Chereads / Pokemon trainer in DXD / Chapter 96 - 96

Chapter 96 - 96

Chapter 96.

Piña's blasphemous words began to worry Gray, so he quickly turned around and covered his ears not wanting to hear any futher negative comments of the Gods from the princess "I-I heard nothing!".

However, both Hamilton and Piña ignored the elderly Knight, Hamilton was far more interested in what Piña was going to do about their unexpected visitors "what do we do princess Piña?".

Piña closed the little slide door on the city's gate and sighed, she then turned her head towards the citizens of Italica, all of them were holding weapons and seemed nervous about everything going on.

Piña then leaned in towards Hamilton and began to whisper to her "if Rory's church had joined forces with the Bandits, Italica would have fallen already".

Hamilton nodded "thats true...".

Piña looked down "but there's no proof they aren't our enemies..." the princess close her eyes and seemed to be struggling, while thinking about what to do *what do I do?*.

She was brought out of her thoughts when someone knocked on the gates of the city, the sudden noise startled them a bit, but Piña recovered quickly "though, if they're not our enemies, then we must get them on our side!".

Piña nodded to herself and then quickly began to open the city's gate to greet its new visitors, but in her excitement she ended up pushing the door very hard and fast "welcome!".

But then she noticed that no one was looking at her, but rather down below her, out of curiosity she looked down, only to gape as she saw that she had slammed the city's gate right into a green wearing man.

Rory, Lelei and Tuka stared down towards Yōji, they watched him twitched in pain on the floor, I walked up to them and looked down at Yōji, I raised and eyebrow and grinned at him "well! that looked like it hurt".

Princess Piña 'who was the one who slammed the gate on Yōji's face' nervously looked up "was that... my doing?".

Lelei, Tuka and Rory nodded while Yōji groaned in pain, I couldn't help but to laugh a bit at the whole situation, Liligant who had come down with us walked up to Yōji and patted his head.

Meanwhile, Yōji's radio went off "Squad Captain, this is Kuwabara, come in, Captain, come in!".

Poor Piña, she looked so scared and nervous that she was visibly shaking, I shook my head and bent down, I then grabbed Yōji's radio and told everyone what happened so the wouldn't worry.

A few moments later.

Tuka was yelling at Piña, while Liligant was healing the bump on his forehead with a little bit of transfered Synthesis "what were you thinking!? you didn't think there would be someone in front of the gate after being knocked on.

Even a Dwarf or a commonote would be more careful! not checking makes you worse than a Goblin!".

Piña physically flinched, it looked like each and every word coming out of Tuka's mouth was stabbing her or something, I shook my head and bent down after Liligant finished healing Yōji.

I then conjured up some water on my hand and proceeded to dump it on Yōji's face, he immediately woke up ad began to cough up some water that went down his nose and throat "Rean! you asshole!".

I chuckled "I'm not the one taking a nap on the floor Yōji".

Yōji finished coughing and looked around in confusion "what?... what I am doing on the floor?".

Rory smiled "oh, your awake now".

Yōji nodded but stilled seemed a little lost "are we inside the gates?".

I nodded to Yōji and then helped him up "yes, you were smashed by the gates when they were slammed open, by the woman over there".

I pointed at Piña, who flinched when I did so, Yōji turned his head towards her and stared at her in silence for a few seconds, he then sighed "oh... so that's what happened, but nothing hurts".

I smiled at him and then pointed at Liligant "that's because Liligant healed the bump on your forehead".

Yōji turned his head and looked down towards Liligant, the prim and proper Grass Type Pokémon slightly bowed at him, Yōji smiled as he watched her do so "I see, thank you Liligant".

Liligant nodded, I then pointed at Yōji's radio, Yōji looked confused, not know why she was pointing at his radio, so I decided to tell him wha Liligant wanted to tell him "you better report in, I told everyone what happened but you need to let them know your okay now".

Yōji nodded and immediately grabbed his radio "this is Itami".

The Kuwabara, immediately responded "Captain, are you okay?".

Yōji smiled "I'm fine, I'll find out where we stand and then contact you, stay on standby".

Kuwabara response right away "Roger!".

Yōji placed his radio back to where it goes and the sighed "so who's glgoing explain whwhat's going on?".

Everyone turned their heads towards Piña 'who jumped in surprise, from the sudden attention she was getting' and pointed at herself "huh? me?!".

Hamilton suddenly got in front of Piña and yelled "impudent fools! this is an affront to the third Imperial princess, Piña Co Lada!".

Yōji seemed surprised and confused, while Tuka seemed intrigued "Imperial princess?" meanwhile, I was trying really hard not to lose my shit and laugh from hearing her full name.

Its just tickled me right and I was fighting with myself so I wouldn't laugh.

Some time later, we were taken to the Italicas Lord's home while princess Piña explained the situation to Yōji "the fortress city, Italica, stands strategically at the intersection of the Tesseria and Appia highways, making it a major commercial hub as well.

For generations it's been ruled by the counts of Formar, Imperial nobility, but when the last count died suddenly, the three daughters he left behind began to struggle for dominance".

As we followed Piña through the hallways of Italica's Lord's home, she continued to explain "the eldest and middle sisters had already married into other families.

They fought over who would be the guardian of the rightful heir, the younger sister, Myui".

Yōji sighed and shook his head "that stuff happens in every world huh?" and I agree with him, greed is something that motivates people into bad and horrible decisions, no matter the world.

Lelei suddenly spoke up "Itami, do you understand what everything she's saying?".

Yōji nodded "there's some words I don't know, but I get the gist of it, is it because I hit my head?".

I grinned "that bump must have rattle your brain in the right direction then".

Yōji sighed "shut up! that really hurt you know?!".

We all share a laugh, Piña then continued on "then the Empire sent the expeditionary force into the other world" Yōji immediately began to pay all of his attention to Pina.

The princess didn't noticed that and continued speaking "the head of every family was expected to lead their troops into battle there.

None returned, as a result, the security situation in Italica deteriorated quickly, to the point where even defending the city is proving difficult".

We all soon arrived at a door and Piña immediately walked up to it "beyond this door lies the current ruler of Italica and countess Formar, Myui".

Piña opened the door and showed us the Countess of Formar, Yōji looked very surprised at her "a child?".

Yōji wasn't wrong, sitting on a throne of sorts, sat a young and very nervous little girl, I think she was around 10 years old or so.

Lelei confirmed my thoughts soon after "I believe the countess turns eleven this year" Piña walked up to Myui while speaking "while she is the head of the family, it's too much to ask her to lead an army.

As such, I'm taking command in her stead".

Yōji sighed "I see...".

It was a horrible situation this little girl found herself in, so Yōji agreed to help with the situation, I also wanted to help as well, I draw the line when it comes to children after all and a little girl, who's almost the same age as my daughters.

Needs help, it didn't take a genius to guess that I was going to agree to help, so Piña then took everyone to a living room so we could talk more comfortably.

Her and Yōji spoke and decided things for a few minutes, while the rest of us relax and listened, Piña then nodded "so your saying you'll help us, correct?".

Liligant was playing with Myui, while everyone else was speaking, Yōji nodded "yeah, we can't axactly sell these Dragon scales with all of this going on".

This was an excuse, Yōji needed a good excuse to justify to base his decision to help Italica, otherwise they might just tell him to leave, Piña nodded "very well, we'll have you guard the south gate".

After some time, we all left Myui's home and went back to the others, Yōji wasted no time to organize everything and everyone over to the south gate, while doing so, that townspeople stare at us in both surprise and nervousness.

But Yōji and Recon Three Team, ignored all of that in favor of getting ready and set up, Hamilton and Piña were looking at them from high in the walls surrounding Italica.

Hamilton curiously stared at everyone "so those are the people in green that everyone's talking about? the ones who killed the Fire Dragon?".

Piña nodded "so it seems...".

Hamilton then turned her head towards Piña "was it really wise to let them in?".

Piña sighed and closed her eyes "right now, we don't have a choice, we need to use whatever we can".

Meanwhile Yōji was reporting in via radio with the base, the general in charge of the Recon units was not happy with what Yōji was telling him "you can't make it back today? what do you mean Itami!?".

Itami flinched but then tried to explain as best as he could, without revealing exactly what we were doing "well, uh, we've kinda gotten caught up in battle".

But the General just got even more angry "why aren't you more concerned about this!? what about the Diet summons!?".

Yoji just nervously responded "oh, yeah, that's right... so I got a request".

Evening soon arrived as we kept guard over the south gate of Italica, Yōji took a look with his Binoculars and caught sight of three Bandits keeping an eye on the south gate "can you see them too?".

Kuwabara nodded "yes, they seem to be scouts, their main force is behind them, five or six hundred, I'd say".

Yōji hummed for a fee second but then raised a question to Kuwabara "think they're after the south gate?".

Kuwabara nodded "it's likely, they don't have enough men to surround the city, the north side stands against a sharp cliff, so they're probably going to concentrate their forces at one of the other three gates.

But what worries me is...".

Yōji sighed and nodded to Kuwabara "yeah, I know... we're a decoy, there are only fourteen of us defending the south gate, which the Bandits broke through before.

That princess plans to make this one look undefended as bait, then she'll finish the battle at the second line of defense behind us".

Kuwabara looked down "will the enemy fall for that?".

Yōji tiredly sighed "she's the commanding officer her right now, so we've got to listen to her, don't we?... oh, right".

Yōji suddenly turn his head towards the others and yelled "tell them we won't need a campfire!" I approached Yōji "you sure your okay with this? she might be the commanding officer, but that doesn't change the fact that she's still naive and foolish to think her plan will work".

Yōji smiled at at me and then shrugged "maybe, but I'm sure she'll learned her lesson, soon enough".

I just shook my head in amusement while Kuribayashi approached us "Squad Captain" Yōji turned his head towards Kuribayashi, while she smiled and handed something to him "here, your night vision googles".

Yōji nodded "oh, thanks!".

Kuribayashi then turned her head towards me "sorry Rean, but we don't have extras for you and Serafall...".

"Thats fine, we don't need then anyways, we can see in the dark".

Kuribayashi awed a bit "thats actually pretty cool!".

Yōji smiled and turned his head towards a member of his squad "Furuta! the final protective line should follow along the fort's walls".

Furuta nodded "Roger!".

Rory walked up to us and gave me a smile, while Yōji began to try to attach his night vision goggles to his helmet, Rory the spoke up to me "so you can see in the dark Rean".

I smiled at her and nodded "that's right, I can clearly see in the dark".

Rory giggled and then grinned at me "that must come in handy in the bedroom, lucky Serafall".

I just chuckled and shook my head, while Yoji laughed at bit, though he still seems to be struggling with his night vision goggles.

Rory saw this and helped him get them onto his helmet, though she also decided to ask something "hey, Itami, why are you helping the princess of an Empire that's supposed to be your enemy?".

Yōji just smiled "to protect the townspeople".

Rory finished attaching Yōji's night vision googles into his helmet and handed it to him "are you serious?".

Yōji put on his helmet and nodded "I think so, yeah but why are you curious?".

Rory smiled "my God, Emroy, is a God of War, he does not consider killing a sin, but that makes your motive very important.

lies and deception taint the soul" Yōji looked down as he thought about Rory's words.

He then smiled "it's to protect the people here, thats not a lie, but there's one more thing, I want the princess to understand that it's better to be friends, than to try and fight us".

Yōji got up and then quickly left with a big smile in his face, Rory began to giggle "he's so innocent, like a child".

I smiled and nodded "thats just the type of guy Yōji is, he's very simple by nature and even though he's priorities lay with his hobbies, he's a kind and good guy".

Rory nodded, she had been keeping an eye on Yōji along with Rean and Serafall, even though we were more interesting to her, she was still curious about him.

Rory then turned her head towards me "and Rean? why are you helping?".

I looked uo at the sky "you mean the princess? or Yōji?".

Rory hummed but then answered my question "both".

I looked up "if I'm being honest here, I don't really care much about the princess, but Myui is a whole other situation.

That little girl needs help with everything that's happening, besides she's the same age as my two daughters, so I would feel bad if I were to just leave and not help her".

Rory smiled but then her eyes widen "you have daughters?!".

Rory's loud question, got everyone's attention, Serafall walked up to us from where she was talking with Kurokawa and Tuka, she smiled as soon as she got close to us "hey~ your talking about Kunou and Wiene?".

I nodded, Rory then turned around to face Serafall and grabbed her face "Serafall! he got pregnant twice!? but he look so young! are you a cradle robber!".

Serafall sputtered in shock, while everyone stared at her "hey! they're our adoptive daughters! well one of them is the daughter of one of Rean's girlfriends! and Rean is older than he looks!".

Everyone then shifted their gaze towards me, I just shrugged "I may look around 17 but because time differences and time dilations, I'm about 20 or 21".

Everyone stared at me in silence for a little while, Yōji then gaped "hey, wait a minute! what do you mean girlfriends!".

Rory let go of Serafall, who smiled and answered Yōji's question "it mean that Rean has a big harem of very beautiful woman!" Serafall then puff up her chest in pride "I help picked most of them~".

Everyone stared at Serafall in quiet disbelieve, suddenly both Yōji and Kurata got onto their knees and clapped their hands together, both spoke at the same "all praise Rean! God of every man's dream!".

Everyone 'except me and Serafall who found it hilarious' sweatdropped at them, Rory then stared at me with curiosity "so you have a big harem?... Serafall mentioned before, how interesting".

Serafall grinned and reached under her skirt, she then pull out a few sheets of paper "I have an application for joining Rean's harem, right here Rory-chan!".

I snapped my head towards Serafall "what? since when?!".

Serafall just smiled at me "Yasaka and I created them just in case the girls and I find more candidates for the family! you never know when we'll find a good woman!".

I just gaped at her in complete shock, Rory grabbed an application and put inside her outfit with a mischievous smile in her face, Kuribayashi suddenly spoke "I'm more interested in how Serafall keeps things inside her dress... that looks very useful".

Tuka, Lelei and Kurokawa nodded, Serafall smiled "oh! thats easy~ it's Magic!".

I just sighed and shook my head, I then turned me head towards Rory "I'm helping Yōji because he's a friend, I'm a selfish person by nature and the things I care about the most, is my family and friends, I would do anything to protect them".

Rory smiled at me "I see... even if it means killing many?".

I stared at Rory, but the I nodded "even if it meant destroying a planet".

Everyone looked at me, Recon Three Team knew I was powerful, but they had no idea of just how much, now, they heard me say that I would destroy a Planet and that pretty much confirmed that at the very least, I'm capable of Planetary destruction.

Rory nodded and smiled "simple and easy to understand, your a very loving man Rean... now I just need to figure out what you are".

I just smiled at her but didn't say anything, meanwhile Serafall began to describe the rest of my girlfriends to everyone, both Yōji and Kurata were both praising me and cursing my luck.

The woman of the group stared at me with curiosity, Serafall explained that harems were normal where we come from, Tuka and Lelei understood since that's practiced on the Special Region.

Kurokawa and Kuribayashi understood knowing that we aren't human, so we didn't follow the same standards that they do, though the were pretty much taken by Kunou's and Wiene's cuteness, when Serafall took out her phone and began to show them pictures.

Night soon arrived, Rory decided to help, both because she said it would be fun and because she now considers us friends, it made all of us happy that someone like her, already consider us friends.

So we waited on top of the south wall of Italica, and we kept an eye for any attacks, so far we've only seen scouts and such, but no really effort of attacking much less approaching the south gate.

However soon enough, disaster would hit where princess Piña and her allies were.

Norma looked into the darkness of the night, as he kept a look out for an attack, suddenly from the very darkness he's staring into, a bunch of yellow and orange light appeared out of no where.

Norma immediately gaped at the surprising sight and then panicked when the lights began to fly towards him and the rest of the people who were also on lookout, Norma snapped out of it and began to yell "enemy attack! the enemy is attacking!".

Most, we're able to take cover along with Norma, but a lot of Archers where taken by surprise by the Fire arrow barrage, that was sent their way, chaos descended on the battlefield as people began to scream out orders "Archers! return fire!".

But because the Bandits weren't thugs but rather what remained of the Allied army, they anticipated how the enemy would react and covered themselves with their shields as the army Archers wasted their arrows.

Norma saw this and decided to sent out a warning to Piña "send a message to princess Piña! the enemy's attacking at the east gate!".

Some time later.

Piña gasped as she received news on what's happening right now "the east gate!?" she just couldn't understand how she had miscalculated how the Bandits would attack.

What the her and her Knights didn't take into account, was that the Bandits, weren't attacking Italica to steal or even conquer, what the Bandits, what remained of the Allied armies were looking for, is death.

Rory stared towards where the battle was taking place and huffed in annoyance "why? weren't they going to attack us here?".

Kurata took a look at his watch "0311 hours, perfect time for a night attack".

Pops who was with them nodded "they might be Bandits now, but they're also trained soldiers, they know their stuff".

Yōji sighed "has the east gate requested reinforcements".

Pops shook his head "not yet".

Yōji looked down "I see".

Serafall and I stood on top of the wall and stared towards the commotion, Serafall frowned "they're going to be overwhelmed pretty soon".

I nodded "yes, but if they do, we'll join in the battle, I'm not about to let a bunch of fools looking for a good death, kill innocent children, plus I already have some of the Pokémon ready to help".

Serafall nodded, she knew the main reason I was helping, was because I felt bad for Myui.

Back in the east gate.

Once the Bandits saw that the Archers ran out of arrows, they began to raise ladders to the wall around the east gate, Norma immediately ordered everyone to get more arrows and shoot down the ones who were climbing up the ladders.

But when they did so, a strong gust of wind blasted the arrows away, before they could even reach the climbing Bandits, this shocked Norma and the Archers.

Norma looked into the enemy lines and saw a green haired young girl, casting magic "a Spirit Wielder?".

The ones fighting with him immediately began to take out axes and smash the ladders to destroy them, enemy Bandits fell to their death as the ladders where smashed and destroyed.

But then the Bandits began to fire back with their own Bows and Arrows, what disturbed the people fighting for Italica was the crazed grin on each of the Bandit's face as they continue to attack.

Soon enough, Bandits reached the top of the wall and began to fight everyone on their sight, most of those fighting were civilians who had no experience in battle, much less wielding a weapon.

The Bandits, were soldiers and so, they easily began to slaughter the opposition, Norma was the only one capable of fighting them off and he tried to take on as many as he could.

As he fought the enemy, he began to notice the disturbing smile on their faces "did the come here seeking a place to die?".

Piña, Hamilton and Gray, made it to the east gate but by now that battle had become even more intense, the top of the wall had been taken over and the fighting was intense.

Piña was in disbelieve at what she was watching "it fell so easily... I had no idea reality could be so different from one's plans".

Suddenly, two Bandits made it to the gates and opened them so the rest of the Bandit's army could come inside, princess Piña clicked her tongue as she watched the Bandits run inside the city.

It was only the barricade that was raised around the gate that stopped them from over running Italica, the poor citizens of Italica were afraid and did not know what to do.

One of the Bandits walked forwards and laughed at them, he then threw the dead body of one of the citizens in front of everyone.

More and more Bandits began to bring more dead bodies and threw them in front of the scared citizens of Italica, this began to enraged them, Piña saw all of this and knew that the Bandits were trying to provoke them "calm down...".

The Bandits laughed and began to step on the dead bodies, some even kicked them around, this finally made the citizens of Italica snapped, especially the young "you animals!".

Piña panicked when she saw someone yelled in rage "wait! hold him back!".

But it was too late, everyone in Italica was enraged "follow Nicola! make them pay!".

This is what the Bandits wanted and so they all widely smiled, a smile full of madness as the citizens of Italica ran forward to attack them, Gray gasped as he knew this would be a slaughter "no!".

Piña just stared in shocked as she watched everything happening in forn of her "why is this happening?".

The woman of Italica began to panick as they watch the man run to fight, one of them suddenly yelled "where are our reinforcements? where are the people in green!?".

But Piña just quietly whispered "even if I call them, they wouldn't come, not after I sent them on a suicide mission to the south gate...".

Princess Piña, was hoping the Bandits would attack the south gate, when the saw that only a few were keeping guards there, she knew that would meant the people in green dying.

What she didn't take into a count, was that the Bandits were looking for death and battle, they weren't here to steal or conquer and so they ignore the lightly guarded south gate.

Instead they attack the heavily guarded east gate and caught her and everyone else by surprise.

We were all watching the fighting from our post, Pops suddenly turned his head towards Yōji "Squad Captain".

Yoji nodded "yeah, I know, what will I do, princess...".

Serafall shook her head "foolish girl, arrogance has no place on the battlefield".

I smiled at Serafall and grabbed her hand, it's easy to forget but Serafall has seen war, and has learned the hard way how the Battlefield can shift plans in a second, she must see a bit of herself in Piña.

Or at least when she was starting off, Serafall looked up at me and I gave her smile "it will be alright Sera".

Serafall nodded and gave me a smile in return, I turned to look towards the Battlefield and from up here I could see that things were getting very bad for them over there".

Meanwhile, back in base.

General Hazama was speaking with other members of the JSDF "Recon Group three has received a request from the city of Italica's representative, Piña Co lada, to provide support for local peacekeeping operations.

They are requesting additional support!".

Colonel Kamo of combat team one suddenly spoke up "please let me handle this!".

Lieutenant Colonel Tusge of the 401st company spoke up next "Combat Team one has finished forming up and is ready to go at any time!".

Colonel Kengun from Combat Team four spoke up "no! it'll take far too long to get there by ground! Lieutenant General, please pick Combat Team 4!".

Lieutenant Colonel Youga of the 401st company spoke up too "we've got the stereo, the loudspeakers and the Wagner CD all ready to go!".

Colonel Kengun grinned "perfect, Lieutenant Colonel Youga!".

Colonel Youga smiled "thank you sir!".

Mew who was, once again riding on top of General Hazama's head giggled in amusement, she found the arguments and the excited way the soldiers were speaking, very funny.

General Hazama smiled and nodded "Combat Team 4 will go, what we need right now is speed! so that's the sensible choice to make".

Hazama then sighed "are they possed by the ghost of Lieutenant Colonel Kilgore? I can guess exactly what's going to happen now..." Hazama sighed again, while Mew just giggled and gave him a headpat.

Soon after Combat Team 4 took off in their Combat Helicopters, while the rest of the Combat teams watched them go, Yōji Itami had requested for back up and they weren't going to keep him wanting.

Back in Italica.

The battle had growned in intensity as the time goes on, Norma who was right in the middle of it trying to continue to defend the wall yelled out orders "defend this area with your lives! this is our last stand!".

Norma immediately ran to battle, and side stepped a jab from a spear, he grabbed hold of it with his free hand and then slashed at the Bandit that tried to kill him with his sword.

The Bandit's chest exploded with blood and fell to the ground dying, however Norma left his back open and was slashed by another Bandit, he took it and gritted his teeth in pain.

He quickly turned around and cut down the Bandit who just hit him, but the exhaustion and injures he had slowed him down, he was immediately ran through by three Bandits.

Norma gasped in pain and he felt all three swords go though his body, the Bandits pulled their swords out of him, Norma began to fall down but a Bandit Commander stabbed him through the chest and lifted his body into the air in victory "the enemy Commander is dead!.

Listen up men! now this is war!" the Bandit Commander then threw Norma's dead body down the wall, we're it crashed on top of the ground.

While the rest of the Bandits cheered in victory, meanwhile the Bandit Commander continued to speak "the murder and death that we sought at Alnus, which our fellows never saw!".

This inspire the Bandits into roaring in excitement, while the Bandit Commander continued on "we will kill the enemy and then we shall die, satisfied!.

That shall be our hymn to Emroy, the God of War!" the Bandits began to beat their shield and raised their weapons while roaring in excitement.

The Bandit Commander grinned "here, we have found our war!" the Bandit Commander began to loudly laugh, a laugh full of excitement and madness.

The citizens of Italica fighting for their city and their lives, saw what had happened to Norma, one of them yelled to inform everyone "the Knight Norma has been slain!"

Piña looked down and tighten her fist in both anger and sadness, Hamilton who was besides the princess stared in disbelieve "Norma...".

Suddenly someone yelled "the east gate had fallen! civilians have entered combat send reinforcements!".

The Civilians tried to defend themselves but in the face of real trained soldiers, they just couldn't compare and were being taken down quickly, Piña shook her head and yelled "we have no reinforcements left to send!".

The Civilians heard this and began to panic, they continued to try to fight, to defend themselves as best as they could, but they were no match for the Bandits.

Piña could only watch on as the people she wanted to protect, we're being cut down, she was very much regretting her decisions and choices right now.

She wished she had not sent away the people in green, while Piña was too distracted feeling sorry for herself, she failed to noticed how every downed Civilian was disappearing in a flash of blue light.

In fact, everyone was so busy with the battle they failed to notice the vanishing injured and almost dead.

High above the sky and watching the battle was Mewtwo who was keeping a close eye on the Battle field, he was the one teleporting the injured and the ones close to death to a special area outside of Italica.

This area was warded and prepared by Rean, for the injured, he can't do much for the dead, because he wants to keep his ability to resurrect a secret, but he can save those who are injured.

Inside this area, there were the Pokemon who were the healers in his team, Pokemon like Chansey and Audino were running around and healing the injured.

Just this once, and for the sake of a young girl forced to take the leadership of a whole city, he would do, far more than usual to help.