The sound of movement behind them snapped Gwen's attention away from the two figures in front. She spun just enough to glance over her shoulder and spotted more shapes emerging from the shadows.
"Behind us," she said.
Colette turned, cursing under her breath as she pulled out her pistol, checking the chamber without needing to be told what was coming. "Shit. How many?"
"Enough," Gwen said, drawing her katana. She shifted closer, their backs touching. "Guess we're doing this."
"You got a plan?" Colette asked, aiming her weapon at the nearest figure creeping toward them from the rear.
"Attack," Gwen said.
"That's it?" Colette didn't look at her but scoffed anyway. "You're supposed to be the smart one here."
"And you're supposed to be the one that shoots things," Gwen replied without missing a beat. "Let's stick to our strengths."