Chapter 10: First Encounters
[On Route 1]
[2:45 PM]
< Alex's POV >
Excitement bubbled in my chest, a restless energy urging me forward as I walked the worn path of Route 1. Sunlight dappled through the sparse trees lining the route, painting shifting patterns on the ground. A vibrant tapestry of bushes and shrubs thrived on either side, promising hidden corners and the rustle of unseen life – wild Pokémon. Ace, a warm, feathery weight on my right shoulder, seemed to share my eagerness, his bright eyes scanning the foliage. "More Pokémon, Ace," I murmured. "More allies. That's how we'll get through this." A thrill of anticipation, mixed with a touch of nervous excitement, tightened my stomach.
Just then, a subtle rustle in the leaves overhead snagged my attention. A few paces ahead, perched on a sturdy oak branch, sat a Rattata. Back to us, oblivious, it was engrossed in nibbling a bright red berry.
Level: 4
[Gender]: Female♀️
HP: 17/17
The familiar blue notification shimmered into existence. Remembering the 'Pokémon Status' function, I accessed the feature.
[Pokémon Status]
• You can view the information regarding the Pokémon you have on hand.
1. Pidgey ♂️
• Pidgey ♂️ | Ace
Level: 5 (To next level: 13 Exp.)
[Type]: {Flying}
[Ability]: Keen Eye, Big Pecks (Hidden)
[Nature]: Jolly
* HP: 20/20
* ATK: 11
* DEF: 10
* SP. ATK: 9
* SP. DEF: 10
* SPD: 13
* Tackle (Beginner: 46/100%)
- Power: 40
- Accuracy: 100%
- Type: Normal
- Effect: A physical attack. Makes contact.
* Sand Attack (Beginner: 13/100%)
- Power: --
- Accuracy: 100%
- Type: Ground
- Effect: Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.
* Feint Attack (Novice: 7/100%)
- Power: 60
- Accuracy: --
- Type: Dark
- Effect: This move does not check accuracy. It will always hit, unless the opponent is in the semi-invulnerable turn of Fly, Dive, Dig, etc.
Jolly Nature, huh? I mused. The hidden ability, Big Pecks, was a welcome bonus too. Move Mastery levels – Beginner, Novice… Layers upon layers in this new world.
"Hey buddy," I whispered to Ace, "Ready for your first real fight? What about that Rattata?" Ace's bright eyes sparkled. He nodded eagerly. "Alright then. Let's surprise it! Tackle attack, full force!"
Ace launched himself towards the Rattata. The impact sent it tumbling from its perch.
Oof. Felt that. I thought, sympathy fleetingly present. Ace landed on the branch, feathers ruffled with pride. I approached the fallen Rattata, confirming it had fainted. Retrieving a Poké Ball, I tapped it against the Rattata. A red beam erupted, engulfing the small Pokémon. The ball dropped, pulsing red. Shaking once, shaking twice… The Pokéball closed with a click.
[Pokédex Updated]
Rattata #0019
[Type]: {Normal}
Mouse Pokémon. Will chew on anything with its fangs. If you see one, you can be certain that 40 more live in the area.
[Quest Completed]
Defeat Your First Wild Pokémon:
A wild Pokémon has appeared! Use your new starter to win your first battle.
- 200 EXP
- 1 Potion
[System Notification]:
You have leveled up! Reached Trainer Level 2.
• +5 HP
• +1 to all stats
• +10 bonus stat points are now available for distribution (can be allocated from Level 5 onwards).
[System Notification]:
1 Potion is transferred to System Inventory.
[New Achievement Unlocked]
★ First of Many ★
• Catch your first Pokémon.
- EXP Gained: +50
One-hit KO. "Good job, Ace!"
Ace chirped, returning to my shoulder, preening as I scratched him. Time for a break. I settled on a mossy patch, Ace nestled against my neck. Sandwich and Pokémon food break.
Gazing at the Rattata's Poké Ball, red button unlike Ace's white, I recalled registration instructions. A Rattata… One of Professor Oak's starters. Disappointment flickered, then faded. A Pokémon is a Pokémon. Pokédex entry was interesting… 40 more? Maybe more captures weren't bad.
During the brief rest, I pulled out Emma's hair clip, its familiar silver cool against my palm. Twirling it between my fingers, I stared at its worn surface, a tangible link to her. "I'm coming for you, Emma," I murmured, the promise resonating in the quiet of Route 1. "No matter what world we're in, I'll find you." A fresh wave of determination solidified my resolve. Emma was out there, and finding her was a promise I intended to keep.
Curiosity outweighing disappointment, I checked 'Pokémon Status'.
[Pokémon Status]
• Pidgey ♂️ | Ace
Level: 5 (To next level: 1 Exp.)
[Type]: {Flying}
[Ability]: Keen Eye, Big Pecks (Hidden)
[Nature]: Jolly
* HP: 68/68
* ATK: 8
* DEF: 8
* SP. ATK: 8
* SP. DEF: 8
* SPD: 9
* Tackle (Beginner: 47/100%)
- Power: 40
- Accuracy: 100%
- Type: Normal
- Effect: A physical attack. Makes contact.
* Sand Attack (Beginner: 13/100%)
- Power: --
- Accuracy: 100%
- Type: Ground
- Effect: Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.
* Feint Attack (Novice: 7/100%)
- Power: 60
- Accuracy: --
- Type: Dark
- Effect: This move does not check accuracy. It will always hit, unless the opponent is in the semi-invulnerable turn of Fly, Dive, Dig, etc.
Ace neared level 6. I checked my status.
[System Interface V1.0]
[User Profile]
[Name]: Alex Trent
[Age]: 16
[Level]: 2 (EXP: 174/250)
[Hometown]: Not selected
[Trainer Class]: Beginner
[Title(s)]: None
[₽]: 1500
[Badges]: Nil
[HP]: 105/105
[MP]: N/A
[STR]: 7
[END]: 9
[DEX]: 8
[INT]: 12
[CHA]: 10
[LCK]: 21
Bonus Stat Points Available: 10
1. Observe (Passive) Lv. 2/15
* Effect:
a. Lv. 1 - Basic Information:
* For Pokémon: Provides name, species, and level.
* For Humans: Displays name, age, and profession.
b. Lv. 2 - Status Effects:
* For Pokémon: Can identify current status effects (e.g., poisoned). Can also identify gender.
* For Humans: Indicates emotional state (e.g., nervous, confident) and any current physical conditions (e.g., injured).
* Identifies potentially important findings/objects, guided by an 'unknown entity'.
* Poké Balls: 5
* Potion: 6
* Poké Balls: 5
* Potions: 6
* Antidotes: 6
* Paralyze Heals: 6
* Food Supplies: Enough for both Alex and Ace until reaching Viridian City.
* Phone:
~ Installed Modules on Phone:
1. Map
2. Trainer ID
3. Calls and Contacts
4. Camera
5. Pokédex
6. Pokémon Status
1. Visit Viridian City:
a. Clerk's Gift
* Meet the PokéMart clerk. They'll give you an item that will help on your journey.
- Map of Kanto
- 100 EXP
b. Checking In
* Visit the Pokémon Center.
Reward: ???
1. Unlock System Interface.
2. Open Map App.
3. Open Trainer ID App.
4. Choose Your Starter Pokémon.
5. Defeat Your First Wild Pokémon
1. ★ First Step Into The Pokémon World ★
2. ★ Meeting The World Protagonist ★
3. ★ First of Many ★
1. Kanto Region:
~ Pokémon Seen: 2
~ Pokémon Registered at the Pokémon Center: 1
~ Last Pokémon Registered in Pokédex: Rattata (#0019)
Level 2, 174/250 EXP. Observe Lv. 2 was handy. System Inventory held a Potion. Bag listed Professor Oak's supplies - practical and thoughtful. 10 stat points waited, locked till Level 5. Stats seemed good.
"Alright, Ace," I said, shaking off system thoughts. "Rest's over. Viridian City awaits."
"Pidgey~" he chirped, eager again.
< Still on Route 1, further along - [3:25 PM] >
Route 1 ascended gently. Air warmed, scented with pine and damp earth. Ace battled more wild Pokémon: another Rattata, a spirited Pidgey, then another. Experience accumulated steadily.
Then, a low growl from the undergrowth. A Mankey stepped onto the path, belligerent swagger, small, hostile eyes fixed on us.
[Lv.]: 7
[Gender]: Male ♂️
HP: 24/24
Level 7. Highest yet. Apprehension mixed with adrenaline. Ace was Level 6, alert but subtly weary.
"Okay, Ace," I murmured, assessing the situation. "Type advantage, but stamina… you've worked hard." Four battles. Pushing too much?
"Hey Ace, maybe… we retreat?" I offered softly.
Ace shook his head sharply, feathers bristling. "Pidg…!" Determined eyes locked on Mankey.
"Sure?" I asked, pride rising at his resolve.
He nodded firmly.
"Okay, stubborn bird," I grinned, confidence replacing hesitation. "We play smart. Ace, altitude! Fly up! Distance! He's ground-bound!"
Mankey snarled, pawing the earth, frustrated. Then, with a speed I hadn't expected, it lunged – not at Ace, but at *me*. A blur of brown fur and clenched fists. Uh-oh, unease prickled.
"Ace! Sand Attack, quick! Tackle, fast!" I shouted, adrenaline spiking.
As Mankey's fist swung, Ace swooped, gritty sand erupting, blinding Mankey.
"Now, Tackle!" I yelled.
Bam! Ace slammed into Mankey. It staggered, stunned, but still dangerous. Roared, swiping blindly. "Quick, Ace! Tackle again, Feint Attack! Pressure!"
Ace dived, attacking with a move that should, by all rights, connect, and yet… but Mankey Leered, intimidation hitting Ace. He faltered mid-swoop.
"Ace, heads up! Dodge, counter-Tackle!" I yelled urgently.
My command broke through. Ace refocused, dodging Mankey's swipe, crashing into it with Tackle. Critical hit!
Mankey stumbled back, shaken. "This is it, Ace! Finish it! Feint Attack!"
Ace, last energy reserves, swooped low, a blur, Feint Attack connecting sharply. Mankey crumpled, dazed, then still. Fainted.
Yes! Relief surged. I threw a Poké Ball.
Mankey dissolved, sucked into the ball. It thudded onto the path, shaking.
Captured. Relief and exhilaration washed over me.
[Pokédex Updated]
Mankey #0056
[Type]: {Fighting}
It lives in groups in the treetops. If it loses sight of its group, it becomes infuriated by its loneliness.
Ace chirped triumphantly, circling then landing, vibrating with excitement. Pride swelled.
[New Achievement Unlocked]
★ First Challenge ★
• Defeat a wild Pokémon at a higher level than your own.
- 100 EXP
[New Achievement Unlocked]
★ Double Trouble ★
• Capture two Pokémon in a single outing.
- 100 XP
[System Notification]:
You have leveled up! Reached Trainer Level 3.
• +5 HP
• +1 to all stats
• +10 bonus stat points are now available for distribution (can be allocated from Level 5 onwards).
"Unbelievable, buddy! Incredible!" I praised, voice thick with admiration, scratching him firmly. Ace puffed feathers, radiating pride, chirping happily.
I gave Ace a Potion, then Pokémon food, recalling him to his Poké Ball for rest. He vanished in red light. Alone on Route 1, two new Poké Balls in hand, a quiet sense of accomplishment settled.
[System Interface V1.0]
[User Profile]
[Name]: Alex Trent
[Age]: 16
[Level]: 3 (EXP: 124/500)
[Hometown]: Not selected
[Trainer Class]: Beginner
[Title(s)]: None
[₽]: 1500
[Badges]: Nil
[HP]: 110/110
[MP]: N/A
[STR]: 8
[END]: 10
[DEX]: 9
[INT]: 13
[CHA]: 11
[LCK]: 22
Bonus Stat Points Available: 20
--- End of Chapter 10 —