Chereads / Gladiator of the System-cancelled / Chapter 2 - Welcome to Olympus

Chapter 2 - Welcome to Olympus

Olympus, What's that" says Ares

An older woman walks Through the door, She has the same hair colour as Cera,

" Olympus, is a Organisation full of people who want to rid the world of Corruption and Criminals" the older women says 

Ares gets up and walks out the door, He is shirtless and has bandages Covering his chest.

He sees what seems to be a regular village with people selling things at markets and practising magic and Sword fighting.

" Wow, the outside world. I thought this was a myth"

Cera who walks out, then sighs

" Ares, this is my Mother Ki and you already met my Father Carlos, This is also One of 10 sections of Olympus. 4 have already been destroyed 2 by monsters and 2 by Royals. lucky this one is under an Invisibility spell"

By the time she had finished speaking Ares was gone, She saw him a second later getting into an argument with some soldiers, Cera then rushes over, and Ki just sighs.

There are 3 Soldiers all with swords, they all have Black hair. The one standing in the front is the tallest and is also the leader of the group. He says,

" Who says you can practise in my Training ground"

" the sign says Free to use practice area" responds Ares blankly 

" Tch, your only Level 8, go play with some Kids" the one on the left says, he has got a red grimoire floating beside him.

" No, I want to train so I can protect Cera"

" Someone of Your level should not be in the same country as my Fiance" responds the leader

" fiance?," responds a female voice 

"Cera, why you here" says Ares

Cera walks in front of Ares whos adopted a fighting stand

" Troy, I'm not Your fiance, nor am I even a friend to you, so leave Ares alone and let him train"   

" I challenge Ares to Duel, If I win I get to marry you if I lose which I won't he gets the right to Protect you"

" N-" says Cera but before she can finish, Ares says

" Let's do it, Troy"  

Cera sighs already knowing what is about to happen, While Troy's Minions are Cheering for him. They stand in the middle of the Training Area, some Soldiers have come to watch. Carlos is there standing next to Cera, who explained the situation to him. 

" Ready to Marry me Cera, Beta get packing" says Troy who's prepared to charge straight at Ares.

Ares is just Standing there, No weapons in his hand, looking relaxed. Ares then says quietly 

" System, Summon Cyclone and Perform Appraisal" 

'Got it"

' Cyclone Ready'

Ares wind sword materials in his hand, the people watching look shocked, and Troy Looks more hysteric

" You really think a wind sword can cut me, let alone protect my Wife"

" Not your wife" shouts Cera

' Troy Greybelt… Level 10'

' Skills…. All absolutely useless… Don't go overboard'

" thanks system" Says Ares

Without warning Troy rushes forwards, screaming a somewhat of a warrior cry. Clang. Troy is about to Cheer in victory, when he sees Ares blade resting up on his throat; blood is dripping down to the blade then off the blade. He drops on the spot, not dead but in embarrassment.

" Your lucky, This wasn't a battle to the death' says Ares

Troy and his Squad run off, Troy's minions are screaming something about how Troy wasn't trying hard. Carlos is muttering something about those kids being a pain in the ass. Cyclone dissipates again. Cera walks over to Ares and says 

" what's all this about protecting me"

" Cera, Since you and your family protected me when I was unconscious and didn't try kill me, I am now imbeted to you and your family, so I shall protect you until death does us apart"

Ares also does a kind of Chest salute. 

" What sort of life have you lived?" mumbles Cera.

Carlos then walks over, he looks happy.

" Ares, if you want to protect us, I will train you myself. Are you prepared"

" Yes," says Ares, full of enthusiasm. Cera Sighs 

" First, Cera and I will show you Our skills, You will live with us, and Families need to be honest, and Cera will also teach you about the world"

" I'll do what? Father"

" Be kind Cera"

" Fine"

Ares looks like a child who just got given some Ice Cream.

Both Carlos and Cera say

' System Open Status' 

Ares follows by saying the same thing.

' Name Carlos Volstan, Age 43.. Level 67,'

' Skills.. Sword Dance- A rank

  Sprint- C rank 

  Inhance- E rank 

  Sonic Wave- B rank 

And Common F rank ones'

' Name Cera Volstan, Age 17.. Level 30

' Skills.. Void- S rank

   Barrier- C rank

  Reflect- C rank 

Mercury Blades- A rank 

And other common F rank Skills'

They then see Ares One 

" Ares, what's Parallel?" says Cera

" I have no clue, when I try use it System says requirement not met, same with the unknown one"

Carlos then says 

" We should go back now for dinner, Tomorrow we will start your training by going and hunting some monsters".

They're all sitting at the dinner table eating curry. Ares thinks it's the best food in the world, mainly because he has only eaten Bread and carrots before.

" Ares, Do you know what ranks Are?" asks Ki

" Ranks?" Responds Ares

" they are important in this world, their are F,E,D,C,B,A,S, then Divine 

F rankers are people from Level 1-10, then E is 10-25, D is 25-40, C is 40-65, B is 65-80, A is 80-100, S is 100-150 and Divine is 300+" says Ki 

" So I am F, Cera is D and Carlos is B, what about you Ki" Ares says thinking his hardest

" I am a retired S rank"

" Wow, can we fight" Ares says full of enthusiasm

" Your still not strong enough, even If you have similar strength to a C or B rank"

Ares looks disappointed.

It's night time, The moon's rays are causing a nearby lake to reflect the sky. Ares is fast asleep, it's the first time he has a proper bed. But next door Cera is awake at a desk with a small fireball floating above her, she's reading a book, and writing down some notes and mumbling to herself

" To stop someone in a bloodlust rampage, the person whom he or she cares about the most is the only one to stop them. In this case it would be me, father, or mother. But I will most likely be going with him on adventures so I should research some strong Binding spells because void is too dangerous"- Clunk. 

Cera is mumbling to herself when she hears a noise in Ares' room, she rushes over to find Ares on the floor of his room, he had fallen out of his bed. She uses a levitate spell to pick him up and put him in his bed. Then she put his blanket back on him. She smiles then says 

" He's just a Child in the body of a Vicious warrior".

Its morning, Cera is walking down the stairs, still in her blue striped Pyjamas. She sees Ares and Carlos getting ready to leave to hunt some monsters

" Morning Cera, my bed was super soft way softer than hay" says Ares

" Morning, Ares, Dad. Are you leaving now" 

" Yes, do you want to join, we will wait" responds Carlos

" Wait please, let me get ready," Cera says.

Ares and Carlos are waiting Outside, Ares is trying to Balance some rocks, and Carlos is waiting Patiently When Cera walks out. She's got her hair tied in a ponytail, and is wearing the same glasses as the day before and a mages uniform. Ares stands up 

" Lets go he says"