Chereads / St. Philomena Girls High School / Chapter 22 - CHAPTER 22

Chapter 22 - CHAPTER 22

Because of a need to not cause trauma to all the other kids, Praxeda's body was quietly transported to the hospital. Back at the orphanage, no kid knew what was going on. I'll say one of the hardest things River had ever done was to stare at Praxeda's pale body and touch her tiny, cold hand. In all her crazy imaginations, she had imagined that Praxeda would be the one burying her, not otherwise. She was so young, the love of her life. Why did she have to go so soon?

Before the girls arrived at the hospital, River was with Scott. He had rushed to the hospital as soon as he got the bad news. He was also there on behalf of his busy family. But mostly, he was there as a friend because he knew River needed one at that time more than ever. They had gone for a short walk along the hospital garden, but in spite of all the colorful flowers, River's inwards felt black and white.

"I wish I knew that yesterday was her last day with me. Maybe she knew, that's why she asked us to do all those things although it was late.", she sniffled, nose red, eyes puffy.

"I've never lost anyone meaningful in my life before, so I'll be lying if I say I know how you feel.", said Scott, his voice very comforting, "But I promise to be here for you until you feel better, no matter how long it takes.",

"I appreciate that.", she wiped off the tears, "When my friends arrive I know I'm going to cry all over again, so let's just walk quietly.",

"Um, actually I'm going to leave in a few minutes. So much to prepare, you know?",

River was almost moved, "For the funeral?",

"No.", he shook his head, "My dad got a call from the president today. He's the recipient of the Entrepreneur of the year award.",


"There's a party tomorrow. He wants you to come.",

River halted, her face creased with a huge question mark, "How's he inviting me to a party when he knows I'm mourning?", she asked, anger brewing like a witch's potion.

"We all know you could use some positivity right now _",

"We haven't even discussed Praxeda's funeral plans yet. Do you really expect me to sip champagne with the rich folks?",

"I didn't mean it like _",

"How can you be so thoughtless, dude?",

River turned around and headed back to the building, furious and disappointed. Scott slapped his lips twice. Even he knew he sounded heartless. But why did he think it was the right time to speak of a party? Did his stress cloud the part of the brain responsible for reasoning?

The upcoming party wasn't only to congratulate his dad on the award. It was also his engagement day. He just couldn't find a way to tell that to River. Why? Because telling people about it could make it turn real.


The girls spotted River walking towards them, only she didn't look sad but enraged. She almost walked past them before Helzeny grabbed her hand. At first, she was startled, but the moment reality hit again, tears rolled down her cheeks like a stream of the Nile. The girls had to give her one big, warm hug, a way of showing her that they weren't going anywhere.

They stayed like that for a few minutes until River stopped crying. Finally they sat on the stairs leading to the entrance. No bench wasn't big enough for all 8 of them to fit.

"Didn't the doctor discharge her because she was okay?", asked Ylle, 

"So we thought.", River sighed, 

"What did they say is the cause?",

"They didn't see anything. It was a sudden death they say.",

"She was just so young.", Cora held her hand, "My deepest sympathies, River.",

"Mh.", she forcefully nodded. 

She knew it was impossible, but she kept wishing to wake up and realize that it was all a bad dream. Too bad.

"I'm sure you haven't eaten anything. Come with me. Let's go grab something to eat for the group.", Cora proceeded.

River agreed, and so she and Cora went on their way.

"Guys", Freya called, seeing that the coast was clear, "I don't mean to burst our bubble, but can I just share something with you?",

They all nodded. Why not?

"Queen Minzy's prediction. She did say that something was going to happen to River soon, and that we're supposed to be there for her _",

"Or she'd lose her mind.", Zydal added.

They all wore looks of realization. Jitters causing an imaginary vibration.

"You think she meant Praxeda's death?", Winslow asked, "If yes, it also means that … I don't know how to say this, but if it's true then it means Praxeda's death is connected to the covenant she mentioned about.",

"First of all, what's a covenant?", Helzeny asked,

"It's like an agreement humans make with the devil to get something and in return they swear to do something to show their gratitude to him.", Lessin explained, "For instance someone wants to get rich, so they sacrifice their reproductive health to the devil. As a result, they'll become rich, but never have kids again.",

"So, how does that apply to Praxeda? She's an orphan.", Ylle argued, "It doesn't make sense.",

"Yes, it does.", Lessin stated with certainty.

"I don't see anybody benefitting from her death _", said Winslow,

"Guys!", Cora hissed,

Startled, they all looked back. Turns out, she and River had been standing behind them for a while, and so River couldn't help but listen.

"Wh-what are you guys doing here? I thought you were gone.", Lessin stuttered. She was the one who said the most. So, she was a bit scared.

River calmly joined the group, "Cora forgot her wallet.",

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you're listening.", Lessin apologized,

"Don't worry about it. It's nothing.",

Oh, but it wasn't. Lessin's brief explanation had woken a decade's old box that River had kept hidden deep down within her soul.
