Chereads / 12 Deadly roses / Chapter 21 - THE MYSTERIOUS TWIN SISTERS


Chapter 21

At the aircraft

Clara: ok everyone follow me( all of them followed her into another room),please enter and don't be afraid.

Kaori: what is this place?

Honda: where you'll get your new upgrades and also train in the most sophisticated way you can possibly imagined, now I already took the liberty into making some changes into your weapons so if you may all put them all in the table and we will proceed.

Kana: so what your saying is that your gonna replace them?

Honda: what no, we've seen what your weapons are capable of so we're just gonna give it a little boost that's all, just in case.

Momo: but is it

Clara: yes momo it's safe, we've taken precautions when doing this i mean look at scarlet's sword, with the right adjustments and training she's become more powerful.

Honda: and besides your gonna need it if your ever gonna face the dr. So I suggest you put them there and let our group handle this..oh and we're gonna need you kazumi.

Kazumi: huh?,for what?.

Clara: well your weapons are infused with magic so...

Kazumi: oh I see you need me to maintain there original state while you do your thing.

Honda:( she pointed at Kazumi) bingo...

Iris: then all help to, kazumi' gonna need the extra help.

Honda: well the more help the faster we can get this done.

Nikko: what are we supposed to do?

Clara: well you could start by resting a little bit...tomorrow you got school.

Nikko:what we have to?

Casey: yes Nikko we have to.

Hiro: yeah and besides you've been so lazy this couple of weeks, have you done all of the homework that the teacher's gave you.

Nikko:(with a nervous face) erh...


Nikko: what I've been busy.

Kana: with what all you've been doing is goof off.(nikko stick her tongue out at kana).

Hiro:(sigh) come on let's go we got a new day tomorrow.

The next day

Hrio was walking to school when he noticed someone was watching him through an ally, he stopped and try to walk to who ever was watching him.

Hiro: um...hey...who are you...( the strange person ketp quite and ran through an ally, hiro also followed we're the strange person went) hey stop i just wanna talk.

He continued running until he got to a dead end.

Hiro:what the...its a dead end..(he looked around trying to find something but there was nothing there),I've must have imagined or something...I've better get going i don't want to be late.(as he got out of the ally he stop and noticed that the strange person was in front of him) who are you and why are you following me!?

The strange person was wearing a brown cloth covering it's body.

Hiro: im not gonna ask again tell me who you are now!

???:(walk to him).

Hiro:( he stepped back)

???:( kept walking to him).

Hiro continued baking up until he was in the middle of the streets, all of a sudden a truck was heading to where we is.

Hiro:( he turned his head to see the truck but there was nothing he could do because it was to fast)....

All of a sudden another strange person came and with an incredible speed took hiro away and jumped saving his life,when hiro look at who had save him he got a good look on the person and noticed that it was a girl with long black and red hair with yellow eyes, he placed hiro on the ground and got up,hiro got up and spoke.

Hiro: you for saving me...can I ask you something...(she looked at him but kept quiet)...who are you....

???:you will find out sooner than you expect...( both of the girls jumped and disappeared).

Hiro:(he was completely speechless but he need it to go back to school)

Hiro got back to school just in time and entered the classroom, Casey noticed that he was looking outside the window and decided to talk to him.

Casey: um..hiro are you ok you seem to be spaced out.

Hiro: oh uh yeah I'm fine I was just thinking about something that's all.

Casey:( she was a little concerned) but is everything ok?

Hiro:(smiled) yeah totally, everything is fine.

Lily: well you sure don't look like it.

Hiro: (he turned around and noticed that Akari, momo,lily and nikko we're behind him),oh hey didn't see you back there.

Akari:( arms crossed) well of course you didn't you entered the classroom looking all spaced out and didn't even noticed us...

Nikko: yeah not cool dude...

Momo:( with a sad face) im worried that something is troubling you big brother.

Hiro:( he walk to momo and pet her head) i promise momo everything is fine, I'm sorry for worrying all of you really, I'm fine is nothing to worry about( smile).

Momo:( she felt relieved that hiro was ok and smiled and gave him a big hug).

Nikko:( she walk to her desk) well you still owe us for making us worried for no reason so your gonna buy me lunch.

Hiro:wait..didn't you brought lunch with you?

Lily: she's ate it all on her way here...


Nikko: what i was hungry...

Hiro:(laugh) ok ok ill buy you fact after school why don't we all go get some pizza how's that.( all of then nodded in a happy way).

Teacher: ok class everyone take your sits were about to begin.( all of them sit down).I hope that everyone is doing good and also remember that today you had to bring your assignment so I hope you all did,(nikko slowly try to hide under the desk knowing that she didn't do anything)well let's get started then,nikko would you be so kind to hand over your homework please.

Nikko: what why me,can someone else go first?

Tecaher: well i would but you seem to be nervous about did your homework....right?

Nikko:( nervous) well..I.. see...( kyle entered the classroom).

Teacher:oh my, kyle your 2 minutes to explain...

Kyle:( heavy breathing) sorry teach I just had to ran back to my house because I forgot something very important.

Teacher: oh and what would that be?

Kyle: its nikkos homework, me and my sister helped nikko with the last details because she wanted to make it look good.

Casey:( looked confused) I did?

Nikko: she did?


Nikko: o..oh yeah I totally did it must have forgotten ( nervous laughter).

Kyle: here you go Nikko.

Nikko: thank you my good man oh and there a note:( she read the note in her mind,it was from Clara and it said: dear nikko please try to stay focused on your studies we will help this time...take care).phew that was a closed one.

Teacher: what was that?

Nikko: nothing, here's my homework.

Teacher:( she took the homework and looked at it) my oh my nikko this is even divided the equations with most excellent presentation.

Nikko: i did what...oh yeah yeah it's was nothing...

Akari:( she talked in between her teeth)don't pushed it Nikko or there gonna find out...

Nikko:( she did the same) shut up Akari I know I'm just nervous...

Teacher:ok then will get to the rest later,I have an important announcement to make,we have two new students coming in to this class.

All of the students we're very intriguing by who we're the new students,the teacher walk to the door and opened it.

Teacher: please come in don't be shy,(both of them walked in and everyone was stund when they saw them).everyone please give a warm welcome to...I'm sorry what was your names dear?

Scarlett:hello everyone my name is Scarlett and this is my twin sister crimmson.

Both crimmson and Scarlett looked the same, both had long black and red hair, yellow eyes and soft skins,every boy in the class were speechless and had there eye's glued to them.

Teacher:( she noticed the boys reaction and giggle)my oh my its looks like the boys are happy to see you two hehehe.

Scarlett:(smile) yeah I've noticed hehehe sorry for that hehehe.

Teacher: no need to apologize dear..what about you crimmson, im sure the class including the boys would like to know about you.

Crimmson: well me and my sister are always together especially when we're on missions.

Teacher: missions?

Scarlett:( she quickly covered crimmsons mouth with her hands and laughs nervously) hehehe what she ment to say is thay we always do regular stuff like go shopping and go to the grocery stores,that sort of stuff hehehe.

Teacher: oh well I see what crimmson means hehehe going shopping can be difficult especially when the stores put sales and stuff. Now since you two are new here why I don't i partner up you two with someone so that they can help you get through this school year.

Scarlett: yeah we would love that.

Crimmson: yes indeed we would.

Teacher: ok then let's see who would I pick for you all of the boy's started to raised there hands saying " pick me", " no pick me")goodness there's so many I just can figure this out.

Crimmson: ( she starts walking to where all of the boy's are, her long soft hair move with the wind as her bright yellow eyes glased all of the students making them stare in awe, she suddenly stopped in front of hiros desk and pointed at him,hiro and the girls looked at her and blink twice) i want you....

All of the classroom couldn't belive what just happened but she just kept pointing at hiro looking at him directly in his eyes....