Chereads / St. Philomena Girls High School / Chapter 3 - CHAPTER 3

Chapter 3 - CHAPTER 3

The 8 sat in a circle, eating their dinner like royalty. Their dining table was way at the corner of the hall, only noticeable because they occupied it. 

"So, what's the plan after graduating?", asked River, curious to know the path each one of them would take.

"Law school.", said Lessin.

"Diplomacy.", Helzeny added, "I'll need to learn some extra languages too.".

"I hear Mandarin is highly demanded.", said Cora, "Do that.".

Helzeny was glad to have received some positive feedback. On the other hand, Winslow's mind was a blank page. She quietly listened to the others being so clear about their goals. But she had none. She was undecided, going where the wind blew.

"Is Law hard?", she asked.

"I'm sure it is. But if you love something, it makes it easier.", Lessin explained like a preacher.

"What about Diplomacy? Political Science? Things like that."

"Many people take the major because I hear it's easy.", said Freya, like an expert, "But in my opinion, it's better to study Political Science abroad.".

"You talk as if abroad is right outside that gate.", River joked, "We just need to figure out what we like and see what we can work with from the universities we have in our country.",

"But Winslow, why are you asking like you have no idea what you want?", asked Cora,

"Because I really don't. I'm undecided.",

"Go to Business school.", Helzeny suggested.

"I just want to be close to you guys. So, find out what you want. I'll pick a course from your lists.".

"You sound very unserious right now. We only have 4 weeks left.", Freya proceeded, judgment coating her well-known tone.

"It's my shit to sort."

In the midst of their thick conversation, Sabrina, one year their junior, stopped by their table. She was short in height, chubby cheeks whenever she smiled and had a very beautiful face. She was girly and cheerful. While at the table, she didn't focus on anybody else but Lessin. She had come from the school's kiosk and bought a cold bottle of Fanta Passion, Lessin's favorite drink. When she arrived at the table, she just put the soda in front of Lessin and said nothing. 

She stood shyly, with her hands resting behind her back, patiently waiting for Lessin to say something.

As expected, Lessin wasn't expecting anything, especially from her. The whole table went silent, watching a scene play out before them like a Christmas movie.

"For me?", Lessin asked Sabrina.

The pretty girl nodded.

"Why?", Lessin added a question on top of the other.

"I just felt like doing something nice for you.", Sabrina explained.

"Why?". She was still just as dumbfounded, not used to receiving sweet gestures from strangers.

"I just bought it for you, but if you don't want it, you can give it to somebody else.".

Sabrina left the table in a hurry, kind of embarrassed. Lessin kept staring blankly at the cold, dripping soda as if it was dented.

"Are you gonna drink that or not?", asked Helzeny, thirsty.

"You want it?", Lessin asked rhetorically, "Take it.",

At first, Helzeny was unsure. She slowly pulled the bottle towards her, hoping Lessin would take it back, but Lessin seemed to really not want it.

Conversation proceeded at the table, but only Zydal was quiet. She had studied the whole scene from a few minutes ago and it bothered her to the core. She kept stealing glances at a clueless Lessin. Someone needed to talk to her, and she took that responsibility whole-heartedly.
