"Ugh....what happened exactly before i possessed your body Sora?"
I decided to lay down on my bed, and I found out that these mini versions can fly since they are essentially souls, and apparently they cant be seen on mirrors or on a camera so atleast others cant see them.
"I- uh....I don't....I don't really wanna talk about it you stupid bit-"
I quickly covered my ears, i was getting annoyed by hearing this teenager curse every single second.
Though i did notice her voice hesitating when speaking, i decided not to say anything about it.
"So uh...How old are both of you two anyways?"
The plot of "Systems Interest" started when the main characters were around 15 years old, and my gut feeling told me that Sora was in the same class as the protagonists so i just wanted to check where i was in the story.
"I'm 14 years old right now! I bet even though I'm 14 i'm still stronger than you!"
...Yep totally normal arrogant and annoying teenager behavior, totally normal.
"Uhm...i'm 19 years old! My birthday is going to be in 3 months!"
Soraya's soothing voice immediately calmed me down, I never knew how soft my voice was in the past, but now i do.
No wonder i had many friends back in the day before becoming a writer, it was nice.
But either way, this means that i'm currently 1 year before the story begins.
To be honest, i'm not even sure if this world is even the story I was thinking of, its completely possible that this is all just coincidence and maybe i really did reincarnate in a whole new world that wasn't my novel.
Hah..That would be absolute paradise.
As i glanced around, I noticed an odd bottle filled with pills, though the bottle had no label and the bottle was on the ground, open-
Wait....Sora didn't do what I thought she did...right?
I spoke, trying to look serious as i was mentally freaking out.
"Why...is there a bottle of pills on the ground?"
I noticed her glance at the bottle i was talking about and for a split second, she looked a bit nervous before quickly going back to acting arrogant.
"It's my, uh- vitamins! Yeah! I sometimes take vitamins for health reasons!"
Yeah i clearly didn't believe her, why would a bottle of vitamins be on the ground randomly and she didn't pick them up? Also the fact its an unlabelled bottle is just even more suspicious.
How do you expect me to believe her?
I decided to stand up, i had to get used to using this body anyways one way or another so i might as well do it now.
Suddenly switching from the body of a 25 year old woman to the body of a 14 year old kid isn't exactly a feeling you could get used to that easily.
After forcing myself to walk while trying not to puke from nausea, 5 minutes later, I felt way less anxious and finally got more used to this body.
I can now stop feeling nauseous every time i do a single small movement, it felt so freeing.
"Hmm...Sora, could you remind me quickly how this world works exactly?"
"Ugh, S, Are you dumb or stupid? Well, whatever, since I can't exactly get away from you i might as well tell you, you better not interrupt me once alright!!"
I was annoyed again by her attitude but i just nodded, i was too tired to complain anyways and atleast this could confirm my suspicions.
"Good! Ill just explain the backstory first so you don't have to ask me twice."
"Basically, ever since the year 1500, every few years at random, the demon king would send other demons to earth to cause havoc and kill as many humans as possible, we dont know why yet but i have a feeling that its going to be for something bad."
"Because of these demons appearances, humans have discovered mana which gave us the ability to have powerful abilities and magic, and we have discovered that sword arts and skills are indeed real."
"Everyone has their own respective roles and ranks. The roles could be a shields, healer, assassin, swordsman, and many others that I don't need to specify since its pretty obvious. Someone's rank can go from G to SSS+, clearly G- is the weakest rank while SSS+ is the strongest, though only 2 people in the world are SSS rank. I hope thats easy to understand."
She rolled her eyes as she said that last part but i ignored it, just wanting to listen à bit more to what she'll be saying.
"About swordart and skills, those have their own types of ranks, called Grades. Its really weird but whatever its not my problem. The grades can range from 1 to 10,10 being the highest while 1 is the lowest. The reason for why those have their own separate ranks are so its easier to see the difference between someones rank and their swordart grade."
"The grade is simply based on how powerful someone currently is, while a rank is just an average of that persons stats. Someone could be Rank B yet only be capable of using a grade 2 skill or swordart because they don't have the necessary strength for a higher grade. The same could also go for a G ranked person who could easily use a grade 8 swordart because they have the necessary experience for it."
"The person responsible for this system must have been so stupid!"
Damn..If I was 20 year old me, i would have felt insulted, but now I kind of agree with this rude teenager. I truly didn't know why i thought this system even made sense.
Why couldn't I have made my life easier and just kept the basic G - SSS ranks for everything like other popular novels at the time? Atleast those made sense?
"So yeah, surprisingly even though the demons attacked, they managed to somehow get rid of global warming and all the pollution in the air are gone, so now we can see the stars very clearly, which is the only good thing they've done for us."
So...Yeah based on the information mini Sora is telling me, this is exactly like how the novel I wrote was, complicated for no reason and the demons, a supposed-to-be enemy got rid of the one thing humans wanted to remove for so long.
How stupid of past me to make the story like this.
"Uh...Thanks Sora?"
"No problem! You simply just proved how much better i was than you! Hehe!"
I looked at her, a bit annoyed but i started wondering about who's body i was in right now.
...And I had the soul of the original owner in front of me so I might as well ask.
"So uh, what rank are you, whats your role, your sword art and skills?"
She looked at me like i was living under a rock for not knowing who she was.
"....I'm the daughter of a millionaire yet you dont know who i am? How did you even live? If you really want to know everything just open your stat window, i'm not going to be your information slave."
She pouted as I looked away from me, crossing her arms to look annoyed at me.
"Ugh...Fine, i got the information i wanted anyways. Thank you."
I quickly calmed down as I managed to open my stat window just by thinking about it, which was neat.
`Name: Sora Charaki
`Rank: E+
`Strenght: G-
`Stamina: D+
`Mana Capacity: C+
`Mental: D-
`Intelligence: G
`Charm: F-
`Swordart "Artists Beauty". Grade 2.
This swordart is based on attacking your opponents almost as if you were drawing, making them fall in a trance-like state, allowing you to kill your opponents without having them doing a single thing to the User. This swordart is only available to those who has understood the true meaning of art and its beauty.
`Swordart "Shining Starlight". Grade 3.
This swordart will attract any light sources towards you, making your body shine so brightly it could blind your opponent and give you time to attack without having your opponent be able to predict your next actions easily.
This swordart can only be used if there's any form of light around. You cannot use this swordart in complete darkness.
`Skill "Time Stop". Grade 1.
This skill allows the user to stop time for 5 seconds, the user is unable to move a muscle when this skill is activated but they are able to move 5x faster as soon as the skill is deactivated.
Isn't Sora the daughter of a millionaire? Why are her stats so weak?
Her swordarts and skills are pretty useful but....Why is her rank so low?
Its almost like she hasn't been working on her rank really well, almost like she's extrêmely lazy-
Oh yeah. I forgot. She's a rude, arrogant and rich teenager. Obviously she's going to be focusing more on fun than being strong.
"Sora....Why are you so weak?"
"....More than half of the students over at Kanita High are over D rank. Are you sure you're strong?"
She immediately shut up...Thank god she did, i never liked teenagers and this was a clear example why.
I glanced at Soraya since she was a bit quiet, and she just seemed to want to participate in the conversation but not having the possibility to.
So she's just looking at me and Sora awkwardly, listening closely.
....Oh yeah i forgot she's from the modern world, i suppose she must be a bit confused since she is past me-
Wait why is there a past me on my shoulder? Sora makes sense since she's the original owner of my body but why is Soraya here? Isn't she from the past?
...Ehh its probably nothing.
I'm probably just overthinking...Although i'm pretty sure this is the first time I noticed something like this happening anywhere, its probably nothing!
I decided to glance at the calender and the current time.
"Sunday, 3rd of August, 2476.....And it's 4 am-"
"Wait am i really awake at 4 AM?!"
I was caught off guard by what time it was, i thought it was atleast around 10 pm but i never expected to be awake this late.
I walked over to the calender as I noticed something written on Monday, the 1st of September.
"Uh....First day of schoo- ..."
I almost wanted to cry as soon as I saw those words.
I never liked school, i thought i would have finished those times back when i dropped out of college.
But School had to haunt me again.
"....Is S tearing up? What in the actual fuck....?"
Sora whispered quietly to Soraya, who was also confused about why i was crying.
"Why is she crying? The only thing she's looking at is-"
Soraya also went silent as soon as she saw what i was looking at, and even she wanted to cry.
But unlike me, she managed to explain the situation.
"Sora....School is starting soon. And I hate school with my soul i hate it so much i dont want to go back there ever again...I don't know about S though, but she is probably thinking the exact same thing as me"
"Yes I am...."
Why does School have to start so soon?
Atleast the good thing is that i have the whole month of August to get used to this world, which is better than nothing.
But for now, I am absolutely tired.
I lazily jumped to my bed, and immediately falling asleep right after mumbling a few words.
"....don't you dare wake me up..."