Chapter 40 - Meeting!

Kagekawa carried Arthur from the forest to his house. He entered to find Chronos and Amygdala talking to each other. Just then Amygdala saw her unconscious husband.

"Arthur! What did you do to my husband?!" She grabbed a knife from the kitchen, pointing it towards Kagekawa's throat.

"Wait! Wait! Stop! We were just training!" Kagekawa frantically waved his hands, stepping back.

Chronos gently tugged Amygdala's dress. "Don't worry, Kagekawa's a nice person. He meant no harm."

"Tch...fine. I'll believe you. Give me Arthur. I'll carry him back to his room."

"He's quite heavy. I can just tak-"


Kagekawa handed Arthur over to Amygdala. She carried him like a princess, gently tucking him into his bed.


A meeting in the heavens was taking place among the gods and goddesses.

Themison's head was now stitched to his body. All the shadowy figures of the gods whispered to one another.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

"Order! Order! A meeting is now in session! Apollo come up to the stand!"

Apollo walked up the steps, in the centre of all the gods. Every single god and goddess looked at him. He could feel the pressure.

"Apollo! Speak now!"

"Yes! Gods and goddesses! Currently, we have a dangerous threat coming for us! Sedah! He will come in a decade and could destroy everything!"

"Apollo, enough. What is it you suggest?"

"Ahem! I suggest we release Dragonos!"

Whispers among the gods grew.

"Dragonos...that monster?!"

"We'll be in even more danger if he was released..."

"There's no way Themison will ever agree."

"But this is Sedah we're talking about! We need all the help we can get."

Dragonos was a monster that had power as great as Drakonthar, but he was much more merciful.

"Enough! Cease your bickering!" Themison waved his hand and everyone fell silent. He then stroked his beard. "Dragonos, huh? The younger brother of Drakonthar, that whole family is a pain in the ass!" Themison made a disgusted face. "Rejected!"


"Themison! Please! Think about it mor-"

"-APOLLO! My decision is final! Get off the stand!"

"Yes, my judge." Apollo gave a bow and then left the court.

All the gods knew of Drakonthar and Dragonos. They were close to one another. However, Drakonthar had sealed his little brother Dragonos away. Chaining him up and making him rot. Most Gods believe Dragonos is dead. Some still believe he is alive. The place in which he is sealed is only known by two gods. Drakonthar, who is no longer alive, and Themison.

"Next order of business!"

Many of the gods and goddesses voiced their thoughts and opinions, talking on and on about what to do next. Disagreeing with each other and agreeing with each other. Discussing and discussing.

*Bang* *Bang*

"I have come to a conclusion! We will make contact with the humans and join forces with them in preparation for this grand battle against the demon Sedah!"


"This meeting is now closed!"


Sedah had descended back from the heavens, entering his cave.

"Ten years...ten more years. I've loathed every single second of my life since they died. I miss them so much. My wife. My daughter!" Sedah had gripped his face. His teeth started to become sharper as he grew angrier. Every moment he spent with Lyanna and his daughter looped over and over in his memory.

Sedah held onto the belief that he would lose if every single being were to fight against him. He absolutely refuses to take his own life. He couldn't bring himself to take his own life. That is because of one simple reason. He held onto a promise.


"Lyanna!" She could hear Sedah's voice calling out to her, growing gradually louder.

Sedah saw her eyes open slowly. In an instant, Sedah hugged her tightly.

"I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry..." Sedah repeated over and over again. He felt guilty for not being able to save Lyanna's parents. Guilty about the severe burn Lyanna now has on her face. Lyanna responded with tears, weakly patting him on his back as Sedah had also cried.

They both shared in each other's anguishing hearts.


"Ten years. Lyanna, in ten years this world shall know our anguish." He pointed two of his fingers upwards.

The entrance of the cave had been sealed shut by Sedah. Everything became darkened in his view. Sedah would slumber for ten long years and then awaken, and in his awakening, every human, every God, and every monster would face a tremendous and unavoidable disaster. Anger and anguish would be let loose from his heart onto the world in the form of a true demon.


Kagekawa sat on a chair that was placed next to Arthur's bed, watching him all beaten up and resting.

"Ten years, huh? Why would Sedah possibly wait ten years? Ten...ten." Kagekawa's eyes widened. "Is that your plan, Sedah?"

A night had passed, and Arthur had woken up in the morning, stretching his arms up and slowly getting out of bed. He saw Chronos and Kagekawa sitting at the table eating his breakfast. Amygdala was cooking!

"Amygdala?!" Arthur was still scared of her.

"Yes, dear?" Amygdala was wearing an apron and had a bright vibe around her. Completely the opposite of what you'd expect a goddess of fear to be like.

"Ah! Arthur, you're finally awake? How are you feeling?"

"My whole body is hurting after you...beat me? To be honest, my memories were hazy after I used my weapon. I woke up with all these bruises on my body. Did something happen? What is my weapon?"

"I see, your weapon idea!"

"No idea?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Well, I haven't encountered a weapon as unique as yours. I'm not sure I could even call it a weapon. It was a personality switch-no-it was like you became a different person entirely. Much more bloodthirsty and resilient. The change started once you ripped off the skin on your face and then put on a mask."

"I ripped off my skin?!?!"

"Haha! I was shocked too! So you don't remember?"

"Well, I felt a drowning sensation. Other than that...not really no."

"Well, that's all well and fine! Haha! By the way, Sedah gave you ten years to overcome the ten towers."

"The ten towers?!"

"What's the ten towers?" Chronos turned to Arthur.

"No idea."

"Then why are you surprised!?"

"It felt right," Arthur said with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

Amygdala looked at Kagekawa opening her eyes wide, her forehead now creased.