"Frost Wisp" is an immensely large organization with the primary mission of safeguarding peace, stability, and addressing global and multiversal issues, including eliminating hostile forces. It is one of three organizations representing a party named "Outer Party" with a stake in the party amounting to 81%. The organization is run by the Nine Council, a major council composed of 9 of the oldest members of Frost Wisp, who also contributed to its formation. The 9 members are the 9 "Weavers," legendary warriors with many achievements and remarkable discoveries for the world. They oversee nine massive agencies called "Butterfly Headquarters," each residing in a different major city on various planets. In remote and challenging regions in terms of geography, healthcare, education, and climate, the organization has smaller branches to support and improve the lives of the people there, ready to sacrifice themselves to help protect lives and property. Due to Frost Wisp's significant contributions to this work, they have great respect from the populace, but in the end… eliminating hostile forces is still the best.
"Hello, IX."
"Greetings, IX. Do you need anything?"
"IX, would you like to see the new product from the department?"
"Thank you all for your dedicated work; where is the new product? I will review and approve it all!"
IX, also known as Yu, who we mentioned earlier, is one of the most enthusiastic and connected Weavers with the people. He is beloved by the populace for his charming appearance, enthusiasm, and kindness, especially for his contributions in establishing orphanages and schools for children affected by the trauma of war.
After a few hours of cheering from his subordinates, a loud call from Yu to a new recruit in the food department was heard. The recruit's face was filled with anger, but there was an inexplicable hint of mischief in it.
"Sir, is there a problem?"
"Hey kid, this food has too little protein. How will the children grow tall like this?"
"Fu, hahahaha~"
After that comment, the room erupted in loud, hearty laughter from the subordinates, causing Yu's face to turn bright red, adding to his cuteness.
"Ugh… remember to add protein to this dish!"
Yu said this and immediately darted away, his swift movement making him look like a squirrel trying to avoid hunters.
" Hey, newbie, IX is obsessed with protein due to his childhood. He ate very few height-boosting foods, and to be precise, was picky, so even after becoming immortal, he is still as short as he was at 14. He doesn't want the children of this era to follow in his footsteps. The department is quite used to his irritability, but don't judge him by this; he is truly very kind."
Dev, the minister of the food sector, immediately explained the reason for Yu's strange behavior to the new recruit, a reason that sounded both humorous and pitiful. I wonder if he ever blames himself for being short?
"VI, what are you doing?"
"Oh no, I made a mistake. Josh, are you okay?"
VI, also known as Setsuna, who I mentioned earlier, is responsible for water and ice supply issues worldwide. She also supports the Exo Realm Party significantly in counter-terrorism and providing water resources for the military. Naturally, a beautiful and powerful leader like her is not disliked by any department within the organization, except for the one flaw of freezing subordinates without reason. Actually, it's hard to tell if it's without reason because she always laughs joyfully during such instances. After defrosting Josh, her apologies didn't seem genuine as they were mixed with mischief and indifference.
"Sorry, Josh, I tried—oops, it was unintentional!~"
"Do you think I should report you to the council and put up a sign saying you abuse your subordinates?"
"Huh? I'm sorry!"
"Forget it, Josh, she won't listen to you."
"M-master VIII!"
VIII, also known as Free, mentioned at the beginning of the story, is responsible for natural issues such as climate, nature, etc. His favorite food is peas, which suits his job well. He always has at least 100 peas with him to eat when hungry. He is fair to everyone, has a broad vision, and is always respected by his peers. His biological projects have opened new perspectives on the natural world and the universe.
"There's no time for arguments here, VI. VII is ready to take the stage!"
"Right, let's go!"
After Free said something, Setsuna immediately panicked, stood up abruptly, and left, but not before giving Josh a kiss on the cheek as an apology, causing him to faint on the spot. They rushed to the dome, the size of a large football stadium. Setsuna arrogantly kicked the door open, and inside, Neo, VII of the Nine Council, was performing on stage.
"Come on everyone, let's get excited! "Fight! Song! Blood!" is ready to make everyone explode!"
VII, also known as Neo, a member of the Nine Council just like the three mentioned earlier, manages media-related issues such as entertainment, music, and social media. The "Internet," one of the greatest inventions of the age, is merely a stepping stone for Neo and the Exo Realm Party to use, or rather, to transform into a platform for gradually dominating the world.
A part of the dome's wall cracked, and a creature, possibly of the "Primordial" species, squeezed in, causing concrete debris to fall on the crowd. Fortunately, due to Free's abilities, tree roots from the ground emerged to protect them from the falling debris. The roots then gathered into a wooden cocoon, transporting all the people to safety while Free took responsibility for moving the cocoon elsewhere.
"Where did you take my audience?" "Are you stupid? If they stayed and died, who would be responsible?" "Why move them? Look at her!" "Huh—ah…"
While Neo and Free were arguing, Setsuna had used her sword to turn the creature into a salad in the blink of an eye. The stage remained clean as its blood was instantly frozen by her "absolute zero" power.
"VI of the Nine Council reports that the entity's corpse has been identified as a 'Cursed Ball,' classified as 'primordial,' with no injuries to civilians. VII and VIII are here with me, and we will be responsible for transporting it back to the organization. End of report."
After fully freezing the creature's corpse, Setsuna used an O.C (Order and Chaos) device to send the report back to the organization, then took the block of ice containing the corpse with VIII, leaving VII in a daze among the debris of the dome.
"Ting ting! Ting ting!"
Shird's phone rang; the O.C device was connected to the phone so Shird could see Setsuna's report. A relieved smile appeared on Shird's pale face, but that was all. He then set the phone aside and wrote black lines as eternal as on the lifeless papers on the desk. Shird, also V of the Nine Council, of Frost Wisp, and the Exo Realm Party, is tasked with managing "truth," which here means history, and events occurring throughout the world after being vetted by the "F.A.I.R" (Fast Adaptive Information Report) department. Due to the nature of his work, Shird rarely leaves his room, so most other characters proactively visit Shird's room instead of him seeking them out. The Nine Council members express sympathy for Shird due to his mental state and past, but until now, no one except Mobius has managed to open the window into his soul. Returning to the present… the nib of Shird's pen jabbed sharply into his hand, leaving a large scratch. Yet, Shird seemed indifferent, merely staring at the blood dripping down with a vacant look, as if nothing could describe his eyes at this moment.
"Blood… do I have it…" "Shird! Hello!"
After Shird's dazed remark about his bloody hand, a loud knock from Yu followed by his usual warm, enthusiastic voice was heard. Startled, Shird accidentally put his bloodied finger in his mouth, and with a face about to faint, he thought, "It tastes awful…"
"What's wrong, Shird? Did I do something wrong?"
"Uh… I'm fine…"
Shird said he was "fine," but his face was anything but. Yu's giggling at his expression made Shird so angry that his blood rushed to his head. Although he wanted to act out, he quickly calmed down and asked in a calm voice.
"Is there something you need, Yu?"
"Oh, I just practiced the piece 'Proud Of You,' do you want to listen, master?~"
"Hmm, alright."
The world, from the past to the present, is divided into three factions, none of which are purely good or evil, as each faction considers itself "good" and its enemies "evil." Therefore, the only thing people can define for the world at this moment is "ambiguity."
The Three Parties, the embodiment of order, the Executive Party was eliminated in the event called "Purge", the Chaos Party, the embodiment of chaos, is currently roaming somewhere out of control with huge ambitions and the potential to create war at any time, and finally the Outer Party with the representative organization Frost Wisp, which is also the place where the "stranger" named Shird works. Although the Outer Party is the embodiment of neutrality, the members themselves are not too confident in what they are doing, wondering whether standing neutral to find a better solution is really right, is it really not against human nature?