Chereads / Pokemon trainer in DXD / Chapter 101 - 101

Chapter 101 - 101

Chapter 1.

Many Government officials, were glued to whatever they were using to watch the Diet Meeting, all of them stared with their full attention as an JSDF officer and five unknown individuals stepped into the meeting room.

After everyone took their seats, the Diet meeting officially began, starting with a report of everything going on, and found so far in the Special Region so far.

Of course, there was plenty of information left out, things that would entice other Countries, that sort of information was kept under wraps to avoid any sort of movements against the Japanese Government.

Eventually, things moved on to the Fire Dragon attack, and the happenings during such an event, and so the Japanese Government Official speaking then said "we will now ask questions to the witnesses of the Fire Dragon attack".

A woman suddenly slammed a card board, in front of her desk, on it, it was written the number of civilians evacuated from Coda Village, how many we had taken back to base as refugees and a question mark on the number of civilian victims from the Fire Dragon Attack.

The woman, a Diet member of the name of Kouhara, Mizuki began to speak "I'll get straight to the point.

Why were Special Region refugees, who were supposed to be under JSDF protection, killed by a Class-A dangerous animal you refer to as a 'Dragon'?".

I raised an eyebrow as I watched the woman maliciously grin, meanwhile Yōji was called up to speak by a Government officials announced him as "witness Itami".

Itami stood up and walked to the podium, everyone in Japan recognized him as the hero of Ginza, so they were very curious about what he had to say, Yōji then stood up in front of the podium and began to answer the woman's question "uh well... probably because the Dragon was so strong".

I snorted as I heard Yōji answer the woman's question like this *if I didn't know any better I would called Yōji an asshole, but he really is a mellow guy*.

Serafall giggled, while the Mizuki gaped a bit at him "how can you be so calm? don't you feel any responsibility for the loss of those lives".

Yōji deadpanned at the woman and then said "I'm sad that we had some deaths, I also felt our capabilities were lacking... we were lucky we had help, when dealing with that Dragon, otherwise the death toll would have been larger".

Mizuki frowned "so your admitting that the JSDF is at fault!".

Yōji shook his head "no, we lacked sufficient firepower".

The woman looked confused at what Yōji was saying "huh?".

Yōji closed his eyes and then went on "our 7,62mm rounds blunced off it like they were BBs, I really wished we'd had a stronger weapon, we wouldn't have been so useless in that fight if we did.

Something like a Charged Particle beam, a railgun, a graviton bomb, or something".

I chuckled as Yōji gave out the names of fictional weapons, things one would find in anime or video games, he was low key making fun of the woman for her stupid question, with a stupid answer.

Suddenly, another Diet member raised his hand and spoke up "if I may Chairman" the Chairman nodded and the Diet member got up to speak.

"Our analysis of a sample from the Special Region shows that, this 'Dragon' had scales as strong as tungsten, and could exhale high-temperature flames.

It was, essentially a flying tank, demanding zero casualties when fighting such a monster, is rather unreasonable, wouldn't you say?".

The woman just stared at Yōji while inwardly seething, I on the other hand, had to agree, I had given some scales for analysis, to the JSDF, but I myself did some research on them.

They weren't the strongest nor the best Dragon Materials ever, but they were still pretty good, there was no way, regular ammunition would work against the Dragon, much less defeat it, only the Rocket Launcher worked, because it was both a concussion blast and a high explosive.

Plus it hit the elbow joint of the Dragon, that was the only reason, they were able to blast one of it's arms off, Mizuki then uncomfortably nodded "very well... then my next question is for Lelei la Lalena".

Lelei stood up and walked to the podium, while Yōji sat back on his chair, the woman then began to ask Lelei questions "do you understand Japanese".

Lelei nodded "yes, a small amount".

Everyone watching the report through all sort of media platforms, were suprised with how young Lelei looked, though they also noticed her clothes and staff, many immediately began to deduced she was a mage and began to become excited.

Back in the Diet meeting, Mizuki, turnd her head towards some other members of the Diet, they nodded at her and she then began to speak again "very well, I'm told you're living in a refugee camp right now, are there any inconveniences there?".

Lelei blinked and then turned her head towards me "I don't understand what she meant with 'inconveniences'...".

I smiled at Lelei "she's literally asking if you have been provided with everything you need, if your comfortable with everything the JSDF has done for you as a refugee".

Lelei nodded, she then turned her head back to the woman "I see... all of my clothing, food, shelter, work and spiritual needs are being met.

We were even provided a big home were all of us are living in peace, if I started to ask for more, there'd be no end to it".

The woman then asked "then you feel the JSDF's response in any way contributed to the result of civilians casualties?".

I raised an eyebrow *again with that? what's this woman's goal with pinpointing at the casualties? she doesn't even know the number, but she keeps bringing it up*.

Lelei shook her head "no".

A few more questions were given to Lelei, none important stuff about her everyday life in the refugee camp, she gave just the minimal information, but enough to let everyone know that she is living a normal life at the camp.

Then they called Tuka to the podium for questions, she immediately began to introduce herself as soon as she stood in front of the podium "I am an Elf of the Lodo Forest Clan, I am the daughter of Hodolue Ray, Tuka Luna Marceu.

The public watching the report were both astonished and awed at the fact that Tuka is an Elf. many were very excited and intrigued by her and wanted to know more.

Especially because everyone wanted to know if she really is an Elf.

Mizuki then began to ask questions "I know this is a rude question, but are those ears real?".

Lelei translated what the woman said to Tuka, she then smiled and nodded "yes, they are" Tuka then reached to her blonde hair and moved it away from her ear "would you like to touch them?" to make a point, she made her ears twitch.

The new reporters immediately took pictures and zoomed into her ears, showing everyone watching, that her ears were indeed real, many were awed and very excited about this.

Serafall suddenly laughed and being curious as to why, I turned my head towards her to see what she was laughing at, only to see her giggling at her smartphone, I leaned over and took a look.

I chuckled in amusement when I saw forums on social media being filled with excited comments about Tuka an Lelei, things like 'they really exist!' 'the blonde Elf is the cutest!' 'both of them are cute!' and 'blonde Elf... for Real?!' it seems like Tuka and Lelei will become very popular on Japan.

Even the woman was very surprised at the revelation, the Diet members behind her were even taking pictures with their smartphones, which I found quite funny.

Tuka then lightly whipped her head and made her hair go back to how she had it, the woman struggled a bit but was able to recover enough to continue with her questions "th-then, Tuka-san, was there any problem with the way the JSDF handled the Dragon attack?".

Tuka looked down "I don't know... I was unconscious at the time".

Mizuki sighed in disappointment but nodded "thank you, okay, next...".

Tuka want back to her seat, while the woman turned to look at Serafall, Rory and me, she sweatdropped when she saw Serafall on her smartphone and giggling at the comments on social media.

But then she noticed Rory, while they called her up to the podium "witness Rory Mercury".

I narrowed my eyes when I saw the woman, grin when she saw Rory, or rather her clothes, I could even heard her thoughts *black clothes and a vail, those must be mourning clothes, that's perfect...*.

I narrowed my eyes at this woman, while I watched the anime, I pegged her as just an annoying politician who was too ignorant to understand what was going on, but now? when I can see her in front of me? I just knew she was up to something, but what? was the question.

Mizuki immediately began to ask Rory questions "what is your name?".

Lelei translated and then Rory smiled, and answered the question "Rory Mercury".

Mizuki nodded and then said "describe your life in the refugee camp".

Rory nodded and answered the question "it's very simple, when I wake up, I live, I pray, I receive life, I pray, then at night, I sleep".

Serafall grinned, while I just smiled, Rory was having fun with the woman, who was a bit confused with Rory's answer "receive life?".

Rory nodded "yes, I eat, I kill, I make offerings to Emroy... a lot of diferente things".

Me and Serafall were inwardly laughing at the way, Rory was making fun and winding the woman, Mizuki blinked in confusion and then decided to try a different approach "I'll reword the question.

From the look of things, you lost someone who matters a lot to you, do you feel the JSDF is responsible?".

Lelei translated, but Rory didn't understand what the woman meant with her questions, not a surprise there, since Mizuki was confused about Rory's clothes, she though they were mourning garbs.

Too bad for her, that, that's just Rory's apostle uniform, Lelei then decided to explain "she says she doesn't understand the question, Rory's family-".

But the woman cut off Lelei and began to speak "according to reports, despite the fact that there was casualties among the refugees in the Dragon attack, the JSDF suffered no fatalities and not even a single injury!.

The people who should've defended you with their lives put their own safety first, and in the end, put civilians in danger right?".

Rory looked rather perplexed with the woman's question and sudden change in attitude, as she raised her voice and seemed to be getting in the zone or something.

The woman then grinned and began to really speak out loud "now, tell us! what did you really see!? expose the JSDF's true colors!".

Everyone in the Diet meeting stared at the woman in confusion, while many Government officials around the world grinned and seemed very interested in the outcome of this little outburst.

I grinned as I saw Rory get ready to really let the woman know what she thought "ARE YOU STUPID!?".

I laughed at loud as I saw everyone cover their ears in pain as Rory yelled out loud, luckily for our group, Serafall raised small barriers in their ears so they wouldn't take damage from Rory's loud exclamation.

It took a few moments for everyone to recover but when they did, it was Mizuki who spoke in confusion "w-what did you just sai-".

Rory then repeated herself while pointing at Mizuki and grinning in amusement "I asked if you were stupid, little girl".

Rory pulled back her vail and then mischievously giggled, the woman was utterly confused "you speak Japanese?".

Rory smiled "Rean along with Serafall taught me, but that doesn't matter, you want to know how they killed the Dragon, right?".

The woman blinked and then said "killed?...".

But Rory ignored her question and began to speak "the JSDF did their absolute best, they helped the one who killed the Dragon with everything they had.

They most certainly did not use the refugees as shields and fight from a safe distances".

The woman grunted in annoyance and glared at Rory, but Rory just grinned at her and continued speaking "but to begin with, what's wrong with soldiers making sure they stay alive?.

If they die needlessly, who's going to protect people like you, who do nothing but sit in comfort and complain, little girl?".

The woman was certainly getting annoyed with the way Rory, was talking to her "little... girl?".

Rory just went on "they killed a Fire Dragon and came back alive, the first thing you should do is praise them.

Also, you said there was casualties? you make it sound like there were many, it was because they fought and helped killed the Dragon that only 10 refugees died.

But that's an incorrect way of seeing things, Itami's squad saved the rest of the refugee by helping kill the Dragon, if you can't even understand that, the soldiers of this country must have a very hard time.

They succeed in doing something no one else could do, that is my answer to your stupid question, do you understand little girl?".

The people of Japan and those watching the Diet meeting were rendered silent, Rory's words were correct and many began to support them, except of course, the Government officials of other countries.

They were far more concerned about what this could mean for them and their countries.

The woman was now livid with Rory, but Rory just continued to grin at her, that only made the woman's anger rise "you don't seem to know how to speak to your elders, 'little girl'?".

Rory just mischievously smiled "are you referring to me?".

The woman then snapped "who else could there be? I don't know how it works in the Special Region, but in this country we respect our elders!".

Rory narrowed her eyes and began to reached for the wrap on her Battle Axe" I'm shocked... how dare a mere...".

Yōji panicked when he saw Rory getting ready to go berserk, but Serafall suddenly grabbed his arm, Yōji turned his head towards Serafall, only to received a shake from her head and a smile.

Yōji raised an eyebrow in confusion but then noticed that Rean wasn't on his seat, so he immediately turned his head back towards Rory.

Rory was about to attack, when she felt someone gently grabbed her hand, she blinked and then looked up at the owner of the hand, only to see Rean smiling at her.

I then pulled Rory towards me and hugged her, so she wouldn't suddenly go and commit mass murder "relax Rory, people like this woman, aren't worth the effort".

There was a moment of silence, from the suprise of my sudden appearance besides Rory, but the one announcing names, snapped out of it and did his job "Rean Hayashi, witness and... H-Hero of the Battle of Ginza".

Everyone present widen their eyes in surprise upon hearing, the title I was bestowed by the Japanese Minister, it was kept underwraps, but Yōji wasn't the only one known as a Hero by government officials and the JSDF.

The woman actually flinched "Hero of the Battle of Ginza! but that's-".

She quickly turned her head towards Yōji, who was publicly the Hero of Ginza, I grinned at Mizuki "in case you forgotten, there were three people fighting the Imperial Army, that day on Ginza".

Everyone gasped in shock, many had wondered who the other two individuals who fought for Japan were, but no one knew anything, no matter what they tried no one could find anything about the two unknown and extremely powerful individuals that saved the people of Ginza.

But now they had one of them in front of them, and the woman was caught off guard and stared at me, as I hugged Rory into me, for her part, the little bundle of death relaxed, which made me smile.

The woman, seemingly recovered "but, where have you been? why help that day? what even are you? we all saw the footage but no one could get a clear image of you and the other one who helped save Ginza that day... you did things that should be impossible".

I grinned and raised a hand, I turned Excalibur into her Spear mode, from her Bracelet form and showed it to everyone in the Diet Meeting room, immediately reporters began to take pictures, while cameraman zoom in to my Excalibur.

It was hard not the recognized the Spear that had killed many Winged Dragons, many in social media speculated what sort of weapon it could be and its origin, but if there was something everyone could agreed on.

Was the beauty Excalibur has in her Spear mode, I lowered my arm and stared at the woman who was now gaping at me "let's make one thing perfectly clear here, first, I don't know what sort of game your playing here or who payed you to speak against the JSDF.

But your clearly trying to discredit them and make them seem incompetent and negligent, even heartless it seems, but I'm not about to allowed that.

Not when they have worked hard to bring information and real progress in the Special Region".

I glared at the woman who gulped and began to sweat, everyone in the Diet meeting turned their heads toward her, and stared at her in suspicion.

Meanwhile I kept going "as to where I been? around, and in the Special Region helping, why did I help that day? I saw people, civilians being attacked by forces they couldn't defend themselves.

So I helped, me and Serafall jumped in and helped to avoid as many deaths as possible, as to what I am? that's not any of your goddamned business!".

Excalibur began to let a surge of Stardust Energy, which began to dance around her entire Spear Form, the woman squeaked in fear and flinched "respect is earned, not given, and you certainly have not earn any of our respect, in fact, it should be you who should respect the people before you.

You don't know anything about them, and your certainly not in any position to talk to them like you have, plus if you want to use your age as an excuse to demand respect, then you lost to both Rory and Tuka, they are way older than you after all".

That made everyone gaped at Tuka and Rory, in shock, Tuka just smiled at everyone and waved at them, while Rory pouted and pinched my arm, though I just smiled at her.

I let my Stardust Energy dissipate from Excalibur and stabbed her on the ground beside me, I then glared at the woman "it's also clear, that your missing information.

My guess? the ones who payed you to do all of this, couldn't get the information right? good thing I made sure we wouldn't have any leaks back in the base".

The woman was now shaking in her podium as she stared at me, I sighed and then looked around the room "let me clarify some things here, though I hate having to reveal information.

But I'm not about to allow anyone badmouth and belittle what the JSDF have accomplished, after all I was there to see everything they've done".

Everyone stared at me and gave me their full attention, I turned my head towards Serafall, who stood up and walked up to the Podium "first thing I want to Clarify is this.

Rory Mercury, is something a kin to a Demigod, she has enough power to destroy a country on her own, though some modern weaponry could slow her down and even kill her.

She would just either regenerate or ascend into Godhood, that's who have you been talking to Miss Mizuki, that's who you just called a 'little girl' pretty stupid of you if you ask me".

Everyone gasped and began to yell and nag at the woman, on her part she flinched and shrunk herself at being the target of everyone's ire.

Serafall giggled and she showed me her smartphone, I smiled, as I saw comments about Rory's race begin to excited everyone.

Many were already sending prayers to her or even claiming that a true Goddess has decended amongst mortals, people were really creative that's for sure.

I then turned my attention back towards everyone "the beautiful woman besides me is Serafall Leviathan, and she was the other person who fought for Ginza".

Serafall put her Smartphone away, she then whirled around on her toes and changed into her Magical Girl uniform, she struck a pose and happily smiled as she introduced herself "Serafall Leviathan here~ but I'm also known as Magical Girl Levia-tan!".

Cameras went on off immediately as everyone took pictures and zoomed on her, Serafall just smiled and posed for the Cameras or waved for the video recorders.

Meanwhile, the people of Japan were all clamoring in excitement and awe, at seeing a real breathing Magical Girls transform before them, the fact that this one is the same Magical girl who not only fought for Ginza.

But took out many of the invading soldiers just made everyone feel even more excitement, but who could blame them? they saw real magic being used that day.

Back at the Diet Meeting.

I chuckled as I watched Serafall have some fun, Rory was also laughing in good fun as well, Serafall then stopped and walked back to my side.

She stood there with a big and happy smile on her face, I smiled at her and nodded before continuing on "now, I will continue to clarify some more things".

Everyone quite down, and gave me their full attention, while the woman just stared at me with clear nervousness in her eyes "the Team that face the Fire Dragon was a Recon Team, a small one at that.

They, out of their own goodwill decided to assist the Villagers of Coda Village evacuate, they did not need to do that, they could have just left them and go back to base.

So get your head out of your ass woman, they went beyond their post and duty here, they didn't commit any crimes, which seems like your trying really hard to implicate on them!".

The woman reeled back, but I ignored her and went on "this is what happened that day, as we were escorting the Villagers, we were suddenly attacked by the Fire Dragon.

A Kaiju sized, heavily armored and fire-breathing monster, tried to ambush us, I was able to raise a Magical barrier to protect the entire Cavaran.

However and unfortunately, the Villagers panicked and scrambled all over the place, this allowed the Fire Dragon to get to some of the fleeing carts, which resulted in the death of 10 Villagers".

Everyone, was now on the edge of their seats as I explained what had happened that day, meanwhile I went on "the Team immediately got into action and began to attack the Fire Dragon, this distracted it and I was able to get the Villagers out of the area.

Then I rejoinced the fight, the JSDF Recon Team, Serafall and I fought the Dragon, and I killed it, this was a team effort and without everyone involved, there would have been more casualties!".

I growled at the woman "what would you have done in their place huh? run away? hide!? is easy to stand there and critized huh?".

I raised my hand and waved it, this increased the space withing the Diet meeting room, everyone in the room gasped or grunted in shock from the sudden sensation of the increase of space.

But soon recovered and stared in disbelieve, at what I had done, but I wasn't finished yet "I was able to kill the Fire Dragon because everyone helped but what could you have done against something like this!".

With another wave of my hand, I took out the Fire Dragon's beheaded head from my inventory and dump it right in the expanded space I had created.

There were screams, gulps, and gasps of shock at seeing the enormous head of the Fire Dragon before them, the woman who had been acting against the JSDF gasped and stared at the Dragon's head with wide eyes full of disbelieve.

Complete and total silence invaded the Diet Meeting, as everyone present stared at the Fire Dragon's head, hearing about it was one thing, but actually seeing it, was a completely different thing altogether.

I let go of Rory, which made her pout, but Serafall giggled and immediately hugged her, which seemed to appeased the little apostle, I walked up towards the woman.

She soon noticed me approaching and gasped as she stepped back in fear, but couldn't move further back because of the people and chairs behind her.

I stopped right in front of her Podium and signaled at the Fire Dragon's head "this is what the JSDF fought and helped killed, while protecting Civilians and like Rory said.

They should be celebrated and awarded for it, not being treated with suspicions, I don't know who payed you or what the intent of your actions is, but trust me.

I won't allow you or anyone to belittle and treat them like this, not unless your confident that you can also kill something like this Fire Dragon as well, otherwise sit down, shut up and let the adults speak little girl!".

I growled at the woman, who nodded at high-speed and then tried to leave, but before she could do so, she was grabbed by Military Police and taken away.

I'm sure they'll be investigating this woman's actions, but for now, that isn't my problem, so I walked up to the Dragon's head, and put it back into my inventory.

I then waved my hand as I walked back to the Podium, this made the Diet meeting room go back to its original size, by the time I was back behind the Podium.

I then clapped my hands, which snapped everyone out of their stunned and quiet state and smiled "alright! now that we got rid of the annoyance! how about we get done what we came here to do?".

Everyone blinked but then immediately got to work and ask more questions about everything that was just said, though most of the time were confirmations and more details.

They did ask about the girls age, Rory huffed but afterwards answered the question with a grin on her face, her age of 961 years old shocked those present in the Diet meeting and everyone else watching the report.

Of course this lead to asking Tuka about her age, she happily answered the question as well, and well her age of 165 years old, also shocked everyone once again.

Everyone in the Diet turned their head towards Lelei, but knowing what was going on through their head she immediately told them she was 15 years old.

This led everyone to sigh in relief, then everyone turned towards Serafall, but she just dangerously smiled at everyone and said "I'm old enough to know how to get rid of a body, want to see~".

Everyone shook their heads in fear while I laughed, at the way Serafall avoided having to say her age, Lelei then walked up to the Microphone and began to explain in more detail "I'm human, our race lives between 60 and 70 years, almost all of the residents of our world are human.

Tuka is an Elf, they do now age and live long, she is a rare fairy type, who live almost eternally, Rory was originally human.

But when she became a Demigod her body stopped aging, after a thousand years or so, her kind abandons physical existence, becoming, first spirits and then Gods.

Thus, the concept of a 'lifespan' does not apply to her" everyone was very much intrigued with everything Lelei just explained.

Then everyone turned their head back to Serafall, Lelei shook her head "I do not know, what Rean and Serafall are... I was under the impression they were Mages from this world".

Everyone looked confused, Serafall hummed for a little while, but then shrugged "well! I'm just a Magical Girl~".

Serafall winked and while everyone sweatdropped, then they a turned their head towards me, I raised an eyebrow and smiled "wouldn't you like to know?".

Everything sweatdropped again, Rory giggled " he's a big bad Dr-".

I grabbed Rory from Serafall's embrace and hugged her against my chest "quiet you!".

Rory just giggled and just hugged me tightly as she kept her face on my body, I just shook my head while everyone seemed confused about all of this.

The Diet meeting went on, for a little while longer, and many questions were asked, though some of the ones made to Serafall and I, were ignored.

We had no desire, to reveal our true nature to Japan or the modern world as a whole, that would open a whole can of worms, that we didn't want to deal with.

After all, that would result, in her and me, having to kill a lot of arrogant people, starting with the Vatican who would be up in arms, if they find out that's Serafall is Devil.

Plus Government organizations wouldn't leave it alone either, like I said, it would only result in lots of dead bodies and bloodshed.

Meanwhile, as the Diet meeting was wrapping up.

Piña and Bozes were still speaking with Shirayuri Reiko and Sugawara Koji, Koji was the one talking right now "Lastly, regarding the treatment of prisoners... we currently hold, as prisoners, around two thousand of your soldiers".

Bozes and Piña were both surprised, the Princess couldn't help but express that surprise by repeating the number "two thousand?...".

Koji nodded "we would like to release them in response to your request".

Piña nodded "how much ransom-".

But Reiko smiled and interrupted her before she could finish her question "don't worry, our country does not engage in the custom of demanding ransom for prisoners, we do expect to receive something in return, though".

Koji then pull out a notebook titled 'Ginza Indecent Prisoner List' and gently pushed it towards Piña and Bozes "here's a list of the prisoners, we can turned over a small number of them immediately".

Bozes began to whisper to Piña "many of the missing are children of Senators and nobles, if they're imprisoned...".

Piña sighed "I know, he wants them released to grant favor for them back home, that's what he's saying".

Piña nodded to Koji and then said "we'd like to examine the prisoner list before we answer".

Koji nodded "understood, that concludes our list of topics for the day".

Both Bozes and Piña tiredly sighed, this has been a very long day for them, and were both tired and relieved that it was finally over.

Reiko then stood up "princess, its an honor to meet you".

Reiko reached a hand over to Piña, but the princess stared at Raiko's hand in confusion, Kuwabara leaned over to Piña to explain "that's a greeting in our world, clasp her hand".

Piña nodded "I see".

The princess then got up from her seat, and clasped Reiko's hand, Reiko smiled at Piña "Thank you for serving as our mediator for the negotiations".

Piña nodded "I promise I'll do it".

Meanwhile, back with Yōji, Rean and the girls.

Outside of the Diet Building, reporters, cameraman and flashes of everyone taking pictures was taking place by the bus which everyone arrived in with, a reporter was reporting everything out loud as this was happening "the Special Region's residents have completed their session at the Diet and are leaving now!".

This however was a decoy, one that proved necessary not long after the bus took off, as the bus suddenly lost its escorts as a car got in between it and the bus.

The bus kept going without its escorts, while inside one of the cars was Komakado who grinned and radio in "comand, to all cars, our guest have arrived".

It seems that someone wanted to get to Rory, Tuka and Lelei, other countries were very interested in them after all but Public Safety and other Japanese Government officials were not keen, in letting any other country get to the girls.