"Seek even greater power!"
Shun's mind had completely gotten rid of any extra thoughts. He was completely succumbed to the voice. He marched away from the burnt village. Taking food he never got to eat. Clothes he was never dressed with and marched. To what? Not even Shun knows, however whatever was out there was calling to him.
Snow fell heavy upon the ground, thickly layering the earth beneath. Blizzards were usual in Coldera. But to march through it was extreme! His face became numb quickly. His eyes looked forward with extreme focus and such intent even though it was nothing but snow as far as the eye could see, but even so, he marched.
"A person to the north is forming a contract."
"A contract is the signing of a great power. A Celestial emissary is sent down from a god to carry out this task, this happens almost never unless someone really special catches their attention. Now, the benefit both God and the person get is a power-up. This depends on the synergy between the two. The stronger synergy they have, the stronger they both become. Gods only get to choose one person. You got that Arthur? That means a boy around your age has already been chosen by a higher being."
Arthur nodded, quickly grasping the concept.
"Now, you dammed swordsman! Why did you come to me? Surely it's not just to talk about some low-level contract, right?" Sedah questioned. His voice made it quite clear he was irritated by Kagekawa's presence.
"You already knew, didn't you?"
"Of course I did."
"Wait, did you just say 'Low-level'?! Ah...I guess for you it would be. Anyways the contract that's being formed is not from a god or goddess, but a great and powerful demon. I'm sure of it! The animosity and envy I felt can only be a great demon. However! I have no idea whose presence I felt, so I came to you, the only other demon I know, for answers, so answer this question: Who the hell is he forming a contract with?!"
"A demon? I'm the only one left. Sorry, but I can't help you. Regardless, I couldn't say who this god or demon is until I sense his magical presence, and right now, I'm too far away. Now I have a question for you, O' great swordsman, how did you sense his presence? We're in Vastos right now, and Coldera is very far, far away, so how?"
"I was on the border of Vastos and Coldera and I sensed it, quickly trying to find the only other demon I know."
"Ohh ~ are you saying this demon could've covered an entire country in his presence? And then you ran like a chicken! Hah! You better not be joking or else I'll kill you where you stand." Sedah replied with a serious tone in his voice, glaring at the swordsman.
"Watch what you say, you false hero."
"Tch. Anyways, I forbid you from killing this northern boy from now on. I want to see what he does and how he grows! And if you decide to do otherwise, I'll kill you. Simple, right?"
Sedah's goal remains unchanged, wishing to die in battle, therefore, he must find or nurture someone stronger.
"You can try Sedah. Regardless, I'm not going to kill him. Especially not now; murdering a child just doesn't seem to sit well with me and it seems your goal is unchanged, you still wish to die in battle and you hope this boy to the north can develop into someone that can kill you, am I right?"
"Close, but not quite! I'm going to make Arthur into a great fighter and make him battle against the northern kid." Sedah replies with a smirk on his face.
The swordsman turns to Arthur, "Boy, you know what this implies, right? Do you have it in you to battle and cross swords with Sedah if you are victorious?"
Arthur felt emotionally conflicted; as he grew up, he trained under Sedah, and he constantly told Arthur to kill him one day in battle. However, Arthur had not gained a murderous intent to kill Sedah; in fact, he was the only father figure he had. It's too cruel.
To tell this to a boy to kill his master-no, his father would leave any child disturbed, and Arthur did not go out of this notion, with an unsettled expression, he replied, "I can't..."