Ashanti and Marce followed Rachel's spirit body as she walked before them, leading them back to her physical body.
The trees swayed away from them as they passed as if were bowing in solemn respect. The three walked in silence all thinking personal unknown thoughts.
Marce was the first to speak and whispered into Ashanti's ear. "Are you sure this is the Milana? She seems so young."
Ashanti leaned in and whispered back. "She is in spirit form. Do you really believe she can not hear you?"
Rachel smiled, but did not look back at them, and Marce straightened stiffly. When he spoke next his voice was at a normal conversational level. "And what about Brita? Are we leaving her back there?"
"Of course not. The Milana knows her importance to me. She will not take me and leave her behind. We have been looking for her to follow her unconditionally. I have to put my trust in her." She paused and her silver flaming eye sockets turned to him.