Chereads / Pokemon trainer in DXD / Chapter 99 - 99

Chapter 99 - 99

Chapter 99.

I teleported everyone into the backyard of Myui's Mansion, while also hiding them with Magic so they wouldn't be seen, smelled or heard, though they still sneaked around and headed into the Mansion, years of training sort of kicks in, in situations like these.

Serafall and I, followed their lead while sneaking around as well, even though we were hidden by Magic, it was still pretty fun to do this in the middle of the night, childish, I know.

But fun nonetheless, it didn't take us long to get into Myui's Masion, Serafall and I could sense where Yōji is, so once inside the Mansion we guided everyone to where he is.

A few minutes later of moving through the Mansion we arrived right in front of a room, the Team immediately noticed, light coming from the gaps of the door and voices as well.

Which means there was someone awake, Kuribayashi turned her head towards me and tilted it in question, I raised my hands and showed her six fingers, which meant there were six people inside the room.

Kuribayashi nodded and then signaled at everyone the number of people inside, they all nodded and got ready to get inside.

Yōji was being taken care of by the Maids when the door to the room suddenly clicked open, the bunny girl's ears, stood up at attention and she gasped when she heard the door being open.

She didn't hear anything until the very last second, and that not only surprised her but also made her quite neverous, though she didn't even have time to react much less warn everyone in the room.

The door suddenly slammed open, surprising everyone inside the room, the Team jumped inside and pointed their weapon at everyone, the Maids froze and looked like deers caught in front of a car's headlight.

Yōji gaped a bit but then smiled at everyone, Serafall and I walked inside and looked around, I couldn't help but chuckle when I saw the expression on the Maid's faces "oh? looks like you didn't need rescue Yōji".

Serafall giggled and nodded "yeah~ it seemed your very well taken care of!".

Everyone stared at Yōji, who smiled at them while being surrounded by very surprised Maids of all shapes and sizes, Yōji scratched his head and nervously laughed "y-yeah, they've been taking care of me since I was brought back to Italica, so please don't shoot them".

Recon Three Team gaped a Yōji, while Serafall and I, laughed a the situation, but even then we could see Kurata starting to look mighty jealous of Yōji right now.

Sometime later everyone calmed down and relaxed, the Maids snapped out of the surprised state and proceeded talk with everyone, and ask questions out of curiosity.

The Bunny girl and Cat girl however were very curious about something and decided to ask, it was the Bunny girl who asked first "how were you able to sneak inside the Mansion? I should have been able to hear you".

The Cat girl nodded "yes, I couldn't smell or hear you either... you caught us completely by surprise, can't say that ever happened before".

Yōji looked curious "hm? is it that surprising?".

The elderly Maid nodded "well, Mamina is a Warrior Bunny and Persia is one of the Cat people, Aurea is a Medusa, and Mome is human.

Mamina, Persia and Aurea have senses, far beyond a normal human, they should have been able to hear you get inside, or smell you coming to the room.

But that didn't happen, so they're obviously surprised, the previous count had a liberal nature you see, and went to great efforts to hire non-human staff.

Well, part of it was simply personal preference, but as you just heard, they're also very good at what they do and quite skilled in other area besides being a maid".

Yōji smiled and seemed very happy "sounds like somebody I'd get along with".

Serafall grinned "more like you guys would have been best friends~ we all know where you interest lie Yōji!".

Yōji looked like he took a punch in the stomach from Serafall's comment, which made everyone laughed a bit, Kurokawa then answered Mamina's question "well, I think you didn't hear us or smell us because Rean here used Magic to cover us".

Mamina turned her head towards me and tilted her head "you used Magic? I don't think I ever heard of a Spell that can completely hide someone's sound and smell...".

I hummed a bit "well, that's because, its not exactly a Spell per say, but a Magical Ward, two in fact, the Scent Destroyer and a Noise Canceler on top of it".

Mamina frowned and she though about what I just said, Persia hummed a bit "that's actually kinda scary, that sort of Magic would make you the perfect assassin".

I grinned at her and nodded "well, it isn't really my style but you never know when something like that would be useful, in fact I could even turned invisible and intangible as well".

Eveyone gaped at me, Kuribayashi shook her head "jeez... Rean your one scary guy".

I just grinned, Aurea suddenly leaned her head towards Yoji and widely smiled " master Itami, you give off a similar scent to the last count!".

Aurea's hair were live snakes, as one would expect from a Medusa, it was quite interesting to see though, all of them seemed excited and very hungry, with the way their eyes were glowing and the hissing they were doing.

Mome, the only human maid, smacked the back of Aurea's back, which funnily enough made Aurea and the Snakes on her hair hiss in pain at the same time, Mome frowned "no, you can't be rude to our master".

Aurea and the snakes looked very sad right now, the Medusa scolded and feeling sad nodded "okay...".

The elderly maid saw the curiosity on everyone's faces and decided to explain "Medusas drain away people's life energy with their hair, she's been very carefully trained, but be on your guard".

Yōji nervously laughed and nodded "will do...".

Suddenly Yōji seemed to get an idea "oh! hey Rean! you can control energy right".

I raised an eyebrow "yeah?".

Yōji then grinned "then why don't you give Aurea a snack? I'm sure a little bit of your life energy wouldn't do anything to you".

I deadpanned at Yōji "dude, I'm not a vending machine".

Yōji just chuckled "come one man! be cool".

I sighed and shook my head "your just curious about the whole thing aren't you?".

Yōji just continued to grin at me, the bastard didn't even tried to deny it, I rolled my eyes at him and then raised a hand, I then pulled out a tiny bit of my life force and made it into an orb.

The small orb of purple life force, floated on the palm of my hand, I then made it float towards Aurea with a wave of my hand, the Medusa's eyes widen as she brightly smiled.

The snakes on her hair immediately pounced on the orb of life energy and began to drain it with glee, we all watched as the orb life energy suddenly dissipated.

We then turned to stare at Aurea who was rubbing her belly with a content smile on her face "yum, that was very delicious~".

Rory pouted "huh? I kinda expected something crazy to happen... I'm kinda disappointed".

I raised an eyebrow, at Rory, and well, she does raise a good point, but it seems like she spoke to soon, because Aurea's red scales and red snakes suddenly began to change from red to purple.

Everyone stared in shock as even the little snakes on her head suddenly grew horns and looked a bit Dragonic in nature now".

We all stared in silence while Aurea looked a bit confused "huh? I feel different...".

Rory giggled "ah there is".

I just stared in surprise "did she just evolve or something?".

No one knew what was going and according to the elderly maid, she has never heard of something like this happening before, Aurea didn't know either and that was both because she was raised in the Mansion and because she's still a young Medusa.

So everyone was very confused, not even Astraea knew what had happened, though that didn't stop her from laughing at the situation.

Aurea didn't care though and she seemed quite peppy, until her the snakes on her hair began to breath small puffs of fire and she began to panic in surprise.

I on the other hand couldn't help but to sigh at the whole "what have I done...".

Meanwhile, in another room in the Mansion.

Piña was meeting with the two Knights that, captured Yōji and beat the living shit out of him all the way back to Italica "Bozes, Panache, you attacked the JSDF after we had guaranteed their safety and treated your prisoner, Itami, in a fashion that was not 'humane'... these are violations of the treaty".

Piña crossed her arms and sighed "they have power enough to kill a Fire Dragon, if they use this incident as an excuse to start a war, you don't need me to tell you... what will happen to the Empire".

Bozes who is the blonde ringlets girl, looked down and nodded "yes...".

Piña huffed in frustration "we need to make sure everyone pretends this never happened and you need to use your body to do it".

Bozes gasped and looked mighty shocked with what Piña was asking her to do, she even looked a bit angry, Piña noticed this and shook her head "it's a shame to give it to a man as small as Itami?... that's what is going through your head no?".

Bozes looked down in defeat "as the daughter of a noble house, I've been trained in these matters, I shall offer my body up for your sake and that of the Empire".

Piña just stared at Bozes with a frown on her head, she wasn't happy about all of this, but she couldn't think of anything else to make things right, or at least convinced the JSDF to not retaliate against the Empire.

Back with Rean and the others.

Unaware of the tension and frustration in the other room of the Mansion, and Piña's plans to pacify things, the Recon Three Team, Rean and Serafall, were all hanging out and having a good time with the Maiss.

Kurata, who had been wanting to see a Cat girl for a long while, was rather happy to meet Persia and nervous as well "I-I am Sergeant Kuratela Takeo! 21 years old and single! my hobbies are anime and reading doujinshi! nice to meet you!".

Persia looked mighty shock at they way Kurata introduced himself, but then lightly laughed, Serafall grinned "fufu~ look like Persia found Kurata rather cute and funny".

I chuckled and nodded "good job bro".

Everyone right now was just hanging out and talking with each other, Mamina was sort of gushing over Kurata "the way you fought those Bandits yesterday was wonderful~ I'm in love!".

Kuribayashi blushed and seemed very flattered "aw, it was nothing" it was fun to watch a tough cookie like Kuribayashi looked so embarrassed.

Meanwhile Lelei was inspecting the changes on Aurea scales and snakes color, though she was also very curious about other things as well "how do these snakes shed their skin?".

Aurea blushed and slyly smiled "that's a secret~".

Mome was talking with Tuka about the clothes she's wearing "what are these fabrics?".

Tuka smiled "I don't really know how it works, but it stretches and feels great~ you can ask Serafall though, she's the one who gave me these clothes, I bet she knows!".

Rory however was being pestered by the elderly maid, who was very happy to being the presence of an Apostle "I'm so honored to be in you holy presence again! truly, Emroy is a compassionate God!".

Poor Rory looked very uncomfortable, she even gave me a look of despair that was actually begging me to help her, I just grinned at her and left her to her fate.

As Rory pouted and gave me a look of betrayal, I couldn't help but to smile, as I watched everyone have a good time getting to know each other, people of two different worlds peacefully having fun.

I walked over to Yōji and began to heal all the bruises and cuts he has, he smiled and said "looks like everybody's getting along".

I grinned at him "it's almost worth the ass kicking you got huh?".

Yōji glared at me "hey! that's isn't funny! they literally kicked me in the ass! multiple times too".

I just laughed while Yōji just gave me a glare of betrayal for my commen, Kuwabara who was sitting on the floor besides the bed where Yōji was lying down smiled "there doesn't seem to be any need to leave right away".

I smiled at Kuwabara "want to bring the others back tomorrow?".

Yōji sighed as I finished healing his injuries "well, we can call tonight a 'cultural exchange' I'm sure base would understand".

I laughed and let up my healing spell, I don't think Commander Hazama would care much, if we spent an extra night here, besides, we can just tell him what we found out about some of the races of this world.

Meanwhile, just outside the room, arrived Bozes, the blonde ringlets girl was dressed in a very sexy nightgown and is wearing a bit of make up, as she stood just outside the door of Yōji's room.

She stared at it with a look full of determination, though she was still very nervous, the words of princess Piña still echoed in her mind *we need to make everyone pretend this never happened and you need to use your body to do it*.

Bozes let of a shaky sigh and tried to smile, though it looked force, a tear even escaped her eye, but she quickly wiped it away, she then nodded to herself and reached for the door handles.

She closed her eyes and slowly opened the door, she sighed one more time and then opened her eyes on to look in confusion as she heard someone say "okay, say cheese!".

She looked towards Kurata who was holding a camera on his hand and stared in confusion, as everyone in the room was posing by the bed and surrounding Yōji.

Kurata smiled and took the picture and everyone smiled and laughed a bit, poor Bozes looked very much confused and lost at what was going on, meanwhile Kurata was showing Lelei and Persia how the picture came out.

Both girls looked at the digital camera and smiled as they saw the picture Kurata just took of everyone "this is the picture".

Kuribayashi then showed Rory her cellphone "you can take one with this too".

Rory smiled "oh? I've seen Rean and Serafall use these little things before, how interesting~".

Bozes watched as everyone laughed and had fun as they talked amongst each other, she then turned her head towards the man who she's supposed to give her body to and saw him nonchalantly speaking with another man wearing green clothes " that must have been rough, but I'm glad everything worked out! its great that Rean can Teleport huh?".

Yōji began to laugh while everyone smile at him, I grinned at him "I'm not going to be a public transport though".

Yōji pouted and began to wwhine about how cruel I was to him and what not, meanwhile a confused Bozes began to grow angry "he's ignoring me?".

I heard her speak and since I knew what was ggoing o happen next, I decided to do something about it, so I mentally told one of the Pokémon who's always around me, to get ready.

Bozes tighten her fist and frowned in anger "I am the second daughter of the house of Palestea... how dare he! does he not realize what I went through on the way here?".

Bozes suddenly took off walking towards Yōji, which everyone noticed, as soon as she was in front of him, Bozes reared her hand back and growled as she swung as hard she could, to slap Yōji.

On his part, Yōji was taken off guard when he saw Bozes about to bitch slap his soul out, but before her hand could eve get close to him, Latias made herself visible in front of Yōji and growled as she headbutted Bozes away from Yōji.

Bozes gasped in pain and flew through the air, but as soon as she landed on the ground, she rolled to her feet and held her chest in pain, she looked up and gaped at the strange red and white creature floating in front of Yōji.

But before she could say anything, she suddenly felt the cold edge of a blade against her throat, this caused her to flinch and freeze where she stood, she nervously moved her gaze to her side.

She then saw and tall dark purple haired young man staring down at her, his purple eyes glared at her as he held the most beautiful sword she had ever seen against her throat, he suddenly began to speak "if you think, you or anyone else will be allowed to hurt my friend again, then your sadly mistaken".

Bozez began to sweat, and her panic and nervousness got worse, when she felt the blade on her neck slightly bite her skin and drawing blood.

I glared down at Bozes and frowned at her, her and that other silver haired girl, were the ones who beat the shit out of Yōji, I allowed it to happen because Yōji asked me too, plus he also made a point about the treaty.

But I wasn't about to let him get that hurt again, Latias floated towards me and softly growled, I nodded at her "yes, her and the other silver haired girl beat Yōji up".

Latias glared at Bozes who slightly flinched from her glare, but before we could do anything, Yōji spoke up and he got out of bed "Rean, it's fine".

I turned my head towards Yōji and stared at him in confusion "no its isn't, this girl and the other one beat the shit out of you Yōji, I just healed your wounds remember, I know you must have been in quite a bit of pain from them".

Yōji nodded and smiled "yes, but I don't want this war to keep going" he turned his head towards the maids, Rory, Tuka and Lelei "for their sake as well as ours".

I stared at Yōji for a few seconds, but in the end, I sighed and shook my head as I pull Excalibur away from Bozes's neck and transform her back, into her bracelet form "your too nice Yōji, but fine, just know, that's there's a limit to patience".

I looked down at Bozez and glared at her, which made her flinched and looked down "and with how much foolishness I'm willing to allow to happen in my presence...".

Yōji smiled "thank your Rean, I'm glad you care this much".

I sighed "don't flatter yourself, I just don't like my friends getting hurt".

Yōji just grinned, he then turned his gaze towards Bozes "I guess, we should head back now, otherwise something else might happen and I might not be able to stop the consequences again if it does".

Bozes twitched but didn't say anything else, everyone nodded and began to get ready to leave, though we did have to get ready to meet with Piña and see about what's going on now.

Piña had been livid when we told her what had happened, so livid in fact, that she was glaring and actually growling at Bozez "you did what?!".

Bozes looked down and seemed on the verge of tears, I didn't care though so I stood behind everyone while Tuka and Rory were petting Latias and Lelei was inspecting her fur like feathers.

Bozes suddenly spoke up "I'm sorry...".

Piña loudly groaned in despair "what are we going to do now?".

Recon Three Team sweatdropped, while Serafall was laughing at Piña's expression, as the Maou in charge of external affairs, she knew the sort of issues that could arise from all of this, though I'm sure she must be having a lot of fun seeing this happen, from a outsider's perspective.

Kuwabara sighed and then spoke "um, were going to take our Captain back now... so you guys can deal with it".

Lelei was the one translating since I wasn't in the mood to speak right now "he says you can work it out yourself".

But Piña shook her head so fast, we all though she might snap it or something "that won't do! I know! its almost dawn! why not have breakfast with us, then you might rethink-".

Yōji sighed "it's a nice offer, but I think its best we leave, one of the members our team is at the end of his patience and if something else happens, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop him".

Everyone turned their gazes towards me, I just scoffed but nodded, Kurata then spoke "besides, Captain Itami is supposed to appear before the National Diet".

Lelei translated for Kurata "Itami had been asked to report to their Senate".

Princess Piña gasped "their Senate!?".

Lelei nodded "so he must return immediately".

Piña turned to look at Yōji and gaped at him in shock, Yōji looked very confused at how the Princess was staring at him, meanwhile, Piña's mind was going in overdrive right now *he's giving a report to the Japanese Senate?.

Which means... a single word from him could bring the entire JSDF on us!*.

Latias sweatdropped, she was able to read the surface thoughts of Piña's inner panic and felt a bit embarrassed about how wild the princess's imagination is.

Piña suddenly yelled "wait!".

This sort of surprised everyone, but they all stared at her while she continued in "then I'll...".

She stopped talking and seemed to be struggling to say what she had in mind, but the she began walking forward with a confident look in her face "then I'll go to Alnus, too!".

Yōji's eyes widen in surprised "eh?".

The princess went on "I wish to apologize to your superior officer directly for violating the treaty, I assume that's fine, Lieutenant Itami?".

Yōji jumped in surprise and turned to look at me, I just grinned and shrugged at him "your the one that wanted peace remember?".

Yōji gave me a looked of pure betrayal, while Piña just stared at Yōji waiting for his an answer, Yōji just tiredly sighed and rubbed his eyes, while everyone just stared at him with amusement in their eyes.

A few hours later, everyone was ready to finally leave and so we gather in front of Myui's Mansion and began to say our goodbyes to everyone, I smiled at Aurea and told her to be careful about her new abilities.

She smiled and nodded, meanwhile Bozes and the princess were getting ready to board a LAV, though they seemed visibly nervous, not a surprise, since they had never gotten into a modern vehicle before, in fact this is their fist time seeing one up close.

But after some hesitation they both boarded the LAV and sat besides, Rory, Tuka and Lelei.

Kurata was saying his goodbyes to Persia "I'll come back to see you again Persia-san!".

Persia smiled at Kurata and waved at him "I'll be waiting!".

Serafall giggled at how excited Kurata seemed "this guy is completely smitten".

I gave a head pat to Aurea and then walked up to Serafall "well, can you blame him, he literally fufilled his Otaku dream".

Serafall snorted and nodded, both us then boarded the LAV, with Serafall driving and me in the passenger seat, Yōji who was sitting behind us sighed "looks like the princess is really serious about coming".

Kuwabara leaned towards Yōji to speak with him "Captain, it's from Major Higaki, he says we can bring her and to treat her well".

Yōji sighed once again "Roger, tell him our ETA, Roll out!".

We all departed soon after, and quickly drove back to Alnus, Bozez seemed scared out of her mind while Piña seemed to nervous to even feel the ride.

It didn't take us long to go back to Alnus, especially because we drove quite fast to get there as soon as possible, thought the fact that we arrived that quickly, seemed to shock Bozes "your Highness! that's Alnus!".

Piña was very surprised and had a hard time believing that we had arrived to Alnus "We're there already? what speed...!".

Both them then gasped as the saw a Helicopter flying by followed by Lugia and Ho-oh who were chasing it as part of training, both of them gapsed at both the Helicopter and the massive creatures.

Soon we arrived into the base and both Bozez and Piña were able to see more about what's going in the JSDF base, Soldiers were in training all

over the place and practicing with their weapons.

They could see the JSDF firing their Assault Rifle in a range to practice, among them where more of those strange creatures also firing some sort of energy attackes, some were also wearing green helmets and even using Assault Rifles.

The Princess was utterly stunned at what she was seeing, she then turned her head towards Lelei "those staves and creatures... are all the JSDF soldiers mages?".

Lelei shook her head "no, that isn't magic, its a weapon called either a gun, or a rifle, the creatures are called Pokemon... Rean and Serafall are the only magic users in the JSDF and Rean is the one who summons and controls the Pokémon".

Piña blinked but the whispered "a weapon?... Pokémon?".

Lelei nodded "the concept for the weapon is simple, they enchant a cylindrical container with explosion magic and use it to fire a piece of lead.

As for the Pokémon, I don't know much about them, you'll have to ask Rean about it, but what I can tell you is, that they're extremely powerful".

Piña gulped and nodded "and they give these weapons to all their soldiers?".

Lelei nodded "yes, the JSDF created these weapons and mastered the art of 'fighting with guns' which is what gives them their strength".

Piña looked down and nervously swallowed "they fight in a completely different way...".

Lelei blinked and nodded "thats why the Imperial Army lost".

Piña stared at Lelei but then Rory giggled and spoke "I'll tell you this princess, even without the weapons and their vehicles, the JSDF would have won, their victory was assured the moment Rean decided to allied himself with them.

A bit of warning to you, do not upset Rean or the Pokémon, lest you want to see the Empire destroyed in a snap of a finger.

Rean Hayashi, is not a being you and your father want to mess with, after all, you never go poke a sleeping Dragon, right?".

Rory mischievously giggled while Lelei raised an eyebrow, Tuka tilted her head in confusion while Princess Piña shook a bit, but before she could say or ask anything a sudden noise distraction.

The noise came from outside, so Piña looked out the window and saw a Tank climbing up a hill, meanwhile more Tanks joined the one and began to ride in a line.

Piña gasped "Iron Pegasi...Iron Elephants... they truly are otherworldly monsters! why is an army like this attacking us?".

Lelei smiled "the Empire stepped on a Griffon's tail".

Piña turned her head towards Lelei and looked at her in disbelieve "how can you speak like that when the Empire itself is in peril?".

Lelei shrugged "I am a nomad, the Empire has nothing to do with me".

Piña clicked her tongue "so we can take over a country by force, but we cannot make its people's heart our own...".

It took a few minutes to finally arrive to headquarters and everyone immediately got out of the LAVs, Piña instantly ran towards Yōji "Lieutenant Itami! may we speak for a moment?".

Yōji however, did not want to deal with the princess right now "oh, sorry... I need to deal with this Diet thing" Yōji then ran away at full speed while yelling "that girl will show you where to go!".

Piña jus stood there stunned at how fast Yōji took off, I chuckled and shook my head in amusement, while Serafall laughed, Bozez then walked up to Piña "your Highness...".

Piña sighed "I lost my chance to persuade him".

Both Bozes and Princess Piña were then taken before General Hazama some time later, Lelei went with them as translator, though both Piña and Bozes were silently staring at the pink cat on his head staring back at them.

Lelei then spoke "this is General Hazama of the JSDF".

Hazama smiled and nodded at Piña and Bozes "please be seated".

Everyone then proceeded to take a seat, Hazama then immediately began to speak "so, what brings an Imperial princess here in person?".

Piña wasted no time in explaining why she was here "my forces have behaved rather inappropriately, so I've come to apologize".

Lelei translated that to Hazama who nodded "I've read the report, there was a miscommunication at the lower levels?".

Piña flinched and looked down "yes, I'm terribly ashamed".

Lelei translated and then Hazama nodded "you've been kind enough to serve as a mediator between us and the Empire.

If the treaty is causing you such problems then perhaps we need to rethink it".

Piña shooked her head "no, not at all! the current terms of the treaty are fine".

Yanagida smiled and then spoke "I heard from Itami that the lady there and another one, gave him quite a rough time".

Both Piña and Bozes jumped and flinched at being reminded of their blunders, but Yanagida just grinned "you literally kicked the crap out him... that's was hilarious".

Yanagida began to laugh in amusement after a second he went on "he wanted them to be considered injuries suffered in the line of duty, but Rean slapped him in the back of the head".

Yanagida shook his head but seemed to be having a lot of fun "I haveto ask, did he say something rude to you?".

Piña looked utterly mortified, while Lelei translated everything Yanagida just said, Bozes looked down "no... he didn't...".

Lelei nodded and then said "they want to know in detail why he was beaten and why you tried to hurt him again later on".

Both Piña and Bozes looked embarrassed about the whole situation, Bozes in particular didn't want to explain why she attacked Yōji.

Mew suddenly whipped her tailed and smacked the back of Yanagida's head, Yanagida grunted in pain but didn't stop smiling in amusement, Hazama then said "Lieutenant Yanagida, that's enough, they're terrified".

Yanagida stopped smiling and nodded "I'm sorry".

Mew huffed while Hazama sighed, though both Piña and Bozes were rather shocked to see the pink cat attack a high officer and get away with it.

That evening, Yōji gathered Tuka, Rory, Serafall and I to speak about what the higher ups asked him about, among the things they requested was to bring people who had been involved in the Dragon attack so they can speak in the Diet meeting.

The first one he asked was Tuka "huh? they want me to go beyond the Gate?".

Yōji nodded "yup, they wanted you to to talk to them on the other side as a representative of this world, we'll leave tomorrow morning.

We would be staying two nights, so you'll be back soon".

Tuka looked unsure "are Rean, Serafall and you going too?".

Yōji nodded "of course, Rean and Serafall were also called to speak to the Diet as well, oh! and Lelei will come too, as an interpreter".

Tuka looked down for a second, she then turned her head towards us and stared into our eyes, we both smiled and nodded at her "... okay, then I'll go too".

Rory suddenly spoke up "hey! I hope you were planning in inviting me too~".

Yōji flinched "Rory...".

I smiled and nodded to Rory "you can come too, Rory, I'm sure the Diet will like to hear from you as well".

Yōji sighed but nodded in agreement, someone like Rory would add weight to reports, suddenly Kota spoke up too "I want to go, too".

Yōji turned his head towards Kota "eh?".

Serafall giggled "sorry old timer, but we can only bring a few people with us, and unfortunately for you, we already have enough people to speak about the Fire Dragon attack".

Kota pouted and looked down, though we all ignored him and spoke to to Tuka about the world beyond the Gate, the world Yōji came from.

That night Yōji had stayed up late filling out reports and other paperwork, though he chose to do it in my workshop while I was working with some enchanting, I wanted to get ready for what was about to come.

Yōji suddenly stretched and grunted "so tired...".

I chuckled from the table I was using to enchant objects "well, you have been working nonstop for hours".

Yōji sighed "I had lot to do and get ready for the Diet summons, thank god you have spells for cleaning and maintance of weapons".

Yoji huffed while I grin at him, suddenly he received a text on his phone, he quickly picked up and read them, while he did so I began to inspect the pendants I was enchanting at this moment.

Suddenly Yōji began to speak "oh... its already winter there..." he suddenly began to scream "I'm going to the winter doujin events, no matter what!".

I just shook my head in amusement "you and your doujinshi".

Yōji just grinned at me, suddenly the door to my workshop opened and in came a very tired Lelei, Yoji turned his head towards her "what is it? it's late".

Lelei closed her eyes "Itami, take me back to the camp... I'm tired".

Lelei dropped on her knees and practically fell asleep there, Yōji sighed but stood up and walked up to her "you were running around all day interpreting this whole time, I'm not surprised your tired".

Yoji picked her up in his arms and smiled "good job".

I smiled and then walked up to them "I'll teleport you both to camp, put her on her bed and you go to sleep as well".

Yōji nodded "you too Rean, even you need rest... I think?".

I nodded to Yōji "I'm almost done, so I'll go to sleep soon".

Yōji smiled and I then teleported them both to camp, I sighed and got back to work "after the pendants come the pistols next... I should be done before is time to go back to Japan".