Chapter 19 - CHAPTER 19 THE TRIAD


Princess Rose is pacing in her quarters waiting for anyone to tell her what is being discussed in the throne room. She wanted to attend the meeting but the dragon commander that her brother King James sent advised her not to. She should not have listened to him, now her fate is in the hands of those who don't even know her.

Two days ago, some foolish being had spotted Lord Lungu, her mate, leaving Princess Rose's In the early hours of the morning. No one apart from King Magnus and Lord Lungu's best friend General Chanda knows that they are mates.

The news that Lord Lungu was seen leaving Princess Rose's quarters early in the morning had spread like wildfire through the palace, causing whispers and speculation among the courtiers and servants. Princess Rose seethed with anger at the thought of someone daring to gossip about her private affairs.

"Lisa, Lisa, can you come here?" Princess Rose calls out to her loyal maid, who has been by her side for many years. Lisa enters the room, her expression concerned as she sees the distress on the princess's face.

"Yes, Your Highness, you called for me?" Lisa asked, her voice soft and respectful.

"I need you to find out who is responsible for what is happening. Find the person who saw Lord Lungu leaving my quarters," Princess Rose commands her tone firm and authoritative. "I want to know their name and their family. Their actions will not go unpunished."

"As you wish, Your Highness," Lisa replies,

bowing slightly before hurrying off to carry out her orders.

Alone once again, Princess Rose continues to pace, her mind filled with worry and frustration. She knows that her fate is now in the hands of those who do not even know her, who whisper behind her back and spread lies about her private affairs.


As she awaits news from the throne room, Princess Rose vows to destroy anyone who will call her names. She will show them that she is a force to be reckoned with. She will not let anyone belittle her, and she will show them all that she is a princess worthy of respect and admiration. And not some commoner who sleeps in the slums.

A few minutes later, Princess Rose smells her mate's scent before he can even reach her quarters. A smile comes to her face as she waits for him to reach her. A soft knock comes on her door a few seconds later, she opens the door with a smile on her face but when she notices his bad mood her smile disappears.

"What's wrong Davon? Did something bad happen?" Princess Rose asks lord lungu. 

"No, nothing bad happened, everything is fine." Lord lungu with a smile that does not reach his eyes.

"You are saying that everything is fine but your expression says otherwise."

"I promise you my love I am alright." Lord lungu says as he kisses Princess Rose's forehead.

"What was discussed in the throne room?" Princess Rose asks.

"They wanted to know my relationship with you and I have told them the truth. Everyone now knows that you are my fated mate."

"And how did they react when they found out I was your mate?"

"Most of them were surprised that you are mine." Lord lungu says as he connects his mouth to hers, kissing her lips like it is the last time he is doing it. Princess Rose responds to the kiss with so much passion.

"You are going to be the death of me." Lord lungu says as he rubs himself against her.

Princess Rose chuckles as she pulls away, cutting the kiss. "As much as I would love to make love to you right now I will not do it. My mind will not allow me until I know what was discussed in the throne room."

"They have told me to decide the future."

"What kind of decision Davon?"

"Whether I want to continue my bond with Lady Ruby, or continue what I am building with you." Lord lungu explains. Princess Rose takes a few steps from lord lungu and passes a hand through her hair.

"What have you decided?" Princess Rose asks after some time.

"I told them that I needed to make a decision together with you."

"Okay, but what do you want to do Davon?" 

"I do not want to choose between the two of you." Lord lungu says.

"So you plan on having us both?" Princess Rose asks, her anger rising every second that passes.

"I can not give you up but I can not give up Lady Ruby, she is the mother of my children. I would love for us to be a family. The girls are lovely and you will adore them."

"So, you have already made a session." Princess Rose states. Her dragon can be seen in her eyes, seconds away from burning the whole place down.

"Rose, calm down, I have not decided anything yet. I just thought that you would be okay with that arrangement considering it is common with dragons. Your parents were in such a union." Lord lungu says.

"You have no idea, do you, Davon? I told you the day we met that dragons don't share. Yes, there are triads among the royal dragons but it is not like what you are suggesting. Royal dragons are blessed with two mates. This means a royal dragon can have two mates but those mates can never mate with anyone else. My father had two mates and both my mothers had only him as their mate. We dragons do not like sharing it is in our nature." Princess Rose explains in anger.

"We can also try to make it work," Lord lungu says, trying to convince Princess Rose.

"Get out right now," Princess Rose states in a low voice as she tries to keep her dragon from taking control.

"Rose, listen, I didn't mean to upset you, please believe me." Lord lungu says as he takes a step towards Princess Rose.

"I said get out." Princess Rose shouts. Lord Lungu tries to say something but he looks at her face and what he wants to say leaves his mind. Princess Rose's eyes are no longer golden brown, they now have a burning fire in them. The air in the room is getting very hot

"Dragons do not share, is what I told you when we first met. Now you want me to share you with her. I need you to leave before I tear you apart." As lord lungu looks at Princess he realizes that he is talking to her dragon and not her. There is no love in her eyes, only anger.

Lord Lungu's heart sinks as he realizes the gravity of the situation. Princess Rose's anger is palpable, and he knows he has crossed a line that may be impossible to come back from. He hangs his head in shame as he turns to leave, knowing that he may have just lost the love of his life. He looks at her one more time before leaving her quarters.

Process Rose watches him as he walks out of the door and her heart breaks. She never expected this to happen, if only he had said he wanted her, she would have allowed Lady Ruby and their children to stay. She would have allowed the kind of arrangement he wanted her. She would have welcomed a triad.

Princess Rose closes her eyes and takes a deep breath to calm herself. The last thing she wants is to get angry and burn someone alive. She decides to take a cold shower to get rid of the anger inside her.

As Lord lungu walks away, he can't help but replay the words that Princess Rose had spoken. Dragons don't share. It is instilled in their nature, a fundamental part of who they are. Every magical being knows that when it comes to matters of the heart it is hard for a dragon to share unless those who have the same mate. And lord lungu had foolishly thought that he could defy that nature, that he could have both Princess Rose and Lady Ruby in his life. He knew deep down that the dragon princess would never agree to the arrangements but he still did it.

But now, as he stands outside her quarters, he knows that he has made a grave mistake. He has hurt Princess Rose, the woman he loves more than anything in this world. And he knows that he may never be able to make it right.

As he walks away from her quarters, the weight of his actions heavy on his heart, Lord Lungu knows that he may have just sealed his fate. Princess Rose had warned him that she would not tolerate sharing, and he had ignored her words. And now, he may have lost her forever.

"Dragons do not share," Lord Lungu whispers to himself, the words Princess Rose first spoke to him. He knows that he may have just destroyed the most precious thing in his life, all because of his foolishness.

He walks towards his quarters with a heavy heart. Princess Rose's words echo in his mind, a constant reminder of the mistake he has made. And he knows that he may never be able to forgive himself for what he has done. He should have told her how much he loves her and that he does not want Lady Ruby.

"What have you decided my lord?" Someone asks him the moment he enters his quarters. Lord lungu turns around and finds Lady lungu standing in the corner.