"Your utterance is funny like fancy, are you from around here?" She inquired making prince Jordan to clear his throats before saying,

"Let's not talk about me, why doesn't the King r...."

"Our compelling king is a self centered jerk!, all he cares is about his family and himself, he doesn't care about any of us, here.... people are dying everyday, the hospital bills out there is much, we don't have well paying jobs but what he does is send Christmas gifts every Christmas, please tell me will this gifts heal sick children!!"

  Said Scarlet berserked , Prince Jordan smiled.

"I wish someone like you is his royal adviser ", he thought.All of a sudden it started pouring, but it wasn't touching them because of were they stood. People ran to prevent their clothes from drenching and the business men and women started closing up. Scarlet brought out her bumbershoot.

  "Can i have that?" Prince Jordan politely ask, Scarlet only chuckled.

"And what will i get in return if i happen to give this to you?"

"Emmm....okay I will give you 30(thirty) new dresses tomorrow if you give me the bumbershoot, quid pro que."

    Scarlets eyes widened.

        "30(thirty) dresses?"

"Yes or do you want more...."

But scarlet hit him on the head with the bumbershoot.

"Awuch." He touched his head surprised.

"Scammer, ha! i should've known you're a scammer and a pick pocket", she said before adding,

"I had an inkling about everything about you, huh."  She put on the bumbershoot and left.

"Why are women so capricious sometimes!!, and I'm not a scammer!" He yelled still touching his head.

"She almost broke my pretty head", he complained, he looked at all those homeless people covering their children with crates and carton while they stayed under as it poured on them, he felt concerned and at the same time sad but before he could say a word his stomach borborygmused making him to put his hand on his stomach.

"Ahhh so this is what being hungry feels like?, i didn't eat because of that wuss",

he complained, thankfully it stopped pouring and he ran back towards were the car was parked, he got there and met the worried Flipp.

"Your highness thank goodness you're back safely, i was worried and about to call my family to say my last good-byes", Flipp exclaimed opening the door for him, he entered and Flipp closed the door before running to the other side, entered and drove off. He looked at the rear mirror.

"Why the woebegone face your highness?"

Prince Jordan gnashed his fist before saying,

"She's the first woman to have never fallen for my handsome face and can you believe she called me a scammer!!"


"And she even hit a royal blood on the head with a bumbershoot, what did i say wrong?" He asked so flummoxed.

     "Sir what happened?" Flipp inquired.

"I met this young lady, she's filthy but not as filthy as the others i saw, at first she was nice  but later on she called me a scammer and hit her bumbershoot on my head just because I offered to give her 30( thirty) new dresses if she gives me her bumbershoot, quid pro que, because it was raining."

   "Sir you came to an unhealthy filthy environment and offered someone 30 (thirty) new dresses, of course she would think you're a scammer because nobody in that environment can afford that."

"Ow you're right, i didn't even think it through, how unwise of me but tomorrow i will personally get her 30( thirty) new dresses, and you will drive me back here tomorrow."

  "You want to come back here again your highness?"

"Yes and this should be a secret between the two of us, understand?"

"Of course your highness." The rest of the drive was in silence.


Prince Jordan woke up because of the cacophony from outside, he got off the bed and opened the window.

     "My chamber was so tranquil but that cacophony from your...." But his words were caught short because princess Kimberly threw a snow ball on his face.

     "Ha ha ha ha ha", she giggled.

"Nice shot cousin", complemented her three cousins.

"Ha ha very funny better run cause am coming", he said closing the window, he undressed from his night wear into a normal princely wear but once he opened the door he saw lady Morgan standing with a bouquet of flower, she courtseyed.

   "Good morning my lord."

"Must you be the first person i see on my door step?"

"Ha ha you're a comedian my lord, I don't only want to be on your door step but also on your b...."

   "Cut the gibberish Morgan, you know you and I will never happen again. I'm trying to inure everything going on here and that includes you, please just give me a break, my family, you and everything else....that's too much to handle."

  He said before leaving her. She instantly went balistic making her throw the bouquet of flowers roughly on the floor.

"I shouldn't have come here this morning!, how could I've acted so spontaneously", she asked herself.

    Prince Jordan descended the stairs and came out of the castle to were his sister and cousins stood a while ago but they weren't there any more.

               "Were are they?"


He heard as the four came out of hiding throwing snow balls at him while he tried to dodge but was failing badly because the  balls were hitting him.

  Princess Lynette came out of the castle and walked to them, seeing her coming made them stop. On getting closer she yelled,

"Must the five of you have to cause me so much umbrage!!?"

"Must you always be grumpy Lynette? It's remaining few weeks before Christmas have fun!!" Said Jordan making a snow ball.

   "Fun?, is this what you will do when you ascend the throne?, rule the kingdom with fun?, you twit their is no room for fun!!!" She yelled gravelly.

   "My boring elder sister tsk tsk tsk."