Chereads / Etherim Lake / Chapter 5 - 5. Headache

Chapter 5 - 5. Headache

"What are you doing here. Our light tussle in the cafe wasn't good enough?" I said the anger surfacing from deep within my being. Jonathan had nerve I'll give him that. He had a lot of guts to come after me shortly after we conclude our clash in the cafe. Jonathan just stood there his eyes boring into mine but I felt nothing he made no move to attack. His eyes had returned to a sickening calm, a strange melancholy cloacked his being. What did he want? I was in no condition to deal with his crap right now.

'Shit, this bloody headache.' I would probably lose if we were to clash again, but something told me the battle was over, for now. Jonathan just stood there staring me down, he made no move to speak just stared hard into my eyes. "What do you want!?" I was sick if this, we already had our staring contest if he remained silent I would just leave. Questions can come later when I didn't have a migraine drilling into me.

Jonathan finally made a move, he put his hand in his pocket and brought out a ring. The ring was beautiful, a piece of artistic literature. The ring was a lustrous black, with a magnificent emblem carved out in gold. He was still looking at me observing me for any reaction. I understood that the ring was beautiful but what did it have to do with the conversation. Jonathan put back the ring shaking his head while doing so, an amused smirk playing on his lips.

"I just had to be sure" he said in a light mutter, more to himself than me. "Sure of what exactly?", he smile broadened "Sure of what Jonathan?" "Nothing that concerns you Luke, don't worry about it." He was playing with me and I couldn't figure out the game. I could think very fast and formulate multiple theories but this stumped me. I lacked information, I knew too little about the supernatural. Besides I wasn't in the best state to think right now, my mind was muddled by pain and exhaustion.

"Luke I would be careful from now on if I was you." He said mirth dripping from his voice. Has he always been this creepy and mysterious. "Oii if you don't have anything better to say I'll be leaving. And you should be the person watching your back DeLark, because I'm coming for answers." He smirked again then hummed a tune before turning on his heels and leaving. 'Damn prick, came for a talk and said absolutely nothing related to my questions.' 

The walk home was tiring, the headache eating at my thoughts slowing them down. I stopped using my ability and focused all facets of my brain into this one task, walking. I sighed in relief when the orphanage finally came into view, the familiar dull brown wooden doors gave me comfort. Today was a long day, I learned many thing and I had a lot to thing about, plans to make, strategies to put in place, contingencies to design, but not right now.

Tonight I would rest, I deserved a good long sleep, I didn't know anyone that could boast of surviving and countering a mental attack. Walking through the doors I was greeted with the sight of children running through the halls playing many different games, keeping themselves entertained.

We spent most of our childhood entertaining each other, it was hard finding other media for entertainment. We had an old television but the Miss Adelaide only allowed us use it when we met some conditions. Speaking of Miss Adelaide she was standing by the corner keeping a watchful eye over the children, when her gaze met mine she gave me a warm smile welcoming me home.

"Come see me later when you get some rest dear." She said, her eyes creasing in worry when she got a good look at me. I guess I looked sick, she made that face anytime someone got sick. A mix of worry, sorrow, determination and motherly affection, that was the face. I had yet to witness one quite like hers, though Tobias came close to it in that aspect. "Ohh dear, are you all right, how are you feeling? Ohh dear, come sit down Luke, you shouldn't be standing in your condition.".

*Sigh* 'here we go again', once she got an inkling about your sickness she got very defensive and questioned you every minute. It was nice don't get me wrong, I especially enjoyed it during my younger years, many benefits came with it. The doting, snacks, games and much more, especially the bonus of skipping school that day. It was always fun spending the day with Miss Adelaide and being taken care off, but I had outgrown that.

Miss Adelaide raised a hand, feeling for my temperature on my sweaty head and caressing my pale skin. "Miss Adelaide I'll be fine I just—" she pulled my head down cradling it against her bossom and cutting me off before I could protest. 'This is nice. *Sigh* maybe I haven't outgrown it as much as I think I have.' "I don't want to hear it Lukehiem, let's get you to a doctor, I haven't seen you this unwell in ages."

No I had to resist I was 17 for crying out loud, I shouldn't be swayed by a mere pat on the head. "No ma'am I'm fine I just need some rest. I was a bit busy at work today that's all." She didn't look convinced, "As I said I'm not hearing it Lukehiem, we are getting you to a doctor and that's final.". 'Damn it *sigh*' "Listen Miss Adelaide all I need is some rest. I'm mature enough to know when I need to visit the doctor and this is not one of those times. I'm just exhausted from work today." She stared me, before grunting in submission, whatever she saw in my eyes was good enough for her. "Fine go to your room and lay down. I'll have Tobias bring up your dinner."

Immediately I entered my room I threw myself on my bed, not even bothering to change out of my clothes or take off my shoes. I was tempted to fall asleep right there, but I couldn't I had to wait for my food. It would be stupid to sleep on an empty stomach. Tobias entered half an hour later carrying a steaming plate of food.

"Ohh thank God." Today we were served fried rice, chicken and Miss Adelaide's special stew. All I needed now was slumber, I shovelled the food down my throat as fast as possible. Tobias stood by my side a grimace plastered on his, he was displeased, but not by my unsavoury eating but rather by my current state. I stopped my eating to glance briefly at the mirror, 'Yeah I can understand why Miss Adelaide and Tobias are giving that look.' I looked worse than I thought, the dark circles under my eyes made me looked like I hadn't slept in weeks, my skin was pale and chalky, devoid of any colour. I looked more like an undead zombie and the food on my face didn't add to my appeal.

"Luke are you sure you don't need to see a doctor, your condition seems to be getting worse." "I'll be fi—" *gasp* a sharp pain in my head cut me off. I passed the empty plate to Tobias, took of my shoes and lay down on my bed. Tobias stood there for a minute gazing at me with concern before leaving the room. I tried to use my ability to cover myself with the blanket but the sharp pressure on my mind stopped me. Any attempt to even use the veil was foiled, it was unresponsive to my call. Probably for the best, I guess it was a defence mechanism put in place to allow it heal itself.

I was dead tired but sleep didn't come as immediately as I expected. 'Jonathan, the supernatural and a threat on my life. *Sigh* tomorrow Lukehiem, you can think about it tomorrow.'

Downstairs in the dining hall Miss Adelaide and Tobias sat in silence, deep in thought. "Do you think he'll be okay, he hasn't been sick in forever." Tobias said probing Miss Adelaide, trying to understand why she didn't phone the hospital like she always did. "Don't give me that look Tobias, Luke insisted that he only needs some bedrest, if he isn't better in the morning I'll drag him out of bed myself." "Alright, I'll keep an eye on him during the night." Tobias said as he greeted Miss Adelaide good night.