Several weeks later in the outpatient Clinic in Jantique
"Wow, Colin, you are regaining your strength quicker than I expected." Imona said softly as she watched him doing physiotherapy with determination and grit on his face.
After this, its your bathtime and then some relaxation.
Imona, I want to go home Colin replied.
Be patient with your self Mr President, you have only been discharged a few days now, you would isn't quite healed yet and remember, you cant do anything too drastic.
"Even if I have to wheel myself around in a wheel chair, I want to go home to my own space." Colin grunted through his teeth.
"Relax, I will have the barber come over later to give you a trim and shave and hopefully when Lesley swings by later today, you will be handsome for her." Imona patted him on his shoulders while he grabbed the bars trying to move his legs.
Colin grunted, sweat beaded on his forehead. Once a man twice a child. Imona thought.
Colin was tall, with muscular shoulders, his features were hidden by his facial hear, but Imona could not help herself admiring the determination of her patient. Her mind went back to Marcus Dean and how he showed similar determination. However, Colin was light skinned with hear that showed his Indian heritage. Imona rested her hand on the small of his back and as she looked at how his black track suite fitted him.
Thank goodness for the black in him Imona mused.
If he does get back mobility, that would all go to waste, Imona could not stop herself from thinking. It had been a long while since a man had parted her red sea. She shook her head.
"What's on your mind Nurse, you seem a little distant." Colin said through struggling breathes.
Imona sighed. "The Physio couldn't make it this morning and I volunteered, I hope Mrs Small isn't offended in any way. I see how she has been doting over you."
"Nah, I think we have an open enough relationship, and I have given her no reason to doubt me" Colin replied.
"But has she?" Imona asked trying to take back the question.
Colin laughed. I think I can tell you anything in confidence. Lesley has always been very free spirited, while ive remained focused on my job. So now that this thing isn't working, who knows what challenges she will try and conquer." Colin replied his voice thick with depression.
"Hey many men live tasty, full and liberated lives without that thing" Imona half chuckled.
"I got you girl" Colin tried not to laugh because it caused him pain. Ive always heard about you Jantican women, but, I've never met one like you Imona.
"Hah, in all you trips to Jantique as head of state, a dashing handsome guy like you sure one of our ladies must have caught your eye." Imona walked every step with Colin.
"Lesley is Jantican"Colin said.
Cho, spill the tea nuh Mr President.
"Shh" Colin smiled. "I met one a couple of months back Sienta Alexander, Woieee, she was fine. She was like cream cheese on toast boy." A huge grin grew on Colin's face.
"How is the pain, now?" Imona asked.
"What pain?" Colin asked.
"Oh, I see what you were doing."Colin remarked out loud.
He watched while Imona googled Sienta Alexander on her phone.
"Dang Colin she is a looker, Lesley would stand a chance if this hot momma rolled up in your crib." Imona gushed.
Colin Small blushed, for the first time in days he felt no pain anywhere except for the tingle he felt in his left big toe.
Imona watched Colin's face change the moment Leslie walked in the room.
Hmmm she thought.
"Colin it seems you and Nurse Thompson are hitting it off" Lesley said sarcastically.
"Hah, I was thinking of offering her a job on my team. After all, one condition to an early discharge is the presence of a medically trained caregiver for the next couple of months." Colin ignored Lesley's attitude.
He watched Lesley's mouth fell agape.
"What's the hurry to be discharged Colin?" Lesley asked. Do you want to return home on a wheel chair?"
" I want to go home,Lesley, even if I'm in a wheel chair. Some very powerful history have been confined to a wheel chair." Teddy Roosevelt for example. Maybe I would be seen more human this way Lesley."
Lesley shook her head. " You may be seen as a weakling , being pushed around by your care giver. "
"If I was discharged today Lesley. I want to wake up in my own home in St Barts tomorrow morning. Do you really think it matters what people think about me woman? Nothing has changed, I'm still the same person. Someone tried to kill me and it just means God is not ready for me yet." Colin snapped back.
"And yet you haven't told me who shot you Colin Small. My gut tells me that you are hiding something from me" Lesley barked in response.
" Let me take my Leave." Imona siad before clearing her throat.
"No!" Colin shouted.
He took a deep breath.
"If you are coming to St. Barts, it means you have to know what really happens behind the scenes; My wife can be stubborn as an ox, but. I wear the pants." Colin replied in a soft tone.
"That is why my father never liked you Colin, you wore your heart on your sleeve. You don't seem to mind washing your linen in public. Some discussions don't need to be had before the hired help." Lesley was being caustic.
Colin chuckled. "Oh it's fine to keep our arguments public , but Rex Morgan could have his hand on your ass in public? I wonder which other part of you, he has been caressing?" Colin almost lost it, turning purple.
"I'm sorry Leslie" Colin blurted out a second later.
Lesley rolled her eyes. "You should have died and I would have gotten all your insurance money, you are such a spoiled politician. You are half the man I thought you were. " Lesley hissed.
"Imona, please take me back to my room. It seems as if something is in the water here, because my Wife seems to be having a diarrhea moment." Colin asked.
Lesley stood dumb struck. Just as Imona was about to push him through the door.
"Hey Lesley, I suppose you will be flying back to St Barts before me?" Colin asked.
Lesley hissed her teeth and stormed out.