It's been a while since the Thing family sat together for a meal. That's because everyone was busy doing their own stuff and home didn't feel like home anymore after their mom's death. It was their mom's heavenly birthday and so they had to be together for she'd be happy. And Freya used that opportunity to share with her family what she had in mind.
The dining table was quiet. Victoria, the middle child, was wearing earpods, listening to an ongoing lecture from her phone. Tina was showing their dad a video of her son playing football with his dad. The video seemed to be adorable since many awes were expressed. And in the midst of all that, Freya didn't know where to begin. But when you think about it, the right moment doesn't bring itself to you. You have to grab it as it passes by or you'll miss it. And so, she did what she had to do.
"I'm dropping out of college.", she officially announced.
And that single sentence was enough to make everyone alerted. Victoria slowly removed the earpods, all eyes on the person who apparently said the dumbest thing in the universe.
"Did I hear you correctly?", asked Victoria, "I didn't, did I?",
"You did.", Freya confirmed, "I'm going to drop out of college.",
"Why?", her dad asked. Although it didn't sound hostile, Freya knew her dad the most. That's how he sounded when anger was slowly brewing.
"I plan to open my own fashion brand. I'm good at designing, I love fashion and my online platforms are successful. I don't want to act like it's not what I've come here to do.",
"You think you came into this world to make clothes?", asked Tina, followed by a huff, "How old are you again?",
Freya sensed the demeaning but ignored it, "I love making clothes. My desire is to make clothes which will make people feel happier about themselves. Some boost their confidence with makeup. I want to do it with the magic of fabric.", she explained.
Victoria turned to their dad, "I told you before, didn't I? I told you that it was a bad idea to give her that much freedom. See? She wants to drop out and be a tailor.",
"A fashion designer and an owner of my brand.", Freya corrected her.
"You're pathetic. Always choosing a simple path.", Tina proceeded, "
I wonder if you have a smart brain but afraid to use it, or you don't have a brain at all.",
"We can't all be lawyers and surgeons. Some of us are made for something else _",
"Making clothes?", Victoria interrupted, "You're pathetic, like Tina said. Simple-minded.",
"Do you know how to make a shirt, Tina? How about a skirt, just a flowy skirt; can you build it, Victoria?",
Tina shrugged, "You think I care about what I wear? I just don't want to be naked. Anything works.",
"Says a girl whose son has a Louis Vuitton knitted blanket.",
"Don't try to shift this on me. You're so unserious with your life. You're reckless and irresponsible and spoiled. And if you don't recognize it now, you're lost, little sister.",
Freya huffed, "Mom was right about this. She did say there's to be a big argument.",
Now, their faces which previously displayed disappointment instantly changed. They stared at her oddly, weirdly. Terribly.
"What did you just say?", Victoria asked with a pinch of anger.
"I said mom was _",
"You're impossible!", Tina high-pitched, "You've crossed the line. You're officially insane.
Their dad pulled the chair back and slowly exited the dining room. They didn't know where he was going or what he was going to do. They were all just completely distracted.
"If mom were alive, she'd slap some sense back into your stupid brain.", Tina continued. Since she was the eldest, she took her role more seriously, seeing them as daughter-like, not sisters. "If we open up your brain right now, all we'll find is boys and sex because that's all you think about.",
"The day mom died, do you remember?", Victoria's fists clenched. She hated bringing that topic to the table but she thought she had to, "Do you know why she was in such a rush and drove like a crazy woman?",
Freya shook her head, tears threatening to come out, "It wasn't my fault _",
"Your principal had called to inform her that you were to be expelled from school after being caught doing something disgusting with a boy in the library!", Victoria pushed her into that dark memory train, "The only thing mom wanted was for you to think and behave like an adult. But she lived her life worrying about you and eventually died because _",
"Enough, Victoria!", a roar echoed. Their dad stood at the door, dressed to leave. "Come with me, Freya.", he added.
"Where are we going?", scared, she asked.
"Just come.".
Well, she'd rather follow her dad to the unknown than stay there and let the blame eat her up. And that's what she did. She and her dad left, unaware of where they were headed to.
Only a few people attended Praxeda's funeral. The girls, except Freya, were there to show their unmatched support. River hadn't felt grief in a long, very long time. So many feelings were awakened by the death of Praxeda. She was feeling the worst she'd ever felt.
As the priest was speaking, River's flickering gaze paused on a distant figure, Scott, standing under an oak tree, witnessing the funeral from half a mile away. She could've gone to him that second, but she chose to be there for her girl's last goodbye. When the funeral was over and Praxeda was buried six feet under, everyone left slowly. River had asked the girls to wait for her in the car. She stayed right there, next to the grave.
When the surroundings were clear, and quiet, she heard footsteps approaching.
"I never thought you'd come.", she said first, already knowing who it was.
Scott finally stood beside her, both now staring at that little, flower-covered hill. "I made a promise, didn't I?",
"You did. But why didn't you come close?",
"I don't know. But I am now.",
"Mh.", she nodded, flatly.
Scott scratched his chin, "I'm going to ask you a question, and I need you to be very honest with me. Did you threaten Ilham?",
River huffed, "How can a poor person like me threaten a rich person like her?", she asked with a bit of sarcasm.
"She said something offensive to you, so it's understandable that _",
"Offensive? She called me an orphan, which I am. How's that offensive?",
"She belittled all your efforts _",
"And now I wonder why you didn't address it then and there.",
Scott heaved an exhale, "River, her family is powerful. And this union is a much needed action to be taken.",
It's good that Scott wasn't a mind-reader because if he was he'd have seen how dark River's mind actually was. She was filled with hostility, too much of it. Even she didn't feel like herself. But she knew in order for her to achieve what she had planned, she needed a very hostile alter ego.
"Did you really come here to say goodbye to Praxeda?", she asked, effortlessly trapping him into her web.
"I did. And to also ask you to be careful.", he replied.
"I see no reason for you to worry about me. I never threatened Ilham. I'm grateful for your family for everything they're doing to the orphanage and I'll always remain loyal to you guys. What happened to Praxeda is nobody's fault. This is just my grief. I'll get past it. So, stop worrying about me.",
The exact words Scott wanted to hear. He cared so deeply about her that the thought of her putting herself in danger kept him up at night. River's words assured him that everything is okay. What he feared will never happen. Right?