Chereads / Begin Again In Marvel / Chapter 149 - The End Of Sauron Finale

Chapter 149 - The End Of Sauron Finale


I was fighting in Osgiliath and the fighting was brutal. Thanks to my healing magic we were suffering far fewer losses than the enemy but the enemy was slowly gaining ground. Today was different. Sauron had sent the Nazgul and some of his most elite forces to try and destroy the garrison here. Combined with the Warg riders I knew I needed to call for a retreat as I couldn't defend them all.

Rio: "Fall back to Minas Tirith."

Faramir: "We won't make it the enemy riders will cut us down as we run."

Rio: "Just go I will hold them off. I am what Sauron is after. They won't send a single pursuer and risk I escape unharmed."

Faramir: "I will await your return."

As his men flee I point my sword to the heavens and a bright light emits from it drawing the attention of everything.

[Image Here]

Rio: "The fight is on!"

(AN: Play Ike's Theme - Super Smash Bros. Brawl on YouTube for some music. )

My first move was to cast Similio Dupexis and have my copy focus on swordplay while I use magic. My next spell was Chain Lightning followed by Finger Of The Mountain. That removes most of the fodder. What remains is the Nazgul and the Witch King. They start by using their screeching attack but I respond with a sound of my own.



A massive lightning storm is formed and anything flying gets struck by lightning and falls out of the sky. I focused on killing their mounts as I knew they would be in trouble later. What I didn't expect was what happened next. An explosion of magic that threw me into a wall. I got up and was shocked at what I saw.

'They just blew themselves up.'

It seemed as if rather than let me slay them they used some sort of magic that expelled a lot of magic all at once and thus I was slightly injured but not by much. I was confused as to why they did that until I felt the ground shake and the building started collapsing.

'They want to try and bury me. I am not that unfixable.'

I fly out of the collapsing building but not without taking some damage. But I completed my task and everyone managed to retreat to Minas Tirith. We only held Osgiliath for 3 days more but it was enough. Once I arrived at the city I ordered the gates to be closed and blocked. Then I went to the command room.

Rio: "How many soldiers do we have and have the civilians been evacuated?"

Gandalf: "256k in the city and yes."

Rio: "How many outside the city?"

Gandalf: "Our last report said 62k Calvary and 12k Infantry."

Rio: "Any news of Aragorn?"

Gandalf: "Not yet. But do not worry they won't fail."

Rio: "Have everyone rest now as the enemy will take at least another day to gather, get through the minefields, and finally arrive here. I will keep watch."

Gandalf: "You should rest. You have just returned from a great battle. We will need your magic later. Let me watch for any tricks of Sauron."

Rio: "Sigh. Thank you."

The Next Day...

I wake up and look out to the fields and see many craters in the ground. It seemed that the mines did a lot of work last night. I take count of the enemy and count around 836k.

'This will be dangerously close. Well, I best start before they have time to fire their siege weapons.'

I get into position and send my copy into the air to get the exact coordinates for my next spell. Once that is done I cast lots of spells to destroy all the enemy siege weapons.

Rio: "Twin Maximize Magic Call Greater Thunder!"

Nearly a hundred lightning bolts come from the sky and destroy all the enemy siege weapons. Once that is done I hear the screech of the Nazgul. I took flight with my sword and began dogfighting before aircraft were invented. The fighting was messy as much of my spells couldn't be used for fear of hitting friendlies. Thus I decided to use Stendar's Aura and Homing Spells. It was relatively useful but the Nazgul still managed to destroy all but one Siege Weapon. But they lost their air superiority so I think it was a valid exchange. What worried me was that none of the Nazgul were killed but instead managed to be dispelled temporarily.

'I am starting to get really annoyed by these stupid wraiths.'

I then went and joined the battle to defend the walls. The fighting went on into the night, and we lost many soldiers. By the dawn of the second day, we had lost over 49k soldiers, but they lost 145k, so we were still doing okay. My goal for today was to destroy as much of the enemy's ammo and equipment storage as possible to hopefully reduce the causalities we suffered. While I was out, I saw some of our raiding forces, and I smiled.

'Whew, I am getting exhausted. At this rate, it will take another week of near-constant fighting before we destroy them all. Wait what's that?'

I see the Witch King and what looks like all the Ring Wraiths all in one area and I think it is worth it.

'This is likely a trap but even if it is I can wipe out most of the enemy's heaviest hitters. I am in a unique position to kill them permanently.'

I decide to risk it and fly down to strike them down. I start off strong with a Holy Smite. It hits and annihilates the being it hits. I cast spell after spell and cut anything they threw at me. I started realizing I made a mistake as the enemy seemed to have brought all the trolls they could which could take several hits before going down. However, every time I tried to disengage I would be attacked by several spells and arrows. After taking an arrow to my knee I was done with this.


I was surrounded by dragon scales and I felt the strength of my Thu'um increase massively.

Rio: "You are all going to have a bad time."

A Troll swings at me and I catch the club with my bare hands before ripping it away and bashing it into another Troll. I then get a massive mace out of my inventory and start bashing everything that moves. Sometime later I had killed tens of thousands of enemy soldiers and was exhausted but that damn Witch King had still not fought me.

Rio: "FUS RO DAH!"

My shout had blasted the last Troll to pieces and I finally saw the Witch King and the last 2 Ring Wraiths approach me.

Rio: "Oh? You're Approaching Me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?"

Witch King: "I can't kill you without getting closer."

Rio: "Then come closer and we can end this farce once and for all."

Witch King: "You tire. Long have you been fighting and now you will die for my lord."

I checked my Mana and it wasn't looking so good. My Stamina wasn't much better. I knew I could retreat if I forced it but I didn't want to let this chance escape. I put away my mace and took out a Sword that would permanently kill the Witch King. He seemed to sense it as he hesitated for a second. I took that chance to rush at him. My first attack was to vaporize the left Ring Wraith and then I used Turn Undead on the other while I slashed at the Witch King. He blocked the slash but I let off and cut into the Ring Wraith I used Turn Undead on. With the last Ring Wraith dead for good all that was left was the Witch King. We exchanged several attacks until I was caught off guard when his Black Wing dove at me forcing me to dodge. As I was dodging the Witch King slashed at me. I had to block with my arm and took a massive cut that didn't quite manage to sever my arm but it was clear to me it was time to fall back.


The Witch King was turned into a frozen statue while I flew away. I got hit by numerous arrows but I fought through the pain and arrived back in Minas Tirith. I was badly injured but still alive.

Gandalf: "Rio! We must get you to the infirmary."

Rio: "No, I just need rest. I need you to protect the city while I am healing."

I retreated to the top of the city and crashed into bed to heal myself.

The Next Day...


When I awoke the next day and checked on things I was disappointed to see that the walls were captured and we had retreated to the inner gates. We numbered 129k and the enemy numbered 504k. I cast numerous barriers on the gates to prevent anyone from getting further into the city then I had many rest while I took care of things for a time. I send my copy deep into enemy lines to kill or control the Oliphaunts. As they needed to be removed if we were to crush the enemy with our cavalry. What followed was another day of fighting where I played very defensively.

The Next Day...

I had received news that the Oliphaunts went berserk and caused many causalities before they were brought down. Then at dawn, the next phase of the battle began. Those in the city numbered 96k and the enemy numbered 363k. They had lost almost all their unique units. Most of their forces were Orcs and infantry.

Horn Sounds

(AN: Play Horn of Rohan on YouTube for the exact sound. )

I hear the shouts of the riders of Rohan.

(AN: Play Overlord OST CD1 21 'Kingdom's Warrior Captain Gazef Stronoff' on YouTube for some music.)

POV King Théoden

Théoden: "Arise, arise, Riders of Théoden! Spear shall be shaken, shield shall be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now, ride now, ride! Ride for ruin and the world's ending! Death! Death! Death"


Théoden: "Forth Eorlingas!"

With that final shout, I sped my horse into a charge. I felt the ground thunder with the hooves of all the riders behind me.

Everyone: "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!"

It seemed that we were luckier than we thought as the enemy hadn't fired a single arrow even after we crashed into their lines.


I watched as a wave of horses crashed into the enemy lines and swept them away like leaves in a storm. I knew that this would destroy the enemy completely but the Calvary numbered 78k. I then saw the Ghosts attacking the enemy's backline and I knew that the enemy was trapped.

'Now we need to only wait for the enemy to pull their forces from the city and we can sally out. Then the enemy will be attacked on 3 sides.'

We wait for a few minutes and I see the Orcs running out of the city like fools.

Rio: "Soldiers of the free world CHARGE!!!!!!!!!"

Everyone: "URAAAAA!!!!!!!!"

The gates opened and I led the charge into the enemy forces. I suddenly hear the screech of the Fell beast and know I am needed elsewhere. I create a copy and have it continue the charge while I finish off the Witch King. I start my fight with a Gravity Spell that forces the Fellbeast to crash. Once I landed I saw that the Fellbeast was reduced to meat upon the landing. The Witch King seemed to have survived the crash fine enough.

Witch King: "No man can kill me."

Rio: "At the end of this day. One shall stand, one shall fall."

I get into a fighting stance and prepare to kill this lich. I start by discreetly placing a Nuclear Mine Spell. Then I rush him and we exchange a few blows. What surprises me is that he seems much stronger than before.

Witch King: "Suprised? My lord has deemed it fit to grant me more power to ensure you are slain."

Rio: "Can't say I am surprised. I figured in this scenario you would never show yourself unless you had a plan."


I smile as he steps on the Mine.


I have part of my face melted off but the Witch King is blown to pieces allowing me to sever the connection to his body and then killing him permanently. He begins imploding and I step away to avoid any tricks Sauron may pull. Once I am certain he is dead I sigh and sit down and eat a Senzu Bean.

Rio: "Glad that stupid Lich is dead. He was like a darn Cockroach."

I look at the battlefield and see that it is almost over. Most of the enemy has been annihilated. What remains is trying to flee on foot. I still notice that we suffered heavy casualties but we won and now Sauron has lost almost all his armies. I just needed to fly into Mordor to finish the rest.

Sometime Later...

I watched as the ghosts were released from their curse. Then Aragorn approached me.

Aragorn: "We have won! Now we must take care of the dead and wait for Frodo to complete his mission."

Rio: "I will be going into Mordor to eliminate the last remnants of Sauron's forces and to draw Sauron's attention."

Aragorn: "Are you certain? That seems very dangerous. I have been told of what you have been doing to protect Minas Tirith. You should rest not jump right back into battle."

Rio: "I have a task and I will not delay it. Don't worry I will return."

I flew up and away and towards Mordor. I could tell Sauron had moved his remaining troops to the 2 entry points into Mordor. I quickly take care of those at the Black Gate and move to the other entrance. They are easy to remove as well. I was then able to tell Frodo had already made it past here. And safely no less.

'That should be the last one now to draw the attention of everyone.'

I cast an overpowered Light Spell and flew towards the Eye. Once I am there I pull out my sword and charge a massive attack spell. Sauron responds by using mental attacks.

Rio: "Your reign of darkness is over. You have lost. Your armies lay dead. Your influence is gone and now you will be erased and forgotten like so many dark lords before you. You will be nothing but a vague memory of a failed ruler and despot."

Sauron: "You! Outsider, you do not belong here. You have interfered with my plans and now you will perish like all those before you!"

Rio: "I seem to recall your enemies from many years ago still breathing. So sorry if I am not scared of you."

I smile as I see Sauron's eyes widen and look toward Mt. Doom.

Sauron: "NOOOOOOOOO! You tricked me! I will have your soul for this."

I start flying away as his tower begins crumbling. I know I need to quickly retrieve Frodo and Samwise but I have to wait for the Volcano to calm down slightly. It doesn't take too long and I swoop in and put a Hobbit on each of my shoulders and fly away. I arrive in Minas Tirith and heal them before letting them rest. I stay around for a little bit to help them deal with the bodies and repair the damage done by the war. And I also search the world for any remaining threats and eliminate them. Once all that was done I said my goodbyes and left the Trial.


Authors Note:

Wow, this Trial ended up being much longer than anticipated but then again I was dealing with 2 long movies and condensing them into just under 7k words. This will be the last time Rio will enter the LOTR Verse or at least as far as I can think of. Until next time Ciao.