Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

Agent Hobbs, I got some files on a stolen asset, a car. A rare piece at that, a 1970 GTO Judge Ram Air IV Convertible Barrett-Jackson. A Pontiac. I guess you might know who was behind that, don't you?" Monica Fuentes, cat walked into Hobbs's office, slamming a document on his desk.


"Agent Monica, it's been a while on the clock. A stolen Pontiac you say?" Hobbs said, standing up for his desk. "I would need full details, but I can already guess who was behind it."


Monica sighed. "Well, the Pontiac belongs to a rival associate of Mr Cilghal, their disputes which have existed for long. There have been killings in between, you can surely say."


"What led to the event?" Hobbs asked.


"No one knows yet but I am finding out soon," Monica replied as she made to leave. Then she paused. "Or you care to join in the investigation."


"I think I will pass on more teamwork, I have mine to deal with. Best of luck Agent, and be careful. I don't think you really understand who you are dealing with here."


"He's gotta go, anyways." Monica stepped out the door.

Hobbs shook his head, leaving a hint of a smile.



Hobbs and Hattie met at a Starbucks. They appeared to have been there for hours without taking any orders on what they wanted. The attendant had paraded their spot almost ten times now but they kept ignoring her beckons.


"What is the deal, recruit? So what have you gotten so far?" Hobbs taunted, leaning closer. "Any promises? Should I still rely on you?"


Hattie sighed. "One question at a time, big guy. Mock me all you want but I am getting close."


"...and how close does that matter now?"


"No further questions, I do things my way, you do it your way. As you agreed, isn't it so. So, no probing."


Hobbs leaned back on his chair, folding both arms. He nodded, then he stood. "Guess I will leave now—"


"Do you know anything about Letty? Ever heard of that name? Strange?" Monica asked.


"Nah, do it your way, no questions like you said," and Hobbs left. Hattie followed suit, calling after him.


"Hey, take a chill. I've got an idea that could rally them all up." Hattie said, jogging to catch up.


Hobbs stopped in his tracks. He turned. "You mean, Letty? Her whole fucking crew? And Cilghal? You gotta be kidding, you've barely gotten any mark on them, why should I trust that idea now?"


"Well, you have to trust this now. The concept is to get close to Letty, once that is done, it's easy-peasy to catch the big guns. With the report I found on her, she once worked with Cilghal. She and a guy named Carlo, were both Cilghal's top gun. I guess you don't know that?"


Hobbs raised a brow. "Yeah, what difference does it make?"


"The difference it makes is that, I get close to Letty, get to find more about her. Then, she might just be the key to win this."


"Oh, and you expect that to go just fine without suspecting anything? She would sniff you from a mile away. You already have the tone of a detective, not gonna work. Go home, recruit." Hobbs turned, walking away from her.


"Hey!" She followed after him again. When she finally got to him, Hobbs stopped.


He asked. "Now what?"


"Alright, we work with what you have. How do we do this?" She panted, "What do we suggest we do?"


Hobbs scoffed. "Teamwork is not for me but, I would put you up. If we are gonna work with your plan, we have to get to Carlo first; Letty's partner like you said —"


"Former," Hattie corrected.


"Alright, former. We find a way to pin him with a warrant, take him into custody, question him and draw some information out on Cilghal's plan. Note this, we don't make arrests until we find out real evidence—the one we would get from Carlo is basic. Whatever the plan is, we intercept it. It is then we make an arrest. Anyway, it is gonna be, we still need a tail on Letty, she is wanted. No one knows how she might be involved." Hobbs gestured reluctantly, "I would put you up on that, let's see what you can find. You best not fuck this up."


"First things first?" Hattie asked.


"Carlo. Meet me at the airport tomorrow. You have to be early, we have to trap Miguel first. It is on a weekend, so he will be back in his crib in Vegas. Let's talk some senses into that guy."