Chapter 7 - Hogwarts.

// Shorter chapter today since working on outline for future chapters.

As night fell, the train stopped at the crude platform of Hogsmeade. Quickly changing into their school robes, the first-years shuffled out of the train.

Hagrid's booming voice cut through the murmur of the crowd. "Firs' years! Firs' years, over 'ere!" he bellowed, his massive frame towering above the smaller students.

""Guess we'll see you at Hogwarts then!""

The Weasley twins said as they followed the other upper years and gave Altair and Lee a final wave. "Hope you both end up in Gryffindor!" Fred called out, his grin widening. George nodded enthusiastically, adding, "Don't let the hat take too long!"

Altair and Lee waved back, then joined the cluster of nervous first-years. Altair of course was a bonefide sigma male so he was calm and indifferent.

Or atleast that's how others perceived him.

'Less goooo less goo-'

Altair stopped for a moment as he noticed how much shorter he was compared to some of the other kids.

Lee, noticing Altair's discomfort, asked, "What's up?"

Altair shifted awkwardly. "Uh, nothing. Just…realized I'm a bit short compared to everyone else."

Lee laughed, "Haha! Did you just notice?"

Altair rolled his eyes and grumbled. "Yeah, sure, laugh it up."

They continued down a narrow path, eventually reaching the shore of the black lake, several boats lined up.

Hagrid's voice boomed once again over the small crowd of first-years, "No more than four to a boat!" He gestured to the water.

Altair and Lee exchanged a glance before stepping into one of the boats near the front. Two other kids nervously shuffled in behind them, both pale and wide-eyed, clearly overwhelmed by the situation. Altair, meanwhile, felt like he was high as fuck, an almost crazy grin was forming as they settled in.

The boats began to row smoothly across the black, glassy lake, the castle was looming closer.

Hogwarts. Finally.

This was what he had been waiting for…

he could practically hear the Hedwig's theme playing in his head in fucking repeat.

"Blimey," Lee whispered, staring up at the castle's towering spires. "It's massive."

Altair didn't nod, he just stared blankly as the boats drew closer and closer.

It wasn't until they were nearing the shore that he broke away from his daze.

It was the fact that he was seeing it in person that made it all the more… breathtaking.

The boats glided to a halt at the rocky shore, and Hagrid's booming voice echoed once more, "Everyone out! Firs' years, follow me!"

Altair climbed out of the boat, Lee right behind him. They joined the rest of the first years, who were all huddling together, staring up at the massive stone walls of the castle.

The first-years followed Hagrid up a steep, winding path toward the towering castle entrance.

Lee, walking beside him, kept glancing around nervously. "Do you think we really need to fight a troll like George and Fred said..?"

Altair barely heard him, his eyes were only looking ahead.

The path leveled out, and they finally reached the entrance of the castle, where Hagrid gave a loud knock on the enormous wooden doors.

The doors creaked open, revealing a tall, stern-looking witch in emerald robes, Professor McGonagall. Her sharp gaze swept over the group of first-years, sizing them up.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," she said crisply. "In a few moments, you will enter the Great Hall to be sorted into your houses. The Sorting Ceremony is a highly important tradition at Hogwarts, and your house will be like your family for the rest of your time here. Follow me."

She turned on her heel, and the first-years followed after her like ducklings, Altair included.

The closer they got to the Great Hall, the more he recalled, This was it. The real fucking deal.

McGonagall led them to a small chamber just outside the Great Hall. The doors to the hall were closed, but Altair could hear the muffled chatter of hundreds of students waiting inside. The first-years huddled together, glancing nervously at each other.

Professor McGonagall turned to address them once more. "When your name is called, you will come forward, place the Sorting Hat on your head, and be sorted into your house."

Altair clenched his fists, He could feel his pulse.

'Calm down' he told himself.

Then, The doors to the Great Hall swung open, and one by one, students were sorted—some into Gryffindor, others into Slytherin, Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw. Each time a house was called, a round of applause erupted from the respective table.

Altair watched silently, as he contemplated whixh house suited him.

he knew himself well, but the feeling of being so self aware made him less confident in his previous life. But of rhe qualities he knew.

He has his own goals and ambitions, so Slytherin was an option.

He didn't enjoy reading for the sake of reading, he always had a clear goal in mind when he is reading, so Ravenclaw could be on the bottom of the list.

Gryffindor was a contender considering how daring he was, he'd junp into fire if it meant to achiev what he wanted.

Then there was Hufflepuff.

Altair was a nobody in his previous life.

He knew he wasn't some once in a life time genius who could learn spells almost instantly.

But what he did have was persistence, hard work, mad ideas and…

An unhealthy obsession with anything related to magic.

To others his expression was kept calm, but inside, his thoughts were finally clear.

And then, finally—

"Altair Salvatore."

His name echoed through the hall. The moment he had been waiting for had arrived.

Chapter end.