Chapter 28 - Chapter 28 ~ The chains of defiance

"Li wei could hardly believe it—he had become the very monster he once swore to destroy!"


Liwei awoke with a start, his body aching all over from the beating. For a moment he forgot where he was in the darkness, then the memories came flooding back.

As dawn's first light filtered through the small barred window, Liwei assessed his injuries. Several ribs were cracked, his left wrist broken.

Two guards approached his cell. Opening the gate, one said "follow me." Liwei slowly stood up and followed behind the guards.

He didn't need a fortune teller to see that this was the minister's doing, driven by fear of having his misdeeds exposed. Zhang had once been a role model to him, guiding his ascent in the military, instilling principles and fighting for the empire. But where was that Zhang now? How could the very man who had shaped him into a defender of justice become the source of the corruption he was trained to oppose?

As he moved through the hidden complex, the prisoners stared at him with hollow, lifeless eyes, their spirits too broken to cry for help. Anger and sorrow burned within him, propelling him forward. This nightmare had to end.

When he reached the Minister's quarters, he found Zhang issuing commands to one of his men.

"I request a leave from my duties," Liwei said.

Zhang eyed Liwei coldly. "You would turn your back on all I have given you? The wealth, the power—"

"I cannot condone what you do in secret," Liwei replied. "The prisoners -"

Zhang waved a dismissive hand. "Necessary sacrifices for our operations. Think of the good we do for the kingdom, you have seen the wealth it brings. Stay, and that wealth can be yours."

Liwei met his gaze. "You ask me to trade my honor and the lives of innocents for gold and status."

He leaned close, voice silky. "I ask you to be reasonable. You have so much potential—"

"I will not be your pawn, Minister. My answer remains the same."

Zhang's eyes flashed with anger briefly before his smile returned. "I had considered you one of my own, which is one of the reasons you still breath, I would be careful if I were you."

"If you won't do it for yourself, then at least think of your family—your wife, your children. Don't let your pride cloud your judgment. It would be... unfortunate if anything were to happen to them."

"Do not bring my family into this" li wei said, struggling to keep his voice even.

Zhang circled him like a predator. "I merely state facts. Accidents happen so easily...unless, of course, you remain loyal. Stay silent, do as I command, and your family will be safe. The choice is yours."

Liwei's hands curled into fists in utter rage and helplessness. "Very well, Minister. But know this—if any harm comes to my family, all of the empire will know your crimes."

Zhang chuckled. "Bold words. We shall see if you have the courage to back them."

"In the meantime, follow me" Zhang instructed.

Reluctantly, Liwei followed.

Zhang led him to the hidden cells, where prisoners huddled in fear. A man was dragged forward, his face bloodied and swollen.

"This traitor was caught smuggling my goods" Zhang said. "Deal with him."

Li Wei stared at the minister, his face pale, and took a step back from the trembling prisoner.

"Remember our agreement," the minister said. "You must prove your loyalty."

Li Wei's throat felt tight. "What must I do?" he asked quietly, the words barely audible.

A guard stepped forward and tossed him a sword, its blade catching the dim light. The prisoner, bound and kneeling, looked up at Li Wei with a desperate, wordless plea.

Li Wei turned away, unable to face him. He knew any hesitation, any show of compassion, could bring disaster to his family.

The strike came hard and fast, the sound of it ringing out in the stillness. The prisoner fell forward, his voice cut off mid-cry. Li Wei stood motionless, the sword slipping from his hands as a cold, hollow sensation filled his chest. The minister's satisfied nod only deepened the guilt he felt.

"You will go far, commander. Now, go freshen up and report back to duty."

Li Wei walked away from the scene, whispering a silent prayer for the man he had just killed. He couldn't reconcile his actions with the person he thought he was. In that moment, he knew he had become everything he once fought against.

Weeks turned into a blur as Li Wei continued carrying out the Minister's orders. He withdrew from his comrades, avoiding their eyes, or speaking to them. Time and again, he considered fleeing the town with his family, but the thought of a life on the run, constantly looking over their shoulders, felt like a punishment they didn't deserve. Trapped by his fear for their safety, he spiraled into despair, a hollow shell of the man he once was.

One evening, as he moved through the hidden corridors on another task for Zhang, faint screams reached his ears. They were followed by harsh, mocking laughter that made him stop mid-step. Li Wei turned toward an isolated hallway, his breath quickening as he hesitated outside the heavy door.

Peering inside, Li Wei saw three burly guards surrounding a frightened young woman, their rough hands pulling at her clothing as they jeered and hurled vile remarks. For a moment, he considered turning away, pretending he had seen nothing. But the sight of her terror and humiliation rooted him in place. No matter what he had become, he could not stand by and watch such cruelty unfold.

He smashed through the bars, drawing his sword in a fluid motion. The first guard fell before he knew what hit him, throat slit open. The second charged with a yell, but Li wei dispatched him with a precise stab to the heart.

The third tried to attack but he grabbed him and slammed him against the wall, blade at his throat. "Leave now if you value your life."

Trembling, the man ran.

Li wei's attention returned to the maiden, offering his hand. "You're safe now. Can you walk?" She nodded shakily, allowing him to help her stand. "Go. Get as far from this place as possible, and do not look back."

As she hurried away, Li wei settled against the wall, he had saved one soul today, though it did little to ease his guilt for the others.

News of his deed reached minister zhang and he summoned Li wei. "Explain yourself, Commander. Why did you kill my men?

"They were assaulting a woman, I could not stand by and watch such brutality." Liwei answered.

Zhang's voice hardened to steel. "She is property of this department, to do with as we please. Your actions undermined my authority. I should have you punished for your insolence."

"I will not be complicit in such evil, even to protect my family. My conscience will not allow it."

"A dangerous thing to say." Zhang rose, looming over Liwei. "You killed two of my men, Perhaps I was wrong to show mercy before. This time, your punishment will be far less lenient."

Li wei did not flinch. "Do what you wish, Minister."

Zhang backhanded him, the force of the blow sending Li wei crashing to the floor. "Insolent dog. We shall see how defiant you remain after I'm through with you. Guards! Take him to the cells. It's time our commander learned obedience through pain."

As Li wei was dragged away, he hoped he was paying the price for his conscience.


A few days later

Li wei hung limply in his shackles, his body broken. Zhang entered the cell, watching as Liwei spat blood and glared defiantly.

"Release... from....service."

He hung limply, barely conscious. A prison guard gave him a hard punch on the chest, eliciting a groan.

"You think to demand anything at this point? Bold move"

" I'm done," Liwei rasped.

"I gave you what others would kill to have, I took you as my person, I had hopes and plans for you but you foolishly despired my hardwork, what a complete waste of time." he stormed off leaving Li wei as he struggled to stand.