«In history, this event was called the conflict under Yu Dao. After that, there were negotiations that decided to unite all the colonies into one country», I paused, «That's all for today. Any questions?» I looked around at everyone. No one raised a hand, «Good. If there are no questions...» - I saw the girl at the table modestly raise her hand. «Yes, what did you want?»
«Did you really beat the Avatar?» month. It's been a damn month since I heard that question. Why did I agree to this? I'd be at home beating up students or spending time with Azula. Eh.
«Yeah, really», I sighed, «Any more questions?» the girl raised her hand again. I wanted to groan, «I'm listening.»
«How?» she asked naively.
«With magic», I rubbed my temples. Nothing. It's the last day. Just a little more and I'm free. «Is it all?» she nodded «Then that's enough for today», I glanced at my watch, «I guess if you leave two minutes early, nothing will happen. Run home.»
The kids yelled excitedly and scurried out of the classroom, packing their things. Why did I agree to this? Okay, drop off the logbook and I'm free. Go down three flights of stairs, walk down the hallway, enter the principal's office of this school. I didn't go in, I just left the logbook with the secretary. That's it. Freedom! No children! No morning wake-up calls! No responsibilities! You walk out of school and there's a convoy of cars. With fire country signs.
Apparently, when he saw me, the middle one opened its door and he got out. He's the reason I spent a month in that hellhole.
«Last time we talked, you convinced me to become a teacher», my eyes narrowed and my fists itched, «Except you didn't specify that it would be history, which I hate, and that I'd have a class of idiots!» I walked over to him and pointed my finger at him, «How are you going to justify it this time, you old wreck?»
«You have to read what you sign», he said with a smile. Oh, what a wreck. He knows I won't hit him. And he's taking advantage.
«That's it», I waved as I walked toward the sea, «I'm going home. I want to see my wife.»
«The Order found an Avatar», I paused, «At the North Pole. The girl, Korra.»
«So?» I asked angrily.
«Would you like to join her training?» he asked with interest.
«No», I said and walked away.
Five years since Aang died. 166 years old he was. He had aged quickly. Still, being frozen for a hundred years had taken its toll on him. And as a result, death. Happens to everyone. Not to me. Heh.
I was young, and I'm still young. So was Azula. And this asshole is telling everyone about it. Fucking senile. Couldn't die in peace. I had to fight off the reporters. And the offers I've been getting are just awful. The most generous was a kilogram of gold for a year of life. But not, If I go along with the suggestion, others won't back off. And then they might take offense and start a war. Why would I do that?
That's just it. I had to «Confess» that there is a library where you can gain youth for knowledge. Of course, Azula was there. Where is the library? I have no idea. Gone. If you find it, you're in luck.
«Will you at least give her an exam?» he finally asked.
«What have I got to lose? You know what I'm good at. Let her come in.»
«You're not letting her in», that's interesting. I pulled back so I wouldn't raise my voice, «The Order is keeping her at the North Pole. They won't let her go until she's trained in all the elements.»
«Aang was fourteen when he started the journey», I raised my eyebrows.
«Tell that to the Order», he shrugged.
«They are idiots», I shook my head, «What's the reason, anyway?»
«You know I left it», he said calmly. Yes, I remember. Right after Mei died.
«I remember», I scratched my chin, «Anyway, I'll see what I can do», I thought for a moment, smiling, «If you want my one hundred percent approval, ask Azula.»
She was already one of the strongest mages, and after the Dragon Flames and my style, she's a localized disaster. She had the power to scatter the entire guard. All at once. That's forty men.
And with pure fire magic, I'd be stronger than her. Yes, at the cost of flame power, but stronger. So we're a family of monsters. Too bad she doesn't want children.
One pulse and I was thrown into the sea. Build a surfboard and go. Great training in fire magic. Sixteen hours and I'm home. Kyoshi Island hasn't changed much. It's perfect the way it is. It has everything you could want. I've taken care of it. Magicians of the three elements. And they've all had their chakras cleared to prolong their lives. And right now, Kyoshi Island is one of the top three cities.
Standard of living, economy, conditions, hygiene, technology. It's all at the highest possible level. And I'm proud of it.
First, the capital of fire. Still, I helped rebuild the country for a reason. I killed a lot of nerves there, but I got them out of the mess they were in. It took twenty years to get them back to where they were during the war.
Ten more to match Ba Sing Se. And they've only recently passed my island. Still, one island can't compete with an entire nation. So it's a natural outcome. And its antipode, the Republic. It reminds me of America in the 70s. With its problems. Yes, there was something about it. Anyway, I didn't like it very much. Mafia, racism, discrimination. It was all there.
I didn't go to the port. No. Everybody on the island knows me. So it's a little stressful when I walk around, I have to say hello to everybody. It's not hard for me, it's just the monotony of it. That's why I made a little cave in the water right under the house.
Dive in. Swim to the bottom. And then swim up to the cave and swim in. Dead loop and hello, air pocket. And then there's the ladder. One hundred and fifty meters. That's okay. What do I need Earth Magic for? Same thing. One minute and I'm at the door.
Open the lock. Open the doors quietly, walk in and close the doors. Impulse and I know where Azula is. Asleep in her crib. Quietly I sneak in, undress and gently climb into bed, cuddling with her. She rolls over and presses her face against me. Without waking. I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep admiring her.