Chereads / HP: I’ll change this fucking world!! / Chapter 6 - Hogwarts Expresso

Chapter 6 - Hogwarts Expresso

The small, abandoned factory was silent, save for the occasional drip of water from the cracked ceiling. Dust coated the old machinery, and broken windows let in weak, filtered moonlight. Scattered wooden planks littered the ground, remnants of some long-forgotten work.

In the middle of all this stood a small boy.

A calm look on his face.

With a swift motion, he pointed his wand on the planks on the floor which slowly warped and twisted into sharp metal thorns.

With a swish of his wrist he muttered, "Wingardium Leviosa," and the thorns lifted off the ground.

With a deep breath, the boy extended his other hand, gathering all the magic he could mobilize. The thorns began to rotate rapidly, spinning faster and faster. and then releasing the magic..


The thorns shot forward, moving at bullet speed and embedded themselves deep into the thick walls with a heavy thud.

The boy looked at this with a grin and lookes at his friend.

"Good job, Stick you performed wonderfully"

Thw boy sat down to catch his breath.

This boy was Altair.

He had been using this abandoned factory at night to practice the first year spells.

How'd he manage to do this without the ministry finding out?

Simple, he tried casting magic to see if it would alert someone.

Which it didn't.

Which made him contemplate if this so called 'Trace' would appear later down the line, since from his understanding, Hermione from the movies had said she had practiced a few spells before boarding the Hogwarts Express.

Which meant he did have the leeway to practice.

But did it mean he needed to do it in moderation?


After reading the textbooks several times during these few weeks, he's already embedded the stuff into his tiny head, practicing relentlessly.

Just like the spells he used now.

Using the same principle as turing a wooden match into a silver needle, he weaponized by utilizing his wandless magic to move and oush things while using the levitation charm to stabilize it in place.

A move he liked to call 'haha magic go brrr'

A really stupid name for something so deadly, but he felt that this kind of practice was amazing.

He might not know much now, but he knew one thing.

Magic was limitless.

He felt the further down he went down the more confused he was.

Especially after reading Magical Theory, he felt like it was some kind of narrow minded perspective to see magic.

Many points in there had been enlightning, some not.

However since he swore to become the pirate kin- the wizard king, he'll need to fo beyong the limits of magic!!

Altair let out a breath as he glanced in the air.



'It's late.'

He would practice at night and read in the day.

But obviously he wouldn't tell Ms Maria about his 'adventures' at night, she'd probably reprimand him heavily.

With a sigh he got up and dusted himself off from the sawdust with magic.

Holding his wand he stared at it for a moment before he tucked into his holster and began to head back to the orphange.

September 1st, 1990

King's Cross Station.

Train stations are of course, usually populated.

In the movies it was somewhat chill.

Then why the fuck are there so many peopel?!

The station itself was a total shitshow—crowds shoving, people rushing, and it was hotter than the devil's ass crack for some reason!

To anyone passing by, Altair probably looked like a clueless idiot, pushing a trolley almost bigger than him packed with books.

'What an amazing start!' He thought sarcastically as he tried to weave through the crowd to a secluded area, which for aome reason, people ignored.

'Muggle repelent charm?'

He didn't know if it was that, but for people to see aomething they are repelled against they'd have to actively know there was an empty spotless place to wait!

Not oddly enough, the only people going towards it were presumably wizards, aome parents from muggle families also followed though they looked a bit dazed.

"I'll probably research this later in the future, what do you think Stick?" Altair mumbles to himself.

His wand remained unmoved.

"You talk one day…hehe."

Arriving infront of the Platform 9¾ was as easy as breathing.

Step 1, run towards wall, step 2, profit!!

There were many families around saying goodbyes and fussing over their kids, but Altair didn't really care. He had no time for any of that sentimental crap. The one piec- the magic was waiting!

Gripping his trolley like his life depended on it, he bolted straight towards the train, dodging other kids and parents like some kind of ninja on a mission. He didn't even bother with the useless wall stunt for dramatic effect, just made a beeline for the door.

After hauling his trunk inside, Altair glanced around and quickly found an empty compartment. With a sigh of relief, he slid the door shut and collapsed onto the seat.

He went to his trunk, opened it and pulled out a book labeled 'A Beginner's Guide To Alchemical Transmutation' 'Sheesh lengthy title' And began reading it

Finally. Away from the madness.

A few minutes into the book, just as Altair was getting into the juicy parts of it, the door to his compartment slid open.

A kid with messy brown hair and a somewhat awkward demeanor stood there, looking like he had no plans to sit anywhere else. "Mind if I sit here?"

Altair glanced up, his face neutral. "Yeah, sure. Go ahead."

The kid plopped down across from him and introduced himself. "Name's Lee Jordan. First year. You?"

Altair closed his book and gave a small smile with a nod. "Altair Salvatore, I'm also a first year."

Just then, the door swung open again with a loud crash. Two identical redheaded boys burst into the compartment, grinning like loons.

Altair's mind raced. Oh, shit. The Weasley twins. He recognized them from the movies, since they looked somewhat identical to the actors.

"Mind if we crash the party?" Fred asked, his eyes darting towarss both of them.

George slid in beside him. "Yeah, we heard there was a new kid who jumped around like some kind of 'muggle ninja?' and we thought we'd introduce ourselves properly."

Lee looked at the twins with a puzzled expression. "Uh, ninja? Aren't we wizards though?"

He looked really confused which only made it funnier, the twins too disnt aeem to really know what a ninja was.

"I think their refering to me weaving through the hogwarts express like some kind of monkey? Either way, I was trying to find an empty compartment, did scare some people though ao that was funny." Altair replied with a cheeky grin.

The twins looked at each other for a moment before George extended a hand with a flourish. "I'm Fred, and this is George. We're the Weasley twins."

George nodded enthusiastically. "We're second years, we try to make Hogwarts a bit more… interesting."

Fred pulled a small, colorful candy from his pocket and held it out. "Here, try one of our Skiving Snackboxes, although it's still in its premature phase, It's guaranteed to make your day a bit more… exciting!"

Lee eyed the candy warily but took it, popping it into his mouth. "Thanks, I guess."

Looking at the blue candy I curiously examined it before popping it into my mouth.

The twins exchanged a knowing glance and burst into laughter as Lee's hair turned into some kind of pink noodle like pastas.

"Just a little prank ," George said, grinning.

I touched my hair which felt awfully… fluffy?

We all stared at each other for a moment before we all started laughing.

'This will be one eventful year.'

Chapter end