Drew looked at the woman in front of him who had so drawn his attention. He could not help staring at her with lust in his eyes. He had looked at her for the longest time and he wondered where her thoughts had taken her to.
"So you mean you have no idea of who the father of the boys is? How come?" Drew asked Sophie who still had a far away look in her eyes.
Sophie quickly recollected herself and looked around her. The beautiful voice of the stranger her had brought her back. She could not believe her thoughts had taken her so far away. She was mortified to see that tears were falling down her cheeks. She never cries, not even when her father had sent her out of the family, no, not even when she had been heavily pregnant in a strange land with no one to rely on had she cried. So why now?
She looked up at the beautiful man who was looking at her steadily , expecting an answer to his question. She smiled through her tears and shook her head.
" No, I don't know and I will appreciate it if you don't ask further questions about the triplets." Sophie answered and requested all at once.
" Okay, if you say so. I won't ask again." Drew said with a resigned expression on his face. He didn't want to press her.
Looking around , Sophie frowned, "Where are the children?"
"Oh! You were so out of it that the children became worried so I sent them out to play with my friend."
"Your friend?" Sophie asked looking around for any sign of the boys.
"Don't worry, they are in safe hands. Dawn will take care of them." Drew told her with a smile. He knew exactly what Sophie was thinking.
"Please kindly call them back. We need to get home and they need to maintain their routine."
" Okay. Let me do that." To which he quickly call Dawn and told him to bring back the children.
"Mommy! We are back, Cam rushed into the cabin and hugged his mother's legs, jumping up and down .
"Mom, we had the greatest time. Uncle Dawn took us in his car to get Ice cream and it was so cool!" Win chirped in, looking very calm as always.
"I am glad you all had a nice day. George, time to head home. Go get the back packs" Sophie instructed her oldest who did not say anything at all and just looked his normal self.
"Can we do it again sometime Mr? Please?" Cam, the youngest, turned to Drew with his chubby adorable face and an earnest plea in his beautiful green eyes that so mirrored Drew's.
Drew's heart turned over all over again."Yes anytime, if your mother would allow it" Drew said looking at Sophie who had turned her back towards him. She looked busy.
Sophie could feel Drew's eyes on her. She felt a prickling at the back of her neck and she was becoming very uncomfortable. She needed to get out of this man's presence, fast.
"Come Cam, I told you not to disturb Mr Drew anymore. Let's go." Sophie ordered, trying to hide her discomfort.
"If you don't mind, let me take you home," Drew offered.
"No!" Sophie shouted in fear. She didn't want anybody near her space and well ordered life . It ends here.
"We will manage, thank you for your time and I apologize on behalf of the kids again." Sophie told Drew with her eyes down.
She was too attracted to this stranger and she didn't want another mistake . One was enough to destroy everything, not again. And she has still not found the father of her children who she knew must be suffering somewhere due to her carelessness. She can't ruin another life. She was a curse and will carry it roher grave.
"Oh mommy, why didn't you allow Mr to drop us home. Now we have to trek the long distance home." Win complained, dragging his feet.
" Come along, we have been doing this for the longest time. I forbid you to come in contact with that man." Sophie warned the children sternly.
"Hey Sophie, you did not even say goodbye!" Edna called out from the bar, waving at them.Sophie turned and waved at her apologetically.
"Sorry Edna, I am running away, I don't want any trouble." Sophie murmured under her breath.
"Mommy, what if Mr. is our father? I am very sure he is. We look exactly like him." George the oldest spoke up as they continued walking towards their home.
"Don't even mention it. You are not to see him again." Sophie told them again.
The triplets looked at each other with a silent vow passing through them. "We need to find out and we will!"
Back in the restaurant, Dawn had joined Drew . "What did I just witness Dawn? I was deeply affected by that lady. I can't believe
Drew murmured in a low voice, feeling adrenaline coursing through him and that part of him that had not felt any excitement for so long suddenly developed a mind of its own. It kept leaping and his trousers suddenly began to feel tight.Just the thought of Sophie had him hard already.
"Drew, do you think she may be the girl we have been looking for?" Dawn asked unbelievably.
"Impossible, here in Scotland? How? It's too far-fetched. It would be too much of a coincidence." He replied in a dismissive tone.
"However, I need to get laid tonight. It's now or ever. I need to see if I can it get up." Drew told his friend seriously .
"Are you sure about that? I saw a small bar down the road ,let's see if we can find anyone decent" Drew said, standing up to indicate they go now.
"No, wait. I need to freshen up, I have been outdoors all day. And Dawn? Put a call to Dad, we won't be returning as planned. Something changed."
Dawn raised an eyebrow and smiled in understanding. He was so happy for him and he prayed earnestly that everything worked out for his friend. For now he had a job to do; arranging someone decent for a sex starved friend.
In his room in the bed and breakfast, Andrew was whistling while pulling his clothes off hurriedly. He needed to use this opportunity quickly. He couldn't believe that he had been healed miraculously . Could it be true? He pulled his trousers and looked down at his dick which was now standing very erect. Just the thought of Sophie and her gold flecked eyes was enough to give him such a hard on. What would happen if they ever got together? Fisting himself and moaning loudly, thinking of Sophie's beautiful lips and round hips, he could not help himself ,he pumped himself up and down and before you know it, precum was licking everywhere and his hands became sticky.
He finished removing his clothes and quickly got into the shower, willing himself to calm down. He could not afford to waste his first time in nearly four years. He had to bury himself deep in a woman's warm depths. He needed to feel like a man again.
And so Andrew Anderson wasted no time in rushing through his bath , careful not to touch his stiff member so he would not oragasm prematurely. In less than twenty minutes, Drew was with a beautiful brunette who had the right curves in the right places. Quite pretty. He was not on the right mind to check out the girl in question. All his interest was centered on having sex, mind blowing sex, that would relieve all his pent up frustrations of years and if Dawn had given a go ahead that means that last was good.
"Hey , I am Janet and you are?"
The brunette introduced with fire in her gray eyes. This guy is handsome, she thought. She was already naked under the sheets as she had been well paid. She was willing to do anything." I am Drew. Please let's get down if you don't mind." Drew said, pulling off his shoes and shirt ."
The lady laughed. We are in a hurry are we?" She crawled on her knees and the covers fell off showing her beautiful boobs and very curvy hips. Andrew swallowed.
She came forward and grabbed him by the waist , pulling at his zipper. She touched him under his clothes, cupping him gently.
"You are so endowed" she drooled, pulling out his dick which she immediately kissed and took it into her moist mouth.
Drew felt a little tingling and just like that , he became as flaccid as if he had not had a hard on a minute ago.
To cover up his surprise, he pushed the lady on the bed and tried to get into her waiting warm depths but no matter how he tried , he couldn't get it up .
After several attempts, the lady got fed up, hissed and left ,murmuring,
"All good looks and nothing more! What a waste of my precious time."
Andrew was so embarrassed that he continued laying on the bed with his flaccid member between his legs. "What just happened ? Not again!"