said "sorry for the wait, the paperwork took some time".

He suddenly walked towards the back door of the car and opened it, both Piña and Bozes stepped out of the car and Yōji gaped in shocked at the fact that they were here.

I grinned at him "that's what you get for enjoying my suffering dude".

Yōji turned his head towards me and gave me a glare, but I just grinned at him, Yanagida then began to explain the situation "these two will be accompanying you as well, in secret that is, take care of them".

I shrugged at Yanagida, at this moment, both Bozes and Piña weren't a priority to me, but Yōji of course had something to say about all of this "nobody said anything about this, Yanagida!".

Yanagida just grinned at Yōji "I've already talked to the people on the other side, this is from Lieutenant General Hazama, he says to use it to show the girls a good time".

Yanagida handed an envelope filled with money to Yōji, while he continued to explain "the Princess is our go-between for the Empire, theres no harm in showing her our country, right?".

Yōji sighed but didn't say anything else, Yanagida just smiled in victory, but then I decided to say something "I hope next time, there some word about any plans like these ahead of time Lieutenant Yanagida.

Especially when it involves Serafall and I, were not glorified babysitters, and I certainly don't appreciate you doing things like these behind my back".

Yanagida tense up and stopped smiling, he immediately turned to face me "of course not Hayashi-san, I'll make sure this doesn't happened again.

We were just on very limited time and we didn't have the time to send word out about this last minute decision...".

I nodded "alright, and stop having fun at Yōji expense, unlike you, he's actually doing something productive".

Yanagida nodded and then quickly left, I sighed and shook my head "he's a good guy, but he can be such a sadistic ass".

After that, we then began to get ready to leave, but first we had to wait for the GATE to be opened, like on the GATE on Japan's side, the JSDF built a bunker around the GATE on Alnus Hill to prevent unsupervised traveling between them.

Piña and Bozes stared in awe as the Bunker's gates slowly opened, after a few minutes, they were able to see the GATE, Tuka, Lelei and Rory were also staring at the GATE in awe.

Tuka then suddenly began to speak "the world Rean, Serafall and the others came from...".

Rory gave me a coy look, she knew we weren't from same world the JSDF came from but she didn't say anything about that, instead she said "I can't wait~".

Lelei sighed a bit "were not going there to have fun".

Rory pouted at Lelei but nodded "I know that~".

Bozes stared at the GATE and shakily spoke "your Highness...".

Piña slightly nodded "yes... beyond this GATE..." she suddenly gulped and then said "... lies Japan!".

It would be many years later, but someone would read Piña's diary, her first impression and thoughts about the first time she saw Japan, in her diary she wrote, that when she crossed the GATE that marked the border between worlds, she saw buildings that touched the sky.

Piña looked around in awe and stared up the many buildings around the GATE "are those... walls? look, there are people inside!".

Lelei walked up to Piña and then said "they're making effective use of limited space".

Rory looked curious and decided to ask "does that mean Itami's country is very tiny?".

Lelei shook her head "Rean told me that this world's countries are over populated".

Piña looked down "either way, the Empire has started a war against a civilization capable of building these structures...".

Serafall and I looked up and smiled as we were back in Japan, we both heard what the Princess had said, in all fairness, if the Empire weren't the bloodthirsty and warmongering people they are.

They wouldn't have to deal with the monster that is the JSDF, the Empire is so hilariously outmanned and outgunned, that there was no need for Serafall and I to help all the time.

Instead we chose to take it easy and see things unfold, though we also decided to help whenever things got too bad, like with the Fire Dragon, but other than that, we didn't see a reason to get too involved.

The JSDF can handle everything, so were just enjoying our vacation to the fullest, suddenly a cold air wind blew around the street, Tuka shivered and hugged herself "it really is cold".

Kuribayashi smiled "I told you!".

I smiled and then walked up to Tuka, I then placed a hand on her shoulder and enchant her clothes with warming enchantments, Tuka sighed in relief and then smiled at me "thank you Rean, that feels better".

I smiled at Tuka and nodded at her "your welcome, this kind of weather change might be a bit too hard on you, so try not to get sick okay?".

Tuka nodded and smiled, suddenly someone spoke up "Lieutenant Itami".

Yōji who was filling some paperwork, turned his head towards who had just spoken to him, he then saw an elderly man with a trench coat smiling at him.

The elderly men then said "I'm Komakado, from Intel HQ, I've been instructed to escort you".

Yōji raised an eyebrow "you with Public Safety?".

Komakado laughed and then said "you can tell? that's a Hero's sixth sense for you".

Yōji just scoffed "it was just a random guess".

Komakado grinned "a random guess, huh?".

Komakado then took out a small note book and began to read from it "I looked into you, you had the second-lowest grades in your class during officer training, and only avoided last place because another trainee got injured.

After graduation and assignment, you rated 'just barely passing' your CO got pissed off and threw you into Ranger Officer school, which you finished, somehow.

For some reason, you were transferred to Narashino after that, poor personal evaluation kept you at Second Lieutenant but after the incident in Ginza you were promoted to First Lieutenant, I'm told".

Yōji sighed but smiled nonetheless "you sure did you homework".

Komakado laughed "slacker, Otaku, your reputation on post is horrible" the Public Safety laughed while Yōji looked down.

But then Komakado continued speaking "so how the hell did you end up an S?".

Yōji frowned at Komakado, I bet he was wondering how the old man got that information, after all, the S is a Special Forces Group modeled after the US army's Green Berets and Delta Force.

Whoever Komakado is, he must have very powerful connections, to be able to get that information from Yōji portfolio.

Kuribayashi then began to have another nervous breakdown, in fact she yelled in shock as she grabbed her head in denial, Yōji tiredly sighed "you REALLY did your homework.

Did you know? if a colony of ants gets rid of the laziest one, another one will just start being lazy instead?".

Komakado looked intrigued "so lazy people are necessary?".

Yōji shrugged "I don't know, but when my CO was yelling at me, I told him about that, and... ".

Komakado grinned "you were transferred to the Special Forces Group".

Yōji sighed "I was just trying to argue for the hell of it though...".

Komakado laughed while I couldn't help but sweatdropped "this guy... he mouthed off to his CO and he got sent to a Special Group, whose training is far worse than the Rangers, what hell Yōji...".

Serafall giggled "that CO must have really hated his guts".

Komakado finished laughing "well, if people like you are taking it easy, that might mean everything works better".

Meanwhile, poor Kuribayashi was in the middle of her breakdown, she hasn't stopped screaming until she finally snapped "it can't be! tell me it's not true!.

Somebody like him is a Ranger and Special Forces!?" Serafall giggled and then hugged Kuribayashi to try and help her calm down.

Kuribayashi just layed her face on Serafall's shoulder and began to sort of cry, Komakado began to laugh, while Yōji just huffed "well, excuse me...".

Komakado shook his head and then turned his had towards Yoji "you really are something special, I got a lot of respect for someone who can play the slacker along a bunch of worker ants".

But Yōji just huffed and turned his head away from Komakado, the old man then turned his head towards me and smiled "now your the real mystery here.

Not only, can't I find any information on you, but your practically off the radar, no paper trail either... it's like you and that little lady over there just appeared out of nowhere.

Just like the men who attacked Ginza, instead however, you fought to protect Ginza and massacred practically all of the invaders in a span of minutes.

Just two individuals killing thousands, with things straight out of an anime, Magic, Godly Weapons and what not.

The Media has gone wild with your appearance, a real living and breathing Magical Girl and a guy with the cool Magical weapon flying around... the only thing I could find out was.

That you were the one who financed all of this, your the reason Japan was able to deal with the GATE independently and not rely on any other countries, where does someone even get that amount of money? who or what are you?".

I raised an eyebrow at Komakado, this old man was certainly good at his job, Piña suddenly gasped, we all turned to look at her, wondering what was going on with her now.

She was staring at me in disbelieve "you were the one who fought back against the Empire's first army? but they were an enormous Army... how can two humans fight against an army of that size and win?...".

Lelei and Tuka turned their head towards me and stared, while Rory just grinned, I shrugged "well, the Imperial Army did catch Japan with its pants down, so me and Serafall decided to help.

But you seem to be overstatimating the Imperial Army, even without us intervening, they would have lost, as to how we defeated them so easily? well...".

I suddenly let my power and energy surge out of my body, engulfing it with my Purple Stardust Energy, everyone grunted or screamed in shock as shockwaves began to pushed them back.

The ground beneath me cracked and the whole planet and even the air began to tremble, all the while I continued to stared at Piña in the eyes.

Piña on her part, was completely shocked and terrified as she stared the young man before her, his glowing Purple eyes bored into her soul and she couldn't even force herself to speak.

She had seen this young man among the JSDF, and she had seen him fight against the Bandits, but she just pegged him as a Mage of Japan, and nothing else of importance.

But now? now she was sure she was staring at something worse than the JSDF, something primal and extremely powerful.

I grinned at both Piña and Komakado "be glad I'm on the side of the JSDF, because you have no idea the sort of being I am, and by them time you figure it out, it will be too late".

Komakado just grinned and then began to laugh, while Princess Piña, was now having something else to worry about, it's not only the JSDF she had to be afraid of, but whatever this young mysterious man is as well.

After that, I quickly fix all the damage I caused with a wave of my hand, soon after Komakado brought the vehicle we were going to be riding on, a bus, though after calming down, Kuribayashi continued with her break down as soon as she got inside the bus "it's a lie! a lie! this is a dream! I'm dreaming! this is impossible!".

I got into the bus and raised an eyebrow at Kuribayashi "is she still on that?".

Yōji sighed and nodded, he then looked at me "was that really necessary? I think you probably caused a panic, with the way the ground and air shook, though it was pretty cool".

I smiled and moved my gaze towards Piña and Bozes, who were silently having panic attacks, I then returned my gaze towards Yōji and grinned at him "was it necessary? no, but it was fun, besides, I wanted to get a bit of revenge for the ass kicking they gave you".

Yōji chuckled and shook his head in amusement "your a real bro Rean".

I just shrugged and went to go sit with Serafall, who wad sitting behind Bozes and Piña, both girls flinched as I walked by them but I ignored them as I sat besides Serafall and gave her a kiss.

She giggled and returned my kiss, Yōji smiled and then turned to the driver "get going".

Yōji was right, there as a bit of panic because of Rean's show of power, the social media was filled with posts, videos and all sorts of things showing the big purple light and the shaking of both ground and air.

Many speculations began to run around social media, things, like aliens have landed, the second coming of christ, Godzilla had arrived and even that the end of the world had begun, farfetched and crazy ideas, that only served to make people laugh.

No one, did take all of these seriously, but that sill left the question, as to what was that Purple light and why was the ground and air shaking like it did?.

These things were what the Japanese population were thinking about right now, but it wouldn't last long, soon they will be receiving even more crazy and amazing revelations, that will draw their attention.

Meanwhile, as the bus rode on the streets, Tuka, Rory and Lelei were staring out the bus's window and watching everything going on with curiosity, Lelei tilted her head "look all those people...".

Rory was also very surprised at everything she was seeing "is this a market?".

Tuka then said "maybe is a festival? oh, look, what's that?".

All three then turned the sights towards a Christmas tree and stared at it in confusion, Lelei was really curious about it "they've decorated a tree?".

Rory stared at the tree in intrigued as well "maybe is some sort of charm?".

Meanwhile Kuwabara leaned in towards Yōji "where are we going?".

Yōji smiled at Kuwabara "we can't take them to the Diet Building wearing jeans, can we?".

And so we took the girls shopping for clothes, or rather Tuka, for more formal clothing, of course Serafall was more than happy to go with the girls and help.

She even helped Tuka dress in a very nifty black dress suit, Kuribayashi awed a bit when Tuka came out after trying the dress suit on "whoa! I guess when you've got a nice body, you look good in anything, including suits".

Serafall raised an eyebrow at Kuribayashi "what are you talking about? you have a good body Kuribayashi, I'd hit that~".

Kuribayashi blushed and stuttered in embarrassment, but chose to change the subject, she quickly turned her head towards Lelei and Rory "err.. what will you two wear?".

Serafall grinned at Kuribayashi, while Lelei responded to her question "I'm fine".

Rory smiled and nodded "me, too~ this is formal wear for Priestesses".

Meanwhile Yōji was paying for Tuka's new clothes "yeah, bill it to the JSDF...".

I chuckled at that "Yōji, you evil bastard".

Yōji just maliciously grinned but didn't say anything else, while the store clerk nervously laughed at his expression.

Then we went to eat, for some reason Yōji took us to somewhere cheap to eat, which made Kuwabara question as to why we went there "umm why Gyuudon?".

Yōji sighed "I have to budget the money I got from General Hazama, so I have to be careful with what I spend on the Diet trio, we only get 500 yen per meal".

Kuribayashi nodded "times are tough".

I laughed "you guys know, that I can pay for everything right?".

Yōji grinned "we know, but we don't want you think we want you around for your power and money Rean, besides, let the JSDF pay a bit".

I shook my head in amusement but then nodded "right, but don't worry about paying for Tuka, Rory and Lelei, I'm more than happy to pay for anything that they want to get".

Yōji raised an eyebrow as he began to eat his Gyuudon "are you sure, you don't have to, you know?".

I smiled at Yōji and then turned my gaze towards the forementioned girls "yeah, let's let them have as much fun as they can".

Yōji, Kuribayashi and Kuwabara nodded in agreement, and smiled, behind us sat Bozes and Piña who were nervously staring at the Gyuudon, Bozes then moved her gaze towards Kuribayashi and watched her crack an egg open and let its inside fall on top of their bowl.

This caught both Piña and Bozes by surprise "what's is this? do we eat it raw?".

Bozes turned her gaze towards Piña who was also nervously staring at her bowl of Gyuudon "your Highness!?".

Piña gulped "you eat too, if your hungry, you won't have the strength when you need it".

Piña turned her gaze towards Tuka, Rory and Lelei, and watched as they happily ate their food, Bozes nodded and then said "right".

Both cracked their eggs and prepared their bowl like the rest, then nervously prepared themselves to eat, and so with doubts and a little bit of fear, they took a bite of their food.

Only to squeal in delight as they tasted the Gyuudon, Yōji heard them and turned his head to the side to see what the were doing, but only smiled when he saw both Piña and Bozes enjoying their Gyuudon.

Having hear everything they said before starting to eat, I couldn't help but chuckle "silly girls".

Serafall giggled and nodded in agreement since she also heard everything they said to each other, at the very last it seems like they had calmed down from my show of power.

Either they're tough or their more stubborn than I gave them credit for, in any case, hopefully things continue to go this smoothly for now.

After having lunch, we all boarded the bus again and began to make our way, to the Diet building, it didn't take us long to arrived, Piña looked out the window and saw the Diet Building" this is the Japanese Senate?".

She certainly seemed impressed if not awed at how the Diet Building looks, soon we arrived at our spot and Tuka, Rory, Lelei, Serafall and I got off the bus, Piña watched us get off the bus and then turned to ask Kuwabara about it "aren't we getting off?".

Kuwabara shook his head "we'll be going to a different area, officially, you arent in Japan".

Piña nodded, it was true, she didn't come to Japan in any official sense, she didn't even get her father's permission to be here, so she must be careful and listen to what they tell her to do.

Kuwabara then took her and Bozes to another building and on the top floor she met with two people, after sitting down in front of them they both introduced themselves "I am Shirayuri Reiko, adviser to the Prime Minister".

Reiko then turned her head towards the man besides her "this is Sugawara Koji, with the foreign ministry".

Both Piña and Bozes introduced themselves and then began to talks with Reiko and Koji, Reiko started with saying "this is not a peace conference.

To ensure that were on the same page in the event of such conference, we wished to discuss and decided on a number of matters here beforehand, is that alright?".

Piña stared at Reiko for a few seconds before responding "I have no objections".

And so Piña began to speak with two of Japan's representatives, to begin working towards peace, after everything she saw and witness in the last couple of days, she was sure she had to stop this war.

The Empire won't survive for much longer if this goes on after all, it was a fact that was made even more true with the show of power, the one named Rean showed not that long ago.

Around 2 PM the Diet meeting was well underway, and a big live report was showned all over Japan and the world "its been four months since the Ginza incident.

The first question and answer session regarding this matter will be held in the Diet today, in addition to JSDF personnel who've been on the ground, refugees from the Special Region have been invited, as well.

Oh! they've just entered the building! ".

On the screens of everyone watching the report, they could all see Yōji entering, behind him came Lelei then Tuka, Rory and finally Serafall and Rean.