Chapter 2 - CHAPTER TWO

"We missed you mother", they said in unison.

"Likewise, three years without my babies", she said breaking the hug, now they looked at the king.

  "No one cares to give their father a hug?"

He asked making the children to guffaw before walking to him and hugged him.

"welcome back my treasures", said the king.

       They all walked inside, the castle was neatly and beautifully decorated with Christmas items.

"You three remember your chambers right?, or should i call someone to escort you three there?" Inquired the queen.

"you worry too much mother and that's why father looks younger than you", princess Lynette bluntly said.

"And you haven't altered at all", said the queen making prince Jordan to chuckle.

  "Do not listen to her dear mother, you haven't aged a bit."

"Am so blessed to have you as my son", said the beaming queen.

"Am glad you've all catched up on so many things, now you three need to go to your chambers, the servants has already unpacked your clothes and after resting a bit you come down for a brief politics meeting",

said the king making princess Lynette lips to curve up into a sexy smile, prince Jordan noticed this.

"Sister why are you hyperventilating over the politics meeting?, am aware you know father was indirectly talking to me and not you, you know women shouldn't get involved in politics."

    And after saying this he bowed to both his parents before leaving for his chambers.   

  "You s...."

"Manners young lady", said the king walking away with his beaming wife and princesses Kimberly. Princess Lynette went ballistic over what her young brother said.

"Women shouldn't get involved in politics!!, sicko."


       When prince Jordan entered his chamber he saw two female servants trying to unzip  the bag containing his undergarment.

"You shall do no such", he pronounced swiftly walking towards them and collecting the bag.

"Thanks for all your hard work and everything, you may take your leave", they bowed but you could see how red their cheeks were because they were blushing from talking with/ to the crown prince who only pointed to the door making them come back to their senses before leaving.

"Phew...dear dear", he uttered as he lay on his giant sized bed, his chamber was bigger than he use to remember and of course decorated with Christmas items.

"I hope this Christmas will be less chaotic", he said as his mind went back to what he told his sister making a faint laugh to leave his lips.

"She will be so upset ha ha ha but i was only kidding", He soliloquiesd.

   Meanwhile in princess Lynettes chambers she wasn't taking it easy on her personal servants.

  "You are so chubby, you are too short and you are too skinny, guards!!!" She yelled and the two guards standing in front of her chambers entered.

"Your highness", they bowed.

"Escort this three idlers out of my sight."


   "Yes my lady."

"And fetch me new elegant servants."

     "Yes my lady", they bowed as they escorted the servants out. She looked around her room, she admired the decorations, her parents new exactly what she likes.

"You wait and see Jordan i will be crown queen", she said sitting infront of her mirror to admire herself.

     "Pretty as a Queen", she said.

              By 6: O'clock pm, they all came to the castle hall to welcome their relatives who just arrived.

"My big grandchildren!!" Their grandparents called out as they all except for princess Lynette descend the stairs, princess Kimberly ran and hugged both.

" sugar plum you are now bigger than i imagined but you look skinny, too skinny, how old are you again?"

"Am 15(fifteen )granny but on Christmas Eve I will be 16(sixteen)."

"That's right ....double celebration, am so proud and happy, but were is Lynette?"

Then they heard the click-clack of heels making all eyes to divert to the stairs, there she was descending from the stairs, she looked elegantly dazzling with her tiara and long sleeveless golden coloured gown.

"Grandparents so delighted to see you both", she uttered immediately she climbed down the last stairs but didn't hug them instead she gave them air kisses.

            "Mwa mwa"

Only 12(twelve) of her cousins were present, she arrogantly looked at them before saying,

"Weren't you thought to curtsey when you see an actual crown princess?" Princess Lynette fired at her cousins but Prince Jordan interrupted.

"She's bluffing, don't take it to heart."

       "It's fine cousin, am starving."

Almost immediately the royal chef came forth,

  "Dinner is ready and served your highnesses", he uttered bowing respectfully.


  "Yummy!!" The three youngest screamed running to the dinning room making everyone to laugh.

   "Let's all go eat", said the grandparents as they all walked to the dinning room.

The served dishes looked delicious and Christmasy, just as they were about to eat, the queen walked in with 4(four) guests.

"The knight family hahaha am so happy you honoured our invitation!!" Echoed the kings voice as he stood up and had a hand shake with the man that looked his age.

"Please sit", the queen requested as they all say down, Mr knights daughter sat near prince Jordan while his son with princess Kimberly who gave him a friendly smile before his wife sat with the queen.

   "Prince Jordan."

"Lady Morgan", he called not smiling, he stood up. " Excuse me", he said walking out.

"I will be back", said the queen going after him. She cought up with him at the staircase. "Your highness", she called making him to stop and turn looking at her before he frustratedly said, "Mother don't address me like that, am your son."

         "I know that."

"Then why mother?, why would father invite the knight family over for Christmas?" The almost furious prince asked.

  "Am sure it's just to celebrate..."

"No no no, mother I have known father for 23(twenty three) years now, it's not just to celebrate he has an ulterior motive."

"My dear I know lately your father and you haven't been seeing eye to eye but dear it's just for..... "

   "Mother she's my ex girlfriend, Morgan is my ex girlfriend i can't believe you both invited her over!!"

"Dear just l....."

"Am going for a drive, i will be back shortly", he said turning around and leaving the castle.

"Your highness....." But he was already outside.

             Prince Jordan came outside, it was snowing but thankfully he was with his coat, all the guards were lined up, he looked at them one after the other.

  "You there", he pointed and a guard came forward and bowed.

"You drove me from the airport right?"

"Yes your highness."

      "Get the car."

"May I know were am driving his highness to?"

  "I don't know just get the car", he said, his response was full of bile making the guard to quickly run towards the garage, and drove out a Lexus which stopped infront of the prince and a guard opened the door for him to enter but just as he was about to enter, the castle doors opened reveling the enraged king.

"You dare not step foot into that car!!" He thundered, making some of the guards to shiver. Prince Jordan sluggishly turned and stood firmly, the king walked up to him.

"And were do you think you're going to?" Came the angry kings voice.

"Only going for a drive your majesty, i didn't know it was against your rules to go for a drive."

"Prince Jordan..." He called now in a softer tone.

      "Your majesty."

"Come back inside with me, do not develop an obnoxious behavior, we have guests who will find your absence rathe...."

      "Your majesty please ....."

"I forbid you from going out, nobody not even one soul out there knows what you three (his children) looks like and i don't want them to know, not yet. This kingdom is extremely dangerous, back inside now", said the king turning and heading back inside.

"Such a royal pain", Prince Jordan uttered walking behind him. They both entered the dinning room.

"What a pleasant surprise, prince Jordan is back, why the sudden change of heart?" Princess Lynette asked putting away her cutleries but he ignored her and went back to his chair. 

     "Shall we continue with the eating?" Asked the king as everyone picked up their cutleries and dogged in.

"Lady Morgan, i heard you just graduated from Harvard?" Inquired the king, lady Morgan adjusted a little before saying,

"That's quite right your majesty, i'm now a medical savvy, whenever anyone has a health p....."

But she was rudely interrupted by the prince.

"I'm stuffed, may i be excused!" He asked standing and without any ones response/permission he left.

     Getting to his chamber, he went straight to the bed and lay on a supine position, what happened in the dinning just evoked an angry emotion.

"I just have to inure with Morgan for the rest of the season", he said closing his eyes as his mind went back to that filthy neighborhood seeing everything, he can't just tell why he now has interest/ find that neighborhood worth going to.

"Since i can't be happy in this castle i will visit that filthy neighborhood tonight",

he said before hearing a knock on his door making him to tighten the already closed eyes and pretending to be a sleep.

   "Your highness a word..." But her gaze fell on him.

"Ow so disappointing he's a sleep", she said turning before leaving as the door closed making him to open those gorgeous eyes.

   "Such a pervert!" He exclaimed.

                The time stroke 8: O'clock pm in the castle, and knowing the royal family well they have all gone to bed giving prince Jordan an access to leave the castle, which he did.

       "You there", he pointed.

"Your highness you're still awake?"

"Clearly get the car."

          "But the king said...."

"Are you questioning the orders of the crown prince?"

        "I dare not!"

"Good, now the car." The driver ran off to the garage and drove out the previous Lexus, prince Jordan entered and the driver drove off.

  "Does his highness have anywhere in mind to go to?"

  "Yes, that rusty neighborhood ", said the prince making the driver to step on the breaks before turning to face him with his gase lowered a little, then he spoke,

"Your highness that neighborhood is chilling and not a place for a royal, the king will be-head me if he happens to know I took you there!!"

            "What is your name?"

"It's Flipp, your highness."

"Alright Flipp, i don't want you to worry about my safety and the king doesn't have to know about this, just drive me to that dirty neighborhood and you will lend me your clothing when we get there."


"But your hi....."

"Stop objecting and just drive."

"Yes your highness", Flipp said starting the engine and driving off.

       They got to the neighborhood and Flipp parked the car at the back of a building before lending his clothes to the prince who after putting it on said, "Try not to leave this car, I will be back." And opened the door jumping down with his bottle of water, he always takes a bottle of water with him in the event that he should get thirsty.

       He walked down the street, half of the street he walked past leaks of alcohol, he saw several sozzled men who were vomiting, he only held his nose walking farther, unlike other streets that were closing their businesses, this street was still buzzing especially the ancient bear parlours.

He saw a lot of women with their children sleeping at the dark corners of the street and majority of the buildings were cracked and  looking like it would fall any time soon.

"What a destitute neighborhood", he thought inwardly as he stood observing everywhere, there was little or no Christmas decorations in this neighborhood but there was this building, it was the only new and painted building in the whole neighborhood.

Prince Jordan walked closer to the building, he looked through the window and saw a Christmas tree in the middle of the large room and lots of gifts surrounded the tree.

  "What is this?" He asked himself but immediately got an answer from a stranger.

"It's what the king gives the children every year instead of building houses, hospitals and police stations", said the lady, prince Jordan looked at her, she was looking too.

   "Hi am Arthur."

The lady guffawed before saying,

"Okay Arthur, am Scarlett."

        "It's a pleasure meeting you."