Eamon was in trouble. His wand was gone, and without it, he couldn't summon powerful spells quickly enough to fend off both attackers. 'Caught between two relentless opponents,' he had no time to think, no time to plan. Every second was a desperate attempt to stay upright.
He pivoted on his heel, trying to keep Corvis in front of him while maintaining the barrier; but Leon was already on the move. The two boys circled him like a pair of wolves hunting prey, darting in and out, testing for weaknesses, waiting for the right moment to strike.
'If Eamon stood still, Leon would flank him. If he moved, Corvis would pounce from the opposite side.'
The wizard's mind raced. His defensive shield was the only thing keeping him alive, but it couldn't block both of them at once. He tried to reposition, dragging the barrier to intercept Corvis, but every time he shifted, Leon would dart the other way, forcing him into a maddening game of cat and mouse.
Corvis grinned, a flash of white teeth in the dim light, and retreated after his first strike. Without Eamon's offensive spells to worry about, the boy was free to bide his time, slipping in and out of Eamon's field of vision, waiting for the perfect opportunity.
The wizard cursed under his breath. He knew what Corvis was planning. Every time Eamon opened his mouth to chant, Corvis would be ready, ready to hurl the jagged red crystal in his hand directly into the wizard's mouth, shattering both his spell and his pride in one swift blow.
Meanwhile, Leon kept circling, his eyes locked onto Eamon's movements. His Isa Arrow fizzled in his hand, but he was patient. All he needed was a split-second where Eamon's attention slipped; a fraction of a moment when the barrier wouldn't cover his body. And when that moment came, Leon would release the arrow and end this fight for good.
Eamon was cornered, trapped in an impossible dance between two relentless foes. His shield flickered slightly as he struggled to maintain it, and sweat dripped down his face from the strain of holding it together. He knew that one misstep, one breath taken too soon or too late, would cost him everything.
And yet, Leon and Corvis didn't give him that chance. Every time he tried to escape or shift the fight in his favor, they moved in perfect coordination, an unspoken rhythm, a deadly duet that forced him further and further into a corner.
Eamon gritted his teeth, his mind a storm of frustration and fear. He couldn't keep this up for long. He needed to break free; but how?
Corvis watched the flicker of hesitation in Eamon's eyes, and his grin widened. He shifted his weight subtly, waiting, ready to exploit the slightest opening.
Leon's heart pounded in his chest, every fiber of his being focused on this moment. His eyes narrowed, watching for the exact instant the barrier would falter. 'Just one chance.' That was all he needed.
And when it came, when Eamon faltered for the briefest of moments; Leon would be ready to strike.
Eamon no longer had the luxury of time. His magic reserves, though formidable, were draining fast with the barrier still active. Every passing second tightened the noose, and he knew that if he kept stalling like this, he'd run out of options and magic. 'If that happened, he was as good as dead.'
He grimaced, his thoughts racing. 'I have to break free. I have to escape.'
Seizing a fleeting opportunity, Eamon pivoted, exposing his back to Corvis, who had been circling him like a shark waiting for blood. Exploding shards of red crystal rained down on Eamon, tearing holes through his black robe and searing his skin. He clenched his jaw and pushed through the pain.
He locked eyes with the strange boy, Leon; who was rushing him from the front. 'Just one spell. That's all I need.' With a sharp exhale, Eamon traced the air with his left hand, fingers moving in the familiar, fluid pattern of a shock sigil; a spell he could cast in his sleep under normal circumstances, but now, it felt like lifting a mountain.
"Enough!" Eamon roared, snapping his fingers.
The air cracked with force, and a pulse of energy blasted outward. Corvis, mid-strike, was hurled backwards by the shockwave, tumbling across the forest floor in a blur of limbs and dust. He cursed as he scrambled to his feet, eyes burning with frustration.
Eamon didn't waste a second. Whirling back toward Leon, he staggered, narrowly managing to keep the barrier between himself and the boy. Leon was closing the gap, a determined gleam in his eyes.
'I won't last much longer. I need to get to safety.'
With a gasp, Eamon fumbled inside his robes and pulled out a small, silver whistle. He pressed it to his lips, and the sharp, piercing note echoed through the forest.
High above, his Hippogriff; a powerful creature with the head of an eagle and the body of a horse, let out a shriek in response, its golden eyes scanning the canopy below. It circled once, hesitating over the dense treetops, then folded its wings and dove toward its master.
The beast crashed through the branches, feathers ruffled from the dive. It half-flew, half-stumbled into the clearing, landing clumsily on the forest floor. With a screech, it lunged at the nearest threat; Leon.
Leon reacted instantly. Ducking under the sharp beak that snapped at his face, he twisted and drove a vicious backhand hook into the side of the Hippogriff's head. The blow connected with a solid 'thud', sending a flurry of feathers into the air.
The beast staggered, shaking its head in confusion, but quickly found its footing. It reared up on its hind legs, sharp talons flashing in the dim light. With a powerful swipe, it slashed at Leon's head.
Leon sprang back just in time, the razor-sharp claws missing his scalp by a hair's breadth. His heart pounded in his chest, adrenaline surging through his veins. 'This thing might not be as dangerous as a full-grown griffin, but it's fast and relentless. I can't waste time fighting it.'
Eamon saw his opening. While the Hippogriff had Leon distracted, he rushed toward the saddle, still keeping the barrier wrapped tightly around him. He grabbed the armrest with his left hand, hauled himself onto the beast's back, and locked his legs in place.
"Up, now!" Eamon shouted, slamming his heel against the beast's flank.
With a thunderous beat of its wings, the Hippogriff launched itself into the air, kicking up clouds of dirt, leaves, and debris. The wind roared, scattering rocks and sand in every direction.
Leon's stomach dropped. 'He's getting away!'
The Hippogriff was already airborne, its wings flapping furiously, trying to gain height through the dense forest canopy. But Leon didn't fire his Isa Arrow. He knew the stakes all too well.
'I only have one shot left. If I waste it killing the Hippogriff and miss Eamon, all of this will have been for nothing.'
His mind raced. 'But if I let him reach the sky, it's over. He'll regroup, gain altitude, and have time to summon his most dangerous spells.'
Leon's jaw tightened. 'I can't let that happen.'
With a burst of desperation, Leon darted toward the retreating Hippogriff. The beast was already lifting into the air, its hooves barely brushing the forest floor. Ignoring the beast's snapping beak and outstretched claws, Leon took two long strides and leapt; arms stretched out, fingers grasping for anything.
His hands found purchase—'the Hippogriff's tail.'
The sudden weight dragged the creature downward, its wings struggling to lift both its master and the unexpected passenger clinging to its tail. Eamon twisted in the saddle, his eyes wide with disbelief.
The wizard snarled, yanking on the reins to steady the beast. The Hippogriff screeched, flapping harder, but the added weight made every movement sluggish. It struggled to rise, clipping branches with its wings as it fought for altitude.
"Let go, you fool!" Eamon barked, panic creeping into his voice.
But Leon held on, every muscle in his body straining as the wind whipped around him. His boots scraped against the dirt as the Hippogriff lifted off, dragging him along with it.
'Not yet. Just a little higher.'
The beast strained, wings beating the air in furious strokes. The forest canopy pressed close above them, and the creature needed more room to properly take off. But the extra weight, Leon's stubborn grip; made it impossible to climb fast enough.
Eamon cursed, yanking at the reins again, but the Hippogriff lurched awkwardly, struggling to balance in the cramped space.
Leon gritted his teeth and hauled himself higher up the tail, inch by inch. 'If I can just—'
The Hippogriff gave a sudden, panicked buck, flinging Leon forward. His hands scrabbled desperately for a new grip, and by sheer luck, he managed to latch onto the saddle strap.
Eamon's face twisted with rage and disbelief as Leon dangled just below him, like a specter clinging to his mount.
"This is madness!" the wizard hissed, slamming his shielded arm down toward Leon's hands, trying to pry him loose.
But Leon only grinned, his eyes burning with fierce determination. "Madness? Maybe. But you're not escaping me that easily."
With one final surge of effort, Leon swung himself up toward the saddle. The Hippogriff, unable to gain proper altitude with the two of them fighting mid-flight, faltered again, hovering dangerously low above the forest floor.
Eamon's barrier flickered, the strain of maintaining it starting to show. And Leon knew—'the moment was coming.'
All he needed was a single flaw in Eamon's defenses. And when it appeared, Leon would be ready.