Chereads / Isekai CitySkylines Alchemist / Chapter 8 - Experiments Center

Chapter 8 - Experiments Center

During the morning when Peter wakes up, he feels a weight on his body.


A vision of a naked Beauty rises from Peter's sheets.

 Beauty: Are you awakening yet?

Peter: Who are you?!!!

Beauty: I am me, you are you, inferior human. 

Peter: Are you Stellar Drone???!!

Beauty: Who else could I be dummy?

Peter: Robots don't steal food or water from other people's canteens. You came here to steal me. And to surprise people in the morning like that? Who are you actualy.

Peter holds both her wrists.

Beauty: Hands, are these hands?

Beauty looks at her hands with an air of admiration and curiosity to try them out. Beauty touches Peter's chest.

Beauty: This must be your heart.

Peter: Dont torch me like that, I'm a boy I might get, you know male behaviors.

Beauty: Hmm?

Peter's Mind: Ohh no, I already got a stoned morning wood.

Beauty now tries to touch herself.

Beauty: hahaa, these meat bags on my chest are breasts, they are so big and bouncy, haha, wanna torch it?

Beauty starts playing with her huge breasts.

Peter: Don't do this in public, what the hell are you doing?

Peter's : If it's true that she became human, she must be curious about her body like someone going through puberty. Hmm, better not to take advantage of her, even though she looks my age , also she has elf ears? How is this possible? Her hair is silver like mine and her eyes are the same.

Peter: Get some clouthes first.

Beauty touches Takahashi's body once more out of curiously.

Peter: What are you doing.

Beauty: What is this thing?

Beauty touches the hard member between Peter's legs.

Peter: Ahh what are you doing? Dont torch that.

Beauty: Why did it get bigger? This is either a bone or...

Peter quickly decides to stop her curiosity.

Peter: Here, wear this coat.

Beauty puts on Peter's coat , that coat covered her body entirely.

Peter's Mind: She's even more cute now.

Peter: What happened, you were supposed to be a machine.

Stellar Drone(Beauty): I woke up like this, since I regained my senses I started using human senses?

Stellar Drone(Beauty): Well, that night I felt something odd about me, I tried to move my body, the first time, I fell. I got up again and started walking as if it were normal, but now I was walking on foot.

Peter: But you flew, you were a D R O N E, don't you think it's weird that you happen to have legs and arms now? 

Stellar Drone(Beauty): It was night and dark, I lay down and feel asleep.

Peter: And why my bed?

Stellar Drone(Beauty): Have you forgotten the tutorial? You can only access it through my Software.

Stellar Drone(Beauty): For this to happen I have to be as close to you as possible. Don't think I wanted to be with you, Baka!!!!!

Peter: And what are you going to do with that body? Can you transform into a drone again.

Stellar Drone(Beauty): Of course.

Stellar Drone(Beauty): Ehhhhhhhh. EHHHHHHH. EHHHH.

Stellar Drone(Beauty) tries several times and fails.

Stellar Drone(Beauty): Nooo.

Peter: Ahahahaha now you're not flying, are you?, scraps.

Peter: hahaahahaha you're not going to answer???

Stellar Drone(Beauty): EEKKK.

Peter's Mind: She started crying. :(

Stellar Drone(Beauty): Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Peter: No, it's okay.

Peter: I'm sorry.

Stellar Drone(Beauty): Baka.

Peter: What is this feeling?

Peter hugs her, she hesitates and hugs him too.

Their faces looked at each other and they started to blush.

Stellar Drone(Beauty): Hmmph.. :

She responds very shyly.

Peter: We'd better report what happened to Hiroshi and the others.

Peter: But first you need to have a name.

Stellar Drone(Beauty): Human concerns, Umpffff

Peter: Umpfff nothing, you're going to start using a name from today onwards, we'll think it's weird if I call you Stellar Drone all the time.

Peter and Stellar Drone(Beauty) spend some time deciding on the name.

Stellar Drone(Beauty): I want to be Victoria, I saw it in your mind before, Queen Victoria, she was the most hierarchically powerful woman on Earth.

Peter's Mind: That book, I remember the title was "the most influential womans in history", who did it belong to? I'm glad I found a Manga store from before the 3rd World War and with that the Mecha mangas my reading passion.

Peter: According to that book Queen Victoria reign was Britain's great age of industrial expansion and economic progress.

Peter: Victoria it is?

Peter's mind: it seems like she liked it better not to ruin her excitement.

Peter: Wait a moment, since when did you enter my brain.

Victoria: I do this all the time, hahahaha

Peter: You shouldn't be laughing.

Victoria: Not that I can do it in this pathetic body.

Peter: Why not?

Victoria: When Lord of Maan changed you he made me in order to assist your complex machine parts, so I was able to connect to you because we share the same bionic cells, two minds in the same greater body, which makes us an Android capable of piloting mechas.

Peter: That doesn't explain the fact that you look human.

Peter: What the hell.

 Victoria: When Hiroshi tried to duplicate JUMPERSX he kind of messed with our composition, that and Fiore's body that was inside JUMPERSX that was my body domain, this increased my amount of biological cells at the expense of her.

Peter: Fiore looks anemic, that explains her condition.

Peter: Right now you're basically a clone of her, aren't you? You're taller , older and a little different, dont you think? Perhaps you took my cells as well.

Victoria: Our cells, also Is she okay?

Peter: It looks like she is going to recover, according to what Hiroshi told me yesterday before I went back to the hangar.

Victoria: No, it has to be treated immediately. She is not an android. This rapid change in her cells can cause irreversible damage to her internal organs and body development, we have to hurry and treat her.

Peter: You?

Victoria: I still have access to the knowledge in my database, I have medical habilities.

Peter: Let's go.

The two arrived at Hiroshi's property.

Victoria: What is this feeling, the feeling that I did something I should not, It doesn't go away.

Victoria: This makes no sense.

Peter: This is called Guilt, it wasn't your intention to cause her harm that's true, but you feel like you need to compensate for it.

Peter: That makes you more human.

 Victoria doesn't seem to like this, she's becoming sad.

Peter's Mind: Haaa I forgot, sorry about that.

Peter: That's not what I wanted to say, I mean in a very philosophical sense of things you are quite a very good person, I mean robot girl.

Victoria: Be Quiet, baka mono..


Victoria rings the doorbell at Hiroshi's house, yet a little upset.

Tiaharra opens the door.

Together at the entrance Victoria , Hiroshi, Tiharra and Peter talk about what happened.

Victoria: Can I see her? With my software I have a higher quality of medicine than most human doctors.

Hiroshi, Tiaharra: Onegai.

Victoria sees Fiorre's vital signs with her Robot vision.

Victoria: If I had hospital equipment I would wake her up instantly, I'll have to do a half-baked job.

Hiroshi evokes the Menu.

Hiroshi: I can create a clinic right across that street.

Hiroshi uses the Game Menu to create a small, modern Clinic, Health Service Achieved.

Victoria: You can also tamper with elements, right?

Hiroshi: Right, only solid matter.

Victoria: We could advance a few steps, forget about early 21st century medicine.

Victoria collaborates with Hiroshi to create various types of medical machines only available centuries in the future.

Hiroshi: If I put this on my wrist, can you see the game menu as me?

Victoria: That's it, this watch is connected to the back of my neck by radio waves, this allows me to access your senses from your nervous system through your wrist.

Victoria uses Hiroshi for several experiments.

Victoria: The clinic is now fully functional. Now I have all the equipment to cure any existent desease.

Hiroshi: If it weren't for my new Celestial abilities I would end up crazy, I'm tired.

Victoria : Go back to the mansion, take the others as well and rest, I'll take care of Fiore.

Peter and Tiaharra fell almost asleep sitted in chair on in each side of the room.

Victoria spends the day taking care of Fiore.

Victoria Mind: I exaggerated, I didn't need all of this.

Victoria: But I enjoyed doing this, does that mean I had fun?

Victoria: Pathetic, human sensations are stupid, Punf.

She's not being honest.

Victoria: I managed to create a database of Hiroshi's Power Menu and now I can test these powers in simulations.

Victoria: Now back to Fiorechan!!

Victoria does a full scan of Fiore's body.

Victoria: It's not too bad but there are a lot of bionic cells in her, not all bionic cells can connect to her, I'm going to get rid of this bionics, the source of her desease.

Victoria: Hmm, now that I have these cells back I'm going to save them somewhere, it'll be useful for some future experiments.

Victoria stores them in a laboratory freezer.

Victoria: As for the rest, I can't take them off without causing permanent damage to this girl's body, I can multiply her human/elf cells at a faster rythm in order to stabilize her.

Microwaves are makind a surgery to Fiore's body towards a chamber-like machine.

Meanwhile at Hiroshi's HQ.

Hiroshi: I can't help but think about what happened, will Fiore get better?

Tiaharra: With High Servents on her side I'm sure she will. 

Tiaharra seemed like the sweetest and most innocent woman in this statement.

Hiroshi's Mind: She tried to kidnap me, I'm glad I sanctified her with punishment ropes, :)

Hiroshi: Tiaharra you need to pay some attention, who do you take me for? 

Tiaharra: You are Hiroshi-Sama...

Hiroshi: No.

 The 5th day has arrived ELVES ARE GOING TO ATTACK...

Hiroshi: The Fire Elemental Elves are about to invade Ylkia and we need all the forces we have.

Victoria: I didn't want to do this but I think I'm going to install a microchip in her brain. I feel like they're going to be mad at me, though.

Victoria: What's wrong with me, this is not Logical Thinking. 

Victoria: Without this brain chip these bionics will go crazy, and it's easier to connect to her brain and fix her like this. I don't want to think about nitpicky ethics in a medieval world. It is our secret ginger, actually mine.

After the procedures Victoria dives into Fiore's mind.

Fiore: Who are you?

Victoria: Welcome to the simulation

Victoria takes some time to explain.

Victoria: So to get started you have to complete the simulation at least up to level 20.

Fiore: I'm still lvl 15.

Victoria: Don't worry, I made some adjustments to make this much easier, you'll do it.

Time passed slowly in the Simulation's dream.

Fiore: I got it, I'm already level 21.

Victoria: How fast!!!

Victoria's Mind: I already transferred part of Peter's sensorial memories when he did this training , but this is fast.

Fiore wakes up.

Victoria: Can you handle yourself well?

Fiore: I think so, what is this in my arms?

Fiore woke up with a layer of aluminum goves covering her hands and arms.

Victoria: Do you remember the simulation well.

Fiore: Yes.

Victoria: Come on, let's test it outside.

Fiore casts a Fire tornado to a very huge area.

Victoria: I knew this would be useful.

Fiore: Whaaaaat??

Victoria: With this aluminum like gloves, you are not properly an android but this will allow you cast almost perfect spells with the same magic power, its like an update to your magic habilities.

Fiore: Ahhh this is going to set the village on fire. 

She worries.

Victoria: It worked out well.

Victoria: Fortunately I tested the wind direction first in order to avoid this event.

Kizmir, Vik, Jaffar from a distance: A Fire.

Fiore looks on with concern.

Victoria: there is no danger, trust the One-san here, hahaha.

Fiore: If you say so.

Fiore's Mind: Is this safe?