Chereads / Isekai CitySkylines Alchemist / Chapter 5 - Roads of Flashback

Chapter 5 - Roads of Flashback

On the way to the location inside Hiroshi's van.

Oliver, Cromwell: We still have all the spices we need, even with what we offered and lost to that thieves.

The two continued to check the goods on the back of the van.

Patricia(Imouto): It's moving, nissan. 

Patrick(O-Nissan):What kind of magic makes this carriage move?

Hiroshi's Mind: It can only be the manipulation of inorganic matter according to my will, ofcourse I'll not gonna say that.

Hiroshi: It's called a van, normally it runs on fuel or electricity.

Hiroshi's Mind: I still haven't discovered a way to move the van without manipulating the inorganic matter of the wheels with my gift. 

Everyone: Fuel? , Electricity?

Hiroshi's Mind: I would like to have the knowledge to create an engine, if it were any structure from the City Skylines Game, the game menu would help me create it right away. In the game CitySkylines the van was nothing more than a decoration for parks, Icecream Van, but I made some changes with my gift.

Hiroshi's Mind: I don't have a fridge either, luckily I managed to create a toaster and an induction hob, for some reason creating more complicated devices is difficult, household appliances and other inventions are a headache in my stage, luckily I learn faster than a normal person which gives me an advantage , as well the basic knowledge of my worlds inventions. Earth's progress stands on the shoulders of giants.

The journey took 1 hour from Hiroshi's Headquarters to the location.

Arriving to the location Patricia and Patrick attract the attention of the village, Its a farming village perhaps.

Next to the carriage appears the figure of a man.

The Man: Patrick!!! Patricia!!! .

Patricia: Daddy!!!.

He holds the daugther as she runs towards him.

The Man: I was worried, what did happened

Patricia and Patrick told the whole story.

Moments later inside the man's house.

The Man: Thank you for saving my children and my two employees.

-I'm Roger, the owner of this farm.

Hiroshi: This land is huge, tought it was a village.

Villager: Everyone here works in the farm, we are a Farming Village, after all.

Hiroshi: New Place discovered, now I met the Farming, the Market and Hunting villages.

Villager: We have a name tought, they must have also.

Hiroshi: Sure, you have.

Hiroshi's Mind: I'll keep calling you Farming Village till I get used to the names.

Hiroshi: I'm Hiroshi, I live nearby, nice to meet you.

Roger: Your sea must have made an immense effort dealing with the thieves assault.

Patricia: It was tight but we survived, thanks to this brave man.

Roger: Hiroshi come here.

Hiroshi: Sure, :|

Roger: These are good horses from my farm state, you dont seem to have one, how did you all got here.  Either way , I appreciate you saving my children.

Hiroshi: It's not necessary, I dont need a horse for now.

Hiroshi: If I could take some animals instead I would be glad with that, I already have a mare. 

Roger: Then take some pig, few cows ,a Rooster and a male horse, thank me later.

Hiroshi bought 4 Pigs, 3 cows, a rooster a chiken, and a horse to the van.

Hiroshi creates a platform to transport animals attached to the van.

Roger: Magic is quite conveninet, I wish to know about this trick is quite convenient, I didn't even think you were going to take that request all on the same day.

Moments later inside Roger's house.

Roger: Patricia and the girl with red hair went to that room, they must be sleeping.

Hiroshi: That's right, I'll take her to the van. 

Hiroshi: Now is time to go. Thief WOMAN....

Before he cold finishes the sentence

Tiharaa: I HAVE A NAME YOU FREAK, Tiharaa.

Hiroshi: Sure Buttocks.

Tiharra: Tsk. 

Hiroshi: Did you say something Lady? Hiroshi's arm turns into a rubber whip. 

Tiharaa: No, it's just a feeling, it's a nice weather today.

Hiroshi returns to HQ with both.

When opening the door, little Fiore awakened and asked several questions.

Fiore: Awwwn, Why are you turning back with us?

Tiharaa: Hmmm.

Fiore: Are you going to sleep here? Ugh Hiroshi calls this place the HQ, I don't even know what is an HQ(Head Quarters).

Tiharaa: Headquarters!? , its a base like sort of, this refers to the main office of a certain place, like a shady organization.

Fiore still doesn't understand

Tiharaa: I must use the term to call this place.

Fiore: I see. How do you know that. 

Tiharaa's Mind: What am I saying, I should quit this talk before I say things I should hide.

Tiharaa: I know because I'm a grown up, ask me anything else, Hmphhhf.

Fiore: Tiharra is incredible she is so grown up. Aaaaw.

Hiroshi: Hold on there I must take over something. 

Meanwhile Hiroshi undoes the prison mode of the bandits' house.

Jaffar: How is she?

Hiroshi: She? Who's she?

Jafar returns to the bandits' HQ mumbling about something out of place.

Jaffar: Tsk.

Hiroshi turns to his HQ.

Hiroshi's Mind: To much to think, I'll ask the other serfs in to help me save the cattle.

Hiroshi creates then pen for the pigs, another for the cows and puts Rooster and Chiken in the coop.

Hiroshi's Mind: I still have a lot of space here for the milking parlor.

Hiroshi: All done boys, heres the payment, kept the good work. Meat and Milk Supply Achieved.

Kizmir, Vik: Sure boss. 

Meanwhile Both girls kept talking till midnight. 

Hiroshi's Mind: Well, she doesn't have many friends.

Hiroshi's Mind: Why does Thiara seem so used to dealing with this girl? :|

Fiore: Hiroshi Can I sleep with Tiharaa?

Hiroshi: NO!!!, I mean she must be tired isn't it? , Head to your room, maybe another day. 

Fiore: Ok I understand, Good night everyone.

Fiore: Onisan... Said in a low tone of voice.

As Fiore leaves the hall to her room, Hiroshi's expression transformed into that worthy of a hentai rapist. When he turns back.

Hiroshi: That leaves us two, muahahahahaah.

Tiharaa: Pervert!!!

Hiroshi: You're going to sleep in a room in this mansion just that. 

Hiroshi takes Tiharaa to her cell and uses his power to transform the cell into a room.

Tiharaa: mmhh?

Hiroshi: Remember your chastity depends on your behavior.

Tiharaa: EHHH

Tiharaa blushed in her room thinking about the ropes squeezing her into submission.

Hiroshi: WHY I act cool, I cut off a head with my arm, I should have forced myself into her, still she doesn't seem that bad, what made her join this gang?

Hiroshi's Mind:  I should have brought her to my bed, what the hell am I thinking. 

Hiroshi wents to sleep. 

Hiroshi feels something external to sleep, Hiroshi's senses

they seem to be reacting to something.

Just at that moment Hiroshi felt as if the Doors ,object and materials all over the House were an extension of his senses.

A noise subtly approaches Hiroshi's room

Hiroshi's Mind: I feel a strong killing intent, it's close.

Hiroshi wakes up just as Tiarra is preparing to attack him.

Hiroshi: Got you. 

Suddenly Tiharra found herself tied up

Hiroshi converted her clothes into ropes that tie her to submission.

Hiroshi: What are you doing in my room?

Tiharra: Wicked Monster. Tsk

Hiroshi: Maybe you want to spend the night with me.

Tiharra: ARHHHHH, leave me, help!.

Hiroshi closes her mouth with the ropes of submission.

Hiroshi: Now seriously why did you come here, I'm sure you must have plenty of reasons.

Hiroshi: Not that's going to stop me from squeezing my favorite Night Killer a little tighter. 

Hiroshi's Mind: Evil, very very evil thoughts :)

Tiharra convicts with pleasure, pain and sadness, In the movement Tiharra drops an amulet containing a Coat of Arms.

Hiroshi: This is a symbol.

Hiroshi: A Gold Tiger?

Hiroshi: A gold thread necklace?

Tiharra: Give it back!!!

Hiroshi's Mind: Tiharra seemed to have a sentimental value to this thing above her pain or pleasure, probably.

Hiroshi uses his ability to evaluate the coat of arms and concludes that the gold and jewelry were real.

Hiroshi: It's ugly to steal from other people, as well to kidnap them, whoever you take this from, you thief.

Steps get closer, Hiroshi feels something again.

Fiore: Hiroshi, what happened? Are we being robbed

Hiroshi's Mind: If she sees me right now she will panic.

Hiroshi's Mind: The door is open.

At the last moment Hiroshi locks the door with his powers.

Knock Knock.

Hiroshi: It's okay Fiore-chan, whats the occasion.

Fiore: I heard huge noise, I'm a little afraid.

Hiroshi: I was hunting an insect that came here from the window, It comes with this season, I already dealt with it.

Fiore: Sweet dreams Hiroshi.

Hiroshi's Mind: Fiore didn't notice anything.

Hiroshi felt Fiore return to her room.

Hiroshi: Now we come back to you.

Tiharra's mind gave way to exhaustion.

Moments later

Tiharra was in Hiroshi's bed with her clothes back(ligeries mode), with Hiroshi pondering in a chair facing when she woke up.

Tiharra: Monster, what have you done to me?

Hiroshi with an evil smile

Hiroshi: I won't even tell you. :)

Tiharra tries to attack Hiroshi in vain, endind submissed with a strong rope.

Tiharra: You sick ordinary man , ville monster.

Fiore: It must be the bug that is still alive, Hiroshi is a goof, but a good person. :)

Hiroshi converts a random object in the room to a gold bar.

Hiroshi: Do you still want the necklace thieve? Choose one of them. 

Tiharra: Give it back, I'll do anything.

Hiroshi's Mind: She's actually crying? Not with much pleasure. hummm.

Hiroshi: Everything?

Tiharra seemed to have accepted her fate and surrendered to Hiroshi, but Hiroshi only gave her the necklace back.

Tiharra: Why?

Hiroshi: What is this necklace to you? Tell me about it or. 

Hiroshi turns the gold bar into sand and aproaches her collar.

Tiharra: It's my royal medallion.

Tiharra: I come from a once long lineage from the Land of Sahbaar.

Tiharra: My bodyguards Jaffar, Sultia and I started working for the Fire Elemental Elves who conquered our country as Talented Thieves. The royal family in my country and our closest servents were able to accumulate knowledge over the centuries about Human Magic and Martial Arts in order to create Talented Humans.

Hiroshi: If you gathered so much knowledge of magic, why didn't you train all your people to defend themselves from attacks of other kingdoms?

Tiharra: It's not simple, human magic users have to dedicate themselves solely to this, it's like an art, it's also very difficult to create second generations with perfect magical power, it's a rare selection even among strong pairs.

Hiroshi: Hmm, this people most be rare, apparently I won't be able to gather an army to help me. 

Hiroshi: How did human beings become so weak and threatened? Do other species always had an advantage, Human kingdoms were built before, what happened, when did it start?

Tiharra: According to our faith in the Lord of Maan, millennias ago, A powerful existence known as Skyking reigned over this world as the only Superior entity, with his army of powerful beings known as the Servants of Heaven, reigning over 7 celestial realms.

Hiroshi's Mind: I remember hearing something about this when I was reborn, is it a memory? Memories comming in from that day.

Tiharra: The Servants of Heaven were sent by the Great Skyking in order to help humans, the once only sentient race in the world of Torrma.

Hiroshi: Only sentient race? How did the Elves and others appear?

Tiharra: Among the strongest beings who served Skyking, there were 4 Servants of Celestial power, one day "Innden",(Mahou) the most audacious, tried to occupy the throne by gathering an army equivalent to half of the Servants of Heaven.

Tiharra: After failing to conquer the 7 Kingdoms of Heaven. He and his army were expelled to the Evil Kingdom, a deep space created to contain them.

Tiharra: Time passed, the Servants of Heaven and followers of the Traitor Innden(Mahou) were dying, Skyking refused to create more Servants of Heaven after Indeen's death. Skylord rested after that and took with him the great throne a place he turned to a Heavens Chamber, a space above Heavens Kingdoms were he is resting.

Tiharra: Without a strong leader and a objective the remaining Servants of Indeen(Mahou) surrendered to the remaining 3 Celestials that became a force to be feared by every enemy, now there was an era of peace.

Hiroshi: What a complicated story, but how does this explain the existence of elves?

Tiharra: The Elves in this world are a sub-species with direct origins from the ancient Servants of Heaven, they begun to appear after this events, In conterpart the Beastmen originates from the Servants of Indeen.

Tiharra: For some reason their natural lifespan do not vary much from us, the only difference factor being the magic power quantity that can extend their time,elfs and beast people are not anywhere close the stage of a original Heaven's Servent.

Tiharra: Ogres are a more complex subject, like fairies, mermaids and witches.

Hiroshi: What do you mean.

Tiharra: They were created by new Semi-God creatures that occupied each of the 7 Heavenly Palaces, Atlas for example was once one of the 4 Celestial , his powers could manipulate Oceans and his descendents became known as the Mermaids. 

Tiharra: Yellena was once a Human known as a powerful witch, after several sins committed against man to gain power and eternal youth, she and her followers were punished by the Lord of Maan to immaterial bodies made of magic particles. These bodies allowed the development of magic beyond mortal capabilities, eventually Yellena, the first cursed witch, gained power over one of the 7 Kingdoms of Heaven recieving access to powers that allowed witches to gain bodies under certain conditions.

Hiroshi: They steal other bodies?

Tiharra: They are transferred to other bodies in the form of a red plague disease, when beings are affected they begin to lose some blood, this blood comes together and turns into slimes that travels to grass or moss where they evolve into children of the forest the physical manifestation of witches.

Hiroshi: How are witches born? This is just explaining the materialization process of their magical body.

Tiharra: They procriate in their material forms once their body gets adult, their childreen are born with the curse and the process continues.

Hiroshi looks confused.

Hiroshi: You said you are princess?

Tiharra: My kingdom no longer exists, the Fire Elemental Elves gathered all the Talented people possible and putted them at the service of human trafficking networks.

Tiharra: Those who rejected were killed and used as magical fuel, along with the commons.

Hiroshi: Thought human magic wasn't great.

Tiharra: Humans cannot control magic but are efficient repositories of magical power.

Hiroshi takes some time to understand everything. Ponders a possibility.

Hiroshi: Can you use any magic?

Tiharra lifts a jar with levitation magic and hands it to Hiroshi.

Tiharra: This is 11% of my magical capacity, if it is more than this my body will break.

Tiharra: If I use written spells or magic artifacts I can use magic to 20% a my capacity.

Hiroshi: I think I understand, I was expecting some other trick but alright, back to your room I want to sleep and process.

Instantly the morning had arrived and Hiroshi really had to wake up to the sound of a Roaring Rooster.

Hiroshi's Mind: Jezzz.

Hiroshi opens the door and finds Fiore.

Tiharaa is blushing hiding in lingeries under the sheets.

Hiroshi's Mind: She's still here what to do now?

Tiharaa is hiding in lingeries under the sheets.

Fiore: Good Morning Hiroshi,A happy good morning.

Hiroshi's Mind: Dark circles in her eyes? It seems like she didn't sleep after that noise last night, so next time I'll put her to sleep.

Fiore: Hiroshi, have you seen Tiharra, today I promised to help her with breakfast. :)

Innocently asked little Fiore while Tiharra felt embarrassed and afraid of being caught.

Hiroshi's Mind: Fiore's little pointy ears look happy, it's a nice image,

Hiroshi: I'm sure she's out there taking care of the horse field.

Fiore: Okay, I'll go there and see.

Hiroshi: She's gone.

Hiroshi converts Tiharra's lingerie into a maid outfit again.

Hiroshi: Well I'll go out first.

Tiaharra's mind : I'm not sure but I feel a repulsive look from that man whenever I wear this strange looking dress, perv...