Chapter 16 - Hope

The next day, room 304 of the hospital was filled with flowers and ballons.

Where did all these come from Lesley and why are you in such a festive uniform?. Lesley asked pointing to Imona in a baby blue uniform.

"I have good news Lesley, the Doctors are thinking of sending you both home today providing that you can find a nurse to look after Colin while he improves. He is awake and responsive. Hey, the room was looking boring and there have been no calls or messages, so I borrowed flowers and ballons to cheer you guys up." Imona replied.

Imona pulled the screen between the beds, Colin's radiant smile lit up the room.

"Thank you God" Lesley shouted out.

"Why you in a gown Lesley?" Colin asked.

"She needed some rest." Imona replied.

Who is running the Country? Colin further enquired.

Lesley sighed. "Rex Morgan"

"Ok, it's in good hands then, Lesley, we have nothing to worry about. When I am fit. I will do things differently." Colin responded.

"Colin, I'm curious. Who shot you?" Lesley asked.

"I don't know babes." Colin replied

"Colin are you lying to me. I'm your wife I deserve to know the truth." Lesley bemoaned.

"Babes!, I cant feel my toes and they cant move" Colin's voice was agitated.

Lesley, leaped from her bed and body bumped Imona.

"Oh, God, what have I done to deserve this? Lesley moaned.

It was then memory verse came back to her from Sunday School. If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2nd Chronicles 7 vs 14)

The room became filled with medical personnel who rushed Colin to undertake tests. Lesley found herself on her knees on the floor praying. Something she had stopped doing a long time ago.

"God, I've forsaken you since you took my father many years ago, but now you are taking the man that you gave me, He is my everything. Plus, you have decided to remove from my grasp the Party that my father built. Adolf Brown was my give away father at my wedding and he too has betrayed me. Am I a bigger sinner than any other person?" Lesley asked with tears, spittle and snot running down her face. She was butt naked before God, because her gown was open revealing where God had placed a split.

No words left her mouth, but Lesley found herself face down on the floor trying to connect and wondering if her credit had expired, because there wasn't an immediate answer.

Three hours later when Imona opened the door to the icy cold suite.

Lesley was asleep on the floor. The gown had exposed her garden of eden and the orderly that was pushing the gurney fattened his eyes.

"Wow a suh Presidential pump um look? It looks like refined pink salmon." The orderly gushed while licking his lips.

"Shut up boy" Imona shouted. "Help me lift her up." She barked while quickly pullinng down the gown to give Lesley privacy.

Colin was asleep on the bed.

Imona's glum face portrayed what they had suspected., but this time the Doctor would have to deliver the news to Lesley Small.

Hope hung in the balance.