Chereads / Pokemon trainer in DXD / Chapter 94 - 94

Chapter 94 - 94

Chapter 94.

Pops, Yōji and I got together to speak about what the villagers decided to do now that the Fire Dragon is dead, Pops hummed and then spoke "so most of the survivors are going to relatives nearby or take refuge at a village or town somewhere?".

Yōji nodded "I doubt they'd know anyone there, though, are they going to be all right".

I clapped Yōji in his shoulder "you did everything you could to help, most people would have left them to their fate, but you didn't and that's what matters".

Yōji smiled, Pops nodded but then continued on "they have bigger problems though".

Yōji's nodded "kids and old folk with no families and the casualties... thanks to Rean there weren't many, but they still left people behind".

The Mayor walked up to us and seemed to be aware of what we were speaking about, very impressive, given that he didn't understand Japanese but he could read the atmosphere "I'm sorry to be so cold... but we have to take care of our own, too".

We can't afford to take care of them, as well".

Yōji seemed to understand the gist of what the Mayor said and decided to ask "will you leave them?".

The Mayor, didn't answer Yōji's question, instead he took off his hat and said "we sincerely thank you".

Yōji undeterstood and nodded, the Mayor and the rest of the Villagers were going to leave the kids and old folk behind, a harsh and cold way of doing things, but it seems that they had their own issues to deal with.

I understood that, you can't always help everyone especially when you can't help yourself, Yōji just smiled knowing that the Mayor wasn't at fault here and that he was just thinking what was best for everyone.

So we decided to say goodbye, things might have not been perfect, and there were definitely things that we didn't like about all of this, but in the end, we all have to do what's best for us to survive.

So we all stood there and waved at the villagers as they left to find a new home, they all waved back while yelling their thanks to us, something the Recon Three Team appreciated.

Kuribayashi even cried a little, everyone noticed but we didn't say anything about it, while Glaceon just rubbed her face on her leg to cheer her up, we were all sincerely hoping that everyone would be alright.

Kurokawa then turned her head towards Yōji " so what do we do, Lieutenant Itami?".

Yōji turned his head towards to the side and stared at the short group of people left behind, five children, tow teen girls, an elderly couple.

We have decided to bring these people with us back to base as refugees, of course Lelei, the old Wizard, Tuka and Rory decided to tag along, Tuka because she had no where else to go.

While the old Wizard and Lelei were curious about us, Rory, I'm pretty sure she's following us to find out more about me and Serafall, but thats fine, she's very fun to hang out with.

Yōji smiled at them and then sighed "well in any case, don't worry, leave it to us"

Most of them smiled, even though they didn't understand any word, Yōji just said they sure felt the intent.

He even gave them a peace sign, though it made him look silly "dude, you look weird".

Yōji turned his head towards me "shut up! I'm trying to put them at ease!".

Everyone laughed which made Yōji turned his head away from everyone, but in the end he just sighed and began to laugh as well, Kurokawa smiled and then spoke "I knew you would say that".

Yōji grinned "I'm humane, aren't I?".

He then raised his voice "all aboard! were headed back to Alnus Hill!".

A few days later.

It took quite a bit of time to go back to Alnus, we were really deep into enemy's territory, so it took us days to get close to Alnus, during that time Tuka the Elf has been dealing with a lot of nightmares.

No doubt about what had happened to her village and her people, Serafall and Kurokawa were always there to help her through it and the nightmares eventually began to come about less.

It will take time, but Tuka will recover both mentally and emotionally of what had happened, she won't ever be perfectly okay with what happened, but she's going to be all right and that's what really matters.

She however seemed to have gotten attached to both Serafall and Kurokawa, not a surprise, since they both sort of dote on her, I've also spoken to her and even showed her some of my powers over Nature.

I did that to put her at ease and it seems to have worked, now when she's having a very bad dream, all I have to do is gather a bit on Natural Energy and she would calm down.

She also seemed very interested in the Pokemon, I've seen her play with both Glaceon and Leafeon, or just hang around Gardevoir and Mimikyu who I asked to stay, so they can help us keep an eye on the children.

So the day we finally arrived to Alnus she woke up with start, another nightmare seemed to have hit her, but she's definitely doing better at handling them.

Kurokawa who was sitting besides her, smiled at her "are you okay".

Tuka nodded "yeah...".

She then looked down at her body and looked surprised at the new clothes she was wearing, I chuckled which drew her attention "sorry Tuka, but Serafall decided to dress you in new clothes while you slept, but don't worry, she didn't let any of the guys see".

Tuka blushed but nodded, she shyly smiled and looked like she found the whole thing amusing, Serafall was after all, always doing something with her and she was already getting used to it.

Yōji who was sitting behind Serafall 'who was driving' turned his head towards Tuka "looks like you woke up, just in time, we're almost there".

Tuka turned her head towards the front window of the LAV and took a look, she awed as she caught sight of the now fully built JSDF base on Alnus Hill.

At a certain village.

"They killed a Fire Dragon!?".

A Bar Maid nodded, this Bar Maid is actually one the Villagers that traveled with Recon Three Team and was retelling what she had seen "yeah, that's right! I saw it myself!".

One of the men listening to her story scoffed "bullshit!".

Another men laughed "you don't expect us to believe that, do you?".

The Bar Maid frowned "but its true!".

Another man drinking nearby grinned "sure you weren't knocked out and dreamed up the whole thing?".

Everyone shared a laugh while the Bar maid pouted "don't believe me then! see if I care!".

However, on a table close by, Piña and three members of her order of knights were sitting there and listening to everything going on in the tavern.

One of the Knights, a brunette, turned her head towards her fellow Knights "what do you think?".

Another one of the Knights, a blonde long haired young man, sighed "what do I think? this bar is filthy, the beer's nasty, and so is the food".

The other Knight, a blonde short haired elderly man frowned "Norma, we are on a secret mission to Alnus Hill and we're talking about the Fire Dragon-".

But he was cut off when Piña spoke up "you're too loud, Hamilton, keep going".

The brunette female knight nodded "right, this rumor's spreading like wildfire, a band of mercenaries in green clothes, while evacuating the residents of Coda Village actually killed a Fire Dragon".

Norma grunted "there are all kinds of Dragons, from Ancient Dragons to Newborn Dragons and Winged Dragons, too".

However, Norma was cut off when the Bar Maid walked up to ther table to bring more drinks "it was a real Fire Dragon!".

But Norma scoffed "you can't fool me!".

The Bar Maid narrowed her eyes at Norma "I saw it with my own eyes!".

Hamilton, wanting to know more do she decided to ask "would you please tell us more about the ones who defeated this Dragon?".

The Bar Maid looked up as she thought about Hamilton's request "oh, hmm, I don't know...".

Hamilton smiled and the took out two coins "I believe you!".

The Bar Maid swiftly swiped the coins off Hamilton's hand "thank you, young Knight! I'll have to tell you a special story, then!.

When the Dragon's attacked us that day, they saved us! they had a magic weapon that looked like a great iron cock, rode in mighty, unyielding wagons, and were all dresses in green.

They also had these fantastic and very smart creatures! there were blasts of Ice, fire and green energy! it was an amazing sight!".

Back with Yoji and everyone else.

We had finally arrived back to base, Yōji and I quickly left to report, while the rest of the team stayed behind to help the people who came with us settle down.

Before we left, I was able to see the people who came with us, Rory, Tuka and Lelei awed at the main base, I even heard Lelei ask, if this was our fortress as I left with Yōji.

I went with Yōji to report to the Recon Team's leader, he of course wasn't happy that we have brought people with us "w-who told you that you could bring them here?".

Yōji flinched from being yelled at, but just stayed quiet as the Recon Team's leader loudly groaned, Yōji couldn't help but to ask "huh? was it a bad idea?".

The poor stressed leader sighed "of course it was...".

Yōji sighed "then what should we do?".

This guy, I swear, I kinda feel bad for everyone in the base with the way Yōji acts sometimes, the team leader suddenly slammed his fist on his desk "that's what I want to know!".

I just raised my hand "it's fine, I'll take responsibility for this, so you both just relax".

Yōji teared up and then tried to hug me, but I kept him away with my hand "come on man! your a grown ass man! stop it!".

But Yōji gave zero fucks "come Rean! you deserve a hug and a kiss! come here you beautiful bastard!".

"Get off!".

The Team's leader sighed and then muttered to himself "I'll just report this in...".

Some time later, in the Lieutenant General Hazama's office.

A high ranking JSDF officer was giving the General the report of Yōji's adventure "Lieutenant General, the reports are ready for you review".

However, high ranking officer sweatdropped as he saw Mew, sitting on top of the general Hazama's head and staring at him with her big bright blue eyes, though the General didn't seemed to mind "oh, did we learn anything?".

The High Ranking officers stopped staring at Mew and nodded to General Hazama "the language is giving us a bit of trouble, fortunately Serafall and Rean have been able to help everyone learn faster, we also essentially made peaceful first contact".

General Hazama began to read the repost while the High Ranking JSDF officer went on "most of them appear to be humans, and practice agriculture and forestry.

There's more about their manufacturing and trade goods in the documents".

Hazama read the documents, Mew was also reading while still sitting on top of Hazama's head, the poor JSDF officer did not know how to react or say at the image before him, so instead went on with his report " every village seems to have a village elder, but we have no detailed information about their political structure

I hope we can invite a number of them here" the JSDF officer sighed.

Hazama looked up from the documents "wouldn't that be a bad idea? even with Rean and Serafall helping, were still having problems with communication.

We don't want them to turn around and say we kidnapped them or force them to come here".

The JSDF officer nodded "luckily for us, Itami's squad under Rean's advice took in several refugees, refugees can be easily explained to any observer, military or otherwise".

Hazama smiled "under Rean's advise huh? I see, so Itami chose to take refugees and Rean is covering for him".

Mew giggled which pretty much confirmed what General Hazama just said "yeah! thats fine with me".

Yōji was back with the Team's leader who looked ready to pop a blood vessel "so yes, we've been permitted to take in the refugees on humanitarian grounds.

Lieutenant Itami, you are ordered to provide for them refugees and observe them".

Yōji raised an eyebrow "I've got to take care of them?".

The Team's leader nodded "yeah, so... get going! and get out of my sight!".

Yōji practically ran out of the Team's leader office, he immediately went to to his team to get everything ready to provide the refugees with what they need "Kuribayashi and Kurokawa are to get rations from the mess.

Kuribayashi hummed "Rean already got them food, he even said that he'll be making sure they all eat".

Yōji smiled "that guys is the best~".

Kuribayashi frowned at Yōji "your only saying that because, he's making your job easier".

Yōji flinched as if hit by Kuribayashi words but decided to keep going "Kurata and Tomita, you guys get tents from the post engeineer, I'll handle the paperwork".

Kurata grinned "Rean already made them a wood cabin and even expanded on the inside, so they can have more room, plus the cabin also has multiple rooms.".

Yōji smiled but seems a bit embarrassed "geez, now I'm starting to feel guilty".

Kurokawa smiled and nodded "yeah, it seems Rean knew it would take some time for us to be approved to help, so he decided to do something about it himself, more because of the children than anything else".

Yōji nodded and decided not complain too much this time, after all Rean already took care of most of the work, perhaps he should do something nice for his new friend.

However as Yōji and his Team were walking through a hallway, Yōji was suddenly called out by the same High ranking JSDF officer who was giving General Hazama a report, not that long ago "hey Itami".

Yōji turned his head towards who had called him "Lieutenant Yanagida".

The now revealed Lieutenant Yanagida smiled and played with his hair "come with me for second".

Both Yōji and Yanagida went to the rooftop to talk, though Yōji was very confused as to what did Lieutenant Yanagida wanted to talk about him about.

Once up there Yanagida decided to be straight with Yōji "you did it deliberately, didn't you?".

Yōji however, had no idea what Yanagida was talking about it "did what?".

Yanagida frowned "don't try and fool me, you never missed a single check-in but after the fight with the Dragon, you suddenly had comms trouble.

You didn't want to be told to abandon the refugees, right?".

Yōji nervously smiled "well, uh, this is another world, could've been due to a magnetic storm or the ionosphere, right?".

Yanagida lightly huffed "you goddamn liar".

Yōji sighed and wondered what Rean and the others were doing right now, maybe they were doing something fun while he had to deal with this.

At the same time.

After having created a wood cabin for the refugees and created a bunch of furniture and what not, with my Power of Creation, I decided to cook something for the refugees while, Serafall helped set up each room for them.

It was funny to watch the refugees watch me make them food they never seen before, with ingredients that looked very unique, Tuka suddenly grabbed an Oran Berry I had on the table, which I made with my power over Creation.

She stared at it in curiosity making me chuckle while chop some Berries for some shakes "go ahead and eat it, it's very delicious and healthy too, it can even heal minor wounds".

Tuka looked at me in surprise but then nodded and slowly took a bite out the Oran Berry and then squealed in surprise "it's delicious! and so juicy too! what's is it?".

I smiled at her "is called an Oran Berry".

Tuka smiled and continued to eat the Oran Berry, mean while Lelei was staring at the stove I created for the refugees cabin, she looked mighty curious about everything I created.

She has also been silently watching everything Serafall and I did as well, Serafall had quite a bit of fun confusing her by striking poses out of nowhere while Lelei stared at her.

Rory was sitting on top of the kitchen table as she watched me cook with a mischievous smile "Rean~".

I raised an eyebrow at Rory, who just smiled "feed me a Berry too~".

I just chuckled and shook my head, I then cut a Pecha Berry and fed her a slice, she was going to say something, no doubt some sort of tease, but she stopped and squealed in delight from the very delicious and sweet Pecha Berry.

The kids who were also in the kitchen and hanging out with me as I cooked, began to ask for berries too, so I called over Gardevoir and asked her to cut slices for them while a cook.

Gardevoir grinned and she held the knife and swiftly sliced the berries with style, earning a clap from the kids and awed looks from Tuka.

Meanwhile I hummed while I continue to cook for the refugees and even prepare some things for the Recon Three Team, who were going to come over and bring some stuff the refugees can use.

Back in the rooftop.

Yanagida continued to speak "look, the Special Region is a treasure trove for us, its inhabitable land with an abundance of resources and no pollution to speak of.

We're even starting to find mineral deposits that could turn world economy on its head and our civilization is far, far more advanced.

There's a world like this, and the only gate to it opened in Japan, the Government had no idea how to handle all of this... luckily Rean helped then and us prepare and even warned us about other nation's intentions".

Yanagida looked up at the sky "the people in Nagata-chou want to know one thing..."Yanagida turned his head towards Yōji "is the Special Region worth turning half the world against us?"

Yōji frowned "and if it is?".

Yanagida sincerely answered Yōji's question "in politics, the country with the most assets wins, this is an extreme example, but if controlling the Special Region let's us survive being cut off from the rest of the world, we would make a choice like that".

Yōji sighed "Yanagida... but all I did was bring back the refugees".

Yanagida nodded "you built a relationship of trust with the people of this land, you're the person closest to the most crucial information plus, it seems that you have our secret weapons on your side as well".

Yanagida began to walk away "Itami, in a few days your going to be given a great amount of freedom to act, put it to good use".

Yōji frowned and turn to look up at the sky "sigh... why is it always me?".

Despite looking aloof most of the time, Yōji was feeling pretty stressed, a lot had happened in a short amount of time and as always, he was right in the middle of it.

He doesn't regret helping the villagers nor bringing the refugees back to camp, but it's seems that lately, his decision seem to always bring about more things for him to deal with and it was beginning to get to him a bit.

Suddenly, he heard a loud cry, he turned his head towards where the loud cry came from and gaped as he saw none other than Ho-oh, the Legendary Pokémon flew through the sky as it glowed with the colors of the rainbow.

Yōji didn't know why, but watching a real breathing Ho-oh brought him a sense of wonder and peace, which made him smile "Pokémon huh? what was that Legend in the game? or was it the anime?... eternal happiness for catching sight of Ho-oh, I think".

The next couple of days we're spent helping the refugees adapt and to make sure they had everything, the wood cabin I made, was just for temporary use.

So the JSDF began to work, on constructing them real homes, Lelei and Tuka would always walk around and curiously ask or watch everything going on.

Though Tuka would often feel melancholy, about the fact that her dad wouldn't be able to see all of these amazing new things, there were times where she would still get sad but she was doing better, plus she had Serafall and Kurokawa, for whenever she wanted to talk.

I ended up summoning more Pokémon, now that the base had been built and there was more space, I decided to let them roam around, though I also summoned a few of the big one.

There was no space for all them right now, plus they might terrify the refugees, given that most of them were big Dragons, they were already wary of Charizard as it is.

My best buddy took their weariness like a champ and just opted to keep his distance, little by little they began to get used to him, especially because he tends to help around a lot.

The JSDF was also getting used to being around Pokémon, most of them were very excited to have them around and could be seen taking pictures or even spending time with them.

Something my Pokemon seemed to enjoy, they even joined in the training with JSDF, which was funny to see, especially because when thet did, they would wear green military helmets.

Gardevoir really liked the helmet along with Glaceon, both of them refused to take it off now, Rory interactions with the Pokémon were hilarious as well.

She would either hug them or fight them, the Pokémon would take it in fun and would proceed to beat her silly, to the point of leaving her on the floor beaten and defeated, but with a big smile on her face.

It seems that she enjoys a good challenge and my Pokemon can provide that easily, though she's very clingy when she's hurt.

She always goes to me to heal her and would moan and complain for me to do so until I did, especially because I wouldn't tell her how my Pokémon are able to actually hurt her and ignore her Regeneration and resistances.

The first time she was left on the floor bleeding and hurt she had been shocked, I healed her of course, but she had been very curious about that since then.

Anyway today, I was cooking with the other cooks for the refugees and the JSDF Camp as a whole, when Torterra walked over to me, on his back was laying a very beaten and injured Rory, though she had a very satisfied smile in her face.

I smiled at my Grass and Ground Type Pokémon and cleaned my hands, I then bent down and gave him a headpat "hey there buddy, teaching Rory who's boss huh?".

Torterra smiled and nodded, it hasn't been that long since he had evolved from Grotle and was trying to get used to his new mass, Rory giggled "no matter what I did, I couldn't hurt him ow...".

I chuckled and stood up, I then walked over Torterra's side and grinned at Rory "are you a masochist or something? you always end up getting very hurt when you fight my Pokemon".

Rory smiled "but it's very fun~ besides, you don't want to fight me, so I have to find something fun to do".

Rory actually pouted at me, which I just grinned at, she has been wanting to fight me for a while now but I'm always doing something or the other in the base, so I had to say no.

She understood though, but she still complained about once in awhile "if you and I fight, your just going to end up worse that your are now".

Rory's eyes shined and she smiled at me "but it would be fun to have a battle! I can tell, you know? you might be able to mask what you are from me but I can tell you like to fight, that you have killed hundreds~ and that just excites me even more!".

I raiser an eyebrow at her "kinky, but stop talking so I can heal you okay?".

Rory laughed a bit but nodded and I began to heal her with Healing Circle, suddenly I heard one of the cooks speak "ah! this is a Daikon Radish, Daikon".

Both me and Rory turned our heads towards the cook and saw Lelei standing there, she looked up at the cook and spoke "Daikon?".

The cook nodded "yup! Daikon".

She leaned forwards and stared intently at the plate filled with peeled Daikon "Daikon...".

Soon after, the refugees gathered on a table we set up outside the wood cabin and served lunch there, Yōji appeared and spoke to everyone "okay, please go ahead and eat".

I smiled at him since I was serving everyone more food "your getting better with the language".

Yōji grinned "that's thanks to you and Serafall helping everyone learn".

Suddenly Kota, the old Wizard took a bite out of a fresh baked bread and yelled "it's delicious! this bread is amazing! it's so soft!".

I just shook my head at the over dramatic old man and gave some pastries to the kids who were laughing at the old man, meanwhile Lelei was repeating all the new words she had learned today "Daikon, bread, chopsticks...".

She suddenly grabbed her chopsticks and close her eyes and seemed to be praying, Kota noticed this and decided to ask "aren't you going to eat, Lelei?".

Lelei didn't open her eyes but did answer Kota's question "the JSDF people always say something before they eat" Lelei smiled and opened her eyes "Thank you for the meal".

Me and Yōji smiled as we watched Lelei thank for her meal like any Japanese born person would, Yōji chuckled "she's very smart huh?".

I nodded "and curious too, she's learning the language by listening to everyone talk, I wouldn't be surprised, if she begins to fluently speak Japanese soon".

Yōji smiled " nice".

During the next few days, the news that the JSDF fought a Dragon and had civilian casualties began to spread around the world, many began to create lies or misinformation.

The Prime Minister of course was fast to clear things as best as possible and clarified that the civilians casualties were caused, by a natural disaster unique to the Special Region classified aa a Kaiju, or rather a Giant Monster.

This alleviated some concerns, but many were very worried and concerned, some Nations however, were frustrated of the fact that Japan had access to the Special Region.

Many wanted access to it and it resources, but chose not to do anything because there were still a lot of unknowns, so they kept friendly relationships with Japan for now.

Japan continues to have the attention of the world and the lack information of what the JSDF is exactly doing, wasn't helping with the tensions building up internationally or domestically.

Meanwhile back in the Special Region.

Yōji ran through the base at full speed and with a face full excitement, he suddenly stopped at a tent and pushed the flap open, he wasted no time in going inside and then taking his clothes off to jump into the bath "this is bliss!".

In the last couple of days, the JSDF had built a few public baths for the soldiers and the refugees, for the soldiers, this was something very much needed and missed.

For the refugees however, this was something new and amazing to them, many of them had never even seen a bath before, so it was very well received, especially for the woman.

Rory had decided to go take a bath, especially since she had been fighting with Froslass and was feeling mighty cold right now, but as soon as she walked in she saw Serafall and Tuka taking their clothes off.

Serafall noticed Rory and immediately smiled at her "Rory!".

Rory smiled at Serafall and waved at her, meanwhile Mia the little girl walked in as well and smiled when she saw Serafall, who immediately walked up to her and hugged her.

Rory laughed "so there was someone here already?".

Tuka nervously spoke "uh, well...".

Suddenly, someone came in wearing a whole Hazmat suit which scared Mia, Rory gaped surprised as she stared at the strange person that just stepped inside the bath.

Serafall giggled "been having fun, huh? Lelei?".

Lelei took off the mask and hood of the Hazmat suit and nodded "I went outside to investigate... I borrowed this and now I'm all sweaty...".

Serafall laughed, while everyone sweatdropped, Lelei just sighed and began to take off the Hazmat suit to take a bath.

A few moments later, the girls decided to all jump inside the bath to relax and clean up, Rory sighed and enjoyed the hot water "this feels so good~ I can't believe they'd build a real bath in a place like this".

Lelei nodded "I've never had bath indoors either".

Rory smiled "you too?".

Lelei nodded and turned her head towards Rory "I was originally part of a nomadic tribe called Rurudo, so I've only ever bathed in rivers and streams, did you have an indoor bath, Priestess?".

Rory smiled "call me Rory".

Lelei seemed a bit surprised but nodded "then, you can call me Lelei".

Rory then nodded "thats right, the temple had a luxurious Imperial Bath, but as an apostle, I'm fated to wonder throughout the land, so I'm pleasantly surprised to find a bath like this in the middle of nowhere".

Serafall sighed "sounds tough, I couldn't imagine not taking a bath every night, its a great way to realx after all".

Rory smiled "so you can take baths like these everyday? how? there weren't any until recently".

Serafall smiled, her and Rean would go to the PokeHome and go inside the Pokemon Center to use the baths there, since they have arrived in the Special Region.

But because both her and Rean were having fun teasing Rory with information about themselves, she decided to smiled and say "Rean has his ways".

Rory pouted at Serafall, which made the little Maou giggle, Lelei then spoke "Itami said there would be a bath every day".

Rory, turned to look at Lelei "Itami?... oh, of the JSDF, though I'm more interested in Serafall and Rean".

Serafall smiled while Rory just shrugged, Tuka suddenly spoke "um, where has Rean been? i haven't seen him around on a while?".

Rory, Serafall and Lelei stared at Tuka who blushed "I was just wondering... he's always doing something interesting so I was curious about it".

Serafall smiled "Rean is busy building a workshop while also getting anything he needs to start working in some projects, I'm sure you'll seen him around soon".

Tuka looked "I hope so, I still haveto thank him for killing the Dragon and helping me whenever he could...".

Serafall moved closer to Tuka and hugged her, which caused her to blush, but before she could say anything Serafall spoke "Rean knows your thankful already Tuka, so you don't have to worry to much".

Tuka looked down towards the hot water and slightly nodded "I see... I still want to thank him".

Serafall nodded "I'll take you to him later, okay?".

Tuka nodded and smile "okay".

At the same time.

I had just finished building a small workshop, with this, I will be able to Enchant, experiment and craft new things from any new resources I find here in the Special Region "but first, let's make a new weapon for Kuribayashi".

Charizard who was behind me, already wearing his apron and googles happily roared, he's definitely looking forward to working with me.

It made me happy, suddenly I sneezed, which made feel weird "huh? someone must be taking about me... probably Serafall or Rory, but whatever! let's have some fun Charizard!".

Charizard nodded and together we began to work on a few projects, I wanted to get ready for the Recon Three Team and Yōji.

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