Chereads / Gladiator of the System-cancelled / Chapter 7 - Unique skills

Chapter 7 - Unique skills

The arrow was perfectly on target, but The hooded man Dodged it, he lands on a different branch, his hood falls of revealing a middle aged man with a very tidy haircut, he chucks the blade in his hand away, 

" From the blessings of gods, lend me your power Azarath"  

Lighting strikes down on the man, a spear that looks like its made of pure energy materialises in his hand, 

" This is a gift from the Thorus family, Grim Reaper. Now I will send you to Tartarus" 

He charges forward, the bow in Kams hand changes shape, into a small shield; Deflecting the spear, as soon he lands on the floor a massive explosion occurs, destroying parts of the walls, 

" Blasted Summenor, do you ever think about not making a mess" says the spear wielding man 

" Anyway before I kill you, I shall tell you my name. It is Cello Thorus, first son".

Ares is jumping around dodging, the wyverns attacks eventually dazing it . The royal who rushed up to the stage earlier is lying on the floor, he looks up at Cera and Annie. A smirk appears on his face

" You crimmals, I have a way of making sure you don't get arrested once you all defeated, First you older women become one of my Brides and the young girl can be a toy for all to use"

Cera looks at him with a disgusted face, then she says 

" I wouldn't say that around Him"

Ares is standing behind the royal, His scythe resting under the royals neck, he looks terrified

" Cera will never marry scum like you, and that girl is under my protection, Perish" Ares says

Then Ares lifts up his scythe a few centimetres, the man drops dead. Cera and Annie look up at Ares, His eyes are glowing red, a faint symbol appears in the centre where his scar is, It looks like a near pitch perfect copy of Annie's. Both Cera and Annie notice it, Cera quickly realises it the same as Annie's, But before she can say anything see notices that blood has started dripping out of Ares eyes,

" Crap" She says before quickly activating the spell to prevent his bloodlust, it takes effect almost Immediately. 

Causing Cera to Collapse, Annie quickly helps here. Ares, whose back to normal, tries to rush over but gets hit by the wyvern's tail smashing him into a wall, 

" Little Girl, please take Cera somewhere safe" Ares says before he is hit by another attack,

" Okay" 

She puts Ceras arm over her shoulder and runs off, through the backstage area, Ares gets up quickly dodging one of the wyverns attacks, the masked summoner says

" Ares is it, I am called Glutton the summoner I eat all an-" 

" Yeah Yeah, I don't care about the names of people I am about to kill" interrupts Ares

Ares then deactivates cyclone, 

" Now then I can use a new skill" Ares says

" System, activate Gladiator" 

' activating unique skill Gladiator' 

A Golden glow forms around Ares and Glutton,

" What's this, what did you do"

" Welcome to my colosseum Byōdō," Ares says walking through the wyvern like its a projection

" What how did you do that"  Glutton looks shocked, he tries to cast a magic spell but It doesn't work,

" This ability causes any Human or monster to gain equal stats. It also disables magic and summons because they both use mana, its a real brawl"

Ares then smashes his fist into the face of Glutton sending him backwards,

" Like I said we have equal stats here, but it does not change our physical stats like strength. So in my domain, So It's a battle of strength and stamina"

Ares punches him again, his face is bloody,

" This is not fair I am a magic" 

He gets hit again 

" Your right, a gladiator fight is normally ridge, so I shall allow you to punch me"

Ares stands their, he puts his hand out to the side, 

" Come on, it's a limited offer"

Glutton walks over to Ares and right hooks him, it barely does anything to Ares, Glutton is holding his wrist,

" Is that all you got" Ares says before absolutely smashing his face with a right hook, It sends Glutton through the wall and onto the ground outside,

" He's a monster" were Gluttons last words, 

" I forgot to tell you, the spell ends when one of us die" 

With glutton's death, the wyvern disappears too,

" Can we hurry this up Grim reaper, I want to banish that man for his sins" says Cello while pointing at Ares,

 Both of them are quite Injured, They are jumping around tree to tree eventually landing near the front entrance of the now very destroyed building.

" Sorry, No can do, Let's finish this," says Kam

" System activate, Guillotine" Kam says while dodging constant attacks of lightning 

' Activating skill ' 

A transparent guillotine appears behind Kam,

" What's that" Cellos says attacking again

" let's find out" Kam says while laughing


Cello attacks again but this time Kam does not dodge, he takes it full force. Lighting strikes Kam blinding the surrounding area, Cello turns around,

" Well that was easy," Cello says but then he starts feeling some random burning pain, His skin is burning

" Hahaha" he hears Kam laugh while still being in the lightning 

Kam walks out saying,

" Guillotine, is the execution spell, it doesn't do much damage but it inflicts the same pain as the person receiving it, So now this fight will be whoever can withstand the most pain"

" You monster" says Cello

Carlos is sitting next to the two beastfolk and the unconscious bodies of the guards, they are eating some sandwiches, Carlos looks up and sees Ki walking over

" Welcome, wants some food" says Carlos

" Yes, but first the kids dear" responds Ki, She then cast a translation spell on the two beastfolk

" Hi their, I'm Ki, this is my husband Carlos, whats your names"

The bear girl says, " My name is Be, and this is Holly" 

" Nice to meet you, Follow us we will take you to a place where you can get some clothes and food" 

The bear girl smiles, while the rabbit girl who is still hiding behind her looks up for the first time

" Okay" they start walking off"  

They arrive at a Door that looks very similar to the one at the centre of town, Ki opens it. It looks very similar to Olympus sector X, 

" Welcome to Olympus, Health sector"

They walk through, Quickly spotting Cera and Annie, Ki walks over

" Mum, this is Annie" she says pointing to Annie

" Nice to meet you Cera's Mum, I am Ares little sister I think"

" Nice to meet you, I'm Ki, this is. What huh? Ares little sister"

They are sitting on some boxes by recovery bays, the bays are some mattress on the ground with lots of bandages around them,

" Me and Ares have same coloured hair, which I learned was very rare, and he has bloodlust problems like me"  Annie then shows the symbol, and pulls a out a picture from her pocket

" He also had one of these," she then hands Ki the photo its burned, it only shows a young boy that looks very similar to Ares and an young girl, the parents are burned in the photo so you can not see them

" You are probably right, Ask Him when he gets back, Now some food"

Carlos is currently buying Be and Holly some clothes, Hit after Hit Both Kam and Cello are taking damage, blood, burns, and bruises. Cellos unleashes one final strike of lighting, but because of the Guillotine skill it knocks him unconscious. A badly injured Kam walks over to him drawing an arrow,

" You shall now wake up in the afterlife" he shoots the arrow, fainting seconds after.

Ares is hobbling through the Health sector, when he sees Cera and Ki, and Annie

" Ares, you hurt let me help you" says Cera but then Ares walks over to her, 

" Catch me" he says weakly before falling into Cera. causing them to land on a mattress

Cera is stuck with Ares lying sort of on her, Ki is laughing and Annie is playing with the now unconscious Ares silver hair

" You might as well take a rest as well Cera, There is no way Ares is waking up soon" Ki says

Carlos is now back, he said that he went to an orphanage full of kids, and enrolled the beastfolk girls, he then see a now asleep Cera and notices that there is a another person in the same bed, he is about to bunch them to death before Ki tell him it's just Ares and he calms down, but someone overheard her say Ares and they walk over

" excuses me, Did you says There is an Ares here, does he have silver hair and a scar under his eye" says a woman who looks around 45

Ki looks at her and says,

" Yeah He is sleeping here, do you know him"

the man next to her, who looks the same age says,

" Yeah, we were also in the colosseum, with him and Athena" 

Because He said Athen, she allowed them to sit 

The guy introduces them,

" I am Apollo, not really but its the name Ares and Athena gave me, and this is my wife June"