Chapter 26 - Chapter 26 ~ Li Wei

"Would my loyalty to the nation be enough to blind me to the poison festering within my ranks?"


Liwei arrived at Minister of Defense Zhang's residence in response to an invitation he had received. As he entered the room, Minister Zhang welcomed him warmly.

"Lieutenant Li, I have an important proposal to discuss with you," Zhang began. "Your skill and accomplishments in battle are well known across the army. The nation could greatly benefit from your leadership and expertise."

Liwei listened attentively as Zhang spoke of a new opportunity—the position of Commander of the Western Border Forces. This prestigious role held responsibility for securing a strategically vital region, and Zhang believed that Liwei was uniquely suited to the task.

"You have proven yourself time and again in combat," Zhang continued. "With you overseeing our defenses in the west, I have no doubt our borders will be secure. What do you say? Will you accept this responsibility?"

The offer took Liwei by surprise. Leading the Western Border Forces would be an incredible honor, giving him a chance to serve the nation in a prominent way. After a moment's thought, Liwei bowed respectfully to Zhang, a man he had long looked up to as a mentor. "You do me a great honor, Minister. I humbly accept."

Zhang smiled, pleased with Liwei's decision. "Wonderful. We will make the formal announcement very soon. Prepare yourself, your new duties begin at once."

In the weeks that followed, Liwei immersed himself fully in his new role. He journeyed along the western frontier, evaluating defenses and conferring with local commanders. The work was deeply satisfying, giving him the opportunity to apply his military expertise in meaningful ways.

Liwei's success did not go unnoticed. Minister Zhang frequently praised his achievements at court, and the young commander's accomplishments bolstered the minister's own standing. Grateful for the opportunities Zhang had provided, Liwei often sought his counsel.

The minister became a trusted mentor and ally, guiding Liwei not only in military tactics but also in navigating the political intricacies of the imperial court. "With the right allies and advisors, you can achieve great things," Zhang advised. Liwei took his words to heart, knowing they held deep wisdom.

Before long, a close bond of trust developed between Minister Zhang and the new Commander. Zhang had taken Liwei under his wing, and Liwei was committed to repaying the minister's faith in him. Together, their influence grew rapidly within the imperial ranks, and Liwei was certain that, with Zhang's support, even greater opportunities awaited him in the years ahead.

One evening, Liwei arrived at Zhang's estate with reports from the western garrisons. As he walked through the sprawling compound, he noticed a side door that was guarded more heavily than any other entrance, piquing his curiosity.

After his meeting with Zhang, Liwei remained in the room and noticed a stack of documents on the minister's desk. On top was a file confirming arms invoices from foreign sources, each stamped with the minister's seal.

As he stood there, he saw a group of soldiers leave through the heavily guarded side door. Their uniforms had no insignia, and their movements were unusually coordinated, as though they were following a careful plan.

The following day, Liwei questioned his subordinate officers, but none had any knowledge of the mysterious division. Access, it seemed, could only be granted by Minister Zhang. Unable to make sense of the situation, Liwei set it aside for the moment, though he remained determined to uncover what operations might be underway beyond the regular army's oversight.

Keeping his intentions hidden, Liwei intensified his efforts to earn Minister Zhang's trust. His patience paid off when a chance finally presented itself: the Minister extended an invitation for Liwei to join him and other high-ranking officials at a private dinner.


In the dining hall, li wei was met with a chorus of warm welcomes from the Minister's other guests. Among them were senior officers and a handful of affluent industrialists known for their generous "contributions" to the Minister's ventures. Liwei took his place at the table, exchanging polite nods as introductions were made amidst the animated chatter.

The Minister sat at the head of the long table, his portly frame dressed in brocade robes richly embroidered with gold. His small, sharp eyes swept across the room, radiating smug satisfaction. "My friends, it is a great honor to have you all here this evening," he declared in a booming voice. "Tonight, we celebrate the prosperity and security our great nation enjoys through our shared efforts."

Polite applause followed as servants entered with the first course. Liwei had no interest in the food. He focused on the Minister, noting the way his eyes paused on each extravagant dish and the subtle shifts in his expression when the conversation turned to wealth. This gathering was no mere social event. The Minister was testing alliances, cementing loyalties, and orchestrating his next move to expand his power and riches.

The lavish meal stretched on, though Liwei paid little attention to it. His mind strayed to Yu Jin, his wife, and their children. As the guests raised their glasses and shared laughter, he found himself growing weary, wondering how much longer he could endure the gathering.

Finally, the Minister stood and motioned for silence. The room fell still as all eyes turned to him. "My friends, as you are aware, our nation faces threats from within and beyond her borders," he began. "There are those who seek to disrupt our progress with criminal schemes. Now, it is crucial for the military and key industries to stand as one against such dangers."

Soft murmurs of agreement followed his words, but Liwei remained quiet. He could see through the polished facade of patriotism, recognizing the deeper agenda at play.

"To this end, I propose an initiative to deepen our cooperation for the prosperity of our people," the Minister announced. "Commander Li, please rise. I believe you are well vested to lead a new... endeavor that will address both our security concerns and economic goals."

Liwei rose slowly, his expression guarded as he met the Minister's eyes. "What is this endeavor, Minister?"

The Minister's lips curled into a cold smile. "Come, let us discuss it in private. Gentlemen, enjoy the rest of your evening. I assure you, the future of our nation has never been more promising."

With those enigmatic words, the Minister signaled for Liwei to follow him.

Liwei, every sense sharpened, followed the Minister into a private room. After a brief exchange of pleasantries, the Minister poured two glasses of liquor and offered one to Liwei.

"Let us toast to your new role, General," the Minister declared, raising his glass. "This promotion will bring many opportunities your way."

"Did you say General?" Liwei accepted the glass but held it untouched. "Minister, your private congratulations give me pause. What sort of opportunities do you mean?"

The Minister's lips curved into a sly smile. "Always direct, Liwei. Very well, I'll get to the point. Our border forces are facing urgent challenges, and official resources are stretched thin. To address this, I propose supplementing their arms through... less conventional channels. With your reputation, you would be the ideal figure to oversee such operations."

Unofficial channels. Liwei felt a sharp tremor within.

He maintained a composed demeanor, though his thoughts swirled with concern. "Minister, I ask only for full transparency. Please, what business deal concerns you so?"

Minister Zhang led Liwei into a hidden complex. What the Commander witnessed left him stunned—rows of overcrowded cells packed with men, women, and children living in deplorable conditions.

"Who... who are these people?" Liwei asked in a hushed voice. Zhang's smile was sharp and unfeeling. "Merchandise. This division trafficks in slaves and opium. It funds our... less publicized operations."

Liwei's head spun in disbelief. Military funds, redirected here instead of towards defense? "This is illegal. It... must stop."

Zhang's features hardened. "You overstep, Commander. It's quite simple. Your position will open more doors,"

"Doors that can benefit us both—if you are willing to see beyond outdated notions of honor and duty. There are far greater concerns than rigid military protocol in these complex times."

"If you prove your adaptability. Just remember, our nation's security relies on those who can think beyond boundaries."

Liwei shook his head firmly. "I...I cannot be part of this. My duty, as a commander, is to the people."

Zhang exhaled slowly. "This is a lot to process. I'll allow you some time—three days, let's say?"

"You misunderstand me,"

"I have no intention of joining."

"A shame," Zhang replied, "I had thought you wiser than this. Well, there's little else to say now..."

Liwei stood silently, his refusal clear despite Zhang's lingering gaze.

That night. Liwei walked the barracks alone. his thoughts churning. Everything he had vowed to protect was now on the verge of collapse.

How far had Zhang's treachery infiltrated their ranks? How long had this corruption been allowed to grow. poisoning the nation from within? Liwei knew sleep would not find him.

As the barracks lay silent under the night, tall figures approached. Men came for Liwei. He fought with all his strength, but their numbers overwhelmed him. Amid the struggle, a hooded figure emerged and struck him from behind. plunging him into darkness.