Jackie was lying half-breathing in a wheat field when an old farmer and his wife found her. They carried her to their barn to restore her consciousness, and after she woke up, she was taken to St. Cyprus Mission Arcane Haven for the poor and needy.
Her name was Jackie Shenwu, and she was reborn Jackie Guinevere. Jackie had once been Jack, a man, but in this life, she had been reincarnated into a female body.
After being killed by a rampaging Jushou (big monster) in London, Jackie awoke to find herself in an old, moth-eaten bed surrounded by rows of similar beds in a cold room with dirty walls. Other teenage children, boys and girls alike, were there, all wearing rags. Whatever body Jackie had been reincarnated into didn't seem to have changed from her original physical form as far as she could see in the orphanage's old rusty mirror. She was a 17-year-old girl with dark hair and dark brown eyes. There wasn't anything particularly special about her appearance, but if someone claimed she was beautiful, few would argue against it.
At first, Jackie was confused. Everyone at the haven seemed to remember her as Jackie Guinevere, while she had no memory of living in this place at all. But no one else seemed bothered by her confusion. It was a fact that only teenage children from middle-income and lower-income families ever ended up in such places, and they weren't thought to have received the best education. In other words, Jackie Guinevere, who had been orphaned at the age of 8, wasn't considered the brightest. Her family, after all, had been described as consisting of a prostitute and a miser.
Jackie didn't mind. It wasn't like she was the best student in high school before her reincarnation anyway. Soon, it became clear that Jackie had been reincarnated into another world. When Ms. Behemoth, head of the haven, took her to town for groceries, she saw a city with technology no more advanced than Shaolin City from her previous world. Carriages drawn by four-legged, goat-like horse called Hornswirlorn roamed the streets, guarded by men in metal armor wielding swords and spears. The houses were made of wood and hand-mixed bricks, and the streets were paved with cobblestones.
There were gremlins trading metals with gnomes (also known as dwarves), eladrin (elfs) muttering in corners of seedy alehouses, and adventurers heading to varying guilds to obtain work. The city looked like something straight out of a fantasy novel or RPG, but Jackie wasn't enjoying it. Her ragged clothes quickly marked her as a poor havener, and unlike the 24th-century mindset of her old world, this society treated haveners and the lower class as pests.
Jackie soon found out how cruel this new world was. Ms. Behemoth often sent her to beg near the more spotless neighborhoods of Glimmerfall City to support the arcane haven. She was usually kicked, cursed at, or even beaten for daring to ask "proper, civilized people" for coins. Her best chance was always to appeal to the passing eladrin. Known for their nurturing culture, they often spared her some coins. Even the wealthiest of the eladrin merchants, in stark contrast to human or gnome merchants, would sometimes give Jackie a few gold coins so that the children at the haven could eat a little more that night.
Jackie didn't resent her situation. In her previous life, she had been the child of a renowned scientist, Dr. Shenwu, who studied Jushou, the massive monsters that had recently emerged after lying dormant for millions of years. Her father's controversial work with the secretive organization known as the Sovereign, which monitored Jushou movements, earned him little respect in the scientific community. Despite their ridicule, Dr. Shenwu persisted in studying the most infamous and destructive of them, the dragon Goridezula, alongside other creatures like Rodran, lunarix, and a foreign entity from beyond Earth, Titanosaurus.
Living in that world meant a life of financial hardship, as the Sovereign couldn't afford to pay the Shenwu family well. Jackie was used to a lower-class existence, but in comparison to this medieval world's lower class, her old life was luxurious.
After a month of confusion, Jackie finally held a funeral for her parents. When no one was watching, she found some white rocks and chiseled their names into them, placing the stones beside a small river behind the arcane haven. With a clenched jaw, she remembered the monster that took them from her.
Goridezula wouldn't have cared if he had known—humans were insignificant to him and all the other Jushou. "I swear, I won't forgive you," Jackie whispered bitterly that day.
But Jackie's troubles were far from over. She soon learned that this world had its own monsters, and they were becoming a growing threat. The very next day, Ms. Behemoth took her to the Mystic Sages Society to hire someone to deal with a Den of the Stone Giants that had appeared near the arcane haven. The snarltooth (trolls) living there were notorious for hunting children, traveling far to get what they called "pink, juicy human morsels."
The Mystic Sages Society, true to fantasy stereotypes, was a large tavern, with quests displayed on a board and adventurers of all kinds—paladins, mages, knights, and warriors—lounging about. Yet, the world's biggest problem wasn't just the monsters; something darker loomed just out of sight.
No. They were monsters…
"Ms. Behemoth," Jackie asked, pointing at the job board where a post displayed a massive black skull and reward money. "Wh… what is that? There's no description, just a picture of a skull and money."
"Oh dear, that is a quest for Celestiorn Mages only…"
"Celestiorn Mages?" Jackie repeated.
"Mages that are specially empowered to fight against the Great Ones," replied Ms. Behemoth.
"What are the Great Ones?" Jackie asked.
"The Great Beasts… Gods who stand taller than the trees and sky, razing all to barren earth," Ms. Behemoth said. "The **Celestiorn Mages** capture the essence of these creatures to create Souls, allowing them to harness the power of just ONE of the Great Ones and become them to combat the others… they are mages who **are** monsters."
As Ms. Behemoth spoke, a man walked into the Mystic Sages Society, and everyone fell silent.
It wasn't long before Jackie noticed that all eyes were on the man. He was tall and muscular, wearing a skin-tight black suit under his chest armor. A large **yellow scarf**, torn to shreds, fluttered softly in the wind around his neck. His pants were filled with armaments, pockets, and even a few knives. He carried no visible weapons, and his dark hair framed a handsome, scarred face with a wild mane of black hair.
"Varden…" whispered the guild receptionist as the man approached the front desk. "You're back… so soon, too."
"The **Darklord of Gorth** was nothing more than a weak joke," muttered Varden, slapping down a piece of paper similar to the job Jackie had asked about—a mere skull with a reward. "Didn't need any preparations. Just showed up and ripped its head off… Seriously, why none of the rookies took this job is beyond me."
"They're more focused on higher-paying jobs," said the guild receptionist with a sigh.
"Tsk… taking on jushou [big monsters] just for the coin… The current generation has lost its way," Varden grunted.
"Well, with the Great Ones becoming more prevalent, the demand for **Celestiorn Mages** rises, and therefore, prices for services go down. More mages are looking for better-paying work," the receptionist explained.
"Peh, what a joke," Varden muttered, taking the sack of coins the receptionist handed him.
"Oh, and Varden, I heard you finally decided to take part in the **Sylvan Soiree Rites**," the receptionist said cheerfully. "Eheheheh… settling down now, are we?"
"Not a chance," Varden grunted. "It's just a practical move."
"**Sylvan Soiree Rites**?" Jackie muttered.
"Oh dear… I need to get you and the other teenage children ready for this," Ms. Behemoth said quietly.
"Wait, us? Ready for what?" Jackie asked.
Ms. Behemoth's cryptic words became clear when Jackie returned to the **Arcane Haven** to find all the other children in an excited uproar.
"Maybe it's a prince!" one exclaimed.
"If it is, we don't have a dowry!" another worried.
"But he might pick us because he's so rich he doesn't need one!" one girl piped up.
Seeing Jackie's confusion, Elena, a nice sandy-haired girl with blue eyes and freckles—Jackie's best friend in the **Arcane Haven**—explained: "The **Sylvan Soiree Rites** is today. In noble families, after you turn 17, you can choose to hold the Ceremony at any time. Most men wait until they're older and more accomplished, but every girl in the village from 13 to 40 gathers, and the man can choose one of them as his wife."
"So… in other words, he picks a girl like property," Jackie said.
"You sound displeased," Elena replied, confused. "Isn't that the world we live in? A man is required to own a woman so children can be born…"
"Where I come from, men and women marry for love," Jackie said quietly. "Or, sometimes, just to survive without breaking the law."
"Your country must be strange," Elena said.
"They invented anime. Strange fits," Jackie muttered.
The next morning, Jackie was awoken in the early hours of the day by Ms. Behemoth and the other nuns to find that beautiful dresses were hung on the bedposts of each of the teenage children. Jackie's dress was a dark blue backless one, beautiful, with golden dragon patterns on the hem. Phil, the village's resident barber, redid her hair into an elegant bun.
"When could we afford to do this?" asked **Jackie**, with a bit of shock in her voice, as she watched **Lucy** approach her in a similar red dress.
"The law of the Sylvan Soiree Rites is that every woman must be made to look her best," said Ms. Behemoth as she helped another one of the haveners adjust her magnificent dress. "Even those of the lowest class. These were borrowed directly from the kingdom, we will have to return them when we are done. Only if one of you is chosen will you be able to keep your dress."
Ms. Behemoth then poured a meager handful of coins into each child's hand. They were probably enough to buy three days' worth of dinner.
"We have saved up little by little, hoping that the dowry for when this day came would be appealing enough to grant one of you a good life with a worthy man," said Ms. Behemoth. "Unfortunately, I doubt this will do the trick, but know that all my love goes with you into this money you hold. Present this dowry as you kneel before his choice. I wish you all the best."
**Jackie** glared at Ms. Behemoth a little. She appreciated the kind gesture, she really did, but if the man picking them off a line like a butcher shopping for meat was who she thought he was, then what awaited them probably wasn't riches or a good life. That **Varden** looked rather grouchy, and the way he acted when asked if he was going to settle down... something seemed off. Was he perhaps into prostitution? This kind of ceremony seemed like the type to give people a good excuse to buy sex for free.
Later that day, a massive feast was held in the town, and sure enough, it was **Varden** who sat in the seat of honor at the end of a massive table filled with food as the elders and officials waited on him under a large red tent. Entertainers from other villages and towns filled the streets in front of the table with firecrackers, magic bangs, comedy, and other antics until finally, when the sun was high in the sky, every woman in the village was lined in a row at the center.
As one of the city guards moved **Jackie** into place standing next to **Lucy**, she noticed the upper-income women, all of them wearing unnaturally flashy clothing with head crowns and makeup that would have passed them off as the Princess of Naboo from Star Wars—or maybe princess clowns. Some of them even wore large curly wigs that made them look like European royalty from back when everyone dressed so goofy in **Jackie's** world. In fact, **Jackie** had to resist the urge to laugh at them. But their dowries were no laughing matter. Many of them had massive gold chests filled with mounds of glimmering gold or armfuls of magical scrolls filled with arcane secrets only granted to nobility.
"AS PER TRADITION," said the Knight Captain of the city's guard, "the women shall present their dowries!"
**Jackie** did as she had rehearsed with Ms. Behemoth, and along with all the other women in the village, knelt on one knee and held up her meager coins in her hand. She was rather opposed to this unequal treatment of women, but she didn't want trouble either. Besides, it wasn't as if she would be picked anyway.
"Puny human festivities... We are above such trivial things, girl," muttered **Shenwu** (沈武).
**Jackie** blinked. "What?"
"Shhh!" **Lucy** whispered. "It's starting!"
**Varden** had stood up and was walking down the line of women, looking at each of them in turn, observing their faces with a scrutinizing eye. There was one woman in particular, with her big curly wig and too much Star Wars clown makeup, who batted her eyes flirtatiously at **Varden**, smiling.
"**Olivia Randall**," muttered **Lucy**. "Rumor is she'd do anything to be married to a celestiorn mage, especially one as renowned as **Varden Flameheart**. Her family is entirely made up of celestiorn mages and other famous adventurers."
"**Olivia**..." **Jackie** muttered, remembering a woman in her 20s with long golden locks, a rather cruel demeaning face, and always dressed in noblewoman's dress, so she looked like some sort of extra mean princess. "She was one of the people who always kicked me in the street when I was begging by the church. What a bitch."
"D... don't let her hear you say that!" whispered **Lucy** frantically. "Royalty is dangerous, especially in our lower class."
Suddenly, **Varden** stopped walking in front of the two. Turning to face **Lucy**, he said, "You, girl, look up."
**Lucy** blinked and slowly looked up at **Varden**, shivering slightly.
"No need for a frightened expression," **Varden** muttered. "Hold your head high, you have potential."
**Varden** passed **Lucy** and then looked directly at **Jackie**. **Jackie** glared right back at him.
"What? Shopping for prostitutes not turning up much luck? Buzz off," **Jackie** retorted.
**Varden** raised an eyebrow.
"**Jackie**," whispered **Lucy**.
**Jackie** continued to glare at Varden as he stared right back... then...
"I've chosen," **Varden** said. "This girl here."