With the anesthetic gun, it was easy for Cheetah Team, a group of Superpower Users, plus the anesthetic gun, there was no way a single Sheep could escape.
Even Galaxy himself looked down on themselves.
With the aid of the anesthetic gun, Cheetah Team quickly subdued over a hundred Sheep.
Each Sheep was intact and alive.
Since Galaxy's space could only store dead objects, they still had to manually slaughter the Sheep.
The Sheep's wool was very dirty, dirty and filthy, looking white from a distance but gray up close.
Galaxy had initially wanted to pet them.
But after a closer look, he lost all desire.
The mutated Sheep were much larger than the unmutated ones, although not as exaggerated as the previous snails.
Probably just twice as big as before their mutation.
After slaughtering the Sheep, Galaxy took back the anesthetic gun. It was a valuable item, and she didn't quite trust them with it.
She was stingy and wouldn't let anyone freeload.