Chereads / Pokemon trainer in DXD / Chapter 98 - 98

Chapter 98 - 98

Chapter 98.

Rory and I stayed in the sky for quite sometime speaking about all sorts of things, after she found out what I am, she began to ask all sorts of questions about where I've been and why I left this world.

She practically wanted to know why I abandoned it, so I had to come up with an answer, and what I came up with, was that the Dragon depicted in that temple she mentioned, was in fact my ancestor and not me.

I then told her about how, I didn't even know I was part Dragon until I had an accident in my world, about how once I awaken my powers, I went on a journey to awaken them and get as powerful as possible.

She of course asked me about why I wanted power, so I explained the nature of my world, how the Supernatural World in it, is greedy, how they wouldn't have left me alone, until I was made a slave or killed for being a danger.

I told her about my other world travels, how I became so powerful, the Pokémon, how I met the girls and all sorts of things that I had gone through with my family.

She was enthralled about all of it, the adventure, the romance, the suspense and the battles, the fights what really got her interested though.

She was also curious about my ancestor, she asked me about it, but I told her that, other than what I know from my clan and the nature of some of my powers, I didn't have a clue about him.

In fact, I informed her, that I was unaware of the fact that he had created other worlds until she told me, she was a bit down afterwards, appearantly. she wanted to meet the creator of her world.

But she quickly cheered up, it seems like she was content about having met its descendant, we stayed in the sky for a while longer, talking about all sort of things afterwards, though I also asked to keep the things I told her a secret for now.

Meanwhile, in Italica.

All sorts of movements were taking place now that the crisis was over, some Helicopters, after refueling, came back to Italica and brought more soldiers, both to help with the clean up and take some of the prisoners.

The outside wall of the east gate was heavily damaged, from both the JSDF attack and the Bandit attack, plus there were quite a big pile of bodies, Mewtwo helped quite a lot with all of this.

Something the JSDF were very glad for, the Psychic Legendary Pokémon piled the dead bodies on one part outside the east wall, and then used his Psychic powers to fix the east wall.

Some of the JSDF stared in awe, these soldiers had seen the first Pokémon Movie and played the games, so they were very interested and curious about Mewtwo.

Some even aproached him, though Mewtwo would ignore them and just let them take pictures, as long as they didn't get in his way, Comfey, Chansey and Audino, along with Liligant and Kurokawa healed and helped the injured.

Mewtwo had also, teleported the people who were taken from the battlefield by him to be treated for injuries, back into Italica.

The Citizens of the city were surprised and happy that some of the people, they thought dead, were in fact safe and healthy now, many families were reunited.

Though, some had died too fast for the Pokémon to be able to do anything to help them, it was a small number compared to what it could have been, but it was still a shame.

Among those dead, was the Knight Norma, being stabbed by three swords in the abdomen and being thrown from the wall, guaranteed his death, a death that hit Piña, Hamilton and Gray hard.

His body had been placed in a coffin and wrapped by a flag of the Order of the Rose, the name of Piña's Knight Order, the three Knight sadly stood by his coffin and mourned.

Gray sighed and shook his head "it's over...".

Piña nodded "the brigands were wiped out".

Hamilton looked down "yes, we were victorious...".

Piña shook her head "no, it was the Priestess of Emroy and the JSDF who won, not me...

And the JSDF is our enemy, which continues to occupy the holy hill of Alnus".

Hamilton and Gray stared at Piña, with a little bit of fear, after all, the very same people who just saved their lives and killed so may Bandits in minutes, was also the same people who they're supposed to fight.

That reminder and what they had seen, had made a cold shiver run down their spines, the wind blew and gently ruffled Piña's cape and hair as she continued to speak "in intending to save Italica, have I not called in a far terrifying force?".

That Iron Pegasus (she means the Helicopters) and the powerful magics, that wiped out the brigands out in but a moment... if the were turned towards Italica, then both it and I...".

It didn't have to be said, if the roles were reverse, it would have been Piña and everyone else who would be dead or captured, it was a dreadful image and one that angered and scared Piña.

The princess shook her head, and went on " and Myui, the countess of Formar, would be quickly turned into prisoners, and one of the Empire's most important agricultural areas would fall to the enemy.

And the people would welcome them with cheers and open arms".

Hamilton shook her head, she didn't want to believe Piña's words, and so she tried to deny them "thats not true!-".

Piña stared at Hamilton and cut here off "can you be so sure? they're were the ones who truly saved the town".

Gray sighed while Hamilton slumped a bit while standing, the true of the matter had hit them hard, especially with the princess being so honest about the whole situation "if they were to demand surrender, I might respond by falling to my knees and begging for mercy...

And kissing the soles of their feet" it was a notion born of fear, one that was also made worse, because of the fact that they don't know the enemy well enough still.

To them, they had seen the true power of the enemy and it terrified them to their core, they were simply, afraid.

A few hours later.

Almost everything was taken care of in Italica, so everyone gathered in Myui's home and spoke to Piña and Hamilton about everything that will happen next.

Eventually, Hamilton decided to make an official statement to both thank us for helping and for the rewards for defending Italica "we are grateful to you for rescuing Italica and would like to negotiate your compensation.

The second article, the safety of delegation and its expenses, will be taken care of in accordance with the Imperial Protocol.

And the third article, trading rights for the Alnus cooperative, poses no problem, either.

But I'd like you to understand that the rights to the prisoners lie with us".

I translated all of this to Yōji and Kuwabara, who thought about what the have been told, they understood, that the prisoners will be used to rebuild Italica.

Both talked with each other on what to do, and then told me so I could speak on their behalf, soon enough after, I began to speak to them "we understand that labor is necessary to rebuild Italica.

But we want assurances from you, that they'll be treated humanely".

Hamilton looked confused and asked "".

I nodded "yes, treat them as living human beings, do not abuse them, do not be cruel for now reason, they're already prisoners of war, there's no need to act like animals to them right?".

Hamilton frowned "you would ask us to act kindly to people who killed and attacked this city?".

I shrugged "honestly, I couldn't care less about them, but JSDFis asking for that, I'm not about to argue with them about that, besides, it's the least you could for the people who helped you, right?".

Hamilton sighed and looked down "understood".

I can understand, how she didn't understand why the JSDF was asking for the prisoners to be treated humanely, but thats just standard war practice in the modern world.

Or at least it is but some might not follow it, but it was their job to make sure prisoners of war, were treated fairly as they pay for their crimes, Hamilton looked up at us and went on "that settles the matter of the treatment of the prisoners.

All that's left, is the military withdrawal and the treaty period".

I nodded to her "we don't have a problem with what has been written".

Hamilton seemed unsure, so she turned her head towards Piña, who nodded at her to keep going, Hamilton turned back towards us and continued on "then that concludes the negotiations".

Piña sighed, while all of us decided to go and deal with what we came to Italica for to begin with, after all, we still had to sell the Winged Dragon scales.

Piña, sighed as she got together with Gray, to speak about everything that just went down, Gray looked worriedly at Piña "so, how'd it go?".

Piña looked down "they took several prisoners, and asked us to take care if any diplomatic delegation's security and expenses... and a release from all trade taxes in Italica".

Gray, looked very surprised "those are rather small demands for a victor, so will they occupy the city?".

Piña shook her head "they're leaving immediately."

Gray, was now even more intrigued about all of this "then they barely gained anything out of this! I've never heard of an army that would accept such conditions".

Piña nodded "yes, to make them give up the natural rights for a victor would make incredible negotiations skills

I'd love to know what kind of magic Hamilton used".

In another room, Hamilton was staring at the written documents of the whole situation, in both confusion and disbelieve, she just didn't know how she was able to make all of this go in their favor.

In reality, the JSDF didn't need nor want anything from Italica, so they were quite happy to get rid of any responsibility or charges from the battle and any rights as a victor.

Some time later, Yōji, was walking around the Prisoners and picking the ones we were going to take back to base, though for the most part he was picking any females "her and her, and her too".

Besides him and writing all of this was Kurokawa, Kuribayashi and Serafall, Kuribayashi stared at the last prisoners Yōji picked "the one with a feather in her hair?".

Yoji nodded "yup!"

Kurokawa, raised an eyebrow and decided to ask Yōji, something she was wondering about " you've only picked women".

Yōji waved his hand "that's just a coincidence".

But the girls didn't buy it "that seems unlikely".

But Yōji just denied anything they might be hinting at "it's a coincidence".

Kurokawa sighed "a coincidence, huh?".

Yōji nodded and grinned "yup, a coincidence!".

Both Kurokawa and Kuribayashi, deapanned at Yōji while Serafall giggled "well we can't leave the girls here, even if the agree to treat prisoners fairly, there's no way for us to make sure that they will".

Well that wasn't exactly correct, Serafall knew, that if Rean wanted he could make sure no prisoners would be abused, either with magic or Pokémon, it's too bad that he doesn't care about the prisoners enough to make an effort.

Kurokawa nodded "and them being girls, would mean that the would get abused and treated horribly...".

Soon after, the Helicopters that stayed behind, boarded the prisoners Yōji picked and then began to take off into the sky back to Alnus, the citizens of Italica waved and cheered at them goodbye.

They were very thankful of the JSDF for saving them and the city, plus as far as they know the Pokémon are also part of the JSDF and they know that the reason, not a lot of the died was thanks to them.

Yōji, Kurata and Kuwabara, watched the remaining of 401st company leave, Kuwabara exhaled and the said "okay, we should head back too".

Kurata looked around "huh? where at the girls? or Rean and Serafall?".

Yōji answered Kurata's question "accomplishing our original goal, selling the Dragon Scales".

Kuwabara grunted in surprise "oh, that's right, that's why we're here for, isn't it?".

Yōji looked up at the sky "yup, or it was supposed to be... why did we get caught up in all this trouble?".

Rean was definitely rigth about Yōji, he's a magnet for trouble, and all the fun stuff is always happening around him.

In the home of a merchant.

Rory, Lelei, Tuka, Serafall and I were speaking with a merchant, so the girls could sell the Dragon Scales, Lelei took one out and slide on a table in front of the merchant "we want to sell this".

The merchant, took the scale and brought it up to his face to inspect it more closely "oh, is this a Dragon scale? from its size, I'd say a Winged Dragon?".

Lelei nodded "yes".

The merchant smiled "and how many do you have?".

Tuka then lifted the sacks they had the scales in and dropped them in the table, while Lelei answered the merchant's question "two hundred ".

The merchant gaped a bit, which honestly looked funny to me, the merchant shook his head "two hundred?".

Lelei nodded once again and the went on "we also just received release from all taxes in this territory".

The merchant, chuckled and shook his head in amusement " you became a Special Merchant? congratulations".

I raised an eyebrow "I see, so only Special Merchants are exempt from Taxes in the Special Region, interesting*.

The merchant went on "then that would be 200 gold cinque pieces and 4000 silver denarii, but after the last battle, we've been low on silver".

Tuka and Lelei seemed quite surprised about the amount of money they will be getting, Rory didn't seem to care much, Serafall however, was curious about the whole thing "is that a lot of money?".

I looked up onto the ceiling in thought "well 200 gold of anything is usually a lot, especially since each gold coin, is worth at least 4000 silver coins".

The merchant sighed and then said "I can pay you the 1000 denarii immediately".

Lelei tilted her head "and the rest?".

The merchant raised a hand and the showed two of his fingers "I can give you draft for 2000 immediately, but... ".

Lelei frowned a bit, it seems that the merchant was looking for a deal, I chuckled and summoned charizard behind Lelei, the merchant tense up when he saw Charizard glare at him.

Lelei looked up and noticed Charizard behind her, she smiled and turned back towards the merchant who was now sweating very much, Rory giggled in amusement.

Meanwhile Tuka smiled, she has come a long way now, she used to be very afraid of Charizard, but now she knows that he's a sweet and cool guy, so you can see her hanging around him at times.

Lelei then spoke up "do you best to cover the cost of all the scales, please, we would also Iike some information, you know? for the inconvenience"

The merchant looked down, he slightly turned his gaze towards Charizard, who's jaws lit up with flames, the merchant sweatdropped and then turned his gaze back to Lelei "i-information? of what type?".

Sometimes later, I took the girls back to everyone else, they were all waiting for us very anxious to go back to base and rest for a while, I don't blame them of course.

Recon Three Team has been busy and hadn't had the chance to rest since they got to Italica, they were dragged into a big battle and had to keep watch for hours on end.

So everyone wanted to rest, me and Serafall were fine, so was Rory for that matter, but Tuka and Lelei were beginning to also feel tired, so I quickly took them back to the Team.

Once there I told Yōji and the others about the information, Lelei got for them, Kurata looked intrigued after I told them "information on the markets? and you got it because the merchant inconvenienced you?".

I nodded to Kurata "yup, though the merchant was trying to be sly about the price for the Winged Dragon scales, so Lelei took advantage of that".

Yōji grinned "and Charizard wasn't a big factor in that?".

I shrugged, Charizard only did what he does best, look powerful and scary to those that don't know him.

With having taken care of our business in Italica, everyone got into the LAVs and we began our long trip back to Alnus Base, though a lot of the members of Recon Three Team decided to take naps.

Serafall was once again driving, while everyone else rode and relaxed, Yōji suddenly yawned "man... I'm so tired".

I chuckled and nodded "I bet, it has been a busy two days, that's for sure".

Yōji huffed a bit "your so lucky, you don't need rest! imagine the amount of games and anime you, could play and watch! Rean! pass me that skill!".

I chuckled and shook my head "no way! your already too lazy and too obsessed with your hobbies, it would only get worse, if you don't have the need to sleep anymore".

Yōji whined and made a whole dramatic show in begging me to give him a skill, that would allowed him to no longer need sleep but, I wasn't going to help his Otaku tendencies to get worse.

Serafall suddenly slow down to a stop "guys, there's smoke in front of us".

Yōji gaped a bit and then took a look with his Binoculars "more smoke? jeez".

I narrowed my eyes as I noticed something peculiar about the smoke "wait, that's not smoke".

Serafall narrowed her eyes as well "oh your right, that's dust and it seems to be coming this way too".

Kurata then suddenly yelled "oh! I see a Tiara!".

Yoji raised an eyebrow "a Tiara?".

Kurata nodded and the said "and blonde hair!".

Yōji gasped and said "blonde hair!?".

Before Kurata and Yōji could could continue with whatever this was, I slapped them both in the back of their head which made them grunt and curse out in pain "stop playing around! that's a Knight Company coming towards us.

Look at the flag their carrying, that the same crest Piña has on her flag and armor".

Yōji rubbed his sore head and then took a look through his Binoculars, he then noticed the flag "that tri-colored rose crest... so those are the Knights the princess spoke of?...

Wow, I've never actually seen a girl with ringlets on her hair like that before, so the ringlets girl is the yellow rose and the one with the short hair next to her is the white rose?".

I deadpanned a Yōji "don't give them names like that, you make them sound like a cheap knock off of the Power Rangers or something".

Serafall giggled "ah! so Piña would be the Red Rose!".

I sighed "Sera, don't encourage them".

Serafall just giggled and gave Yōji a high five, I just shook my head in amusement, I then saw the Knights approach the LAV were were riding on.

Pops suddenly called out through the radio "all units, alert status".

Yōji immediately radio back "hold up, old man, no overt shows of hostility, it might violate the treaty".

I sighed when I heared this, I already knew what was going to happen next, but it seems like I was going to have to let it happen, after all, Yōji did make a point, besides I knew he would be fine.

Pops radio back a few moments later "Roger!".

The white haired Knight approached the second LAV, the one Kuwabara was driving and began to ask "where did you come from?".

Kuwabara, answered as best as he could with what little he knew of the language "we're returning from Italica".

The white haired Knight then asked "to where?".

Kuwabara answered as best he could "Alnus-".

The white haired Knight suddenly drew her sword and pointed it towards Kuwabara "the Hill of Alnus?".

The Knights, the moment they saw the white haired female Knight draw her sword, they all began to point their weapons at us, Yōji frowned and immediately radio the rest of the team "old man, don't let any of our guys fire".

I turned my gaze towards Yōji and decided to ask "are you sure? I could handle them, they won't get hurt but I'll make sure they're unconscious".

Yōji shook his head and smiled "no, we finally made some progress for peace, I don't want to ruin that, though get everyone to safety if this turn bad".

I sighed but nodded, Yōji cares way too much, but that's just the kind of guy he is, for now I'll let this play out.

Meanwhile Kuwabara was suddenly grabbed by the front of of his uniform and pulled towards the window of the LAV, by the blonde ringlets girl who yelled "are you the enemy from another world?".

Yōji saw this and got out of the LAV, he then spoke up to the blonde ringlets girls "um, excuse me?".

The blonde ringlets girl turned her head towards Yōji, while he began to try to calm the female Kight down "has my man there done something to offend you?".

But the white haired Knight pointed her sword at him, which made him raise his hands in surrender, she then yelled at Yōji "surrender!".

Yōji looked a bit nervous about being pointed at by a sword, but still tried to calm everyone "now, calm down, we can work this out-".

He was then bitch slapped, really hard, which made me and even Serafall wince "goddamn... I felt that all the way in here".

Serafall nodded, meanwhile, Recon Three Team tensed up while, the white haired Knight yelled at Yōji "silence!".

Pops immediately began to yelled at everyone over the radio "hold fire! hold fire! hold fire!".

Yōji noticed this and turned his head towards me "Rean! get everyone out of here! now!".

I nodded and immediately snapped my fingers, each and every LAV, JSDF soldier and everyone else was teleported away from the area, though I left Yōji behind.

Piña will be shitting bricks once she sees what her Knights did to Yōji, I want her to be afraid and feel dread for this, and I of course will be adding to that fear later.

No one hurts my friends and gets away from it, for now though, I knew Yōji was going to be fine, and he would be even having some fun later, so I wasn't too worried.

Yōji sighed in relief as he watch his team being teleported away, he was suddenly surrounded by swords and spears, which made him nervously sweat, each and every member of the Rose Knight Order glared at Yōji.

While he nervously laughed "damn... I should just let Rean handle this".

That night.

We all gathered around the wall surrounding Italica, closest to Myui's home, the Team was trying to see with Binoculars while hoping to catch sight of Yōji, Kuribayashi sighed "maybe the Captain's dead already".

I chuckled "damn, Kuribayashi, don't kill Yōji off like that".

Serafall giggled and bumped shoulders with Kuribayashi who just smiled at her, Kurata shook his head "don't jinx the Captain like that".

I sighed "well, they did beat the shit out of him all the way back to Italica, despite Kuribayashi being a savage about it, it makes sense to think he might have been killed, though I know he's still alive".

Kurata and Kuribayashi turned their heads towards me, Kurata then decided to ask "you know he's alive?".

I nodded "yup, I can still sense his energy which means he's alive".

Kuribayashi and Kurata nodded, they might hide it well, but I could sense that they were relieved to know Yōji was alive.

Kuwabara then spoke "anyways, well just wait for sunset".

Kurata sighed "I hope the Captain is okay...".

Meanwhile, in Myui's home.

Piña was both livid and terrified about what her Knights had done "what the hell do you think your doing?!".

She was so mad she literally threw a solid gold cup of wine at the blonde ringlets girl, which hit her right above her forehead, the blonde ringlets girl stared at Piña in disbelieve, as blood began to drip from where the cup hit her.

Piña was huffing and out of breath from the sheer anger she was feeling right now, as she glared at the blonde ringlets girl she began angrily speak "you idiots!".

The blonde ringlets girl dropped on her knees and stared in stunned confusion towards Piña, she just couldn't understand why the princess was so angry with her right now.

The short white haired girl, ran up towards the fallen blonde ringlets girl and covered her bleeding head wound with a handkerchief, she was also very confused, as to why the princess was so mad.

So after making sure the blonde ringlets girl was okay, she turned her head toward Piña and said "your Highness, what have we done wrong!?".

Pina sighed "can't you tell!?" the princess looked down and close her eyes in frustration.

She then turned her head to the side, where Hamilton was trying to shake awake Yōji, who was unconscious and completely beaten up.

Hamilton was actually, very scared for him right now, so as she shook him, she called out his name "Lieutenant Itami! Lieutenant Itami!".

Piña stared as Hamilton continued to yelled for Yōji to snapped out of it, but he really did get the shit beaten out of him very harshly, so he was out for the count right now.

Some time later.

After having the servant take Yōji to a guest room and tend to his injures, princess Piña slumped down on her seat and looked like she was in the verge of tears right now "we violated the treaty... the same day it was signed...".

Gray, who had come to the princess to check on her, sighed and shook his head "and they can use this as an excuse to start a war, a standard tactic for the Empire and one they may choose to imitate".

Princess Piña huffed and looked up "and if that happens, we're doomed".

Gray nodded "but thankfully, there were no casualties, why don't we just apologize?".

Piña turned her had towards Gray with an annoyed expression on her face "your telling me to bow my head to him?".

Gray stared into the princess's eyes for a few seconds until he said "would you prefer to fight them?".

That evaporated any annoyance, Piña might had, she knew that Gray had a good point, though that didn't make the situation any better, she looked down and sighed in defeat.

Meanwhile, back to Recon Three Team.

Kuribayashi gasped in both shock and disbelieve, upon hearing something, she just couldn't believe "what did you just said!?".

Kurata raised an eyebrow "I just said that the Captain was probably fine".

Kuribayashi growled "after that!".

Kuwabara sighed and decided to tell Kuribayashi what she wanted to confirm "he might not look like it, but he's a Ranger".

Well, that shocked poor Kuribayashi, who made an odd noise between a gasp and a scream, she then dropped onto the ground in utter shock "n-no way... that's impossible! you have to be kidding me!".

Lelei tilted her head in confusion, she didn't quite get what the problem was "is it a problem if Itami really is one of these 'Rangers?' I don't quite understand".

Kuribayashi aggressively shook her "its just not who he is at all! they undergo hellish training! they have bodies and minds made of steel! they can carry out even the toughest of missions! that's what a Ranger is! not him!".

I chuckled in amusement "comes to show, that you shouldn't judge a book by it cover".

Kuribayashi shook her head again "aghhh! that's completely different! the Captain is a slacker and Otaku! how did he even survive the training!".

Tuka and Rory shared a look, until Tuka began to laugh, it seems like she found Kuribayashi's mental break down funny, Rory just smiled "so Itami is a mighty warrior, then?".

I nodded at Rory "in a way, it just a matter of whether he can get motivated enough, to actually do something but yes, if the situations calls for it, Yōji will pull through".

Rory smiled and nodded "interesting, though... right now I'm more curious about Stars and Dragons".

I sighed and shook my head, I know she's teasing me but, I'm not about to take it laying down, so I reached over and flicked her on her forehead, she yelped and pouted at me.

Serafall raised an eyebrow at me. I gave her a smile and nod, Serafall smiled "I see, so she figured what you are".

I shrugged "some of it, yes, though you'll be surprised about how she did so".

Serafall looked intrigued "oh?".

I smiled and gave her a headpat "I'll tell you about it when we get back to base, it's going to surprise you though".

Serafall nodded "I'm looking forwards to it".

Kuwabara suddenly spoke up "now then, let go!".

Everyone nodded and began to move towards Italica, I will be teleporting everyone into Myui's backyard soon enough, from there we'll sneak inside the mansion and get Yōji.

Or at least that's the plan, I know for a fact we don't have to worry, so we might as well have some fun sneaking around.

Back in Myui's home.

Yōji woke up and looked around in confusion, it took him a few seconds to realized where he was and remembered what happened, but before he could react in anyway he noticed a black haired maid closed by.

The maid smiled at him and the softly spoke to him "are you awake, master?".

That made Yōji's eyes widen and looked around even more, he noticed another maid close by, a red headed one that is and then two very distinctive Maid's as well.

A cat girl and a bunny girl maid were standing at the other side of the bed he found himself laying on, Yōji looked in confusion at the maid "where am I?".

The black haired maid happily answered his question "your in Countess Formar's mansion!".

Yōji relaxed now knowing where he was "the Countess's masion?... that means I'm back in Italica?".

The Catgirl maid served some water in a cup, which made Yōji finally realized exactly, what he was seeing "cat ears!?".

The Catgirl maid heard him say something, so she turned her heads towards him and gave him a smile "is something wrong?".

Yōji got a bit embarrassed at his outburst so he nervously laughed "oh, I'm just wondering what's going on".

Suddenly the very familiar, elderly Maid stepped into the room and smiled "don't worry" she closed the door behind her and then continued speaking "princess Piña has ordered us to ensure that you are treated with the greatest of care".

She then walked up to the front of the bed and went on "and the Knights who treated you so poorly have been harshly punished".

The elderly Maid sighed and shook her head with obvious disappointment in her face "we are so grateful to you for saving this town".

All five maids bowed to Yōji who looked very embarrassed right now, but he still smiled "oh... thanks".

The elderly Maid looked down and frowned "the savior of Italica should never have been subject to such appalling treatment.

If you wish to destroy the city in retaliation, we are prepared to help you, but please, we beg you not to harm Countess Myui".

Yōji shook his head and smiled "oh, don't worry, I'm not going to do that and besides, Rean would kick my ass if ever would even dare to think about hurting a kid... that's kinda scary to think about".

The elderly maid smiled and then bowed again to Yōji "we are ever so grateful for your ccompassionate words".

The black haired maid helped Yōji sit up, while the Catgirl maid helped him drink some water "oh...".

Then they helped him layed down in the bed again, Yōji, wasn't used to getting such care so he nervously smiled and said "th-thanks".

The elderly maid smiled "until you recover, these four will take care of you".

The four maid grab their dresses and bowed to Yōji again, they all smiled at him and said at the same time "master, we are so pleased to meet you~".

The elderly maid smiled and then said "ask the. for anything you might need".

Yōji blushed and being an Otaku meant, that this was a dream come true for him, inwardly he was thinking, that Kurata was going to be very jealous when he finds out about all of this.