Chereads / 12 Deadly roses / Chapter 20 - THE COMMANDERS INVITATION


Chapter 20

At the aircraft:

Honda was on the monitor when the alarms when off..all of the crew started got to there position.

Honda: what's the situation?

Owen: the aircraft is detecting something near by but we've checked the scanners and there's nothing floating near us..

Honda: that's odd..Samantha try sending drones to scan near by movements.

Samantha:(began to type on the hollow keyboard) on it...sending

The hatch open and 7 drones began to hover around the the aircraft looking for something.

Honda:( sitting on her chair) well?

Samantha:(looking at the monitor) there's nothing..

Owen: maybe it could have been some bird or something.

Honda: yeah I suppose your right..but..still..

Clara: capitan!!! 2 missiles are heading this way!!!!

Honda: what!!

2 missiles we're about to hit the airship.

Honda: Samantha use the drones to intercept the missiles now!!!

Samantha: using the drones now!!!(she use the drones to intercept them).

The drones clash with the missiles and made a huge explosion.

Honda: were did that came from?

Mark: im looking at the monitor and there's nothing close.

Honda: they musted come from

somewhere..missiles don't just appear out of knowere...

Samantha: incoming transmission..

The main monitor open and a woman sitting on the capitans chair spoke.

Alison:(speaking through the monitor)my oh my what do we have here..hehehe..

Honda:(grip her fist)....Alison...

Alison: that's right Honda I'm back..

Honda: i though HQ send you to the other side of the planet after the incident you caused.

Alison: you mean the time you and your crew interfered with our job...

Honda:*smirk* heh...we just helped you out since you clearly needed it...I mean it's not a surprise doe hehehe.

Alison:(annoyed) we had everything undercontrol until you came and rulent everything..but..thats on the past...I'm here for other reasons...

Honda:oh yeah and what's that..

Alison: there's been reports of some strange events happening in town and HQ send me here to investigate.

Honda: huh?..what are you talking about...

Alison: a couple of weeks ago there was an incident in town involving some strange creatures...

Honda: i know i send scarlet to take care of them and she did...

Alison: true, true but there's more...

Honda: more?

Alison:apparently there's 12 anomalies in the city with a huge amount of power..also two strange sources of power that appeared occasionally and 2 more that appeared during the night.

Honda: yeah I know and were taking care of it.

Alison: hehehe well that's not what HQ said...

Honda: what do you Mean!?.

Alison: i told them that your team needed some help because of the situation and they said that it was for the better..

Honda: well thanks for the offer but we don't need it so tell HQ to send you back we're you came from...

Alison: im afraid I can't Honda...i got direct orders so your stuck with I'm stuck with you...

Honda:( pissed) look ever since the incident that happened everything has been calm ok so like I said we got this...

Alison: if what you say is true ...then tell me something Honda...why did my scanner detected 4 strange power levels down town.(Honda gasp). That's right..there was a fire and it was in plane day light and all of a sudden it's started to rain really hard followed by a gust of wind and a collapsed building that landed on the opposite direction...that's not normal...isn't it Honda.


Alison:(chuckle) well it looks like I'm ahead of you that's not surprise at all..well then I'll let you continue with your little games..bye now(the monitor when blank).

Honda:( she punch the desk and got angry in a funny way and stared to two a tamtrum) arghhhhhh!!!! That stupid she witch i hate her, I hate her, I hate her!!!!!

Owen:(concern) um...commander are you..ok?

Honda:(she sat on her chair) yeah..I'm.. fine...

Samantha: what should now capitan?

Honda: bring back scarlet now...and her sisters...

Owen: are you sure..i mean it's to dangerous to bring people to this( Honda threw a big book at his face and he fall down).


Back at the house the guys were about to enjoy lunch.

Akari:( her eyes light up as Kyle brought the food) wow Kyle that look delicious!!!

Yui: yeah you really know your way around the kitchen.

Kyle:( smile) it was nothing really hehehe.

Iris:(she shake her head) no this food is amazing you should give your self more credit.

Scarlet: (she pick up the spoon and sniff the food)...this...smell good.

Hiro: wait until you try it.

Momo: yeah Kyle is the best cook in here( smirk playfully) isn't that right lily...(she giggle).

Lily:( she got caught off guard and almost chock on her food)..what are you talking momo!!

Momo:( she starts laughing).

Nikko: even momo teases lily hahaha!!!

Lily:(blush) oh shut up too momo..

Hiro: come on scarlet try it I'm sure you'll like it( smile).

Scarlet closed her eyes and put the spoon inside her mouth while everyone was waiting for her reaction, as soon as scarlet swallowed the food she open her eyes as a shiver came down her spine as she loved the food.

Hiro: well i think she loved it.

At that moment scarlet scouter began to beep, she press the communicator and Samantha talk.

Samantha: come in scarlet do you copy?.

Scarlet: yes i copy...

Samantha: scarlet we need you back to the ship immediately this is an emergency also we need you to bring your sister's too.

Scarlet:..repeat that?

Samantha: the commander has ask for your sister's and apparently A boy named hiro.


All of them look at scarlet with concern.

Momo:( with a sad face) do you have to go sis?

Kaori: yeah what a bummer i wanted us to hang out more..

Scarlet: actually they want all of us to go..(all of them gasp).

Momo: you mean we get to see were you work scarlet?

Scarlet: let's go there waiting for us( they walk outside and gave the signal to honda)..were ready..( they got teleported to the aircraft).

They were transported to the main room were a the personal was and they all stud there quiet looking at them, one of the crew members came to great them.

Mark: hello my name is Mark and welcome to...(he got kicked by Honda).


kana:what the!??..


Lily: because we don't work for you...?

Honda:(pout) SHUT UP THATS NOT THE POINT!!!...

clara: don't mind her she's just angry that's all.

Yukki: we can see that...

Clara: anyways we welcome all of you to stardust..( all of them we're amazed about the aircraft and it's advanced technology). Please follow me.( they followed her to the preparation room and they all took a sit waiting for Honda to show).

Kaori: this place is amazing.

Yukki: yeah no doubt.

Akari: hey Casey this place suits you well with all of the tech stuff.

Nikko: ha ha she called you a nerd.

Kana:better than being called a dumb airhead...(nikko glared at her)

Azuka: that's enough...( both of them said sorry at the same time).

Honda and Clara came to the room.

Honda: ok now that I'm calm allow me to introduce my name is Honda kanemoto and I'm the commander of the airship stardust and I know this is out of the book but there's a reason why we brought all of you here.( all of them listen carefully) after the incident in town there's been numerous times when 2 individuals have been appearing in multiple locations also 2 more that are still unknown...the satellites have identified them but there's no trace or information about them.( she showed them in the monitor).

Iris: those are cessiar and Cecilia...

Honda: so you know them..

Iris: yes..there after the chaos Crystal.

Honda: those two have been scene in the middle of the mountains with dr. Isaac..

Nikko: dr.who?

Clara: Dr.isaac was a very famous biological engineer and had an advanced knowledge on technology but he was working on a top secret project and got shut down..he was claim to be dead but apparently he's not..

Honda: there the ones responsible for the attack on town, and after all of you destroy there machine things I know that he'll be coming back for more.

Nikko: so let me guess you called us because we're awesome and need our help.

Clara: actually no we called you because of this.( she showed them the incident of the burning building and the police chace).

Nikko: oh uh..

Clara: oh uh indeed after that the agency decided to take precautions and brought our sister airship..the red nova, they started to download the files of all of the time you encountered the enemies and they see all of you as potential threats.

Kaori: but we're good guys why they see us as a threat?

Clara: because of you powers....everytime you use them they began to analyze all of you so that they can find a weakness and take you so that they can take it away.

Yui: that's terrible..

Honda: I know...thats way we brought all of you make sure that you use them in the correct way..

Iris: how's that?

Honda:( smirk) with our tech duh!!!

Momo: oh so we're going to be like scarlet?

Clara: correct we will prepare all of you so that everytime there's danger you could use your powers without being traced or identify.

Iris: that sounds about right to me.

Casey: yeah I mean you guys could use all of the help you can get.

Honda:then it's settled will began our preparation now!!!( all of then cheer up).

Hiro:(walk to the monitor)..

Clara: what's wrong hiro?

Hiro: Clara when you mentioned that there were two more strange anomalies...did you refer to Cecilia and cessiar?

Clara:correct why do you ask?

Hiro: then who are those 2 that stand in the hills?

Clara: we still don't know..we've been trying to figure it out for a very long time...the only thing we know is that they only appear when there's a blood moon.

Hiro: the blood moon?.

Clara: yes..every 5 years whenever theres a blood moon they appear for like 10 minutes and just stay on top of the hill just looking at the city...were expecting to have one soon so don't worry will be ready to face them.

Hiro:( look at teh monitor)...yeah...will be ready...