Chereads / Begin Again In Marvel / Chapter 148 - The End Of Sauron Part 2

Chapter 148 - The End Of Sauron Part 2


I watch as Merry and Pippin start talking.

Pippin: "Well that was a rather successful outing."

Merry: "I am famished."

While they discuss their food-related problems I start repossessing all the things here. It's not stealing I am just reaquiring for the greater good. Before they realized what was happening I had already emptied the pantry and obtained numerous magical tomes. I kept Saruman's staff as it looked cool. I then returned to Saruman. He seemed to have passed out so I decided to let him sleep while I waited for Gandalf.

Sometime Later...

Rio: "It is good to see you again Gandalf."

Gandalf: "And you as well. Now I am surprised to see you have returned. It seemed as if you had vanished from Middle Earth."

Rio: "Yes, well I was sent back until my task is complete. Sauron must be defeated. Which brings me to what we will do. Sauron intends to attack and destroy Minas Tirith. I have obtained Rohan's help, but we will need every last soldier we can get."

Gandalf: "Indeed. Sauron is no fool. If 10 thousand wasn't enough to slay you then he will send more capable subordinates. Sauron is scared of your power and will not rest until you are killed. The next force he sends after you will be much larger."

Rio: "Which is why we must gather our forces together to Minas Tirith. The battle for Middle Earth is coming and we must gather together to crush Sauron's forces. That and with my presence, Sauron won't ignore me. I can be used as bait. We will buy as much time for Frodo to complete his mission."

Gandalf: "Then we best start moving."

Rio: "You all go on ahead. I will gather more supplies for the siege. Also, take care of Saruman for me. Don't remove those cuffs they are the thing preventing him from using magic."

While everyone leaves I fly to where I know Frodo is to give him an item that hopefully ensures he makes it to Mt. Doom. I don't stay around to chat for long and instead give him an enchanted item that boosts Willpower and makes a basic magic shield around him. I couldn't stay for long as I had lots of preparations to do. I use Similo Duplexis to make a copy of myself that's only job is to collect supplies and ask the other races for help in the coming battle. I start making as many magic Landmines as I can. I plant all the Landmines and also set many magic rune traps. I also make sure Denethor has an accident that prevents him from hindering the city's defense. Then I light the beacons so that anyone who sees them knows Gondor calls for aid.

'That should hopefully make us able to handle the enemy as long as they aren't in too great of numbers.'

I scout the enemy numbers. What I see makes me very nervous. I returned to Minas Tirith to report what I saw.

Rio: "The enemy numbers at least 900k. Sauron has emptied Mordor to ensure that we don't survive. It seems Sauron has summoned nearly every single soldier he can. I saw only a few hundred maybe a thousand Orcs left in Mordor."

Aragorn: "900k! That's impossible. No army can be so large."

Rio: "I saw it with my own eyes. But the advantage we have is that it will take them a while to get here. Such a large force has to remain united and needs to be fed. They consist of mostly infantry. They have maybe a few hundred calvary. The real problem is that we still need to hold Osgiliath for as long as possible to buy time for any remaining reinforcements to arrive. I also suggest we send the civilians away from here. They will only drain our resources faster and they would likely perish here."

Théoden: "And where could we send them? The Orcs would run them down with their calvary."

Rio: "That brings me to my next point I want the Calvary to leave the walls and guard the civilians for a time and gather any remaining allies we have outside the walls. The Calvary can disrupt the enemy's supply lines. They could also attack the enemy's rear, confusing and weakening them. As for the civilian's safety. Sauron has consolidated his forces near Mordor so he has left Gondor nearly empty of Orcs. The civilians will flee east and then North into Rohan."

Legolas: "Can we even fight off Sauron's forces? What numbers do we have?"

Aragorn: "If we call up every able man we can get 140k at best."

Rio: "Then we should call up the women as well."

Théoden: "What madness do you claim? Women cannot fight that is a man's job."

Rio: "We do not have the luxury of not using the massive manpower that the women can give us. While they will be weaker physically they can still carry a sword or spear. They can still throw rocks or shoot bows. We are facing annihilation. I am strong but I am one they are many. Send the call for help to anyone willing to defend their homeland against evil incarnate. I will tell them they fight for their children's future. I will speak to Minas Tirith before I leave to fight in Osgiliath."

I walk up to the top of the city and begin my speech. Is use the Royal Canterlot Voice so everyone can hear me.

Rio: "COMRADES, citizens, brothers and sisters, men of our Army. My words are addressed to you, dear friends! The perfidious military attack by Sauron on our Fatherland is continuing. In spite of the heroic resistance of the Army, and although the enemy's finest units have already been smashed and have met their doom on the field of battle, the enemy continues to push forward, hurling fresh forces to the front. They have taken cities and villages en masse."

I pause before continuing.

Rio: "How could it have happened that our glorious Army surrendered a number of our cities and districts to the evil forces of Sauron? Is it really true that the Orc troops are invincible, as the braggart wicked men and propagandists are ceaselessly blaring forth? Of course not! History shows that there are no invincible armies and never have been. Sauron's first army was considered invincible, but it was beaten successively by the armies of Men and Elves. The same must be said of Sauron's army of today. This army had not yet met with serious resistance on the continent. Only on our territory has it met with serious resistance. And if as a result of this resistance, the finest forces of Sauron's army have been defeated by our Army, this means that it too can be smashed and will be smashed, as were the armies of the past."

I pause again before continuing.

Rio: "As part of our territory having nevertheless been seized by the Orcs, this is chiefly due to the fact that the war of Sauron against the free world began under conditions that were favorable for the Evil forces and unfavorable for the free world. The fact of the matter is that the troops of Sauron were already fully mobilized. Sauron had been planning his return for a long time."


Rio: "As a consequence of this war which has been forced upon us, our country has come to death grips with its bitterest and most cunning enemy. Our troops are fighting heroically against an enemy armed to the teeth with dark magic and fellbeasts. Overcoming numerous difficulties, the Army is self-sacrificingly fighting for every inch of Gondorian soil. The main forces of the army are coming into action equipped with thousands of swords and armor. The soldiers of the Army are displaying unexampled valor. Our resistance to the enemy is growing in strength and power. Side by side with the Army, the entire free people are rising in defense of our native land. What is required to put an end to the danger imperiling our country and what measures must be taken to smash the enemy?"


Rio: "Above all, it is essential that our people, all people, should appreciate the full immensity of the danger that threatens our country and give up all complacency, casualness, and the mentality of peaceful constructive work that was so natural before the war, but which is fatal today when war has radically changed the whole situation. The enemy is cruel and implacable. He is out to seize our lands watered by the sweat of our brows, to seize our grain and livelihoods secured by the labor of our hands. He is coming to exterminate all living free people in order to bring his supposed order. Thus the issue is one of life and death for the people, the issue is whether the people of the free world shall be free or fall into slavery. The people must realize this and abandon all complacency; they must mobilize themselves and reorganize all their work on a new, war-time footing, where there can be no mercy to the enemy. For they have none for us."


Rio: "Further, there must be no room in our ranks for whimperers and cowards, for panic-mongers and deserters; our people must know no fear in the fight and must selflessly join our patriotic war of liberation against the evil enslavers. A great man used to say that the chief virtues of men and women must be courage, valor, fearlessness in struggle, and readiness to fight together with the people against the enemies of our country. The peoples of the world now see that Sauron is untamable in its savage fury and hatred of our native country, which has ensured all its working people labor in freedom and prosperity. The people of the World must rise against the enemy and defend their rights and their land."


Rio: "The Army and all citizens of the world must defend every inch of free soil, must fight to the last drop of blood for our towns and villages, must display the daring, initiative, and mental alertness that are inherent in our people. We must organize all-around assistance to the Army, ensure powerful reinforcements for its ranks and the supply of everything it requires; we must organize the rapid transport of troops and military freight and extensive aid to the wounded. We must bear in mind that the enemy is crafty, unscrupulous, and experienced in deception and the dissemination of false rumors. We must reckon with all this and not fall victim to stratagem."

Dramatic... wait for it... Pause

Rio: "The war with Sauron cannot be considered an ordinary war. It is not only a war between two armies, it is also a great war of the entire world against the Sauron's armies. Comrades, our forces are numberless. The overweening enemy will soon learn this to his cost. Side by side with the Army many thousands of workers, farmers, and intellectuals are rising to fight the enemy aggressor. The masses of our people will rise up in their millions. I ask that anyone willing to join this great battle join me. I care not what gender you are, where you come from, or even why you chose to join me. All are welcome in my army. All our forces for the support of our heroic Army. All the forces of the people for the destruction of the enemy! Forward to victory!"

Cheering and Applause

I leave the ledge and prepare to go to Osgiliath. As I am leaving I get a notification.


[Requirement Met Unlocking New Skill Leadership]

{Leadership lvl: 33/100


This Skill improves the ability of those under your command in battle by 33%. The higher the skill level and Charisma Stat the lower the chances of those under you betraying you or deserting. Improves the user's Tactical and Strategic thinking skills. Ability boost only applies in battle but all other benefits are passive. }

'System why did I unlock this only now?'


[The User Met The Requirements For The Skill. Which Are To Command A Living Force Of Over 100k. Boost Morale By Giving An Exceptional Level Speech. Face An Enemy That Outnumbers You At Least 3 to 1. Convince A Large Population To Support The User In A Seemingly Hopeless Situation. And Lastly Have A Charisma Stat Of Over 200.]

'Huh, well I won't complain about a skill that will be extraordinarily helpful.'

I talk with the others for a time before I leave to go defend Osgiliath for as long as possible. I also make sure Aragorn goes to retrieve the assistance of the King of the Dead. We would need every little bit of help we could get.


Authors Note:

The Speech that Rio gave was an edited History Shows That There Are No Invincible Armies Speech. The next chapter will be the finale of this trial. I rewatched the 2nd and 3rd movies to make sure I got this Trial right. If anyone is wondering why Sauron is sending so many more troops than originally. The reason is that Sauron's only hope for victory is to crush Rio with overwhelming numbers. Rio can handle 10k easily but 900k is a whole nother ballpark. Until next time Ciao.