Chereads / Harry Potter And The Unexpected Friend / Chapter 57 - A Dueling Lesson

Chapter 57 - A Dueling Lesson

Harry nodded and closed his eyes, trying to focus on the item he was attempting to conjure. In his mind he pictured a spoon of the same design as the ones that were used at Hogwarts. He concentrated on its shape and the decorative pattern on the handle. He tried to keep in mind that he wanted it to be made of steel, which he knew would be easier than silver or bronze. Finally confident he had prepared himself, Harry opened his eyes and pointed his wand at the table where he wanted the conjured spoon to appear. Then he performed the simple wand movement and spoke "Conjurus Aeternus." Briefly he felt a small strain as his body gathered the required energy to complete the spell, but that soon passed and after a small flash of light his conjured spoon appeared.

The spoon was shaped just as it should be, right down to the intricate design on the handle he had worried about getting right. The steel it was made of was also perfectly formed with no blemished visible. There was only one slight problem. While the spoons used at Hogwarts were about six inches long, Harry's conjured spoon was closer to two and a half feet long making it look more like a small shovel than a spoon.

"My spoon is too big." Harry commented with a little bit of disappointment. Meanwhile Professor Dumbledore and Remus were laughing at the mistake.

"Well done, Harry." Dumbledore said. "Though next time you might want to spend a little more time focusing on how big you wish the object to be." Harry shrugged and agreed with the Professor. He was determined to get it right, although this time he felt he was up to a little more of a challenge. Once again he concentrated on the spoon, this time remembering to note that he wanted it to be the same size as a normal spoon, and recast the spell. After another small tug on his magic and a flash of light another spoon appeared in front of them. Unlike the previous one this spoon was perfectly sized and made of bronze instead of steel. Harry rushed over to the spoon and picked it up so he could inspect it. When he was satisfied he passed it to Professor Dumbledore who did the same.

"Excellent!" he finally commented. "The use of bronze is quite impressive, Harry. I do believe you are ready to move to the next level, which is more complex inanimate objects. Something made from several different materials and perhaps a little bigger."

"Ok, Professor." Harry answered and started thinking of what to conjure next. After a moment he finally decided on an object he thought Professor Dumbledore might appreciate and began preparing to cast the spell. Once he was ready he spoke the incantation and was pleased to see the object he had been thinking about appear in front of him.

"Splendid!" laughed Professor Dumbledore as he rushed over to inspect the item Harry had conjured. It was a perfect replica of the chair he sat in while in the Great Hall, although in this case the gold features had been replaced with bronze. Other than that every aspect of the chair appeared to be the same. Dumbledore sat in the chair and commented "Quite comfortable as well." while Harry smiled at his accomplishment. He was breathing a little heavier now than he had before, the spell had taken quite a bit out of him. Remus came over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. When Harry turned his head towards his former professor he saw the older man looking at him with concern.

"I'm fine, Moony. That was just harder than I expected." Harry answered.

"That is no surprise." Dumbledore answered from his new chair, which he showed no intention of leaving. "There is a significant amount of bronze in this chair which as I noted earlier was a very difficult material to conjure." In truth, Dumbledore was very impressed that Harry was able to do it at all. But on the other hand he was becoming accustomed to being surprised by the young man. "When you are ready to continue I suggest we move on to the next step in permanent conjuration which is inanimate objects with small moving parts. Perhaps a watch or a clock."

"But I don't really know how one of those works." Harry said uncertainly.

"Very true, but the magic does. The reason this kind of conjuration is more difficult is that you will be using more magic to make up for your lack of knowledge on how the item actually works. Now if you were a watchmaker then this task would be quite simple because you already knew what the parts are and how they are arranged, resulting in less magic being needed to compensate. This is one of the most important rules of conjuration and one of the things that differentiates temporary and permanent conjuration, and also why permanently conjuring living beings is so difficult that very few have ever been able to do it. Few wizards have either the knowledge or the magical power required to do even what you are attempting, but I am confident you will be able to."

"I"ll try my best." Harry replied, hoping he would be able to manage it. He thought for a moment and remembered the old grandfather clock that his Aunt Petunia liked to claim was a priceless family heirloom. It was kept not far from his cupboard under the stairs and over the years he had grown to like its hourly chimes. He was never allowed to touch it unless he was cleaning it, but he had still spent many hours looking at it and wondering how it worked. It's details were easy for him to recall, and a few moments later he felt ready to cast the spell.

"Conjurus Aeternus." Harry softly said. As he did he could feel his already tired magic struggling with the spell. He knew that after this he was going to be close reaching his exhaustion point. The strain was so intense that it was almost painful, but in the back of his mind Harry knew that if he poured all of his strength into it he would be able to finish it. With one final push of magical energy Harry was rewarded with a bright flash signaling that his efforts had been successful. Standing in the center of the room where there was once nothing was a beautiful replica of the clock that was currently sitting in the Dursley's living room. Harry smiled at his accomplishment and then promptly fell to his knees in exhaustion.

"Harry!" Remus shouted as he rushed over to check on him. "Do you feel ok?" Harry weakly gave him a thumbs up in response, not really wanting to expend any more energy than that.

"Let him rest for a moment." Professor Dumbledore advised. "I believe that will be all for tonight." Harry gave a small nod and shifted to sit down on the floor while Remus walked over to talk to Professor Dumbledore.

"What were you thinking asking him to do that?" Remus said softly but forcefully, hoping Harry wouldn't overhear their conversation.

"I am as surprised as you that he was able to do it. Perhaps he has a better understanding of how such devices are constructed than he indicated." Dumbledore replied with a small frown. "I have come to expect great things from Harry and yet he is still able to surprise me. Trust me, Remus. I care for him just as you and Sirius do."

Harry was looking away during their conversation but was still able to hear it. He wondered what it meant that he was able to do something a little more difficult than Dumbledore thought he could. Perhaps he was merely improving faster than he thought. He sighed and decided to think about later when he didn't feel like he was a moment away from falling asleep.

"I think I'll head to the infirmary now if that's ok with you." Harry said as he tried to stifle a yawn.

"A fine idea." Dumbledore replied. "I will come speak with you in the morning to discuss what we have learned. I believe Remus would be willing to accompany you?" Remus nodded and walked over to Harry. With a little bit of effort Harry was able to make it to his feet.

"I'll get him there safely, Professor." Remus answered the Headmaster.

"In that case I shall bid you good night, Harry. Could you stop by my office when you are finished, Remus? I have something I would like to discuss with you." Dumbledore asked. Remus nodded in response and they all left the room. The trip to the infirmary was short but still Harry was almost asleep as soon as he hit the hospital bed.

"Night, Moony." Harry said quietly.

"Good night, Harry." Remus answered with a smile on his face. 'It really isn't fair that Sirius can't be here for this,' the werewolf thought. 'Perhaps that will change one day.' After transfiguring Harry's clothes into something more appropriate for sleeping in Remus left and headed towards Dumbledore's office leaving Madam Pomfrey to begin checking on her new patient.


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