Chereads / Pokémon in a New World / Chapter 24 - Evolution

Chapter 24 - Evolution

As Daniel prepared to leave the Adventurers Guild, Elizabeth skipping excitedly beside him, the doors swung open, revealing a familiar figure. It was Tom, the soldier Daniel had met in the forest not long ago. But what truly caught Daniel's attention was the Pokémon walking beside him—a taller, bulkier form than what Daniel remembered. It was Electabuzz, the evolved form of Elekid. The Electric Pokémon's confident stride and crackling energy made it clear that it had grown significantly stronger.

Tom's eyes lit up when he saw Daniel. "Daniel! What are the odds?" he called out, striding over with a broad grin.

"Tom," Daniel greeted warmly, stepping forward. His eyes shifted to Electabuzz, who met his gaze with a smug expression, its arms crossed over its chest. "And look at you, Electabuzz. Congratulations on your evolution."

Tom scratched the back of his head, his smile tinged with pride. "Yeah, it's been quite the journey since we first met in the forest. Electabuzz here has been working hard. You wouldn't believe the story behind it."

"I'd love to hear it," Daniel said, gesturing for Tom to join him at a nearby table. Elizabeth, curious and excited, took a seat beside Daniel, her wide eyes glued to Electabuzz.

Tom sat down and began his tale. "Well, as you know, I've been working as a guard for the longest time. But recently, I decided to register as an adventurer too. I figured it'd be a great way for Electabuzz to get stronger and for us to bond even more. One of my most recent quests was to deal with a wild wolf that had been attacking a farmer's cattle just outside the city."

Elizabeth gasped. "A wolf? Was it big? Was it scary?"

Tom chuckled. "Big enough, and yeah, it was no small threat. The farmer said it had taken down three of his goats in one night. So, Electabuzz and I, well Elekid at the time, went to track it down. We found it not far from the farm, prowling through a grove."

He paused, his expression growing serious. "The fight started off fine. Electabuzz was throwing out thunderbolts when needed, doing enough to distract it and cause some damage while I did my best to keep the beast at a safe distance with my sword, and we had the wolf cornered. But then things took a turn. What the farmer didn't tell us—or maybe he didn't know—was that the wolf had a mate. While we were focused on the first one, the second wolf attacked me from behind."

Daniel leaned forward, his interest piqued. "How did you handle it?"

Tom shook his head, a hint of tension creeping into his voice. "I couldn't. The wolves were too fast, and they worked together like a well-trained team. I managed to fend one off for a while, but it wasn't looking good. Elekid was giving it everything he had, but his Thunderbolts weren't enough to put either of them down. I thought that might be the end of it."

Elizabeth was on the edge of her seat, her hands clutching the table. "But then what happened?"

Tom's smile returned, his pride evident. "In that moment, Elekid changed. He let out a roar, and suddenly he was glowing in this bright, white light. By the time the light faded, he wasn't Elekid anymore. He'd evolved into what you see now."

Electabuzz smirked at the memory, flexing one arm as if to show off.

"And as soon as he evolved," Tom continued, "Electabuzz slammed his fists together, electricity surging all over his body. He didn't even wait for my command. He charged straight at the nearest wolf, his entire body glowing in a sort of white and yellow aura. When he hit that wolf, it was like a thunderclap. The force of the punch sent the wolf flying, and when it hit the ground, it didn't get back up."

Daniel's eyes widened slightly. "That sounds like Giga Impact."

"Giga Impact?" Tom repeated, intrigued.

"It's a move that delivers an incredible amount of physical damage," Daniel explained. "But it comes at a cost—the user becomes exhausted afterward and needs time to recover. It's not something a Pokémon can pull off without significant strength and determination."

Tom looked at Electabuzz with newfound appreciation. "That explains it. After the fight, Electabuzz was completely exhausted. I had to recall him into his Pokéball until he healed up. I managed to deal with the other wolf on my own, but I don't think I could've done it without him."

Electabuzz puffed out its chest, clearly pleased with the recognition. Daniel smiled, reaching out to pat the Electric Pokémon's arm. "You've done well, Electabuzz. Keep that determination, and you'll go even further."

Electabuzz let out a low, satisfied growl, the electricity in its body sparking faintly.

As they continued to chat, Tom expressed his admiration for Daniel's vast knowledge of Pokémon. "You always seem to know exactly what's going on with them," he said. "It's no wonder the King and the entire kingdom are taking notice." "Haha, its all thanks to their efforts that they're getting the recognition they deserved, I can't take all the credit." Daniel replied bashfully.

After a while, Daniel decided it was time to part ways. "It was good seeing you again, Tom," he said, standing up. "And congratulations again on Electabuzz's evolution. I'm sure you two will accomplish great things together."

"Thanks, Daniel," Tom replied, shaking his hand. "And who knows? Maybe we'll cross paths again soon."

With that, Daniel and Elizabeth left the Adventurers Guild, stepping back into the lively streets of Luthadel. Elizabeth was still buzzing with excitement from meeting Electabuzz, but Daniel's thoughts were elsewhere. He had been contemplating an idea since his arrival in the city, and his encounter with Tom had solidified it.

"Danny?" Elizabeth asked, looking up at him. "Where are we going now?"

"I need to talk to find someone willing to help me with selling my items back home," Daniel replied. "If we're going to start selling items in the forest, I'll need someone with experience to help manage it."

Elizabeth tilted her head. "How about the Merchants Guild?" Daniel asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's where merchants go to trade or find work, the I only know about them csuse the Elders would talk about them sometimes." Elizabeth explained. "That actually sounds perfect, when did you get so smart?" Daniel teased as he patted her head. "I've always been smart!" She complained, batting away his hand in defiance. Laughing, Daniel moved to a nearby street vendor.

After asking for directions, Daniel found himself standing before another grand building, though smaller than the Adventurers Guild. The sign above the entrance read "Merchants Guild," and the air around it buzzed with activity as traders and merchants moved in and out, carrying goods and ledgers.

Inside, the guild was bustling with energy. Tables were filled with merchants negotiating deals, clerks were organizing inventory records, and the scent of parchment and ink filled the air. Daniel approached the front desk, where a middle-aged man with a neatly trimmed beard greeted him.

"Welcome to the Merchants Guild," the man said. "How can I assist you today?"

Daniel explained his situation, describing the items he wanted to sell in the forest—Pokéballs, potions, and other essentials for trainers and Pokémon. The clerk listened intently, nodding thoughtfully.

"You'll need a merchant with experience in unique goods," the clerk said. "Someone who knows how to handle specialty items and attract the right clientele. Let me see who might be available."

After scanning a ledger, the clerk looked up with a smile. "There's a merchant named Ben who specializes in exotic wares. He's experienced, trustworthy, and currently looking for new opportunities. I'll arrange for you to meet him."

Daniel nodded gratefully. "Thank you. That sounds perfect."

As they waited, Elizabeth wandered around the guild, marveling at the variety of goods being traded. She pointed out colorful fabrics, gleaming trinkets, and jars of spices, her excitement never waning.

A short while later, a man in his late thirties approached. He had sharp features, a confident demeanor, and a calculating gaze that softened slightly when he saw Elizabeth.

"You must be Daniel," Arlen said, extending a hand. "The clerk told me you're looking for a merchant to help with a unique business venture."

"That's right," Daniel replied, shaking his hand. "I need someone to help sell items in a forest I've been cultivating—some are unique items never seen before and yet some are more well known such as herbs and potions. I plan to sell them from the forest of Nahir, the very same forest that Pokémon inhabit."

Ben raised an eyebrow. "Pokémon? So the rumors are true. I've heard talk of these creatures, and if half of what I've heard is accurate, you've got something extraordinary on your hands." He paused, considering. "I'll admit, I'm intrigued. Tell me more."

As Daniel and Ben began negotiating, Elizabeth stayed close by, her gaze flitting between them and the lively activity of the guild. Daniel could tell she was growing tired, but her excitement at all the new experiences was keeping her wide awake for now.

By the time they left the Merchants Guild, Daniel had secured an agreement with Ben and agreed to meet him at the city gates so that they could travel together together to Nahir.