Chereads / Avatar: Mage of All Elements / Chapter 76 - Chapter 76

Chapter 76 - Chapter 76

I stared at the gate, wondering if I should knock or jump over it. I knocked first. I waited. No opening. I knocked louder, using earth magic. The doors got fancy dents. Waiting. And they still don't open for me. Okay. Then option three.

Impulse. Doors coming off their hinges. Nice doors. Metal. Another impulse and they start to crumple. Another one and there's a smooth metal ball in front of me. Threw it aside and walked in. Hmm... There don't seem to be many people here. Or rather, there aren't any. The blood sense is also silent. I close my eyes and take a seismic vision. Hmm.

All the people are out of town now, in a cave. And there are a few people on the other side of town, and I can guess who they are. To make sure I didn't miss anything important, I took off running. Azula kept up. A dozen blocks and we're there.

«You're just in time», Zuko said, turning at the sound.

Uh-huh. Anyway, what have we got? Judging by the layout, Zuko and Mei against Toph, Katara, Sookie and Aang. Hmm, and with us, the odds are even.

«What's the point of the argument, briefly?» I asked, approaching Zuko. «Gaining power or not worth it yet?»

«Zuko didn't release Yu Dao», Aang said accusingly.

«Why?» I asked, subtly hinting at further explanations.

«Because my people live here. This is their home and they will not leave it», Zuko muttered calmly.

«But they have to!» Aang's voice rose, «This is not their land. They have to leave», Katara tried to stop Aang, but she didn't have time and he blurted out something he shouldn't have.

«I am of the Water People, the South Pole, and the Fire People. And my home is on the island of Kyoshi. Therefore, I'm in the same situation as these people», I began to gather strength, «And now I fully understand the situation. If they had the power to fight for themselves, do you know what they would do?» Everyone realized what I was getting at, and so they tensed up, and for good reason: «They would fight!»

Impulse. And the central square where we were standing goes up. Another impulse. And the square flies out of the city. Another one! The ground beneath Aang shoots up with him. Impulse, and I follow. I caught up to Aang and grabbed his chest, gathering my strength and sending him into the ground with a pulse. The impact was terrifying and Aang flew down at the speed of a meteor. Bump!

 That was quite a funnel. I stopped my flight with fire and went down. I didn't slow down. I just energized myself with Earth Magic. Bump. And I'm standing next to Aang. He's alive and almost unharmed. I walked over to him, picked him up by his slightly torn robe, and brought him back to consciousness.

«You know, Aang. I'm not mad at you», I shook my head, «But when I see you all the time, I see them. The ones that almost killed me and crippled me. They're the ones I'm mad at, and that's why I'm sorry.»

An impulse and a punch in the chest. I need to get Aang into avatar mode. An explosion and yes. The strongest gust of air and Aang glowed. But pushing an Earthbender away with air? Pfft...

«Didn't you wait, bitches?» I grabbed the now Avatar's head, bent and drove in from his knee. He threw his head back. Impulse and a leg kick brought him down. «That's for trying to kill me. And now you'll get it for crippling me for three months.»

Impulse. And I come at him. He's already on his feet and throws a huge fireball at me. No way, Ozai. One impulse and I dive into the ground. Another impulse and I'm spun around. A series of several and I'm enveloped by the armor of the earth, then compressed and I fly out of the ground, next to him. Grab his arm, spin through, impulse and the arm is broken. Hit to my face and I fly away. Heh, not a bad trade.

I wipe the blood from my shattered lip. Concentrate. Gather my strength. The Avatar wrapped himself in a ball of air. Again. A ring of fire appeared on the balloon. More! A ring of earth appeared. More!!! A ring of water appeared. Come on!!!

«GRAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!», Still, controlling all the power I had was too difficult.

Movement no longer mattered. The main thing was iron will, clear thinking and strong imagination. And I had all that! The Avatar launches himself at me, sending shrapnel from the ground. A thought and a wave of earth rises, completely shielding me from the shrapnel. A wave of air from it scatters the earth. And I gathered it on top of me, compacting it into a ten-meter ball.

I lifted it, dodging the Avatar's various blows. Fire, air, water, earth, ice, steam, lava, lightning. They all rained down on me as I prepared for a single attack.

Skip the fire, block the water with earth, strengthen the earth and withstand the steam blast, dodge the earth, hide from the air. Above. Block the water again, dodge the lava, dodge the ice. Higher! Dodge the lightning, block the fire, block the ice, dodge the steam explosion. HIGHER!!! Cut through a wave of lava, wrap yourself in earth, jump up from a wave of water.

Jump down.

The water wave turns to steam and the explosion throws me up. Only now my attention is free. A jet of fire and I shoot down. The impact and the shockwave of the fire push the Avatar far to the side. Concentrating, I raise a huge wall of earth, just like back home. Only now I did it all in one go. Bump.


The ground shakes. The wall practically collapsed, but it held. Now, when I hear the words «Fiery inferno», this is the image that comes to mind. A meteorite fell where the Avatar had been.

Its weight was enormous. And therefore great velocity. Great velocity, igniting the ordinary earth. And this fiery rock hit the ground, and the shock wave blew the fire around. And now everything is on fire. The devastation is tremendous. Like a meteor cut in two. That's why the impact was so weak. In a few jumps, I ran up to the meteor and redirected its heat upward. A few seconds later, it was back on the compacted earth. And in the ground was the Avatar. Uh, no. It's Aang. The Avatar is knocked out.

« And that's the way it's gonna be with everyone «, I said pathetically. I just couldn't help myself.

I picked him up and went back. I let go of the Force because I was so tired. Yeah. I must have looked pretty cool. A sliced up meteor, everything on fire, and me with the Avatar on my shoulder. Thinking about it made me smile. Something to tell my grandchildren.