Chereads / Gladiator of the System-cancelled / Chapter 9 - Big Sis Aphrodite

Chapter 9 - Big Sis Aphrodite

A shockwave sends them all back causing dust to build up. Ares lands near Cera and Annie, he tells them to stay behind something or a force field. Cera creates one. The demonically smiling man is standing in the same spot, he's wobbling slowly; a demonic laugh also echoing from him. Quicker than a blink, he appears right in front of Ares. But Ares manages to deflect the blow. The force of that cracked Ceras shield. 

Ares then attacks him, launching him back towards Carlos who takes a swing, slashing his back. He then lands near June and Apollo who take a swing. Throughout this entire time he had been laughing that demonic smile not leaving his face once.  He unleashes his Aura, it's dense and ominous. It's rotting the area around them. 

" You think after so many years, I wouldn't be stronger. Defeated by a 10 year old. Ruined me. So I made a deal with a devil, one summoned by a Thorus"

Ares readies himself and boosts himself forward. Swords connecting. 

" I knew you would be stronger than from then, so the only way I can stop you is mentally, so I shall do this" 

He lifts his sword, a purple like magic crawls around it, he launches it at Cera and Annie. Everyone charges for an attack, only Ki magic sword and Ares manage to leave a mark. At the same time the blade is travelling close to light speed towards them. Ares tries to rush over but ultimately fails, an explosion from the impact silences the Chaos around Ares, tears for the first time in years start to build up in his eyes.

" how do you like that Ares, now I can kill everyone else here" Laughs the demonic man 

Ares' eyes are turning red over and over again. 

" Yes Ares let the bloodlust take control. You can kill everyone"  says demonic man 

" who said I'm letting it control me" Ares says, dust clears

" what, huh" 

Ares is standing there, eyes red. Teeth fanged. The blood that dripped from his eyes has become like a tattoo under his eye. 

His silver hair is glowing, it's also grown a lot and is floating, there is a long tail that is sprouting out of Ares. 

Ki is shocked same with Carlos, Apollo says 

" it was a matter of time" 

The demonic man has gone psycho, screaming this can't be possible. Bloodlust can't be controlled 

" You bet it can, demon guy" says a voice.

Annie is standing in front of Cera. She has the sword caught between two fingers. Ares is shocked. Cera is unscathed. She walks over. Her hair has turned black with purple stripes through it. She has dragon wings sprouting out her back. As well as a tail. Teeth sharp like Ares. Sharp nails on her fingers.

" big bro, you're a Werewolf like dad, now it's time for some revenge, buuuut first, demon guy what's your name. We need something to write on a hell pass" 

Ares is standing their speechless,

" huh?  Annie what huh?" 

" Ares, I will explain this later, but first your name"

" Oh you're that dragon girl someone told me about, anyway my name is Taro. The one who will kill your bloodline" 

He charges forward, it's a two v one. Annie's skin are now as thick as scales. Blocking the blows from Taro over and over. They are moving around faster than what a normal person could comprehend. More Guards walk into the Area they all have weapons covered in blood. Carlos, Ki, June, and Apollo ready themselves but they just collapse. A very beautiful women walks through the row of dead bodies,

She walks into view, she's wearing White dress covered in blood stains. She also has a wand in her hand. She looks up. 

" Wow so that must be the lil bro of Athena, who's the demon he's fighting Apollo"  She says looking at the fight 

Everyone except Apollo and June drop to their knee

" my my. It's a war rankings mean nothing here" 

 They stand 

" Anyway,  I'm Aphrodite but you can call me Rotie, I'm one of the Leaders of Olympus, now why are you holding a sword Apollo and I thought you retired" 

She's says trying to jump and hug him and June but they move out the way

" Why let my hug you my Juny and Apollo I'm your bestie" 

June hits her on the head, 

" your still a child grow up" 

Rotie pokes her Tongue out,

Cera walks over and says

" How do you know about Ares and Athena," 

" Well, umm. Athena was one of the strongest leaders and youngest. She was obsessed with her new little brother, who she dub Ares, which mad the actual Ares pissed but everytime he tried to kill Ares, Athena stopped him so he then secretly put a magic controller on her and sent royal guards to new Ares village and made them become gladiators, so but now she is de-" 

Before she can continue rambling Cera covers her mouth, 

" he doesn't know, or just doesn't want to know" 

Taro launches an attack at Annie and Ares launching Ares into Cera Knocking them down and Annie into Aphrodite,

Annie looks up, 

" Rotie, it's been so long it's me Annie" she says while the dragon form slowly fades off her. 

Rotie picks her up and starts squeezing Annie in a hug

" Annie it's been to long I really wanted to free your from that slave trade but I wasn't allowed too, any guys who did bad things to you still alive because if their are I will rip their throat out" 

" don't worry Rotie, I already did that"  

Ares get up off Cera, who's on the floor; face red. 

" hey, your that lady the came with Athena sometimes, why you here, is Athena here" 

Aphrodite let's go of Annie and grabs Ares, 

" it's been too long, Athena was always hogging you," 

Aphrodite feels a cold breeze behind her, it's Cera 

She lets go but not before Ares faints and he's turned back normal, 

" Oops I made her jealous, anyway call me your big sis k" 

 She hands him to Cera 

Aphrodite then walks over to Taro, who is covered in blood, but still laughing. 

" Since you have been a bad boy and hurt my little siblings I shall end you" says Aphrodite

Taro tries to attack but Aphrodite dodges over and over again, She then flicks her wand trapping Taro in a string net, she lowers it Down. With another flick of her wrist the royal guards that collapsed earlier start getting back up, Cera is watching confused 

" Yes, Cera I can control the ones I kill by like a string of fate, I can also do it to all the men and women that fawn over me. They become my puppet 

The puppetfied guards make there way over to Taro who's screaming a demonic chant, 

" Not gonna work bud, these strings are made out of someone's sinned soul only holy water has an effect" 

The guards walk over to taro and start tearing at his skin, his screams were endless until they finally stopped, 

Aphrodite walks over to the group and sits down, Ares is asleep on Cera's lap and Annie is on Ki's lap. 

" Man, I finally got to have some fun, and ended up with a bad guy who wanted to hurt my little siblings. I only knew that Annie could Control her blood lust. Zaron must have taught her. But Ares is a nutcase" 

" Your right Rotie, Ares is stupidly dense and it's hilarious" says Cera 

Aphrodite dashes over in front of Cera 

" You got to spill the beans, are you to like a thing or not cause it's confusing me, but first we should probably deal with the crazy lady who broke in here in the first place. 

" Is it me you're calling a Crazy lady," says the voice women who broke in here

" I didn't think an Olympian would be here, or the guy Taro was obsessed with killing either. What a lucky dad, shall I seat up some tea" she says 

Kam is wandering through the building debris, killing royal guard after royal guard. Until he spots a man in a suit of armour and long sword, 

" Nice to meet you Grim Reaper Kam, I'm Leer Thorus the father, You will be kill by my hands for killing my Son" 

" You realise you son was at a slave trade, where my sister future sister in law was. That's enough of a sin. So I shall tick your name on the checklist and let you met him" 

" You Demon" 

" I am no demon. I'm the Grim Reaper"