Chereads / Harry Potter and the International Triwizard Tournament / Chapter 30 - Chapter 30: Engaging Encounters

Chapter 30 - Chapter 30: Engaging Encounters

This was now the third time he was all dressed up and heading out for an evening. He wasn't sure if there would be dancing, this time, but there may well be. This wasn't something that excited him, though he'd become a highly proficient dancer, it wasn't a passion of his. These kinds of nights were something he was going to have to get used to, however. This would be the first of many such occasions, for decades into the future.

Tonight he would be attending a gathering put on by Horace Slughorn. It was originally going to be centered around a quidditch match, with a box full of people there by invite only, but things had kind of gotten blown out of proportion recently. With all the positive spotlight focused on Harry and the gaffes by the Ministry and tournament organizers, not one person or subject has been covered more in the Wizarding world than Harry Potter.

The power of the press was something Harry would always be wary of. They'd skewered Fudge, roasting on a spit over a bonfire might have been kinder than the treatment they gave him. All across the wizarding world, and he'd checked in on all major publications, they went after him like a wolf smelling fresh blood on a wounded prey. They knew the end was nigh and went after him, and any close associates of his, viciously.

Personally, Harry thought there was some under the table money given to make it so harsh. In the public perception, few winners had come out of the Second Task. The Wizengamot held inquiries, the Department of Magical Law Enforcement investigated, and Fudge was quick to resign, though that didn't stop the press from the hatchet job they were doing, nor the investigations into his tenure as the Minister of Magic.

Now he was going to an affair arranged by Horace Slughorn. It wasn't quite a gala but it was more than the parties Harry had heard about the man throwing previously, with musical entertainment, refreshments, appetizers and contacts galore. Harry Potter was going to be in attendance and even a small press contingent had been authorized to cover it. They had booked up some sort of fancy magical restaurant which Harry had never heard of, Horace had said the owners were practically jumping out of their seats to secure the right to host it. There had already been two articles in the Daily Prophet about it.

Harry had thought at first to invite Fleur to the event, as his date, but Gabrielle was just out of the hospital and their family was spending the day together. The whole Delacour family had been invited to attend but graciously declined. Gabrielle was at home but not fully recovered. Patrice had talked with him personally, now was a time for family. Gabrielle's heritage had complicated the treatment and they were looking at experts to ensure she was going to be fine.

He'd been somewhat disappointed with that, as spending time with Fleur again would have been nice, but he'd never think less of her for worrying about her sister and spending time with her. Next he'd thought to take Daphne but before he could consider asking her, he'd seen that Natalia had written him. She'd been moved, after the day Harry had visited her, to their family home, they'd insisted on getting their own care for their daughter. He could have owled the family, to try and see her, but had just left it. Visiting on his own hadn't been something he wished to do. He'd have continued to see her, at Saint Mungo's, but it wasn't to be.

He'd still considered taking Daphne but he just couldn't do it. Natalia was healthy now and she asked if they could meet.

So, he'd be meeting her and attending tonight's event together. Harry thought Cyrus wasn't too impressed, hoping he'd have taken Daphne, but it was Harry's choice. Natalia had been hospitalized, for an event she hadn't been required to take part in. She'd not asked him to take her, her message had been simple, she just wanted to talk and go for a walk, like they used to.

Harry had been the one to bring up the social gathering and request her to be his date. It hadn't been like that with the Delacour Ball. She'd wanted to be his date and had made it very clear. While there was no indication she did not want to be his date, Harry felt Natalia may still be affected by her ordeal. But it was time to stop thinking. He was dressed, ready, and now going to meet with Horace Slughorn.

The trip didn't take long, the wonders of magical travel. Harry arrived at his doorstep and channeled a little magic into the magical door knocker. It was starting to sink into him just how different muggles and magicals were. Magic was an essential part of him, to lose one's magic was to court death.

Slughorn opened the door, a beaming smile lit up his face as he saw just who was arriving at his him. "Harry my boy! Lovely to see you on an evening such as this!"

"Horace," he greeted back, "it should be a good night, shouldn't it." Harry tried to rile up some enthusiasm for it but he wasn't going to be matching Slughorn's level, that was for sure.

"Ready for tonight?" He asked, almost giddy in his excitement.

Harry gave a strained smile, "As ready as I'll ever be."

Horace stepped back and waved him in.

"You're taking Miss Greengrass on your arm?" Slughorn asked as they made their way to the sitting area.

"No. I was going to take Fleur... But the Delacour family cannot attend." Harry responded, sitting down in the same place as the last time he was here, the seat was too comfortable to consider elsewhere.

"Yes, yes, a shame that." Horace sat opposite him, the normal drink lacking for the two of them, they weren't lingering here.

"I was going to ask Daphne but Natalia is well and today is the first chance to see her since she has gotten better. I asked her to be my date tonight." He supplied the conclusion that he would already have put together.

"Cyrus was hoping you know…"

Harry nodded as Slughorn had just let his statement kind of hang out there.

Harry rubbed his forehead. "I'm aware. Natalia was the one who almost died in the task and this is my first chance to see her. I want to make sure she's alright."

"Of course, of course." Horace accepted the explanation easily. "Cyrus is under oath but he's well connected. You need allies within the country. These events will go a long way toward that. Having Cyrus and myself push your agenda is a boon, but, much will come down to you. You must charm and win them over, make them believe in you. Have a good showing and we'll have more than enough material to work to your benefit."

Harry nodded, this wasn't something they hadn't discussed already. He'd been harping about the importance of events like tonight. He had to network more and stay in the public eye. He had to present a proper image. They were essentially starting a new faction and needed every kind of support they could get. Every family that allied with them, or followed their lead, was one less in opposition.

"Are there specifics of who you want me to meet?"

"All taken care of, Harry, my boy." He waived off Harry's question. "We'll work the room and direct. You just need to charm and smile. Natalia has been raised for this, she'll be able to assist too."

Harry dipped his chin before bringing it back up slowly. "Shall we then?" Harry knew it was about time and didn't want to hear about the list of people or anything more about etiquette.

"Oho, it's showtime." Horace clapped his hands together and stood up.

It was a quick floo trip for the two and they arrived at the restaurant. Why they had to come so many hours before the party, Harry had no idea. He let Horace lead him in and he brought Harry right towards a man.

"Frank, this is Harry Potter," he turned back to Harry, "Harry this is Frank Napolitano, the owner of this evenings venue." Horace exchanged a hearty handshake with the large man. He had dress robes on, black with bright red accents.

"Harry Potter!" Frank's deep voice resonated, a low powerful voice reminding him of Sylvester Stallone. "We're so glad to be hosting tonight! Business is booming! Our reservation list is booked solid for weeks on end! This whole night, we supply everything for you! No charge! Eat here anytime, free of charge."

Harry had given his hand out to shake his hand and was regretting it now. Frank was a big guy. Built and muscled, not like a bodybuilder would be, just a very strong wide-shouldered man, he must workout or do a fair amount of manual labor, odd for a wizard.

"Lucia, Lucia!" Frank call out with his deep baritone voice carrying across the room.

Harry looked around him, to see if he could see who Frank was calling. It became obvious right away, a woman on the far side came towards them, a large smile on her face. She was dressed in a violet and white dress with green and red accents.

"Franky, my baby, why are you calling for me so loudly?" Harry I'm grinned when he heard her calling Frank a baby.

"Lucia, my darling." Frank rumbled out and hugged her giving her a kiss on each cheek and then an inappropriately long kiss on the lips, made worse by the gratuitous tongue and wanton moaning. The sultry look in Lucia's eye, when the kiss ended, made it clear what they'd be doing if there weren't two men standing right around them.

"Not in front of the guests," her eyes caught sight of Harry and they flew up to check for his famous scar, "especially in front of our two most important ones. We can save that for later, Franky, my baby." She purred at her husband and lightly slapped him on his large pectoral muscle.

"But let me say it is our distinct pleasure to have you here, Harry." She immediately disengaged from her husband and gave Harry a hug, pressing her body up against him. It was either Harry's imagination, or reality, that she wiggled herself against him before kissing him on both cheeks. She paused when she kissed the second cheek and whispered in his ear, "If you need anything, Harry, just let me know, I mean it, anything."

Harry was let go and he was sure his face had at least a small blush adorning it. He glanced at Frank who winked at him. Harry didn't want to thin what that might have meant so he looked at Slughorn who was now hugging and exchanging kisses on their respective cheeks. The lecherous look in the man's eyes and the way his hand was firmly squeezing her arse made Harry open his eyes wide. There was no way Frank didn't see where that hand had just groped his wife.

"Horace you old dog!" He boomed out in response, gayous laughter followed his exclamation.

"Lucia is far too delectable to not try and swipe a little taste." He unrepentantly leered at her and they laughed while Harry uncomfortably stood wondering what this was about. Natalia was going to be his date tonight and there was no chance he would consider letting someone leer at her like that, let alone grope her arse.

"Now that you've enjoyed that Horace, let's sample the actual food and drinks before guests begin to Lucia entertain Mister Potter." Frank turned and pulled Horace along, his large maw of a hand finding Horace's mid-back and pulled him right along.

Lucia stuck out her arm, for Harry to escort her toward wherever they were going, and Harry moved forward and let her lead them, she took them to a back office area.

Lucia gave him a look and Harry wasn't sure what it meant exactly. She was waiting or wanting something from him but he had no idea what it was.

She gave him a predatory smile and then twirled, her dress was far more revealing when twirling than it was when she stood still. The way it moved and floated off her body, as she spun, made Harry think it was more of a like a harness type dress with the actual dress portion just dropping down from the points where it attached to her body instead of being a single piece of connected fabric. He didn't have long to ponder the extra flashes of flesh as she was staring at him expectantly.

"Not going to compliment your hostess tonight? And Horace had said you were such a gentleman." She tutted at him, a playful grin hidden behind her chastising words.

Harry shook his head, she didn't need to fish for compliments but he'd play her game. "Horace said you were delectable whereas I would compare you to the finest of wines. Already, delicious, smooth and something you could never tire of enjoying as well as a wine that will only get better with age."

"Oh you are good." She stalked over to him and grabbed her two hands, bringing them to her hips and then pulling them up her body until his forefingers we touching the bottom of her ribs. Her dress was definitely more of how Harry had thought, there had been fabric between her hips and his hands but when they slid up they were underneath her dress.

"We're here to make sure you have a pleasurable night tonight. I'd like to make sure it's a night you could never forget." She slid his hands higher, all his fingers on her ribcage.

"I'm sure you and your husband will ensure we have a great time." While impure thoughts were running through his hormone-addled brain, he did his best to keep himself from reacting to her flirtations.

"Franky, he's mine but I'm not his. He knows the arrangement, he has a small share in the restaurant while he manages it. But I own this place and I own him. You don't need to worry about him."

Harry nodded, not trusting his words for the moment.

"If your date isn't woman enough for you just let me know," she said. "Horace asked for a favour and I don't mind making sure you are educated."

Harry blinked, that was almost blatantly propositioning him. She'd taken him back to a private office and had his hands inches on her waist and her words were pretty damn clear. He had Natalia coming today as his date and Harry had had a long lesson in French-kissing from Fleur.. He wasn't lacking in the female companionship front.

He was torn about this. His primal urges wanted his hands to drift upward and begin to take, from her, whatever pleasure she was willing to give him. Yet, she was quite a lot older than him and had some arrangement with Horace to make this place as the venue. It was that thought, more than anything else, that repulsed any desire to bring his hands up any further. Instead, he withdrew them.

"I'll keep that in mind." He said hoarsely, he'd needed to swallow before he'd been able to get words out.

She stepped back and slowly and shook her head. "He said you had a good head on your shoulders… I'll owe Horace a dinner and a bottle of our finest." She ruefully chuckled.

"He said you were different, the fame hadn't and wouldn't go to your head. I do apologize if I made you uncomfortable, it couldn't be worse than being groped by Horace Slughorn." She shuddered and Harry doubted it was theatrical.

"It did make me uncomfortable, though my earlier compliment was sincere."

"I'm sure it was." She gave him a teasing grin back.

"What would you have done if I'd moved my hands up higher?" Harry asked curiously, tilting his head to the left.

She laughed again. "Do you know much about magical fashion, like what type of dress this is?" She asked him.

Harry turned his head side to side, giving a negative response.

"Mind if I draw my wand?" Though she asked her hand went to her side and sunk into a pocket Harry hadn't noticed before.


She drew her wand out of side pocket on her dress and brought it up to her dress. The fabric started receding and left her covered in more than a muggle two piece swimsuit but not much more.

"The dress has multiple settings. It can be an actual dress, one that allows access to more skin, though your hands would not have found my breasts if they'd tried, and there are two more revealing settings than this." She gave him a wink and giggled at his eyes bulging.

Damn, Harry thought. If there were two more settings, that were more revealing, it'd sure be a sight to see.

"Who is your date tonight? I could show her the functions and advise her on where to get them." She teased as she used her wand to return it to a proper dress.

"Natalia Pavlova, though, I imagine she'd already knows about magical fashion." Her last dress was certainly flashy enough, though not close to being indecent or showing skin like Lucia's dress.

Lucia whistled. "A Pavlov, mighty brave of you… Not a family I'd risk getting mixed up with if there was a chance of things going wrong. She's the youngest, the dancing one?" She asked as she opened a cabinet and had some red wine being poured into two glasses.

"Yes, she dances incredibly well." Harry said thinking back to the first time he'd seen her practice at Lacroix's.

"I'd warn you but Horace knows what you're getting into." She floated a glass to him and he took it.

"Mind if I?" He indicated toward his wrist holster. She nodded and he pulled out his wand. Casting privacy charms and basic detection spells, to ensure there was nothing in the wine. Horace may have picked it up but that didn't mean he should not be careful.

"I'd be offended if it wasn't such a good habit for you to have developed." She shot him a wry look. "Plus, the spiked wine is in that cabinent too."

Harry frowned and cast the detection spells at the rest of the contents after her beckoning him free to do so with her hands. Sure enough the spells came back with one of the bottles being spiked with a potion. His eyebrows shot up his forehead.

"Mild truth serum and a little calming draught mixed into a nice Chianti." She shrugged like it was no big deal.

Harry just nodded again. This was building to something. He was going to have met Natalia at Lacroix's and accompanied her here. Instead, Horace had insisted Harry join him here, two hours before any sort of festivities started. The sly man wasn't asking him so he could assist with setup or arranging anything. The way he'd walked off with Frank meant this was what he'd wanted, him and Lucia alone.

"I suggest you have a few gulps before we get started here." She told him in a manner that wasn't commanding, merely suggestive.

Harry took a large gulp, the wine rich in flavor but still dry to his taste buds. It was quite good and the little flag he'd spied on the bottle gave away it was from Italy, not surprising given the owners of the restaurant.

"Part of the testing was to see how you'd react to it… Horace believes you are lacking in a specific area of education, one that you may find need of soon… He thought, I agree, and I expect you would too, that it is far better coming from me than him." The way she talked about this made him think this was going to be uncomfortable to talk about but she was still loud and up front in her delivery.

"I'm talking about your education on sex. Has any wizard talked to you and explained things?"

Harry stared back blankly. That… was not what he was expecting.

"Not just sex though, courting, dating, how to treat, entice and seduce a woman. These are all topics you should be well aware of."

"N- no." He didn't want to think of how red in the face he was.

"You've done our business a major favor. You'll be getting a far more comprehensive lesson than I'd ever thought I'd ever give a young man. With what Horace has implied, without saying anything, I can expect you are considering courting or betrothals. You've been linked with Natalia Pavlova, Fleur Delacour and I'd been told you were coming with Daphne Greengrass, two heiresses and the last unmarried daughter of the Pavlov family."

Harry wasn't going to tell her anything about negotiations with the Delacour family, nor any other but she already seemed to know.

"How much experience do you have? I need to know what you do so I can begin your quick education"

Harry didn't respond right away, half of his brain was still stuck on her blunt comment that he'd be getting hands on experience tonight. What did that mean?

"French kissing." That was the furthest he'd gotten with a girl. He'd kissed with Natalia and Fleur, nobody else.

"No groping and clothes stayed on?" Fuck. Could she not be so merlin-damned blunt about her questions?

"Hands on hips, arse, stomach and sides." He tried to keep looking her in the eye, as he spoke, but was having a hard time. This wasn't a conversation he was enjoying. He took a third large gulp of wine, most of the glass now empty.

"That's very normal for your age. Given two of the young women you are involved with are 17 and 15 I expect you may run ahead of the curve. Being sexually active at fourteen is possible. Horace will want you well rounded in your education and not lacking. We won't be having sex, I"ll let you relax, knowing it won't be offered."

Harry was glad. Lucia was a beautiful woman. She had a healthy chest, more than most any girl his age that he could think of, though calling them large might be incorrect. She was fit, thin, had dark lustrous hair and skin darker than the average brit, olive coloured and smooth, from the touching of it he recalled.

"This is normally something done by a family member or close friend of the family, not strangers like us. This is to ensure you can handle yourself in any situation you may find yourself in. Being an orphan, Horace had me step in. Though this is on a sexual topic this is not sexual in intention. You are being educated, nothing more, nothing less, in the way heirs of prominent families have always been tutored in the subject."

She took a swig of her wine before continuing while Harry stayed silent.

"Part of what you need to learn is how to handle actions like what I did tonight. I flirted heavily, intimated I'd have sex with you and then began seducing you. This will happen regularly. Women will try and potion you, they will try and get pregnant by you and do whatever is possible to entrap you. You need to be able to look at the most beautiful woman, veela even, naked and coming on to you while keeping your mind and remaining alert."

Harry hadn't really considered that. His actions would have consequences. If she'd been someone trying to entrap him, or lure him into a vulnerable situation, he might have fallen for it. He had to be better.

"If at any time you feel uncomfortable with continuing, or escalating, you just need to tell me. Horace knows me. You've done something special for my business and I'll repay the favor here. If you stick with this lesson and listen, you'll be set. I have some further notes for you that I think you'll appreciate. We have until the party to be done. It is far less time than you may think. We have a lot to cover."

Harry could feel the butterflies in his stomach. She was going to be doing things, and escalating them to things that might make him uncomfortable. Lucia had arranged and gone over his lesson with Horace Slughorn. The consummate Slytherin had made an oath to him, one that would mean he believes he's helping Harry. He'd trust the magic binding the oath.

"I'll do my best and let you know if it is too much for me."

She laughed a merciless laugh and closed the distance between them. "Oh Harry, it will be too much for you," she patted him on the cheek as she said that, "but that's why we are here. To get you over it and well educated." She turned with a flourish and walked away from him, her hips swaying, stopping about five feet from him.

"Let's begin," she said. "Would it surprise you that I'm over half-veela?" as she sauntered back toward him.

"Y- yes." He honestly replied. Damn the woman could prowl.

"I'm uniquely qualified to ensure you're capable of resisting any seduction attempt." She was close enough that he could reach out and touch her again.

Harry couldn't help but laugh a little. He just thought about how Horace would have had to have asked Lucia, probably Frank too, to set this up.

"Sorry, I just thought of how Horace would have had to have asked you and Frank." He said sheepishly. "I'm not laughing at you."

"I thought as much." She told him as she made her way back within close proximity to him.

Harry wondered, again, if what she'd been teaching him was necessary.

"Wait." Harry said, there were two things he wanted to ask first.

She just raised an eyebrow at him, Harry barely caught it, his eyes kept dropping down her body.

"I'd read that a woman's first time can, somewhat, bind the girls emotions to the man. Do you know anything about that?" Harry asked, he'd considered asking Fleur's family but didn't want to bring up the word sex around them at all.

"How interesting… What has Horace been teaching the Boy-Who-Lived? Ritualistic magic? How… naughty."

Harry shrugged, the Vow was going to protect him, he'd be confirming that with Horace but trusted the man wouldn't be allowing this sort of thing to ever become public. "Slughorn only teaches me potions and advises me. I have my own tutor."

"I'd like to know where you learned about that. It's been ages since anything like that was practiced. There's still some Veela lore on it but that's mostly been dwindled down to stories and myths."

"Myths and stories?" Harry questioned the words. The way she said it made him think she didn't necessarily believe it.

"Yes, myths and stories. Myths and stories that have passed down for centuries and have names that match historical records. I was a curious teen," she shrugged, doing fabulous things to her chest, drawing Harry's eyes again, "I dug into it. With a veela mother and my father's mother being a veela, I had access to information and used it. If there is a ritual or way to make it work or something more to it, I never found it." She appeared upset at the thought of having failed to uncover anything.

Harry nodded. Salazar wrote what he did a very long time ago. It appears that the Veela records may corroborate it… interesting.

"Ready to begin now?" She asked.


"We'll continue with courting and how to treat a lady, unless you'd prefer we start with sex?"

He shook his head.

"Courting is both a private and public affair. You will be expected to be seen publicly taking her out, to balls, restaurants, events and dates. Part of your courting experience will be showing off just how well you are treating the future Lady Potter."


The party had been in full swing for a while already. Harry had been making the rounds through the room. He'd been really excited to see Natalia, or maybe just to get away from Lucia, but she hadn't been herself.

Her dress wasn't flashy, it was certainly nice but nothing like the eye-catching getups she'd gone to the Yule Ball and Delacour Ball in. It wasn't an ugly dress by any means, it was nice and was more than likely quite expensive, however, it just fit in. Just like her, it was odd to see.

Harry moved, with Natalia on his arm, to the final target of the night. Charles Abbot, Hannah's father, was talking with Amelia Bones, the other person he'd wanted to talk with. Harry had a mental list from Slughorn, of people he hadn't met that he needed to tonight, it was one introduction short of being done now.

Harry guided Natalia right to the talking pair. They saw him coming and both looked to greet him.

"Mister Potter, Miss Pavlova." Madame Bones greeted them in a friendlier tone than Harry would have expected, though it wasn't a warm greeting. "Let me introduce you to Charles Abbot, Head of House Abbot, and father of Hannah Abbot."

"A pleasure to meet you sir, you've raised a fine daughter, from the little I know of her." Harry politely responded, greeting Charles Abbot.

"Charles is fine." He said, addressing Harry directly before turning to Natalia. "Nice to see you again Natalia, though it's been some time." He gave her a small smile.

Natalia lifted her chin. "Nice to see you both again." Was her simple reply, her head lowered slightly and she didn't add anything else or try and engage more.

Harry frowned, looking at her, it's been how she'd been acting all night.

"Things calming down yet at the Ministry?" He asked, knowing full well they hadn't. Though he had the opportunity to attend Wizengamot meetings, he hadn't yet. Horace and Cyrus were attending on his behalf and keeping him updated in their briefs. Madame Bones was far and away the leading candidate but other factions were delaying and trying to find a decent candidate of their own.

"No." She said quickly.

"Oh lighten up Amelia, you've been grumping for years you couldn't investigate without Fudge looking over your shoulder. Nobody with enough funds to bribe the man could get convicted of what they should be, a slap on the wrist was the most." Charles chuckled at the unimpressed look Bones was giving him.

The way it was stated was so matter of fact. This was common knowledge, nothing to get excited about. That bothered Harry, that corruption at the highest level was so blaise and accepted.

"If the investigation even goes that far to begin with." Bones muttered under her breath and she dipped her head to take a deep gulp from her drink.

Harry let her finish her swallow and look back up at him. "I'd heard you've pretty well got the Minister position all locked up." He grinned, having heard from Susan she was reluctant to take it, preferring her role, but wouldn't allow it to go to someone that could be as bad, or worse, than Fudge.

"No thanks to you." She responded right away. "Your interview did everything but endorse me directly."

"You should be thanking him, the media's darling that he is, with the way they cover him and the way the other Champions sung his praises in the interview, he could say dragons are vegans and half the wizarding world would believe it, just because Harry Potter said so."

Harry snorted at the comment. He glanced at Natalia, seeing if she'd reacted at all, and it didn't appear she really had. A ghost of a smile was all that was there.

"If it is me, I'll blame you, Harry, for all the extra work." She grumbled but didn't look too terribly upset at the prospect, more resigned to it.

"You can't complain after your power move in front of the international media, making Fudge out to be the moron I know him to be and showing how wonderful your close aides are." She clearly had wanted it and he had no qualms gleefully pointing it out in front of present company.

"He's got you there, Amelia, you should have sold seats for that, I'd have paid a few galleons to see the dearly departed minister react under his bowler hat, Lucius too, for that matter."

Harry liked Charles. His good nature and fun disposition was refreshing. He hadn't been pushy or asking Harry for anything. He'd let Harry join his conversation with Madame Bones and was having a pleasant banter-filled conversation.

Amelia didn't look to be enjoying the topic. "How are you this evening? Are you fully recovered?" She addressed Natalia directly, neatly changing the topic and focus of the conversation.

"Yes, Madame Bones, I'm healthy, though I still feel some tiredness." She answered somewhat meekly.

Harry frowned, again, he hadn't heard this and was more concerned. She hadn't been herself all night. Maybe it was an excuse for why she was being so quiet, Harry thought.

"Well, lad, perhaps you should take the lass home. I trust I was the last one you had to introduce yourself too?" There was a humorous glint in his eyes as he spoke.

Harry sputtered, not sure how to respond.

"Relax, I've known Horace forever and been to many of these functions, though this one brings it into a new standard. He'd normally suggests students talk to specific parties. You've done well, from what I've seen. But take your lass home, she's not herself tonight, we can all see that."

"I'll take your sage advice then. I bed you both adieu."

The other three exchanged farewells and Harry led Natalia away, he had to give his respects to a few people before he left.

"Do you want to meet me outside or come with me to say a few goodbyes?" Harry asked Natalia.

"I'll wait near the exit." She quietly told him and quickly made her way to stand near the exit. Harry's eyebrows furrowed as he watched her walk away. He shook his head as he turned to seek out the couple people he should inform before leaving.

Harry saw Horace talking with Cyrus and made his way to them directly, not looking around to see if anyone was trying to catch his eye, he was ready to leave as well, a long night of socializing was tiresome.

A couple minutes later he'd completed his final task for the evening and met Natalia at the door. "Sorry I had to say goodbye."

Natalia nodded, not saying anything. "Do you want me to apparate you somewhere or are you taking the floo?" Harry hadn't arrived with her so he had no idea where she had come from.

"Can we go to the park?" She whispered, not looking up at him when she said it.

"Sure." He replied and she held onto him as they left from the area designated to apparate out at.

They arrived at the usual spot, hidden away from muggles and quickly made their way to the main path. Their feet falling into the familiar rhythm and pathway to the bench they'd spent so much time sitting at over the many evenings they'd walked here.

Harry moved along and her quietness eerily reminded him of the first time they were here. She was shy, timid and so reserved, like Natalia had been all evening.

"Aren't you too tired for this? You're scarcely looking at me and not talking." Harry went for the blunt approach, leaving her with an easy excuse for her behaviour this evening.

"No. I just told them that, I'm actually fine." She told him in a small voice.

"Then what is it? You're not you tonight. Is it from the task?" Harry knew people responded to traumatic circumstances in different ways and wondered if the experience had shaken her.

She didn't respond. She pointed at the bench, up ahead, and Harry assumed it meant she'd respond when they got to the bench.

As they got close Harry setup the privacy spells, ensuring their time wouldn't be seen, overheard nor interrupted.

They sat on the bench and Harry waited for her to talk.

"Did they tell you that the paralysis venom didn't stop me from comprehending what was going on?" She asked, her voice quiet, despondent.

"No. I'd not been told that." That would be horrendous, being paralyzed for days and not being able to do anything about it.

"They stung me early, wrapped me up in a webbing cocoon and strung me upside down… They, they t- taunted m- me. T- told me h- how they'd eat me. H- how they… how they'd devour me piece by piece with me watching…"

Harry closed his eyes, his eyelids squeezing shut, and he scooted over, "They didn't stop. The whole time I was there they whispered things to me. Told me how they were going to trap you and make your death agonizing and tortuous."

Harry looked at her, tears freely leaking from her eyes now. His body was conflicted. Half of him wanted to remain calm and provide a rock for her as she recounted her ordeal, to be as supportive as he could be. The other half of him was broiling in white hot rage. How dare those filthy beasts do this to her. If he hadn't already killed so many, with DMLE ridding them of the rest of them, he'd be tempted to go and unleash a murderous torrent of fire on them with Cuddles.

"I- I was so terrified." She sniffled and paused to wipe away more tears, using the sleeves of her coat now.

She turned and looked him in the eye. "But, I knew you'd come. I knew you wouldn't leave me to that horrid fate." Harry could see passion dancing in her eyes, he could hear the fierceness of her belief.

"I did and I always would." Harry told her earnestly, meaning every word he spoke.

"I know." She whispered back before her face moved away, leaving her gazing out over the park.

"I spent so long within my mind, reflecting, thinking. I resolved myself to something…. But then father told me… and I don't know what to do." She didn't look back at him. Her hands were in her laps, her four fingers touching and her thumbs twirling right behind them, her eyes watching the nervous circles they were making.

"What did he tell you?" Harry asked carefully. His conversation with Ivan hadn't left the impression that they shouldn't spend anymore time together, or Harry hadn't thought so.

"You've chosen. Chosen her over me." She kept looking down, her chin almost touching her chest.

"Chosen who over you?" Harry asked right away, he was confused but also had a sinking inkling of what she was getting at, though she shouldn't be aware of it…

"You're negotiating with the Delacour family for Fleur's hand in marriage." She told him bluntly, her tone flat and lifeless.

Harry's mind was working overtime trying to figure out how she knew, how Ivan would know.

"It's okay, you probably can't admit it with privacy clauses, most every negotiation has one… It's not hard to figure out though. Most contracts have a term ensuring both parties are bargaining in good faith. The families they had been having discussions with have broken off talks for the time being. They wouldn't have done that if there wasn't a new option, a better option, one they intended to close on, rendering the other negotiations moot to continue."

Harry thought about that, he'd have to ask about that. If it was a give away and leak of their negotiations.

"I get it… I really do…" She said forlornly. "She's gorgeous, smart, fun, and a great person, from what I know and have heard. They are family allies and it just makes so much sense."

There wasn't any bitterness found in her words, not like Harry would have expected if he knew she was going to be talking about Fleur, complimenting her even.

"But I had hoped it would be different." She added morosely, Natalia's knees came up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them.

Harry didn't interrupt, sensing she wasn't done speaking quite yet.

"I-, I-... I'd resolved m- myself to not play games, to just be open. To just be me." Tears were streaming down her face again.

Harry kept his arm wrapped around her, squeezing her for support as he leaned forward, the best he could manage with his arm around her, to try and see her face, to scrutinize her carefully.

"I'm just me. Natalia Pavlova. The pretty good student and excellent ballerina. The good looking girl, not the gorgeous veela. The youngest with no chance at being heiress and from a family that would tarnish your reputation..."

Harry didn't want to hear it anymore. His left hand reached out and gently grasped her jaw, pulling it around to look at him.

"That's not what I see, that's not what I think of you." Harry told her, willing his sincerity to pierce into her brain from his gaze.

"You may not be a veela, with magically enhanced beauty but you are gorgeous. Brown hair, soft blue eyes and such lovely proportions. I get lost watching you dance, it's mesmerizing, you are mesmerizing." He didn't let go of her face when she tried to pull away.

"But- but I'm just me. You've picked Fleur and I would too, in your position." There was a hopelessness to her words, an understanding that gave way to her not being able to be with him.

"Daphne thought the same…"

Harry was confused, what did that mean? "Wot?" He asked, hoping she'd elaborate.

"She knew you'd pick Fleur." Harry's head shot back an inch, not expecting that. "How could you not." She added, muttering it under her breath as she looked down and away.

"She wanted to share you. I could be Lady Potter and her Lady Black." She bit out a mocking laugh. "Share you… she wanted to team up against Fleur, pick us over her. It'd let me have the career I wanted without having much pressure from family. My parents would be happy with the political match and there could even be good economic benefits to it, with the Greengrass and Pavlov families working together with yours…"

She shook her head and looked back out over the park.

"She made it make sense… Daphne made it sound so good… so workable." She shook her head once more. "I- I w- was g-going to go a- along with i- it." Natalia's lips trembled as she lowered her head forehead onto her knees, silent tears coming again.

Harry didn't know how to respond to that. Two girls wanted to share him, to both marry him?! Someone needed to pinch him, to slap him, to wake him the hell up from this dream. There was no way this was real life.

"But you know what? I don't care anymore, Harry." She wiped the tears from her eyes and dropped her legs back onto the ground.

Natalia reached back and brought his hand around to her front, Harry's arm no longer wrapped around her as it was in front of her, both of her hands holding his, caressing it.

"I resolved myself to just tell you that. I don't care anymore, Harry." She told him bluntly.

"Don't care about what?" He'd frowned hearing that and didn't know what she was getting at exactly.

"The games, ballet, politics… everything! When I was in that sack, listening to the stinking spiders I knew you'd come for me. I knew you'd save me. And, not because you're Harry Potter." Her soft blue eyes were piercing as they stared into his green eyes.

"It's your nature, your character. You care about me, Natalia. I've always felt it, always known that. It's the way you hold me when we dance, the way you talk to me, the way you look at me, the way you touch me…"

Harry had no idea how to respond to that. He didn't, he kept silent and let her pour out the words she'd been thinking about while she was paralyzed.

"What would it have mattered if I'd practiced all that ballet if I'd died? What would it have mattered if my parents were happier with my actions? A better obituary? A better death?" She shook her head. "No! None of that would have mattered."

Harry swallowed. The experience had shaken Natalia. His near death experience had hardened him, strengthened his resolve and lit a burning inferno to not leave his life up to chance again, that the spider's had hit him in his armor and not just taken his head off with their pincers, or knocked him out with their long, hard legs. He'd been rejuvenated to pursue his path and it sounded like Natalia had her own realizations.

"I came tonight to either say goodbye or to have you." She placed his hand back on his lap and turned toward him. "Here I am, Harry. I'm me. I'm falling in love with you, if I'm not already in love. If you want Fleur, Daphne, or anyone else just say so. Life is too fleeting to chase after that which will never be mind."

She swallowed and dropped her chin onto her chest as she did so. Raising her head up and opening her arms she looked at him. "I'm offering you me, all of me. No tricks, no games. I'll be yours, I'll be faithful to you above all else. I'll take veritaserum, I'll swear an Unbreakable Vow, sign a contract, or whatever it is you want to be sure of me. You name it and I'll do it, so long as I can have you."

She dropped her arms back to her side. "Have me or let me go. It's up to you Harry. You just have to tell me."

Harry went to open his mouth but she put up her hand, stopping him from responding.

"I've had many long hours to think this through. My family doesn't know. I've not told anyone. Don't answer tonight. Think about it, really think about it, then get back to me when you're sure… You can have me, all of me. You can bind me with a vow, you can have me physically because mentally I'm already yours, if you'll have me."

She stood up and then turned toward him, withdrawing something from her pocket. "Father wanted me to give you this. I'll go and let you think." She bent down and kissed his forehead before she lowered herself further and hugged him tightly.

"I've always liked your hugs too." She gave him a small tight smile as she stood back up.

"Goodnight Harry." She withdrew her wand and appareted away.

Harry sat there, his hand touching the warm seat she had just vacated on this cool night. His eyes looked over the beautiful scenery but they were unfocused, his mind was in turmoil not having expected this kind of evening, this whole day. Between anti-seduction training, the party and now this, he was done.

Sitting here wasn't necessary. He went to reach for his wand when he recalled Natalia had given him something from Ivan Pavlov. He brought his mind back to task and opened the letter.

Dictaquill recording of interrogation - Walden MacNair

Q: Were you involved in the sabotage of the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament?

A: No.

Q: Were you or are you a Death Eater

A: I am and was a Death Eater

Q: Do you still support the man known as Lord Voldemort

A: Yes! The Dark Lord will rise again.

Harry glanced down the paper and saw the questions and answers went on for quite some time. It was detailed and had lots of useful information…

Why did he have this and what did that mean for Walden MacNair?

He looked to the bottom and there was nothing to indicate who he'd received it from. The parchment was standard fare and the quill was self-writing. Harry doubted anyone could trace this.

Fuck. This had lists of names and places… He had to talk with Horace and Cyrus about this. There was information they'd have to act on….

Harry recalled his conversation with Ivan, at the hospital, when Natalia was unresponsive. He'd said they'd send a message. Harry figured he'd be reading about McNair's death in the Daily Prophet very soon…

Two thoughts jumped to the front of his mind. The first, don't make enemies of the Pavlov family, he'd been warned a number of times but this, this hit home. They'd struck and Harry doubted the Death Eater was alive and that it was an easy death, regardless of whether he was responsible for what happened to Natalia or not. The second thought that jumped out was that Ivan Pavlov didn't fuck around. He'd been a part of the Grindelwald war and knew what he was doing. This single action was probably more effective than Dumbledore had been in the last decade of moving against Riddle and his forces.

Wasn't this a new wrinkle to consider... With his head swirling with too many thoughts, he knew it was time to return to the Chamber. It was time for the day to end. He'd have a lot to think about and begin to react and plan for, but that wouldn't start until tomorrow. He needed to think clearly and give it careful consideration.

With that figured out, he stood and withdrew his wand apparating and leaving the park. The privacy spells still operating as the bench they frequented would be left untouched until his spells failed or he returned there, with Natalia, once more.
