"Mobius, is it okay for that Special Unit to escort Balthazar? He's the one who caused destruction for us Weavers like me, Neo, and Yu!"
"...You know that tough chicken leg I didn't eat for breakfast? It was so chewy that no matter how much I bit into it, I couldn't finish it, and you three are just like that, refusing to die."
Cut to the two of them: after that tasteless yet seemingly funny joke, Mobius immediately fell over laughing in the cold hallway of the base, while Setsuna, clearly embarrassed by the joke, drew her sword and swung it right in the middle of the base. Because Mobius was shorter than Setsuna and still rolling on the floor laughing, she took advantage of her small stature to dodge Setsuna's attack just before it struck, leaving behind a massive layer of ice on the hallway. Mobius sprang up and dashed through the busy staff of the organization, while Setsuna chased after her with her sword, looking like a mother chasing her child with a broom.
Yu, in a patient outfit, had his right hand and head bandaged. His right eye was almost blind from the battle, so the bandage on that eye was just a temporary measure for healing.
"Stop right there, both of you!" Yu immediately intervened, and seeing his serious injuries made both of them halt.
"Yu! Thank goodness, you're okay!"
"That bastard…"
"Hehe~ Thanks, Mobius, I'm fine!"
As soon as they stopped, Mobius rushed to hug and check Yu's wounds, ignoring Setsuna's growls from behind. Yu responded with a bright smile and a warm embrace.
"I have a question. Normally, wounds heal easily with Shird's Healing since it seems perfect and leaves no trace. It's like an absolute ability that helps us recover everything quickly. This is applied to the medical machines of Frost Wisp, but with Balthazar's power, it's completely different. I mean, even using Frost Wisp's medical machines, recovery is very slow, and even without them, our healing abilities are already godly. So where does that power come from, and what is its nature?"
After this question, Setsuna realized why they had to bandage and transfer life force to each other when Shird's healing ability was nearly perfect. Unless Balthazar's power was strong enough to act like a poison that slowed all healing abilities down, since Shird's Healing is a combination of countless different recovery methods. Mobius glanced at Yu with a completely different look, as if wanting him to shut up, and Yu paled and fell silent under that gaze.
"Right, I forgot to interrogate him about that. I'll do it later."
"... We have a situation, you two."
When Mobius looked out the window, she saw a group of seven cloaked figures that looked like cultists approaching the entrance of BH9. Setsuna and Yu noticed that these were the cloaks typically worn by suicide bombers in the Underworld's army before "Mao" unified them.
"They don't seem to have any intention of attacking. Let's see what they do first."
Just as Mobius and Setsuna said that, the leader held out a mysterious, ominous purple-and-black box with a skull pattern in the middle. When he opened it, a purple smoke spread throughout the city, gradually covering half the hemisphere. In the center of the smoke appeared the shape of a dark red lip, seemingly female, but whatever it was, it definitely did not appear with good intentions.
"This is getting interesting…"
The lips began to make their first movements, and it seemed that just moving the lips caused the universe to tremble. Only Mobius calmly ate chocolate in the face of this, while Yu and Setsuna were preparing tea for each other—a rather absurd sight.
"When the savior is reborn and dies where she was born… the world… will be rebuilt…"
After this strange message from the lips, the tone changed completely to a mocking and disdainful one.
"Greetings, foolish humans. I am the representative of the criminal world, namely the Underworld, as well as the organization representing it, our FUN, to propose a transaction."
"... Transaction?"
"If Frost Wisp, one of the three organizations representing the Outer Party, is willing to give us one billion tons of energy from the core of the essence of the power of IV in the Nine Council, specifically the Unbeatable Mobius, we promise to return the vice minister of F.A.I.R and spare the organization after we dominate the world, meaning the content of 'Good Time' will be changed. So, see you, fools~"
After this provocative transaction proposal, those figures immediately exploded, destroying the surrounding infrastructure to the extent that it incinerated even the atomic components of the superobjects around. Despite those objects being able to withstand the Big Bang of the artificial explosion, it wasn't on a cosmic scale like ours; it was on a grand multiversal scale, with an infinite combination of multiverses within. Because of this, the organization was quite confident in its infrastructure, only to be embarrassed in an instant, as the Nine Council awaited accountability from the people.
But now was not the time to consider who was responsible, right after that, the members of the Special Unit immediately rushed out to seal off the scene, fortunately there were no casualties, but something was wrong? Later, when interviewed, the civilians here all said that a shockwave was released when those people committed suicide, everything around them was burned, but the civilians only said that they felt like their "souls had left their bodies".
"Did I forget something?"
"Uh… I don't think so."
While Setsuna and Yu were stunned at the scene, Mobius was contacting the members of the remaining BHs through her phone, she looked at the two absent-minded people with eyes that were both pitiful and contemptuous.
"Damn it, Yu, do you remember what the dark-lipped guy said earlier? He said "return the vice minister of F.A.I.R", urgently return to room F6, what the hell are those two idiots doing? Let's g!"
Mobius watched the two people running away in a hurry with a strange smile on her face, she immediately took out another phone from her pocket and called a mysterious person.
"They know, F, quickly carry out the plan."
When Setsuna and Yu went downstairs, everything in the room had been destroyed, the most prominent things in the room were the blood-stained bed and a line written in a crimson liquid, filled with death: "I don't understand myself."
Meanwhile, Balthazar was being escorted to the cell, he was handcuffed by Abstract Unofficial Ver.1, a type of handcuff that drains all the strength of the person being handcuffed, the only thing that was suspicious was the jet-black kitten perched on his shoulder.
"Hey, what is that?"
An S-rank officer asked Bal as a way to guard against this super dangerous criminal in front of him.
"This is the cat that I was given by the IV of the Nine Council, isn't it cute~?"
"I don't really care, but I really don't understand what she was thinking when she gave you that."
Balthazar hugged the cat and spoke in a mischievous and adorable voice, clearly expressing his liking for the black cat, while the officer still grumbled at Mobius' actions.
A few minutes later, Balthazar let out a strange smile in front of a vending machine, the two officers immediately became alert and tried to restrain him, but it was too late, Balthazar had already knocked the two out with enough force to not break their necks.
"Unfortunately, I'm not so kind as to let you guys take me to a godforsaken place called a prison cell."
"Everyone, Balthazar escaped the handcuffs, quickly restrain him!"
Right after the above sentence, more than 20 S-rank members were instantly destroyed, if before he used his obliteration ability to flatten the land and not kill anyone, now it was completely the opposite, the surrounding facilities were not damaged at all, but this time Bal had completely eliminated the enemy's life and left absolutely nothing behind.
"I wonder if there's any more money left…"
After killing the others, Balthazar put money into the vending machine to buy two suitcase ice creams, one for himself and one for his cat. Looking at his slim figure, flowing hair, sparkling eyes, and the scars along his eyes that looked like tears, who would think he was a boy.
"… Balthazar… the criminal with a score of 19+… why is he here…?"
Dev, Mobius' disciple and Yu's subordinate, was shocked to see Bal quietly eating ice cream in the middle of the base, the thought immediately came to his mind when he saw the scars along his eyes. He immediately informed the staff but announced that the organization was preparing to test the capabilities of biological weapons and needed the staff to evacuate immediately, as well as giving orders to lock down the entire base.
"Alright… this… at least-"
"What are you going to do?~"
Balthazar walked down the cold, dark hallway, leaving behind only a body covered in blood.
"Damn, that brat has closed all the doors, we have to leave quickly, you stay here for now."
Balthazar ate ice cream while putting the black cat he was given into his shirt, he ran away in the middle of the base that was deserted due to the evacuation notice. At this point, we understood Mobius's purpose in giving Bal the cat, she understood the psychology of a cat lover like him so she gave him that cat to hinder his speed, because let's say if Balthazar moved at the speed of light, the photons of light would tear him apart immediately, or let's say a lower type, the speed of sound, but it was the same. He was moving at a very fast speed now, but still enough to keep the cat safe.
"... Just as I thought… this handcuff, although it doesn't completely suppress my power, it has reduced my power quite a bit, I can't create a strong enough armor for this cat."
Balthazar looked through the glass doors and saw the personal belongings of the criminals inside, including his phone, when he saw it, he immediately jumped over the glass to retrieve it.
"Somehow, they only assigned the Special Unit people and not the Weavers to escort me and even though the heretics committed suicide in front of the bases, she ignored it, Mobius must have been the one in charge of commanding the entire process because compared to the other Weavers, her opinion was always the most comprehensive, so why did she let it go so easily?"
Countless thoughts were running through Balthazar's head as he moved through the tempered glass doors in a cat-like manner with his mouth cutting the phone, finally when he moved to the main hall, all the doors were gradually closing, currently only the main gate was half closed. Balthazar immediately rushed forward at the fastest speed possible but still tried to make sure that the cat in his shirt was not affected, after a slide to help him rush out of the base, his two hands were severed by the gate, but at the same time, he broke the handcuffs for Bal so that when he rushed out, he could regain all his strength.
Not to let the surrounding people "admire" him, that's what he thought, Balthazar immediately restored his two hands and armored the kitten beside him and flew away at infinite speed, passing through the layers of the great universe immediately. At this time in the base, the two bloody hands on the floor were noticed by a mysterious person, what is the hidden meaning of this?
"...Yu, ask Mobius to take you to BH1, we are both injured so we cannot travel across the universe, I will use my motorcycle to go on the "Galactic Highway"."
"There will be another meeting about this matter, see you at BH1."
Setsuna immediately took out her modern designed motorcycle, she used a device to teleport her to a road with only one route surrounded by universes and macrocosms continuously intertwined with each other. Basically, the "Galactic Highway" was located in the Void, where the multiverses and macrocosms were intertwined.
"VI of the Nine Council, allow me to go on this road."
After Setsuna returned her electronic card to her position, the F.A. robot number 417 allowed her to go on the road. As she sped along that seemingly endless road, time seemed to stop because of the friction of the speed of light that created both real and unreal stardust where her car left behind. She looked at the countless world bubbles, where countless stars and multiverses existed as if they were watching her steps on the road with an endless length that seemed to be teasing those travelers. As she go, Setsuna quickly turned on her walkie-talkie to contact the supreme leader of the Frost Wisp organization, Thous, or more secretly, the Weavers I of the Nine Council.
"I… VIII has already f-"
"I know."
"Perhaps even IV already knows, VII, you quickly return to BH1, immediately."
Right after that, Thous immediately cut off the communication, as if everything was within his calculations.
"The sounds of those children keep repeating every night, I always think about them. Yu is still so cute and innocent, it will soon be freed from its madness. What scares me is what the next curse will be for it... Setsuna still seems fine, her cryogenic chamber... when will it finally cool down? Neo's obsession with attention and power hasn't diminished, can't blame him. What bothers me is his rudeness and skepticism, so 'human,' it's disturbing, but that's also something I like about him. Free... what a shame. Has he found the specimen he wants? Not yet? How many more screams and pains will it take to satisfy him? As for Shird...IT IS THE DARKNESS I MUST GO THROUGH!Why don't you just take my life?TOO SIMPLE!I love you... but... is it really true...?YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF ORDER!I was right from the start... well... this is the result of karmic retribution...I MUST OBEY THE MASTER!...It's too late for you... N...I must protect him, that's my responsibility.He has decided.I will not abandon him. Not this time.He will escape.Someone must end this cycle.Goodbye, N-I will do it.X/X/23XXM."Tears fell drop by drop, landing on the old, faded paper where she had written her deepest thoughts. Now, Shird finally had the chance to read it."I don't understand..."I don't understand anything.Shird's body twitched, his face was now replaced by darkness.Up there, we see his pale, unnaturally large eyes on a face obscured by something like black smoke. He covered his face, his faith had not been destroyed, but his perspective on it had shifted. Now, it was even more intense."Well... get up then."The free time was gone, it was time to get back to the mission. As he walked to the door, Shird's face returned to normal, and he smiled."Well, hope that guy Free doesn't skip work like me to-"Just as he was about to finish his sentence and open the door, Setsuna kicked it open, using special material that caused it to slam into Shird, pinning him down.Just as he was about to finish his sentence and open the door, Setsuna broke through the door by kicking the special material door, causing it to fall on Shird.
"You traitor Shird, where are you hiding?"
"Ack… ack… Set… su… na…"
"There you are, you bastard! Repent!"
While Shird was "dying" and didn't understand what had just happened, Setsuna grabbed his neck and slammed him onto the floor repeatedly, repeatedly at a terrifying speed.
"Sis! Stop!"
"What? But he betrayed the organization!"
"If he did, would he still be standing here?"
"Oh yeah… Shird, I'm sorr-, hey, why are you covered in blood, wake up!"
After Yu's explanation, Setsuna immediately healed Shird and when Shird woke up, the first thing Shird did was to give Setsuna a powerful kick in the face despite the injury from the confrontation between her and Bal. Ignoring the two idiots, Yu went into the medical area and when he arrived at a room, he was shocked by Dev's extremely serious injury as he had broken the right horn on the demon boy's head, his arms and legs were broken and bleeding but luckily thanks to the organization's enthusiastic medical department, he was saved when he was dying.
When Mobius entered the door and sat beside her, Dev cried loudly and tried to reach out to hug her, but couldn't, Mobius saw that and immediately hugged Dev tightly, his face filled with anger when he saw these injuries of his.
"... You have to go now...?"
"You minimized the damage as much as possible and tried your best to inform all the staff. Therefore, there were no casualties while the staff could not properly assess their situation. As expected of my disciple, good job, I will reward you… by hanging you."
Dev seemed quite excited at this unusual "reward", while Mobius walked coldly with a face full of anger, heading towards the Nine Council's meeting room, the dark corridor of the base now seemed to be burning under her anger.