Chereads / Pokemon trainer in DXD / Chapter 95 - 95

Chapter 95 - 95

Chapter 95.

Rory, Lelei, Tuka and Serafall, were still in the bath as Rean finished getting his temporary workshop ready, but everyone was glad that Tuka seemed better and more lively than before.

Rory couldn't help but make mention of it "you've mostly recovered from all that then?".

Tuka looked a bit surprised at what Rory just said, but Lelei elaborated right away "you lost your entire family just a short while a go, I'd understood you to been in a state of serious shock".

Tuka looked down, but then she moved her gaze towards Serafall who was sitting in the water with her eyes closed and with a small smile on her face "um, I... I'm okay, because Serafall and Kurokawa have been helping through it, Rean has also been talking to me, but I sometimes wonder if it's okay for me to stay here, when I'm not doing anything to help".

Rory smiled "it's fine, most of the people here just lost their families too".

Serafall opened her eyes and smiled at Tuka "besides, me and Rean would have helped you anyways, he might not show it, but Rean does care otherwise, he wouldn't have helped in anyway".

Rory mischievously smiled "say, what's your relationship with Rean, Serafall?".

Serafall grinned "I'm one of Rean's girlfriends!".

Lelei, Tuka and Rory gaped a bit, Rory then looked intrigued "girlfriends? as more than one? that means Rean has a harem right?".

Serafall nodded "yup~ and he really is the most caring boyfriend ever! he's always taking care of us and making sure we're fine! though right now I'm sort of on vacation with him".

Tuka blushed and began to fidget "d-does he have a lot?".

Serafall smiled, she suddenly turned her head towards Mia who looked confused as to what to do with Shampoo and Soap, so she got out of the bath and walked over to the poor girl, who looked mighty confused right now.

She then gave her a headpat, which snapped Mia out of her confusion and she then looked up to Serafall, the little Maou smiled and began to teach her, how to use the Shampoo and soap.

As she did so she began to speak again "well, we are quite a bit of us, there's me, Yunyun, Wiz, Sakuya, Asia, Yasaka, Ryuu, Tione, Tiona and Artemis... now that I think about it, we're ten in total and I'm sure more will join".

Tuka gaped a bit "... that's a lot...".

Rory grinned "oh? so many girls, how does Rean keep all of you satisfied?".

Serafall lightly laughed "oh, you have no idea the stamina Rean has, it's us who struggle to keep up with him! but let me tell you, we're very satisfied~".

Rory sputtered a bit at having her tease deflected at her, while but Tuka and Lelei were blushing, while having some very lewd images running through their head.

Meanwhile, Serafall began to scrub Mia's head with Shampoo, who then began to scrub Mimikyu's head with Shampoo as well, Serafall noticed Mimikyu and inwardly wondered where she had come from.

Some time later Lelei, Rory and Tuka also began to help the children use the Shampoo and soap, since none of the little girls knew how to use them, Mia Serafall and Mimikyu were now inside the bath, though Mimikyu was floating in the water face first for some reason.

Though Mia found it funny and was giggling at the Fairy and Ghost Type Pokémon's shenanigans, Rory then spoke to Lelei "anyway, you've learned a lot of their language, haven't you?".

Lelei nodded "I'm still studying, and listening to Serafall and Rean speak with the JSDF has been helping me figure out the language better, so now I've started to understand them a little".

Tuka smiled "you mean the green wearing soldiers right?".

Lelei softly smiled and nodded "they're warriors from a country named Japan, and beyond the Gate there are other countries besides Japan, it seems".

Tuka looked interested "other countries...".

Rory widely smiled "that sounds interesting".

Lelei nodded "tere's a whole world we know nothing about, beyond the gate".

Tuka turned her head toward Serafall who was poking the still floating Mimikyu with her finger and decided to ask her something "Serafall, are you from Japan too? you look so different from the JSDF, so does Rean now that I think about it".

Serafall turned her head towards Tuka, she hummed as she wondered what to say but then smiled and shrugged " Rean and I, came from another different world than, this one and the one the JSDF come from, in reality, there's far more than just two worlds".

The girls widen their eyes and stared at Serafall in shock, while she continued speaking "this is common knowledge within the JSDF, but do keep it to yourselves, okay?".

The girls nodded, Rory then smiled "so that's why you and Rean feel so different, I can't put my finger on it, but there's definitely an odd air around you both, just what are you?".

Serafall grinned "your going to have to find out Rory~ no spoilers from me".

Rory pouted at Serafall but then smiled "that's fine, this, just makes this all that much interesting~".

Meanwhile, princess Piña had gone to visit King Duran who has been bedridden since the battle of Alnus Hill, though she never expected him to be in the condition she found him in "King Duran!".

Duran woke up and stared at Piña, meanwhile the princess stared in shock at the condition of the King, the man was now missing an arm and leg, he also seemed so weak as well.

King Duran then spoke uo "princess Piña?... what brings you here?".

Piña sighed and then composed herself to answer King Duran's question "when I was searching for information on Alnus, I heard that a man of high birth was recuperating from his wounds here".

The King sighed and immediately understood what Piña wanted "information? you don't know what happened Alnus?".

Piña seemed surprised by the question, but King Duran continued speaking "you haven't heard anything? about what happened... to the Allied Nation's armies?.

The Imperial Army was defeated before we even fought, yes? the Emperor knew that, and yet he called upon the armies of the Allied Nations anyway... we were a potential threat to the Empire, so he used the enemy to get rid of us.".

Piña's eyes widen, she then rushed to the King's bed side "I-I'm aware that the Imperial Army was defeated beforehand, but...".

Duran saw that the princess truly didn't know, the treachery her father lay upon him and the other kings of the nations" princess, the Allied armies fought to the very end, but our enemy was to our rear".

Piña looked worried "your rear?".

King Duran sighed "don't you understand? the Empire! the Empire was our true enemy!".

Princess Piña, looked like someone had slapped her, as she leaned back and gasped "your Highness, at least tell me what you know of the enemy!".

Piña reached over and grasped the sole arm of King Duran, but the King was in no mood to help the daughter of the Emperor, who betrayed him "if you want to know, go to Alnus Hill yourself!".

Piña frowned and looked down, she knew now that she won't be getting any information, from King Duran, not that she could blame him.

Piña walked out of the building where King Duran is recovering, Hamilton noticed her and immediately turned her towards her, but she instantly noticed Piña's expression and it didn't look good "princess... please don't tell the Knights to charge up Alnus Hill".

Hamilton smiled at Piña, who returned her smiled "I'm not that stupid, but either way, we need to visit Alnus".

Piña then turned her head towards Norma, who was also there along with Hamilton and the elderly knight "Norma, give the order to the main unit to move out".

Norma nodded "right".

Piña then turned her head towards the Elderly Knight "Gray, what's up ahead?".

Gray immediately answered the princess's question "Italica lies between us and Alnus".

Piña narrowed her eyes "Italica?".

A couple of days later.

Itami was sitting inside my workshop, since he was curious about what I'm doing, while I was attempting to make Enchanted bullets, he was staring at his phone which suddenly began to work "yes! I've got signal! I guess they finally put an antenna up in the Special Region, all right!.

Oh! the web novel I'm following got updated! time to check it out!".

Kuribayashi and Kurokawa suddenly walked inside, Kuribayashi immediately went to see what I was doing, while I was trying not to laugh at Yōji who was been an super Otaku right now.

I smiled at Kuribayashi as I handed her a bullet I made and she inspected it, meanwhile Kurokawa tried to speak with Yōji "um...".

Yōji was to focused on his cellphone "oh, wow, I've got go save this! crap! I almost missed it, you never know when a web novel's going to disappear...".

Kurokawa tried one more time to get Yōji's attention "Captain?".

But Yōji was just too distracted "okay, I'm going to check this everyday from now on"

Kuribayashi frowned and her eye began to twitch, she suddenly reared her hand back and threw the bullet she was inspecting towards Yōji.

I watched the bullet soar through the air and nail Yōji right in the forehead, the Enchantment on it activated on impact and Yōji ended up being paralyzed by a Thunder wave.

Yōji screamed in pain, while Kuribayashi and Kurokawa gaped at what happened, meanwhile I hummed and nodded to myself "not bad, not bad, next one, I'll Enchant it with Ember".

After I healed Yōji and got rid of his paralyzed status, he immediately yelled at Kuribayashi "Kuribayashi! did you have to shock me like that? how did you even do that?".

Kuribayashi shrugged, while I chuckled and picked up the bullet she threw at him from the floor "she threw the bullet I made at you, it's Enchanted with Thunder Wave so that's what you felt".

Yōji sighed and then looked at Kuribayashi in betrayal, she just grinned at him, which made Yōji sigh once again "fine... what do you need Kurokawa?".

Kur smiled and proceeded to speak, though I could tell she was trying not laugh at Yōji "just wanted to report to you about how Tuka is doing, she seems to be better now, she's also not getting nightmares as often as before".

Yōji smiled "I see, that's great, what has she been doing?".

Kurokawa smiled "she's been, most of the time helping the children refugees, or playing around with the Pokémon, she's oddly attached to Grass Types and Fairy? Types?".

Kurokawa turned her head towards me, I nodded to her letting her know she got the Typing right, since she never played Pokémon past the third generation, she had no idea about Fairy Types and was quite surprised, when I told her about them.

Yōji smiled "she's keeping herself busy huh?".

Kurokawa nodded, I hummed a bit and then spoke "Serafall told me, that Tuka told her, thats she was a special type of Elf, one that can use Spiritual Magic, that's why she's attached to the Pokémon, they are kinda of Nature Spirits after all".

Yōji looked intrigued "Spirit Magic?".

I smiled and began to elaborate "she can use a magic similar to Serafall's and mine, though hers requires a chant that connects her to the Spirits".

Yōji nodded in understanding "so she's very powerful then?".

I nodded "without a doubt, though she's has an affinity to wind, maybe I should introduce her to some Flying types...".

Meanwhile, Tuka was sitting in a chair while humming to herself, Liligant was besides her and she was dancing around while also using Petal Dance, causing a great number of pink petals to float around her and follow her movements.

Rory approached them and smiled as she saw Tuka's eyes shine, as Liligant danced "Tuka?".

Tuka stopped humming, while Liligant stopped dancing, both turned their heads towards Rory, the petit Oracle smiled at them "what are you doing?".

Tuka smiled "oh, Liligant wanted me to watch her dance!".

Rory gave Liligant a headpat, which she seemed to enjoy "you can understand the Pokémon?".

Tuka hummed and looked up "not understand them per say, not like Rean and Serafall seem to be able to do, it's more like I can get what they're feeling? it's hard to explain".

Rory nodded "I see, I do wonder what the Pokémon are, I really enjoy fighting them but for them to defeat me so easily is very impressive, if not scary".

Liligant suddenly began to shadow box, something she learned from Lucario, which made Tuka and Rory laugh a bit, Rory then spoke "but they're such adorable and kind creatures".

Tuka nodded while Rory began to look around the base "the Pokémon, the JSDF, Serafall and Rean, they're all very impressive, especially Rean who built this cabin for the refugees".

Tuka looked around and nodded, as she stared at the Cabin, Rean had constructed for them, it was certainly impressive, especially because it's was bigger in the inside, that what it seems in the out side.

Tuka then nodded to Rory "he takes care of, get us clothes and makes sure we have everything we need, plus the JSDF has also been helping us and showing us all kinds of amazing things as well, it's actually a lot nicer than living in the forest but...".

Rory looked intrigued and decided to ask what Tuka had on her mind "something wrong?".

Tuka nodded "we'll need to provide for ourselves eventually and I don't really know how.

Its worse comes to worst, we might have to sell ourselves to the Hill soldiers!".

Serafall suddenly appeared out nowhere "... well things turned dark right away huh?".

Both Rory and Tuka jumped a bit since, they didn't even sense Serafall approach them, so both turned their heads towards her, thats when they noticed she's wearing rubber gloves and a rubber apron.

Rory raised an eyebrow "why are you wearing that?"

Serafall turned her head away from Rory's face and began to mutter something about, a stingy Commander not letting her get her toys and making her wash dishes all the time, Serafall then turned her head back to Tuka "never mind that, what was that about selling your bodies to the soldiers?".

Tuka blushed but decided to explain "is just, we're going to eventually, have to provide for ourselves but I don't know what I can do to do so...".

Serafall smiled at Tuka "your a good girl Tuka, but you don't have to worry, Rean is filty rich and I mean disgustingly rich, so you don't have to worry about that, besides if you really want to provide for yourselves you can just ask him to put you to work.

I'm sure Rean can find something for you to do, that way you can have peace of mind".

Tuka and Rory smiled, both we're already thinking about going to look for Rean and ask, suddenly someone else arrived and surprise everyone with the way she suddenly took a big breath.

Everyone stared at the new arrival and they immediately figured out, it was Lelei who was once again wearing a Hazmat suit, Rory sighed "what in the world?".

Lelei then spoke "the outside seems safe, so..." she then took off the Hazmat suit's mask and hood, she then continued speaking "I want you to come with me for a bit".

Everyone followed Lelei to the surrounding area around the JSDF base and showed them what she had found out, both Rory, Serafall and Tuka stared at the dead Winged Dragons all over the place.

Rory looked intrigued "are these... all Winged Dragon corpses?".

Lelei nodded "this is where the Empire and its allies fought the JSDF, I asked Itami and he told me that we can take all the Winged Dragon Scales".

Tuka gasped in shock upon hearing what Lelei just told them" what? but Winged Dragon scales fetch a high price!".

Lelei nodded "the aren't interested in them, supposedly".

Tuka jus stared at Lelei in disbelieve, Serafall hummed "well, it's not like they can use any of them anyways, the JSDF has no means to do anything with something like a Dragon's scales, Rean might be able to make use of them, but he has access to better materials".

The girls nodded in understanding, with the way Serafall explained the situation, they could see why the JSDF wasn't interested in the scales, Lelei then looked back and gazed at Tuka "we won't need to sell ourselves".

Serafall lightly laughed "you girls have an odd way of thinking, then again that might be just the way things work in this world".

Some time later, Recon Team Three gathered by the LAVS and helped Tuka, Rory and Lelei put sacks of Winged Dragon scales on one of the LAVs, Kurata seemed very curious about the whole thing "so we're a delivery service now?".

Both closed the LAV and went to seat behind Rean and Serafall who was once again driving, Yōji sighed and gave a response to Kurata's question "don't say that, it's good for the refugees to provide for themselves, besides, it's a valuable chance to learn about how trade works in the Special Region".

Kurata jus raised an eyebrow while Yōji who was once again on his phone, got excited when another update to his Web Novel was uploaded, I chuckled and turned my head towards Kurata "you shouldn't complain, you weren't doing anything important anyways".

Kurata flinched "yeah, but still..." Kurata sighed in defeat, while I just grinned at him.

The back door opened and Rory, Lelei and Tuka, jumped inside and took a seat inside the LAV, Tuka seemed a bit nervous about leaving the base, which was understandable.

But Liligant suddenly patted her tight and lightly pushed her forward, Tuka squeaked in surprise and the turned her head back so she could look at Liligant, the Grass Type Pokémon just nodded at her.

Tuka looked down but then nodded to herself soon after, she the jumped inside the LAV, Liligant wasted no time in jumping inside soon after.

Kurokawa, Kuribayashi and Pops who were also going to ride in the LAV, smiled and nodded at Tuka, they were really happy and proud, that she was being brave and taking steps forward, albeit with a slight push from Liligant.

Lelei nodded at her and then gave her a small soft smile "let's go together, thanks to Rean we don't have to worry about the Fire Dragon again, besides, The JSDF will be there with us as well, so it's okay!".

Rory, smiled as well "everything will be fine Tuka".

Tuka brightly smiled and nodded to her new friends, Yōji, Kurata, Serafall and I smiled at the way everyone is encouraging Tuka.

We all know, that she's still afraid because of what happened to her, but at the very least, she's making an effort to move forward, despite the fear she's feeling.

Yōji suddenly yelled "alright! let's go!".

Serafall grinned and immediately stepped on the pedal, the LAV immediately took off at high speed down the road with the rest of the Recon Three Team following behind her in two more LAVs.

Back at the base Lieutenant Yanagida and Commander Hazama, we're having a talk, Yanagida sighed "a summons to the Diet?".

Commander Hazama nodded "yes, the Diet wants to know about what caused those civilians casualties from the superior officer on the scene and local victims of the attack, we need to tell Itami, where is he?".

Yanagida shook his head "he just left... for Italica".

Everyone 'except Lelei and Pops' silently sat on the LAV as Serafall drove them all to Italica, Pops was talking to himself about the map they had "so we're on the Tessaria Highway right now, and this is the city of Italica?".

He then suddenly noticed a curious Lelei staring at what he was doing, he smiled and showed Lelei the compass he was using "want to see this?".

Lelei nodded, he then began to explain to her, how to use the compass along with a map to see where your going, Kurata suddenly spoke "they call him the Drill Sergeant from Hell, and now he's grinning like a little girl".

Yōji, Serafall and I lightly laughed, it was true that Pops was an old school soldier and definitely a tough one, but he was also a fun guy to be around with.

Tuka was nervously looking around, she stared at Kurokawa a bit, but when she turned her head towards her, she blushed and looked down in embarrassment.

Serafall saw that through the rear view mirror and grinned "someone has a crush~".

I lightly laughed "you say that, but she acts the same way around you too Sera".

Serafall just giggled, while Rory decided to tease the poor Elf "interested?~".

Poor Tuka gasped and began to shyly moved away from Rory, meanwhile Liligant just tilted her head in confusion, Rory lightly laughed "so that's your type, huh?".

Tuka gaped at Rory for saying that a loud, luckily for her, most of what they were saying flew over JSDF's heads, Yōji however smiled "what are the doing?".

I chuckled "they're having a bit of a girl talk".

Yōji laughed and nodded, Serafall then spoke up "Yōji".

Yōji turned his head towards Serafall "what's up?".

Serafall pointed out her window with her head "there's smoke ahead".

Yōji looked out the window and noticed the black smoke raising up to the sky, at a fair distance away from their current location.

Everyone then decided to stop and assess the situation, Yōji the spoke to Kurata "Kurata, does this highway take us by the source of that smoke?".

Kurata nodded "actually, it takes us right to it".

Yōji sighed "this is the second time we've seen smoke raising into the sky...".

I nodded "that's supposed to be Italica over there".

Lelei suddenly grabbed a pair of Binoculars and used to look towards the where smoke was coming from, she was then surprised at how she was able to see a far location so close to her with the Binoculars.

Yoji scratched his head "I've got a bad feeling about this".

Lelei took another look with the Binoculars and spoke up "that's smoke...".

Yōji nodded "do you know what's going on?".

Lelei took the Binoculars off of her eyes "something people did, a Fire? but it's too big...".

Yōji leaned back and then grabbed the LAV's radio to speak to the other LAVs "all Units, keep a close eye on our Perimeter, we're moving forward, keep a closer eye on the skies, too!".

The other LAVs responded right away and confirmed, that they received the order.

Rory suddenly moved forward and leaned over Serafall, who leaned back on her seat to give her some space, Yōji raised an eyebrow "what is it Rory?".

Rory giggled and then licked her lips "I smell blood".

We all raised an eyebrow at her, though I myself only knew what she meant, things were going to be messy once again and very soon, but I knew that we can handle it.

Meanwhile in Italica, the town was being attacked by a big group of Bandits, only the City's gate was preventing them for making it, into the City itself, on top of the wall stood a group of Archers along with princess Piña.

The Archers took aim and then fired a volley of arrows at the Bandits outside their city walls, Piña nodded and then yelled "we can break their center! push them back!".

More people on the wall, immediately began to tip over the wall, big barrels of boiling oil, the oil landed right on top of Bandits trying to get close to wall, all of them died screaming in pain.

A Bandit leader scowled "damn it! fall back! fall back!".

The Bandits immediately began to retreat, while Piña stared at them do so, she then tiredly sighed and looked back, she then yelled "Norma, Hamilton! are you hurt?".

Hamilton who was sitting on the floor and panting in exhaustion yelled back to Piña "I'm alive! somehow!".

Norma just raised a hand, too tire to even yell, Piña nodded and then walked down the stairs leading down below behind the wall, Gray was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs "how cold, are you not concerned about me, princess?".

Piña just grinned "your safe was never in doubt, Grey".

Grey loudly laughed finding the princess's words highly amusing.

Sometime later both Piña and Hamilton made their way through the city of Italica, they were weary and very tired, but they couldn't show any weakness in front of the townspeople.

Hamilton frowned and then spoke up "princess, why are we fighting Bandits here?".

Piña narrowed her eyes and gritted her teeth "how was I supposed to know? when we got word of a large armed group Invading Countess Formar's territory, I assumed it was the other world's soldiers.

So we raced here, only to find that the remnants of our own allied troops have turned to banditry!".

Princess Piña turned around to yelled at Hamilton some more, but stopped when she noticed that some of the townspeople were staring at her.

She then glared at them and yelled "you there! there's no time to rest! the Bandits will come back! before then, we must dispose of the bodies and reinforce the barricades!.

I've sent a message go the main unit, theree day! if we can last three days, my Knights will be here to help! hang in there until then!".

Soon after both Piña and Hamilton left and arrived at the Lord of Italica's home to rest, Piña took off her armor and immediately sat down in a couch, she then closed her eyes and tiredly sighed.

Suddenly and elderly butler nervously spoke to her, he was obviously worried about the constant battles "Excuse me, your highness".

Pina opened her eyes and turned her gaze towards the butler and immediately knew what he was thinking "what is it? do you want to surrender?".

The elderly butler nervously began to sweat "n-no, I'm just wondering if there's some way to avoid more fighting?".

Piña leaned her body forward and reached for a cup that was on a table in front of her, she then answered the butler's question "it's easy, open the gates".

She then took a drink from the cup, as soon as she finished drinking she continued speaking "in exchange, you'll lose everything, the men will be killed and the women would become the Bandit's playthings... I'm confident I could remain sane after one or two of them had their way with me, but not fifty or a hundred".

The elderly butler, closed his eyes "surely you jest".

Piña closed her eyes and continued speaking "if you don't like the sound of that, then you must fight, as hateful as war maybe, if you get to fixated on avoiding it, you'll end up losing everything".

Then an elderly Maid approached Piña and spoke to her "here you are, your Highness".

Piña turned her head towards the elderly Maid, while she placed a tray of food in front of princess Piña, the princess grabbed a piece of bread and took a bite, she frowned when she tasted it "neither its flavor nor quantity are sufficient...".

The elderly Maid close her eyes and began to speak "if you fill your stomach with rich flavors when your so exhausted, you'll surely fall ill".

Piña stared at the elderly maid as she realized something "you've been through a battle like this before?".

The elderly Maid opened her eyes and answered Piña's question "I once lived in the town of Rosa, it's Imperial territory now".

Piña sadly frowned, it didn't take a genius to understand that the elderly Maid's hometown had been attacked by the Impire and taken over "I see".

Some time later, Piña finished eating and stood up from the couch she was sitting on, she then informed the elderly Butler and Maid of where she was going "I'll rest in the guest room, if it's important news, send it directly to me".

The elderly Maid bowed "of course".

Piña then stopped and turned her head to the side to move her gaze towards the elderly Maid, she then grinned at her "what would you do if I don't wake up?".

The elderly Maid stood up straight and grinned back at Piña "splash water on your face until you do".

Piña smiled "excellent".

Some more time later, Piña layed on the bed of the guest room while staring up at the ceiling "we only have a few trained soldiers and the civilians conscripts... the brave ones are dying first, morale has hit rock bottom".

The princess tighten her hands into fists in frustration " is this is how my first battle goes?".

She then glared at the ceiling "this..." she soon fell asleep, the exhaustion of the battles she had taken a part off and the stress finally took their toll on her and she knew no more as she drifted into dreamland.

In princess Piña's dreams, she saw herself back when she was nothing but a young child, happy and excited about being allowed to create her own Order of Knights.

However, it became quite apparent right away, that no one took her and her Knights seriously, rather they thought about it as her, just playing games, often enough she heard many people laugh at her and her Order of Knights, when they thought she wasn't listening.

Luckly she had the support and help of Gray, who is both a member of her Order and also serving as their instructor, though she always thought that Gray should have been doing something more important, rather than to babysit her and her Knights.

Though Gray always said that being one of her Knights wasn't a bad fate, something that made Piña glad and happy to hear, so at that time, so long ago, she told him not hold back on them.

Gray nodded and trained the young children for years, over time, her Order of Knights grew and became a powerful unit of the Empire, her father officially declared the establishment of the Rose Knight order.

Something that made her very proud, but it soon became evident, that no one took her Order seriously, instead it seemed that her father saw them as nothing but decorations to show off.

This frustrated Piña to no end, but Gray was always there ho encourage her and tell her that some day they would be needed.

Thats why she was both angry and happy that her father had asked her and her Order of Knight to investigate, the enemies from the other side of the GATE.

However her dream was cut off when someone splashed water on her, Piña immediately woke up in a bit of panic "what happened? is it the enemy?".

Both Gray and the elderly Maid stood by the side of her bed, Piña stared up at the Maid who was the one who dumped a bucket of water on her, but it was Gray who spoke answe her questions "I'm not sure if they're enemies or allies, just come with me please".

Princess Piña stared at Gray in confusion for a few seconds, she had been completely taken off guard by both his request and her sudden awakening.

A few minutes later, Piña was taken to the front of the gates of the city, she immediately took a look from a small slide door on the gate and stared at the weird unknown green vehicles outside "what is that?".

Hamilton also took a look and said "an armored carriage, maybe?".

Piña shook her head "no, that's forged iron".

Norma suddenly yelled "who's there!? if you aren't enemies, then show yourselves!".

A young blue haired girl stepped out of one, of the green carriages, Piña immediately noticed something about her "that staff...a true Lindonite Mage?".

A blonde Elf stepped outside soon after, which shocked Piña "and an Elf...true Magecraft and Spirit Magic can make a nasty combination".

Piña suddenly gasped as a third girl stepped out, she immediately recognized who was walking towards the city's gates "Rory Mercury?".

Hamilton gasped in shock, while Gray asked "is that the famous Rory the Reaper?".

Piña nodded "yeah, I saw her once before, at a national religious service".

Gray nodded "but would an Apostle or Emroy really join forces with a bunch of Brigands?".

Piña sighed "knowing that bunch, they might, the deeds of their God, to me, seem to be no more than simple whims".

Tuka, Rory and Lelei walked towards the City's gate together while Gray said "if the priest heard that, there would be trouble".

Piña nodded "I'm sure, but the words of their God are nonsense, nonetheless" they were so busy talking that they didn't notice more people coming out of the green carriages.