Chapter 7 - Chapter 7

Racing through the disordered Havana streets, Letty's heart pounded with adrenaline as she sprinted. Though Fernando and his men's distant shouts could be heard, her actions had caused enough turmoil to enable their loss of sight in the midst of frightened shoppers. Meanwhile, Letty struggled against a sense of being tracked while maneuvering through cramped alleys towards reuniting with Carlos, Mia and Giselle - realizing that never before were the stakes this critical.


Letty weaved her way through the winding streets until she arrived at their pre-arranged meeting spot, an ancient car garage. After pushing back the squeaky door, Letty entered and searched around the poorly-lit area for any indication of Carlos' arrival. The smell of aging metal and rust swirled in her nose as tension weighed heavily on her surroundings.


"Carlos!" she exclaimed, her voice reverberating through the stillness.


A few moments afterward, he emerged from the back of an antique Mustang with a reddened complexion and frenzied expression. "Letty! I'm so relieved you're here. I was concerned they captured you!"


Letty breathed deeply to steady her pounding heart before saying, "It wasn't quite there yet. However, we must discuss our next steps. Did you gather any information on Cilghal's team?"


"I managed to overhear some information while taking cover. They have big plans for the auction and Cilghal is privy to inside intel thanks to a mole within their organization. This individual has been providing details about the bidders," Carlos urgently explained, "If we can unveil this traitor's identity, it could potentially shift things in our favor."


Her thoughts swirling, Letty gave a nod. "Mia and Giselle must be informed immediately. We can't catch them off guard - we need to present a united front when we regroup."


"Okay, I'll attempt to contact them," Carlos stated as he took out his phone. "However, we must exercise caution. If they are tracing you, there's a possibility that they could be keeping an eye on me too."


At that moment, Letty felt a vibration in her pocket. She retrieved her phone and became disheartened upon reading Mia's urgent message: "Gunfire occurred at the cafe. Where are you?"


"Safe. Let's meet at the garage where we can discuss our intel on Cilghal's plans," she typed back promptly.


Carlos furrowed his brow in concern and whispered, "We can only hope they don't know our location."


"We should maintain a low profile and await their arrival," Letty responded, making an effort to convey composure. "We must get ready for what's ahead."


Letty couldn't help but feel a sense of looming fear as they waited. She knew Cilghal's men were relentless in their pursuit, unwilling to stop until she was found. Scanning the surroundings of the garage, Letty searched for any items that could be used either defensively or as assistance with an escape plan.


"Can we rely on the information you received from Carlos?" she inquired, attempting to divert her attention away from encroaching anxiety.


"If I didn't believe it, I wouldn't have mentioned it," Carlos said gravely. "However, we must confirm its accuracy. It's a possibility that Cilghal is utilizing false information to mislead us."


As the sound of footsteps reverberated in the garage, Letty's heart raced and she instinctively grabbed her Glock. However, as soon as Mia and Giselle entered through the door looking disheveled but unscathed, Letty lowered her weapon.


"Mia exclaimed rushing over to Letty, "We were so worried sick! What occurred?"


"I'll explain later," Letty said as she put down her weapon. "But Carlos managed to overhear some crucial information about Cilghal's plans, which might just give us an advantage."


With concern etched on her face, Giselle joined them and cautioned, "We must act fast. I caught wind that Cilghal's henchmen have been scouring the vicinity for you specifically; they are aware of your presence."


Letty suggested splitting up and formulating a plan. She asked Carlos to gather further intelligence on the mole who was providing information to Cilghal.


"I know some people who might be able to assist," Carlos acknowledged. "It may require a bit of time, but I'll try my utmost."


Giselle proposed, "Let's initiate contacting our previous network; we might come across someone who possesses additional information about the auction and the individuals involved."


A beam of optimism washed over Letty. "Excellent, we cannot afford to let Cilghal escape unscathed. By uncovering the traitor and bringing them to justice, our odds will increase tenfold."


While they talked about their plans, Letty couldn't stop thinking about the auction. The valuable object that Cilghal was pursuing could either lead to his downfall or create a huge risk for everyone involved if mishandled. It was crucial to handle this situation with care.


"Let's reconvene after a few hours," Letty took charge, "Stay vigilant and keep your phones within arm's reach. We'll rendezvous at this spot to share any discoveries."


Subsequently, they separated and proceeded along distinct paths. Letty experienced a blend of excitement and apprehension upon returning to the streets of Havana where the sun was now blazing above her head. She needed to remain attentive as there was no leeway for any deviations from her mission.


As she strolled, an unsettling sensation loomed over her - a prickling sense of being closely observed. Chaos filled the lanes around her, yet every visage exuded shades of malevolence. Picking up speed, she made haste toward a nearby coffeehouse once frequented in search for trusted comrades.


As Letty pushed open the door, a warm and familiar aroma of coffee beans and baked pastries greeted her. In the far corner, she recognized some old acquaintances from her former life huddled around a table. As she made her way towards them, they looked up with obvious shock on their faces at seeing her again after so long.


"It's been some time, Letty!" Javier exclaimed as he rose from his seat to embrace her.