"No... I refuse," muttered Jackie as she huddled on the bench in the garden of Varden's mansion.
Varden sighed, sitting beside Jackie and rubbing his palms together. "Look... I get it. You don't care for him, and these are far from ordinary situations. Only the kindhearted creatures usually end up like this. But whether you like it or not, HE is the source of your abilities. Typically, Celestiorns Mages can shift into a creature for a single day, expending their energy quickly. But with the Souls... we can do more. We can access a fraction of their strength while staying human, which enables us to undertake tasks most Celestiorns Mages can't."
"I don't care," Jackie replied. "He killed my family."
"Jackie, normally it would take me three years to teach you how to use Beast Form. What you did before was pure accident, but with his assistance, you could master it within a week. I don't like it any more than you do, but he's your partner, and you're bound to him for life. If you don't accept that, you'll lose your mind. There's a spell that prevents him from being more than 80 meters away from you."
Jackie lowered her head, hugging her knees tighter. "You wouldn't understand."
Varden wrung his hands nervously, then glanced at the sunrise slowly cresting over the buildings. "Raising children is no easy task. Well, you're mistaken on one point. No, I don't understand the idea of partnering with someone I despise. It's never happened to me. Morgana and I work seamlessly together. But I do understand the loathing of Great Ones. My village was annihilated by Varkanor, the Beastmaster of the West. He led a group of beasts through the Moonlit Marsh, conquering every village he encountered, until my homeland in the Ethereal Realm was destroyed. Now it's the Independent Kingdom of Orcs, where humans live under constant fear. I was one of the few who escaped that devastation..."
"So, what if you had to work with Varkanor? What if HE were your partner?" Jackie snarled. "What if you were stuck with HIM forever?"
"I'd learn to overcome my hatred," Varden replied. "Because if I were tied to someone I despised, with no way to break free, I'd have to address that anger, or it would destroy me. You can't get rid of this Goridezula. You can't kill him or abandon him. The only choice you have is to cope. You may never like him, but at least you won't go mad constantly being near him."
"Are you suggesting I should forgive him?" Jackie whispered.
"This may be hard to accept," Varden said softly. "But from what you've told me, he sounds more like a natural force than a creature bent on devouring humans like devourer supremes and beasts. Your parents' deaths were a tragic accident. His resentment toward humans, well, it's somewhat justified. It might be in your best interest to forgive... regardless of his feelings."
"That's too much to ask," Jackie said.
"I know," Varden admitted. "That's why you don't need to do it right away. Instead, learn to endure him so that it doesn't destroy you." He paused, then added, "Besides, he's the small one now. Imagine how much he'll have to learn."
Meanwhile, nearby in the garden, Goridezula sat grumbling in front of a flowering shrub as Morgana fluttered over with her tiny wings.
"What are you doing? Go away!" Goridezula snapped.
"You're not accustomed to being the inferior one, are you?" Morgana asked. "Even in a world where magic reigns supreme and you possess none, you still consider yourself superior to us in some way... intriguing. Why?"
"I am Goridezula, King of the Monsters!" Minizula growled angrily.
"And?" Morgana replied. "I've never heard of you. The true King of Monsters rules a nation in the West—Emperor Galaxor, the Titan Lord... an Angel who commands the powers of Light."
Minizula gritted his teeth and shook his head furiously. "That can't be... this world is twisted... this world is... is..."
"It infuriates you, doesn't it?" Morgana said gently. "Being so insignificant when you once inspired fear and respect. You came from another realm, didn't you? I recognize the signs. Yes, and in that realm, magic meant nothing. Now, the Celestiorns Mages mock you for lacking magic, and you're reduced to a small creature at the mercy of a young girl you once considered beneath you."
"Tell me, dragon, is it wrong to feel such anger?" growled Minizula.
Morgana tilted her head thoughtfully. "Perhaps the arrogance itself is misplaced, but it's understandable that frustration and anger would follow. Maybe it's fortunate that we have this chance to humble you. Let me ask you, Goridezula: Can ants tell stories to their descendants? Can ants love? Can ants pursue you endlessly until you hate them for misunderstanding you?"
Minizula remained silent.
"Because if humans are ants, they are an extraordinary breed of ants—far from perfect. Ants don't make mistakes. They operate like machines, following their programming without deviation from emotion or bias. They don't feel those things. Perhaps it's time you stop judging humans by their size and start seeing them for their hearts."
"Bah, foolish sentiment from a dragon who treats her human like a pet to coddle."
"Varden doesn't need me to pamper him!" Morgana's voice grew sharp. "We are not master and servant. We are partners and friends. If you ever hope to earn Jackie's trust, your mentality must change quickly. She's your only ally in this harsh world. Every human and beast will mock you for your lack of magic... mock her, too. And I know that someone with your pride won't be able to endure that alone."
"And what makes you an expert on this?" Minizula snarled.
"Because I am one of the three renowned Lordly Dragons entrusted to safeguard this world," Morgana replied. "We were once gods, feared and worshiped... but then our lives ended, and our souls are passed from Mage to Mage, continuing our mission through them. By all rights, I should be revered like Ventasia, who resides with Varden's sister."
"And you're not?" Minizula asked.
"No, I'm not," Morgana said. "Because I am the weakest of the three. It doesn't matter that I'm stronger than most creatures. Varden only lost to Zephyrax because my element was ill-suited to battling a Flame Demon. Still, the other two are stronger, and so they bask in praise and offerings, while I remain unseen, forgotten. And I assure you, Goridezula, now that you've left your realm, the world you knew will forget you in time, and another will rise to take your place as King of the Monsters."
Minizula lowered his head, trying to hold back a tear. "My pride in the name that once instilled fear in man... Goridezula... it was all I had left."
"Then why not rebuild that name?" Morgana asked. "That girl... she wields your power now. She can carry your legacy. Teach her to harness your strength, and perhaps one day, the name 'Goridezula' will once again evoke fear and awe.
"You... you're correct!" Minizula muttered, standing abruptly. "But… she despises me... I mean, it's understandable... I destroyed her kin... however..."
"Fascinating, do you genuinely experience regret for her kin's demise?" Morgana inquired, blinking with curiosity.
"Look, just as you mentioned, I comprehend it... but I don't feel any remorse." grumbled Minizula, crossing his tiny arms in annoyance. "I'm the final one of my species, how do you suppose that happened?"
"I'm... sorry..." Morgana replied. "I didn't intend to-..."
"I know, I know... tsk... that cursed three-headed creature... I vowed to exact revenge... my partner... my offspring... all gone due to it... or them... or whatever you'd classify it as... now that's lost to me as well... and I suppose now that I'm invincible and can't be rid of... vengeance is gone for her too... we're not so different... maybe you have a slight point..."
"A 'slight' point." Morgana said with a musical chuckle. "There might still be hope for you yet... Ruler of Beasts."
Minizula turned sharply at the sound of footsteps approaching...
Jackie stood over him, her cloak draped around her shoulders, giving him a look of mild irritation.
"What?" Minizula grumbled.
"We... might... need to collaborate... so, it would be rather foolish to remain angry at you... perpetually," Jackie mumbled.
Minizula sighed and nodded. "Alright..."
Varden approached and nodded as well. "Okay then... now that this is resolved, you can begin instructing Jackie on how to control her abilities..."
"Fine, fine..." Minizula growled. "Alright then..."
"Wait... NOW?!" Jackie exclaimed. "I just woke up! Maybe I should-..."
"Relax, kid, you won't be transforming," Varden said. "As I mentioned before, those of us with Beast Souls are special. We can channel the power of a creature without fully morphing. It allows us to focus on other quests aside from hunting massive, flesh-eating monsters with a love for demolishing your favorite tavern in the next town."
"And what will you be doing while I teach her?" Minizula muttered, glaring up at Varden. "Aren't you supposed to be her instructor?"
"You'll demonstrate the power... I'll teach her how to make it her own..." Varden answered simply.
Minizula harrumphed. "Alright, Jackie, wasn't it? Stand over there, away from us, give yourself space so we don't end up zapping this ridiculous man... we're starting with something so basic that even a tailless creature like you couldn't mess it up."
Jackie frowned but stood where Minizula pointed.
"See that over there?" Minizula gestured with a stubby arm at a topiary shaped like a woman petting a dog. "That's today's practice target."
"You do realize that's a sculpture of my mother, right?" Varden muttered.
"Well, make another one! It's a plant, not her gravestone!" Minizula snapped. "I swear, sentimentalism is what made Mothra so insufferable."
Minizula pointed at the shrub. "You, girl, are going to use Atomic Breath. My claim to fame."
"O-okay," Jackie said hesitantly. "Uhhh... how do I do that?"
"Gather all the nuclear energy in your chest and breathe out." Minizula explained.
"Okay, and how do I do THAT?" Jackie asked.
"Just do it! Naturally!" Minizula exclaimed.
"Naturally how?!" Jackie shouted in frustration.
"EW, YOU PERVERT!!" Jackie shrieked.
"THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!" Minizula bellowed back.
"Oh boy..." Varden muttered. "This is going to be a long lesson."
"I'll start preparing lunch," Morgana said, fluttering off toward the mansion.
About five hours later, around noon, Morgana returned with Lucy, who helped carry a tray loaded with sandwiches.
"PFFFFFFF... PFFFFFFFFF!!!" Jackie was blowing air from her mouth, her cheeks puffed, her face red from the effort, almost as though she were about to pass out.
"HARDER! HARDER! You have to gather the energy in your chest first! When you feel a tingling in your back, you'll know!" Minizula roared.
"UGHHHH!" Jackie screamed in frustration. "Listen... in case you haven't noticed... I don't have dorsal plates... I don't possess nuclear energy in my chest... and I KIND OF NEED TO BREATHE!!"
Varden sighed as he sat watching from a bench, taking a sandwich from Lucy. He had observed Godzilla and Jackie long enough to understand their dysfunctional dynamic.
Jackie, when stripped of her anger and her hatred of monsters, along with the deep pain of her past that gave her a bitter attitude, was actually a gentle and caring girl. Just today, Varden had seen her gently place a baby Vorsel Bird back in its nest—a chubby, clumsy creature native to the region.
Her patience was boundless, even with such a helpless animal as the bird she frequently rescued. In another life, she could have made an excellent mother, caregiver, or teacher.
But her patience with Godzilla was paper-thin.
Godzilla, on the other hand, understood little about humans—far less than most other monsters. Even minor creatures would probably mock his ignorance about humanity. His arrogance only worsened the situation, making it hard for him to teach Jackie.
"They're not doing too well, are they?" Lucy muttered.
"Nope," Varden grumbled.
"Are you going to-?"
"No..." Varden replied. "They need to figure it out on their own..."
"That might be impossible," Morgana commented.
"I know," Varden groaned.
"She's your wife, Varden," Lucy said with a pout. "You should help them."
"Firstly, the marriage is for convenience: the house needs maintenance, and I'm short on apprentices," Varden grunted. "Once she finishes her Mage Trials, we'll part ways. Simple and short. Secondly, there's no romance."
Morgana glared at him irritably. "Oh, so I'm just scales to you?"
"What? Morgana, you and I aren't even the same species!" Varden began to say.
"Hmph! Cook your own dinner tonight—or get your 'wife' to do it!" Morgana retorted, leaping off the bench and storming away.
"Women," Varden muttered grumpily.
Suddenly, Varden noticed a procession of soldiers marching toward the garden. They carried a golden banner adorned with the image of three dragon heads and a cross. It was the emblem of Trinity Gods Haven and the 8 Kingdoms of Vortexia, the powerful kingdom that spanned the southwestern world.
Varden frowned, recalling the last time royal soldiers arrived at his door—an unpleasant memory.
One soldier stepped forward, blowing a trumpet. A squire then unrolled a golden scroll and read aloud.
"Lord Varden of the House of Ishgakiel, wielder of the power of Dragon Goddess Morgana, husband of Jackie of the House of Guinevere, wielder of the power of Big Fat Dragon Goridezula! The Paladin of Westshire, Lady Flora, humbly requests an audience with you!"
"BIG FAT DRAGON!" Minizula roared furiously. "WHY IS THAT MY TITLE?!"
"Jackie..." Varden muttered. "That's enough training... give our guests a proper welcome."
"Eh?" Jackie said, blinking in confusion.
"You're his wife—you're supposed to entertain his guests," Lucy whispered.
"Patriarchal nonsense..." Jackie grumbled.
Here is your edited version of the text following the replacement instructions:
**"Well.. didn't your parents teach you anything regarding wifely duties?" said Lucy. "Even the poorest of families teach girls from birth.."
Jackie frowned. She racked her brain, trying to think of one instance in her life where she saw anything regarding how women did things in a society dominated by men.. this society was just not her style.. but.. she had to admit, she owed Varden a little, so she didn't want to make him look bad.
Jackie immediately walked over to the soldiers and bowed. "Excuse me, allow me to take care of you while my Lord properly prepares to meet your Lady Flora, this way."
"Did.. she just bow?" muttered Varden.
"Yes, it appears she did." said Lucy, staring with surprise.
"Do humans not do that in this world?" Minizilla muttered.
The men broke apart to allow their leader to walk out and greet Jackie.
It was a slender, beautiful woman. Her blonde hair was braided in back, and she wore a silver chestplate and gauntlets, and a yellow dress. At her side, she wielded a powerful-looking silver lance shaped like a dragon's head, with a silvery tongue of fire jetting out into a spear tip.
The woman bowed her head. "Thank you.. I am Lady Flora.."
As Jackie led the procession up the road, Varden frowned at Goridezula. "She.. does know the basics of Wife stuff, right? Her parents taught her THAT much before you stepped on 'em.. didn't they?"
"Don't ask me! I don't know her that well.."
"You're kind of supposed to.. you have a mental link.." said Varden. "And your soul merges with her body when she transforms.."
"AGH! I stay out of that head!! Me in a human's head!? Repulsive!" Minizilla spat.
"Tsk.." Varden looked at Lucy. "Quick favor.. make sure she doesn't mess up?"
"Another woman interfering in the duties of one's wife is against the code of womanly conduct.." stated Lucy as if she had memorized a textbook, which she had.
"Oh boy.." Varden grumbled.
After leading the soldiers and Flora through the main entrance hall of Varden's mansion, Jackie could feel a bit of panic rising up in her chest.
Cultural differences weren't entirely a problem for her when she woke up in this world. People usually assumed she didn't know any better because apparently her family in this world, the Guineveres, abandoned her at a very young age, so people assumed she had an excuse for knowing very little. Plus, English seemed to be the main language in this world, called the Common Tongue by most.
However, when Ms. Behemoth had attempted to teach the girls of the orphanage the "Ellenor's Guide to Wifely Supremacy" book, which was a standard that was taught to all women in the country of Gafenbergus, Jackie had, understandably, ignored the lessons, feeling miffed that such a society where women were so low on the totem pole still existed.
Now she found herself regretting the neglect of these lessons. Bad societal values or not, they were how the world here worked, and the best way to survive such a world, was to keep in mind how it worked.
"Oh well.. just have to wing it.." muttered Jackie as she stood aside for the soldiers to make their way into the refreshment room.
However, as the men went into the room to await refreshments to be served by Jackie, Flora remained outside.
"Eh?" Jackie blinked. She didn't want to say anything, in case whatever was supposed to happen was supposed to be very obvious.
"I thank you for your hospitality, Wife of Varden.. I honestly didn't take him for the marrying type, but you have been most courteous.." said Flora as she suddenly undid her armor straps and set her silver breastplate and gauntlets aside, as well as her metal boots.
"E.. eh!?" Jackie suddenly said as Flora undid the strings of her dress and.. and then began pulling off her bra underneath.
"Now.." said Flora, as she stood naked in front of Jackie. "I will let you get to it then.."
"EEHHHHHHH!?" Jackie squealed, a million horrifying lewd scenarios now starting to run through her head like wildfire.
"You're supposed to bathe the main guest," said a voice suddenly in Jackie's head.
Jackie looked around quickly. It didn't sound like Goridezula's voice..
"Who are-?" Jackie thought in her head.
"Nobody, I suppose, but also somebody.. The baths are to your right I suppose.. mmmhmmmhmmhmmm...."
Jackie looked around quickly to see what appeared to be an intricate clock constructed of mahogany, with many gears ticking around it. It appeared to have a face made of interlocking gears, and it ticked ever so softly as it stared down at Jackie.
Somehow, she knew it was this clock that had mentally spoken to her.
"Thanks." Jackie thought to it. "What's your name?"
"Sivercogs.. I am but a masterless Monster Soul.. be weary not to alert that woman of my existence I suppose.."
Jackie indeed found a massive steaming pool with a lion statue that gushed hot steaming water from its mouth like a fountain over it.. and as Flora lowered herself into the water, Jackie immediately began scrubbing her back with a sponge and some soap.
"So.. er.. what brings you here?" Jackie asked.
"We have come to recruit your husband to deal with an emergency at the border. Axis Soldiers have begun gathering at the border of Zenith, and they have their own Celestiorn Mages with them. All of the Lordly Dragons are being gathered there to deal with the threat. After the defeat of Zephyrax, Varden has become in quite high demand.." said Flora. "I suppose it's true you witnessed Varden's defeat of the devourer supreme?"
"A..actually.." Jackie stammered. "It was.."
"I do pity you.." Flora said with a sigh. "You are the celestiorn mage with the powerless lug of a giant lizard, right? Goridezula, the monster with an intimidating name, but no magic to back it up.. though the emperor was adamant you be treated with respect, so know that I won't push the matter.."
Jackie felt a vein throb, and had an immediate desire to dunk Flora's head in the hot water, and then smack her.. She could now see why Goridezula was ticked off about this world. No respect, really.. wait, was she worried about respecting GORIDEZULA!? No.. NO! That was stupid..
"Varden and I go back quite a bit you know.." said Flora with a sigh. "Did he tell you? We were schoolmates once, back when I was a mage in training.."
"I honestly don't know him that well." Jackie murmured. "I only just met the guy when he married me.."
"Understandable.." said Flora. "He's a sweet man, but he's hard to pry open at times. So, tell me..."
Flora gave Jackie a cold glare. "Why is he continuing to teach and mentor you.. even after you have been discovered to have such a useless monster?"
Jackie froze. She could see what the agenda was now.. maybe slightly but not completely, but enough to get the big picture.
For one reason or another, Goridezula's victory had been covered up. Perhaps its power in spite of its inability to perform magic scared the kingdom. Jackie knew enough about politics to make guesses, especially given her father's employer.
She didn't know if it was the better option to reveal she herself had defeated Zephyrax, or to keep the secret and let Varden keep the glory.
She knew Goridezula would want to have credit.. but then again he couldn't be depended on for the smart decisions. He was used to being a powerful unstoppable force, and right now he just wasn't.
The smart thing probably right now to cause the least amount of trouble, was to play dumb until she knew more.
Jackie shrugged as she scrubbed Flora's shoulder. "Er.. I guess I'm plucky, sarcastic, and he digs that."
"Varden's a kind man, but he's not that kind. He would have already divorced you and then found you a suitable place to live and find your fortune if you didn't have potential as a Mage.. he takes the dangers of the job very seriously.."
Jackie again just shrugged. "Well.. maybe magic isn't everything.."
"Hmph.. Magic is everything girl.." said Flora. "The sooner you learn that, the better.."
Flora stood up out of the water suddenly, causing Jackie to scramble back. "E.. eh is something wrong?"
"Well yes... I am going to see precisely what potential you have, I won't believe that Varden can agree to teach such a weakling.." Flora growled as she seemed to draw her lance out of nowhere in a burst of light. "Aegis... girl.. I shall see what your true worth as a Mage of Titan is.."